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Old 02-05-2010, 01:32 PM
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You've obviously put more thought into this than I have. I'll agree with the whole paragraph above. Your right, the money that our government is sending will probably be allocated to just a few pockets, while the people starve.
Well, it’s not that I’ve put much thought into it…it’s just common sense. It should be something that should be foremost in the mind of ALL politicians from both sides of the aisle. Unfortunately, it’s not and has not been that way for years and years. Today, it’s all about throwing a wad of cash at something and pretending it’s the solution, when in fact, it’s the very worst thing that can be done.

Take the auto industry bail-out. The government solution? Throw billions at the companies and for what? What exactly did they accomplish? Not a damn thing. Did the industry put a bunch of people back to work? Maybe a few. What that bailout did mostly was pay off some debt and fatten up a bunch of CEO’s bank accounts and they’re still right where they were when they screwed things up in the first place.

How about this.

We’re going to redo the State of the Union. I don’t f’ing care if we just did one, you stupid butt-kissing yellow twit. Did you see the response I got? People think I’m a f’ing retard. And government is too big, so you're fired! Ford will be hiring in a week. Go get a job and start building cars.

Hello citizens of the United States! Here’s the deal. I’m running this gol darned show and I’m done doling out your taxes to CEO fat cats and corrupt foreign governments. Give me a week to put the plan in place. That’s it for now…go back to watching CSI. I’ll have your answer before next week’s episode.

Hello, Ford? We are the government. We are placing an order for 1 million eco-friendly Ford Focus’s, which we will in turn use for our program to put welfare people back to work. $20 billion for the order? No sweat…here is a 10% down payment…2 billion. Use that money to put your people back to work. The rest will be paid upon delivery of the vehicles. And the fact that you know that $8 billion more in coming should easily help you manage your debt. Now get to work getting out of debt.

Hello Mr. Welfare recipient? I have a deal for you. Get a job. I don’t care if you flip burgers at McDonalds…that’s a job. Once you have secured employment for 30 days, we will lease this brand new Ford Focus to you. The lease price is free….you pay for gas. As long as you continue to maintain your job and work an average of 25 hours a week, you may keep the car. If you lose your job, you have 15 days to find a new one or you return the car. If you remain gainfully employed for 36 months for 25+ hours a week average, we sign the title of the car over to you. And remember, flipping burgers isn’t beneath you if that’s all there is.


Hello Haiti? We’re really sorry for what happened down there and we want to help. But as a government, we aren’t going to dole out a single dime to you because we know that money won’t get to the people that need it. We have 300+ million American citizens that will be texting Haiti to 90999. Get your aid donations that way. We’ll be sending something different. Give us a day and we’ll get back to you.

Hello ABC construction? Start hiring and get to training. We want you to send 500 construction workers to Haiti. We will pay their salaries and all expenses down there and feed you $1 million per month while your people are in Haiti, to deal with organizational expenses. In addition, we will buy whatever equipment you will need to take down there, so spare no expense. Your people will be there for 12 to 24 months. Rebuild Haiti. When you are done, you keep all the equipment we purchased for you and we’ll lay down a $10 million bonus for you and your employees to split.

Hello Haiti? Help is on the way. And when things are rebuilt, ask me about our Ford Focus plan and maybe we’ll have something else to help you crawl out of the 3rd world gutter.
OK, let's see...what did I accomplish in the last 6 months? Hmmm... reduced unemployment by 2%, reduced government welfare payments by $100 million, reduced emmissions and dependancy on foriegn oil, reduced foreign imports, enabled one American automaker to move into the black, and increased retail sales in everything from cars to tools to televisions. Not a bad 180 days. Let's see what else I can fix.

So there you have it. Twilight Flyer’s plan of not giving away a bunch of cash for nothing. Pretty simple when you boil it down. Unfortunately, common sense deserted our government a long time ago.

I'll see what I can do but she's 60 years old now TF. Some of her pieces are rearranged by now. God speed though and have a safe journey.
I was in 7th grade when Buck Rogers aired. Erin Gray played Colonel Wilma Deering. I fell in love with her then and the crush has not dissipated. I never watched Silver Spoons because I wanted to put an axe through the television anytime Little Lord Fauntleroy (Schroeder) showed his face. Erin is 60 years old? That just means she’s more experienced.

