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Old 05-07-2007, 01:41 PM
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Come on. Lets be accurate here.

"Using pot and cocaine" is far from a junkie. He said, "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. ... I got high [to] push questions of who I was out of my mind,".

That's not a junkie. He was heading there if he had not stopped. Totally different.

< Not an Obama supporter at this time.
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Old 05-07-2007, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Hat Rak

"You know, better to examine your own house for racism, sexism, bigotry and all these things, before you start throwing these accusations around, because you have no clue what you're talking about."
Sorry, can't check your link. Slow computer. But, I DID google some sites about Rush, and found nothing that I wasn't familiar with.

Looked around my house though....

Racism? Nope, none here. I believe a man's worth is not tied to the color of his skin, nor his national heritage.

Sexism? Nope, I believe women have an equal place in our society, and should NOT be "controlled" or abused, or discriminated against by their male counterparts, at home, OR in the workplace. I'm not for "unisex" clothing or grooming, but I think we should be WELL beyond the notion that they are only here for our sexual satisfaction by now.

Bigotry? Naw.... can't find a single instance here where I have not had an open mind, or where I blindly followed a particular creed or opinion, without considering all aspects of the question. But, I lost count years ago of the number of people I met in every walk of life, and every part of the country, who hated blacks, or gays, or Muslims, or Christians, or anyone else EITHER because they had NEVER been around them.... or simply because they HAD!

I've noticed, in fact, that MOST people who've lived their entire lives in ONE area, mirror the opinions and beliefs of their friends and neighbors, USUALLY without even knowing that they DO SO. It's a form of Myopia, and, in their defense, most of them aren't even AWARE of their "condition."

But, to one who "drops in" on their little enclaves for a year or two at a time, and has another point of reference to compare them to, the blatant expressions of their myopic beliefs are astounding!

And, as one who has done JUST that for the better part of my life, I believe I DO have a "clue" as to what I'm talking about.
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Old 05-07-2007, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo

Just so I can keep up, could you give me a link, or at least fill me in on this admission by Obama to being a Junkie? Sorry, but I've been OTR.

Thanks, Hobo
Junkie was the word Obama used to describe himself in his book, "Dreams of my father".
Whether you define if him saying "thats where I was headed" is a political cop out or the truth is another debate. But the fact is he was a drug user, like rush....however obama was illegal drugs....The both admitted it, got better....end of story. However, obama should actually be held to a higher standard because he is a politician, not an entertainer. The point was this....if you are going to criticize Rush, you need to equally criticize obama, or that would make you a hypocrite. Me....Im all about equallity, I wouldnt vote for Obama or Rush for anything.
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Old 05-07-2007, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheepdancer
Junkie was the word Obama used to describe himself in his book, "Dreams of my father".
Whether you define if him saying "thats where I was headed" is a political cop out or the truth is another debate. But the fact is he was a drug user, like rush....however obama was illegal drugs....The both admitted it, got better....end of story. However, obama should actually be held to a higher standard because he is a politician, not an entertainer. The point was this....if you are going to criticize Rush, you need to equally criticize obama, or that would make you a hypocrite. Me....Im all about equallity, I wouldnt vote for Obama or Rush for anything.
Sheepdancer, you called him a junkie which he did not say he was.
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Old 05-07-2007, 03:30 PM
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I was using the same word he was....JUNKIE.
But if you like, I will call him a junkie. I feel he is a junkie. On that same note....I feel rush is a junkie too. Now, try to pay attention with your liberal brain. What I am doing is NOT being a hypocrite. Im holding obama to the same standards I hold Rush. THEY ARE BOTH JUNKIES. One is a socialist junkie, the other an entertainer junkie. I WOULDNT VOTE FOR EITHER OF THEM. I was pointing out unless you hold them to the same standards, that would make you a hypocrite. Also I was pointing out that saying that Rush is a hypocrite for being against drug use and still preaching against it makes him somehow a hypocrite is a stupid argument. EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET HAS DONE SOMETHING WRONG. By your way of thinking, no one can teach anything moral. I can guarantee you have lied before. Would it now be wrong for you to teach your kids that lying is wrong?
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Old 05-07-2007, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheepdancer
I was using the same word he was....JUNKIE.
But if you like, I will call him a junkie. I feel he is a junkie. On that same note....I feel rush is a junkie too. Now, try to pay attention with your liberal brain. What I am doing is NOT being a hypocrite. Im holding obama to the same standards I hold Rush. THEY ARE BOTH JUNKIES. One is a socialist junkie, the other an entertainer junkie. I WOULDNT VOTE FOR EITHER OF THEM. I was pointing out unless you hold them to the same standards, that would make you a hypocrite. Also I was pointing out that saying that Rush is a hypocrite for being against drug use and still preaching against it makes him somehow a hypocrite is a stupid argument. EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET HAS DONE SOMETHING WRONG. By your way of thinking, no one can teach anything moral. I can guarantee you have lied before. Would it now be wrong for you to teach your kids that lying is wrong?
You just used the word liberal. Are you one?

