Trucker News

Shocking Report: Trucking Careers Must Become More Attractive to the Youth

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash Trucking is essential to the American economy. Most goods, from groceries to electronics, touch a truck at s Read More »

Rising Operational Costs – Mixed News for Trucking

Photo by Vitaly Taranov on Unsplash How much does it cost to own and operate a trucking company? These questions not only decide the health of the Read More »

7 Quick Truck Driver Tips to Stay Cool in the Summer

Photo by Tanishq Tiwari on Unsplash Trucking is a job where drivers put their health on the road. This isn’t just true for the obvious hazards Read More »

New Research Highlights Issues for Women Truck Drivers

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash While the trucking industry has been and continues to be male-dominated, recent years have seen many efforts to ex Read More »

Let the Games Begin: National Truck Driving Championship

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash When you think of America’s national sport, what comes to mind? Baseball? Football? How about truck drivi Read More »

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