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Old 02-05-2010, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by repete View Post
I feel the same way but still made a donation and will probable give more. What I don't understand is way we apparently were supposed to get on here and mention the fact that we gave to Haiti, Why? I don't remember having to declare any donations for Katrina or the tsunami so Hobo why this and why now?
Repete, I never said or asked anything about who gave money. Never even mentioned whether (or how much) I did. I was just surprised that no one even mentioned such a devastating disaster... especially one so close to home.

Everytime I log in, I read some thread with just a remark and a link to another accident (or some notable's death) in someone's local paper or online newscast. I just found it odd that there would be such an obvious silence about a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that had been dominating the national news for a week or more.

When the question was finally raised, the intiial responses were quite hateful and isolationist. Not a single "wow! what a terrible thing." or anything remotely close to that.

(final pithy comment withheld cuz it might step on someone's toes.)
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Old 02-05-2010, 05:30 PM
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How do I feel about Haiti ? I could care less and the fact of the matter is I'm sick of hearing about it already. now you know.
As a taxpayer I don't want my money pissed away like this, that is what charity is for.
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Old 02-05-2010, 10:16 PM
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When the question was finally raised, the intiial responses were quite hateful and isolationist.
I don’t find anything hateful, though the majority do lean toward isolationism. And with the current state of our nation and the fact that most countries and all terrorists, along with the progressives and liberals actually living here and masquerading as Americans, are fervently hoping for our destruction, I happen to thank isolationism is a pretty damn good idea right about now.

Eff the rest of the world for a while…see how well they get along without our help when their countries are bombed or invaded or leveled by cataclysm. Deport the environmental wackjobs to France and drill the oil here and tell Opec to go play in an active volcano. Kick out the Useless Nations and tell them to rebuild their one world government in some other country they can soak for billions. I hear Haiti has some real estate available. Stop all imports from China and tell them that all loans are null and void until we draw up a new and fair trade agreement in a few years and if they want to collect, they can come and get it. Tell businesses here they will use American workers to make American products or they can move everything, including themselves, to another country. Seal the borders, bring our troops home, and let the rest of the world try dealing without having us to milk for billions in welfare every day, while kicking us in the teeth and telling us they hate us at the very same time.

Will it work? Not with the pansification that has gone on in this country for the past few decades. But it’s a nice thought, anyway.

Not a single "wow! what a terrible thing." or anything remotely close to that.
Once more back to you believing – nay, DEMANDING – that everyone think and do exactly like you. You didn’t find a single thread about Haiti here, so decided to lambast the entire board as a bunch of heartless thugs because they didn’t rise up and meet your expectations. Yet it never occurred to you that since everyone here is most likely a member of some other trucking site, too, perhaps they have already discussed it ad nauseum on just such a board or in person somewhere.

Sure it’s sad what happened down there…every human tragedy is sad. But it’s the same old thing. The earth hiccups or sneezes, thousands and thousands are killed or displaced, and this country throws a whole bunch of money into a black hole and politicize it to no f’ing end. How about you stop complaining about the lack of a topic on the board and join your dad. Go down there and put some good ol’ fashioned elbow grease into it, then come back and tell us what it was like. That sort of topic would probably go 6 or 7 pages and garner all sorts of well-earned applause.

Instead, we are graced with “I can’t believe no one here is talking about this…they must be a bunch of soulless scumbags.”

Brilliant! :roll:

(final pithy comment withheld cuz it might step on someone's toes.)
Why? Having difficulty coming up with a snappy answer to this?

I said:
If being “me” is all about putting people down and kicking them in the teeth because they have the audacity to believe differently than you, then perhaps you should have simply left.
Cue the crickets….

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Old 02-06-2010, 12:07 AM
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Caution: Freebrd is excused from this one because it must be his "nappy time." :lol2:

[That, too, is a joke Hoggie!]

Roadhog said:

This does largely have to do with political opinions, because that is where you direct most of your personal attacks.
I wish I could make you (and others) understand and more importantly "believe" that my attacks are MEANT to be against the propaganda and the party leaders and pundits who spew it.... and not against CAD members. However, since I have so much trouble disassociating myself from the insults slung at Liberals, even when I am a Centrist Democrat, I must recognize how hard this is.