You are making zero sense buddy.

And please don't assume the way I think. I have never even hinted that I think no one can teach morals.
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Old 05-07-2007, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Colin
Come on. Lets be accurate here.

"Using pot and cocaine" is far from a junkie. He said, "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. ... I got high [to] push questions of who I was out of my mind,".

That's not a junkie. He was heading there if he had not stopped. Totally different.

< Not an Obama supporter at this time.
Thanks, Colin, for the link to the TRUTH! Once again, Sheepdancer has used the ONLY tool the Republicans have, that of TWISTING the truth to fit their agenda, (as it was described in the Downing Street Memo... "fitting the intelligence around the objective.")

It is interesting that, in the intelligence field, we were allowed to say that we had "experimented" with almost ANY drug.... as long as it was no more than FOUR times. Talk about a "magic" and arbitrary number! And that Clinton felt it necessary to say that he had not "inhaled," granted.... a lie! No one smokes pot without inhaling. Yet, Bush, who admits to drinking heavily, has NEVER admitted to "experimenting" with cocaine. Maybe, because he KNOWS it was much more than "experimenting!" :lol:

The most striking phrase I found in the articles you referenced, was the one about a "would be Black man." I don't know if Obama will be the next president, and if he's not the BEST man/woman for the job, he shouldn't be. But, I believe his testimony is invaluable for the young black men in our society.

His experimentation with "minor" drugs is of no consequence to me. Heck, MOST of our Legislative Branch, and MANY in the Executive and Judicial Branches have done as much! This is NOT your Grandfather's America!

In a time when the leading news story is OFTEN that of a skeleton in someone's closet (usually an elected official who tried to HIDE it,) this kind of honesty should be applauded. Whether or not he WINS the Presidency, he has allready WON with me. [Not necessarily an endorsement for his candidacy] He has shown MORE strength of character than ALL those who would assail him COMBINED!

It must not be easy to wake up one day in your teens, look into the mirror, and say, "Sh!t!! I'm BLACK! And 87% of my fellow countrymen are against me! But, it might be even worse to NOT know to which race one belongs! (As my Anglo/Mexican daughter must think.) And sadder still, is the fact that it even MATTERS!

Of course, Rush and his Dittoheads, would have you believe that there IS no such crisis in the "color blind" society that they CLAIM America IS or SHOULD be. But, as always, they simply refuse to aknowledge reality.... because it is inconvenient to them. (While they parody the "Magic Negro!")

I was brought up to believe that, if you can't say something GOOD about someone, you shouldn't say anything at all. Granted, I have failed at this from time to time, due to increased vocality on THEIR part. But, I don't understand how people like Rush and Coulter can make such a good living with no OTHER marketable skills.

Here is the difference, folks: MOST "Liberals" hate BUSH for what he is DOING! They rarely invest their antagonism on the "average" Conservative. Whereas.... MOST Conservatives blame ALL our problems on even the most insignificant, and indeed ALL, LIBERALS!

We disagree with the POLICIES of our President, and his Administration. Which is our RIGHT. Whereas... MOST Conservatives ridicule and debase ANY and ALL that they consider "Liberals" as the sickening MOLD on their salad.

This is why I rail against the "conservative" mouthpieces like Rush and Coulter. They spew hatred and contempt for an entire PARTY of Americans. Because it is the ONLY way they can "energize their base."

I have no problem with certain "core" conservative values. I was RAISED under them. I just believe that they should be "tempered" and "compromised" with certain "core" values of Liberals. But, as several have ADAMANTLY confirmed here.... there IS NO "compromise" with you folks! You think this is YOUR country.... and we have no RIGHT to BE here!

And THAT, folks... will be the downfall of the American Experiment!

