About Us

Since 2003, Class A Drivers.com has been dedicated to helping all kinds of drivers connect with the companies who want to hire them. Whether you are a recent truck driving school graduate with no experience, a company driver with tons of over the road miles or an owner operator, Class A Drivers.com can help you find the driving job that matches your needs and qualifications.

One App, Tons of Jobs

When you fill out our Online E-Z Application, we immediately send it to all companies looking for drivers that match your driving skills and experience. Then all you have to do is decide which company to work for.

It’s fast, easy and completely free to all drivers. Plus your application and personal information is safe and secure. What are you waiting for? Find your next trucking job today!

Research Made Easy

With 859 trucking companies actively looking for drivers, finding the best truck driving job on Class A Drivers.com couldn't be easier. Search our company directory to learn about each employer’s routes, pay, benefits and company culture.

The message board is another great resource for information and advice, straight from thousands of truckers sharing their experiences with the community.

Drivers, have questions? Contact Us

Employers, please click here for more information about advertising opportunities.

You can also reach us at (888) 830-2326. Our normal business hours are Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific Time).

Our business address is:
Attn: Class A Drivers
MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands
909 N Pacific Coast Highway, 11th Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245