Under penalty of death from Twilight, and ever-increasing condemnation from YOU...
I know you are not trying to make a case here against me and Twilight, so lets keep the record straight.
You are correct. I am simply stating that I know I am on probation and that Twilight has a hammer perched above the ban button.

I will try to make sure I am not so politically sided against you, that it is causing me to be unfair. I do like that you have sincere beliefs even if I don't agree with them, and I respect many of your opinions. It is nice to have someone who see's things differently, long as they don't feel they have to put someone on the defense and pick them apart in order to "win" anything.
I don't intend to put anyone on the defense, although I feel that if someone MAKES a statement... they should be willing to defend it. However... the constant barrage against the candidate that I supported and the party I identify with, tends to make ME defensive, and I fight fire with fire. As far as "picking" apart someone's statement.... that is just the way I identify what I find partisan and want to respond to.

I stayed out of the political discussions for years, but what the progressives have been up to over the last year in particular has changed that.
I'm well aware that "progressives" has become the new buzzword for Liberals (I watch Glenn Beck sometimes,) but I prefer to define politics and policies as being either Democrat or Republican.... as THOSE are the parties that really have a vote. I'm not really into conspiracies of Trilateral Commissions, World governments and the sort, but Dubya has opened my eyes. Point is.... the more some of you cry "socialist" about the current DEMOCRATIC administration, the more I want to cry "Feudalist" about the Republicans. The difference is.... I'm in the minority here on CAD. And, yes... I feel unfairly villainized for it.

I along with millions of Americans feel sick and tired of condescending arrogant progressives who feel the need to tell us how stupid we are, and that we need to shut up and get out of the way.
If you see things that way, I can understand that. I felt the SAME way for the last few years hearing Laura Inghram and whatshername (the blonde who wrote "How to talk to a Liberal... IF you must.") Ann Coulter! That's the kunt's name! [YOUR word, Hoggie.]

I don't claim that anyone should "get out of the way," but.... the Republicans DID lose the last two National elections! The people have rebuked them and their policies. The "rubber stamp" has passed hands from Dubya and his party to the Dems. And, YES..... they are "obstructing" the passage of any Democratic legislation.

This claim we have nothing to offer, and that we are only obstructionists, is a lie and a cheap cop out.
Why? Because YOU say it is? The Senate healthcare bill included some 160 Republican ammendments.... yet, it passed out of committee along party lines. Besides, I never said they had nothing to offer. I said they didn't offer it for 12 years when they held the gavel! NOW.... they cry foul and "play the martyr" (as Twilight likes to say) when they propose obstructionist ammendments and vote against something they refused to take on while in power. Why? Because they are the party of Big Business, Insurance companies, Wall Street and every OTHER blood sucking feudal Lordship that intends to keep the "people" down and suck them dry.

Slate examines the GOP amendments to a Senate health care bill. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine

Dana Milbank - Washington Sketch: Those Wacky GOP Health-Care Amendments -

Hobo, you are going to pay for some of that emotion, if you side against conservatives right now, on a conservative message board.
I don't mind paying for my opinions if it is a fair fight. I'm certainly NOT going to change them just to be popular. MY opinions are not the ones that have changed. I spoke out against Bush for years here, but as long as y'all were in power you were happy and secure. NOW.... y'all are feeling helpless and are striking out against my party and my President with a vengeance... and everything I say is considered a "personal attack." [right or wrong... that's the way I SEE it.]

Unfortunately, politics has become volatile and extremely important to people right now. I consider myself a tea bagger, so if you wish to jab at me for that, go for it.
I would never USE that term. Tea PARTY is better. And I have no reason to jab you for that. I don't have anything against these people PERSONALLY. I view them mostly as Independents or Libertarians. I have no objection to that political view. What I object to is that the movement is being funded and organized by the GOP so that Hannity and his ilk can claim, erroneously, that the American people have turned out by the MILLIONS to reject Obama's policies. THIS is just a lie (as was Glenn Beck's claim of 1.7 MILLION people attending a rally that was actually only about 70,000 people!) But, by propagating it, they unduly influence people like the woman who claimed Obama was an... an.... "ARAB" Even McCain (to his credit) had to dispell this poor woman's delusions.