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Old 05-07-2007, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheepdancer
I was using the same word he was....JUNKIE.
But if you like, I will call him a junkie. I feel he is a junkie. On that same note....I feel rush is a junkie too. Now, try to pay attention with your liberal brain. What I am doing is NOT being a hypocrite. Im holding obama to the same standards I hold Rush. THEY ARE BOTH JUNKIES. One is a socialist junkie, the other an entertainer junkie. I WOULDNT VOTE FOR EITHER OF THEM. I was pointing out unless you hold them to the same standards, that would make you a hypocrite. Also I was pointing out that saying that Rush is a hypocrite for being against drug use and still preaching against it makes him somehow a hypocrite is a stupid argument. EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET HAS DONE SOMETHING WRONG. By your way of thinking, no one can teach anything moral. I can guarantee you have lied before. Would it now be wrong for you to teach your kids that lying is wrong?
See... this is what I mean. Bush uses the word "Terrorist." Does that make him ONE?

Obama NEVER said he was a junkie. He said he had used cocaine as a teen or early twenty something. He realized he had a CHOICE! He could continue down that path and BECOME a "junkie" or a "pothead" and WASTE HIS LIFE (as HE says the "would be black man" has often done,) or he could wise up and recover into a responsible adult.

You "conservatives" just can't resist honing in on ONE word, and missing the entire CONTEXT of the statement! You are either a "dittohead" who blindly follows what you are expected to believe.... or you just flat out FAILED English! Or, more sinister.... you believe you can twist statements to fit your IDEOLOGY and get away with it! Well.... THAT won't happen when you're talking to educated "liberals!"

I don't know WHAT to do with people like you, Sheepdancer! I can't FORCE you to go back through school and spend MORE time learning English Comprehension than you did Animal Husbandry.... but you REALLY need a "refresher course!" We are talking about things MUCH more complicated than sticking your hand up a cow's Uterus!!!

The only thing MORE difficult than fighting Islamic Fundamentalists, is fighting American IGNORANCE!!

I'll spell it out for you SLOWLY.... he said that IF he didn't "mature" and find a purpose for his life... he MIGHT have gone down the road of "junkie" or "pothead" that awaits the fate of MANY of his BLACK brothers and sisters who FEEL they have no other HOPE!

He CHOSE a better future.... so he ENDED his "experimentation" with drugs about the same time YOU did! Now.... cut him some SLACK!
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Old 05-07-2007, 04:35 PM
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Default much fun stuff here, so little time.
I just said the same thing you did, hobo. I also said no matter what Obama said, I still consider him a junkie. Just like you democrats have said Bush is a drunk and a cokehead for many years. Now, this might shock a lib like you hobo, but its true. The reason I WILL NOT support Obama for anything is NOT because I feel he is a junkie, nor is it because he is black. There are many conservative blacks I would be happy to support. I would never support Obama because he is a far left liberal and a borderline socialist. I couldnt care less that he is black, white or whatever the hell he is. I do however understand why many democrats support Obama. Face it, he uses a lot of big words all while never really saying anything. He is the perfect democrat nominee. The simple fact is that much of the democrat voter base is uneducated. A good politician like Obama can prey on that ignorance and get the uneducated voter base by using those bigs words. Hell, I find it fun to watch.

Democrats like you like to throw around the term "racist" when describing republicans. A challange for you one GOP policy or core value that would be racist. While you are at it, name one thing democrats have done for minorities. I bet you cant.
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Old 05-07-2007, 04:51 PM
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It must not be easy to wake up one day in your teens, look into the mirror, and say, "Sh!t!! I'm BLACK! And 87% of my fellow countrymen are against me! But, it might be even worse to NOT know to which race one belongs! (As my Anglo/Mexican daughter must think.) And sadder still, is the fact that it even MATTERS!
This is just too good to pass up. Do you know why that young black man would think that? Not because its true. BECAUSE THAT IS EXACLTY WHAT LIBERALS LIKE YOU KEEP TELLING HIM! Reality, racism just isnt that big of an issue in the business world anymore. Racism is more of a lower class issue. The lower class whites spew racism to blame others for their own failures. The lower class blacks blame racism for their own personal failures. Now pay attention, this is important. RACE NO LONGER HOLDS ANYONE BACK IN THIS COUNTRY. Its time to quit using it as an excuse.
Personally, I cant imagine what it would be like to wake up everyday as a young black man and hear things like "you are never going to make it in this country" and "87% of the people in this country hate you" from democrats like you. I can imagine that being young and impressionable, many of those young black people actually start believing you democrats. I find that sad.
Ive said this before. I live in a different area, a very GOP area. Like most small towns in the south we have about a 20% population of blacks. The difference in my area is like most people in this area, the blacks tend to be Republicans. I ask you this, Hobo. I have been a member of the GOP for many many years. Im also a member of the RNC and have worked on quite a few GOP campaigns. Why have none of those republican blacks ive worked with in politics complained about racism?
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