I was a conservative democrat most of my life. Today, I have little regard for as many republicans as I do democrats, and I hope everyone currently in office gets voted out. Honestly, my beef is against progressives which ever side of the isle they are on.
I suppose that I was actually an Independant most of my life. Now, I consider myself a conservative Democrat in "MY" definition. More of a Centrist according to conventional definitions AND the "test" I took on some website. I WANT to find middle of the road solutions to our problems! What I detest is the "my way or the highway" stance taken by the Conservatives specifically... and the GOP in general. But mostly, I object to the villainization of Obama who "I" believe is genuinely trying to solve some of the problems that our country is in.... and mostly in favor of the "middle class."

I am open to some kind of discussion of what you consider "progressivism." But, it has to be more even and less "agitated" than what Glenn Beck is selling.

TimberWolf saw himself as a victim here, but that was his little violin song. His personal attacks and his ongoing defiance to final meltdown is why he was banned.
No more of a victim than "I" feel at times. As even Twilight says, Timberwolf was one of the more common sensical of the Democratic opposition. I believe that what drove him crazy was the battle of wills against the quite degrading characterizations by Gladhand (often supported by Twilight.) You might notice that I steared clear of GladHand quite early on.

As god is my witness, I did not know until just now that he was even BANNED.... let alone that (as Twilight mentioned elsewhere) he had resorted to a clear violation of the TOS to precipitate it. I know I tread a fine line at times, but I have no intention of EVER purposely violating the rules in an attempt to force anyone's hand on the trigger.

I only mentioned him because I identify with his angst at not being able to OFFER a differing opinion without being brutalized. I, too, often found him pretty tame and reserved. I can't help but believe that he, too, noticed a major sea change in the attitudes and "common" vitriol since the election of Obama. [And I hope that, like so many others here, he will be given a second chance.]

Other members may feel "run off" and that gets back to people are passionate about their political beliefs right now, and yes some may find themselves uncomfortable here.
Probably true. But, to hear some people's take on it.... it is all MY fault. Oh, wait.... you were referring to the DEMS who felt uncomfortable.... not the Conservatives. My bad.

I feel uncomfortable as an American, and wonder what the hell is going on, and I want the truth.
I have felt the same way at times, but I suspect for different reasons. You say you "wonder" what is going on... and that you want the truth. But, honestly, Hoggie.... your posts, like so many others, come off sounding like you think you KNOW what is going on, and that only YOU (and all those here that agree with you) know "the truth." [I'm aware that some would say the same about me.]

"I" don't claim to know the whole TRUTH. I am looking for answers and leadership like the rest of you. But, it seems that I don't have the luxury of making some of the "claims" that so many of you agree on as TRUTH... because I am too busy QUESTIONING those claims. And yes.... it bothers me that so many of those claims are verbatim "talking points" from the "not so mainstream" media that IMHO seeks to control the thoughts of the willing.

I am a strong proponent of individual and critical thinking. I have said, and I maintain, that I consider the membership here at CAD to be WAY above the norm in intelligence and common sense. [not just among truckers, but all citizens.] I am quite sure that there are (or have been) members here who exceed my intelligence. And I KNOW that there are many here who have more common sense! And AGAIN.... to the extent that my personal failings have allowed me to in any way offend my friends here.... I apologize! [I'm WORKING on it, dammut!]

But, Please guys..... before you jump on the wagon and diss my president.... make SURE your opinions are your own and are well informed. (I did the same when attacking Bush.) I notice that the acronym IMHO is barely ever used here anymore. It's as if the common opinion here has been sanctioned as TRUTH. And do you know what that is? It's called mob mentality. Sorry, but that is truth.

So, I hope we might all step back from the brink, and examine ourselves. I know I am. There has been alot of talk about revolution lately. Right here... on this board! Where does that come from? Is there anyone here who, knowing the history of the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, thinks that is a GOOD thing at such a precipitous point in our economic and global strife? No? Then shut up and ROW! :lol2:

Okay.... rant over. Those who want will say as they will.

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Old 02-06-2010, 01:33 AM
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Kunt is my word. Get your own... you moose knuckle.

I see you get your facts wrong too, and your way of thinking seems just as focked up as my way of thinking to you. The buzz word today is polarization. (try to keep up)

I do not like many of the people you seem to think I like. (waaaaa?) :hellno:

I do not pretend to think I have all the answers... only you see me like that. I evolve by voicing my opinions, and seeing how others think, and in many cases my beliefs are much different today, than they were 6 months ago.

Last edited by Roadhog; 02-06-2010 at 01:48 AM.
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Old 02-06-2010, 02:05 AM
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I do not pretend to think I have all the answers...

Damm it, i was gonna ask you a question but you probably don't have the answer. :lol:
"lady's and gentlemen, they call me freebird, that's right the legiondary freebird, and i'm back in town"
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Old 02-06-2010, 02:08 AM
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Why? Having difficulty coming up with a snappy answer to this?
Nope, wrote it and almost posted it. Then I thought about that big hammer you're just waiting to slam down on the BAN button, so I saved it to Notepad and decided not to post it.

There is so much I'd like to say in response to the last FEW posts of yours, but... I don't feel that I would survive the battle. Besides.... you are starting to sound like a "Mr. Hyde" yourself lately as concerns me, and I don't feel the need to continue to feed your ego (or dementia.)

I don't feel that you can seperate your MOD powers from your personal feelings about me enough to have a fair fight. That's why I said recently that "if I thought for one minute you MEANT all the flowery things you said..." [paraphrased.]

I'm sure it would surprise you to know that I agree with much of what you said in your last post.... before you turned on me. But, as I told Hoggie.... I never GET to agree with anyone (especially YOU) on CAD because I'm too busy defending myself against PERSONAL ATTACKS.

Like this one:

Once more back to you believing – nay, DEMANDING – that everyone think and do exactly like you. You didn’t find a single thread about Haiti here, so decided to lambast the entire board as a bunch of heartless thugs because they didn’t rise up and meet your expectations.
May I say.... with all due respect (which is dwindling) GO FRIG YOURSELF.

Or THIS one:

How about you stop complaining about the lack of a topic on the board and join your dad. Go down there and put some good ol’ fashioned elbow grease into it, then come back and tell us what it was like.
You know? I really wish I COULD have. But, like you and most here... I have to work for a living. But, since I got "closer" to it than YOU did.... I suppose I COULD tell what it was like from my Dad's viewpoint.... if anyone cared to hear it. Obviously.... YOU DON'T.

[related note: My dad has been on several missions of this type, even tho he is retired. My sister and her preacher husband have been on mission trips to the Ukraine and the Sudan and a few places I have forgotten about. I often fear for their safe return.]

And this board really IS about YOU.... isn't it? Your own ego/power trip? I don't know... that's just the way it seems lately. I was actually sorry to see you go a year ago (or whenever.) Likewise (regardless of our roles here) I was sorry to see The Rev go. More than both of you, I was sorry to see Hoggie go.

I ACCEPT your judgement that I had become angry and "reactionary." I could not refute it when even Hoggie noticed it and berated me for it. For YEARS, I withstood challenges by The Rev for it. But, this has become "personal" for you now. And that is sad.

It reflects poorly on you as a "moderator," though I am not complaining about your moderation. You've been more than fair with me in that regard (according to YOUR view of the situation.) But, more importantly, it reflects badly on your participation as a MEMBER of CAD.

Your answer that caused Wabbit to question "where it came from," which I refrained from responding to, shows a certain inability to "let it go." And, in fact, a propensity to "stalk" a member with derogatory characterizations. I believe the Rev used to say... "no attacking a poster in a thread he didn't post on." I may be wrong, but I don't remember having posted on the "frozen Gore" thread when you "continued" your little rant against me. Maybe I'm wrong... and you were only talking about Obama and his "law of Landru." But, I took it as a slam against me. Am I wrong?

You know? It doesn't really matter. You have shown yourself incapable of the type of rational discussion that Hoggie has. Though you have made some valid points that I would love to address, with SOME agreement, you have shown yourself incapable of validating ANY of my opinons or positions, and therefore.... not worth my time. You have.... by default.... proved MY point. :hellno:

Now, I don't expect things to change, because I don't think you have the balls to apologize and accept your role in this ugly episode in CAD history. I'm quite sure you don't feel or accept any responsibility. So, I guess things will go on as they are (unless I am banned.)

But, there IS a chance to regain civility. The ball is in YOUR court. You can accept the fact that I am not intentionally dissing the members of CAD, and BACK OFF a bit on your condemnation of me and your ridicule of everything I say, and we can go on from here. But, that would be a tall order.

Be a tall man. And "I" will try to monitor even MORE closely anything I say that might be construed to be objectionable. Really, Twilight.... I was just truly befuddled by the lack of any threads about the earthquake in Haiti! It stood out as a gaping HOLE in the normal discourse of this messageboard. And I apologize for my reaction TO it.

No reply needed. Time alone will tell. I've had my say, and I will live with the consequences. But, I really hope that we can start anew.

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"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 02-06-2010, 02:09 AM
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Originally Posted by freebirdrfd

I do not pretend to think I have all the answers...

Damm it, i was gonna ask you a question but you probably don't have the answer. :lol:
That's okay... I know what you wanted to ask.

Moose knuckle is a maxi size camel toe. :thumbsup:

Last edited by Roadhog; 02-06-2010 at 02:14 AM. Reason: stupid quote thingie screwed up
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Old 02-06-2010, 03:30 AM
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Roadhog said: :roll:

Kunt is my word. Get your own... you moose knuckle.
Meese's have knuckes? :eek2:

I see you get your facts wrong too, and your way of thinking seems just as focked up as my way of thinking to you. The buzz word today is polarization. (try to keep up)
Dang! Just when I think I've got my chit together.... I forget where I put it! Does this have something to do with Global Warming?

I do not like many of the people you seem to think I like. (waaaaa?) :hellno:
Does that include me?

I do not pretend to think I have all the answers... only you see me like that.
I don't know, Hoggie. You've been pontificating alot lately, with posts that would make Windy pee his britches! Alot of people have been "signing on" to what you've been saying. I didn't SAY you had the answers. I only said that your posts seemed to SAY that you thought you knew the answers. :lol: NONE of us have all the answers, Hoggie! Certainly not those who are getting the QUESTIONS every day!

I evolve by voicing my opinions, and seeing how others think, and in many cases my beliefs are much different today, than they were 6 months ago.
We are all evolving, Hoggie. Both the good AND the bad in our society and our World is evolving at an even FASTER pace! Our only HOPE is to keep an open mind and try to stay one step ahead of the B.S.!!!

It serves no purpose for us to argue amongst ourselves. EVERY American is needed now, more than ever! If the Tea Party is the catalyst that wakes America up, I am all for it. As long as the purpose is not just more status quo.... and that the result is a better life, country, and world.

You want to argue the "principle" of bad government? I'm all in. But, you want to call names and blame a guy with only ONE year on the job for things that have happened for years before he got there? You better have some proof. I've got 8 years of proof about Dubya.

I'm just saying that he has DONE some good things. And so did Dubya! But, really.... our system is failing us, and it's not all ONE party's fault. I'm for term limits, but throwing ALL of them out and starting over is a recipe for disaster. You KNOW that. I'm for campaign reform, but the GOP stands in the way, and the Supreme Court just blew that out of the water! Our current healthcare situation will bankrupt our government (in a way that they don't seem to agree it is already,) if we don't reform it.... but, the GOP is standing in the way!

Likewise, I believe that the government can't solve ALL our problems, and I am against higher taxes on the middle class. But, Obama reduced them. He just can't get agreement to roll back the tax credits for the RICHEST of Americans. But, luckily, that credit is going to expire soon, and we will be back to the taxation level of the Reagan administration.

We face tough choices as Americans. But, playing politics with those choices is not going to solve the problems. We need to face some facts. As someone said, the "bill has come due." I agree. I've ALWAYS said this would happen, and when it DID, taxes would have to be raised to PAY the friggin bill! Democrats ALWAYS have to raise taxes to balance the budget and pay for the reckless expenditures of the GOP.

Anyway.... before I get carried away.... let's just wait and see what happens. If he doesn't perform in 4 years.... he'll be voted out! But, let's drop this charade of labeling him a Marxist! Let's find common ground for the welfare of the middle class!
Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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