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Old 01-17-2007, 07:50 AM
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There was a cardboard painting of his suburban and a cardboard cop car with the siren blaring. Most everyone was laughing hysterically when the kids were running across the stage with the cars and I could understand why. Even at that age, I wondered in the back of my mind how it could be right for us to be laughing at something that Christ had to die for.
At first I was going to say that I didn't "get this at all!" But, it just came to me. Christ died for our SINS.... and you are equating speeding to a SIN. :roll: :roll:

You're WAY too far gone on this! Speeding is NOT a sin. Christ didn't die on the cross to forgive us for SPEEDING. :shock:

And.... though you might not believe it, or want to hear it.... Not EVERYTHING in life is all "About" Christ.

"To everything there is a season" is not JUST the words to a song. It comes from the Bible (though I can't remember just where right now.) You might want to look it up and realize that there is a time and place for all things.
Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 01-17-2007, 02:10 PM
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Right on Hobo!
This is a point that has bothered me on this...otherwise excellent topic.

Originally Posted by chapchap
This was the first time I remember someone doing this and since I was about 20 at the time and knew that Christians were supposed to do what was right so I thought he must be a Christian. At the time, I didn't want to admit to myself that everyone I knew was wrong so I guess this person became the scapegoat where I used the term "legalist". So one the one hand, I knew he was doing good and on the other, I tried to make it in my mind that he wasn't doing good. I guess I could have left the term "Christian" out and just referred to him as a legalist.
Okay...why do we need to assume this person is a Christian, or a Legalist period? ...aren't there simply some Anal Retentive morons loose on our fine streets?

If this was a Christian doing the utmost righteous job of following the law exactly as posted....then how Christian is it to not pull off to the side and allow the person behind you, to get past you?

These Anal Retentive's take self-righteous glee upon the oppertunity to impose their will on other's, and take satisfaction in seeing you become more and more annoyed at this persistance. Most of these SOB's even slow down slightly as you crowd their mirror.

There is a law as well on the books about "Impedeing Traffic."
You need to either pull off and allow traffic around you, or speed up to the "normal" flow of traffic in this particular area. If you are NOT aware of the "Normal" traffic pattern in this area...then pull off and learn. Impedeing traffic causes in many cases fatal accidents.

This thread reminds me too much of CONSIDER'S motis opperendi of argumentive unwinnable never-ending frustrations. :lol:

Hell...I can speculate all day....just as I did above. There is no ending.
There are so many what if''s really rather evil I think. :P

I still say, the topic is a good one...and I want to quote a scripture....
II Hog 7:63 (Yooper version)
WTF the gas pedal you #@@@!%'s that long skinny on on the right....Doofus! yumpin' yimmany yicket's by yolly eh? :?
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Old 01-17-2007, 05:44 PM
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...aren't there simply some Anal Retentive morons loose on our fine streets?
Not disagreeing with THAT.... but aren't there also just more than a few little ole ladies, or geeks wearing bowties, or the rare soul that feels NO pressure to get anywhere in life? They don't ALL have to be either Legalists, Libertines or Morons.

That being said, I bet I could win an "impatience" duel with any of you here! But, that is MY misgiving.

I haven't read the Yoopr version of the Bible, but down HERE, we learned that verse this way....

When I'm (rarely) in the far right lane and some fool tries to merge by slowing down and hoping "I" will, too, I quote it thusly:

"It's called an accelerator, y'idyut!!! MAYUSH ON IT!!!!!" :twisted: :twisted:

The point I want to stress to ChapChap is this: Although "patience is a Virtue.... the lack of it is NOT a sin!"

I just can't get the thought out of my head that ANYONE would think that Jesus died on the cross to forgive me for speeding, cheating on my taxes, or being impatient! :shock: :roll:

Here's a little story. As I've said many times.... I believe my dad to be the best Christian ever made (not born... made.) His father was a "religious" man and a Christian, but not to the same level of answering the call to be a Minister.

One time at Papa's house, my uncle gave my brother and I 5 bucks each to go buy a skateboard. When Papa saw that, he said, "Man oh Man! You boys are richer than 10 foot up a Bull's Azz!!""

My father 'bout split a gut laughing his own off!!!!

BOTH of them will have NO problem getting into heaven, and NEITHER felt the need to ask forgiveness from God for being HUMAN.
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"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 01-17-2007, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo
I haven't read the Yoopr version of the Bible
ops: You left out the "e" .... :shock:
That makes me now feel condemned. (if yoopr spots this) :P
I'm usually just "roadkill"...but there are worse fate.

It is not a Bible...but does have many concepts and stuff about sex, drinkin', huntin', fishin', and well the part I was quoting is on "how to deal with Tourist Traffic...without shootin'em." There is another section that talks about how to get a female to squeal "Oh My God" over and to the chapter on Ford 393 Cobra Cam replacement....all quite spiritual I suppose.
...and it is written in local colloquialism...known as Yooper...which is the official language of Da's a Good :P

Oh...dang I'm taking this thread into a religious direction. :evil: least I ain't HUMAN. :lol: being you. :?
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Old 01-17-2007, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by roadhog
Originally Posted by golfhobo
I haven't read the Yoopr version of the Bible
ops: You left out the "e" .... :shock:
That makes me now feel condemned. (if yoopr spots this) :P

Ah yes.... the "silent e." I guess I fell into the trap of believing in Yoopr's "God complex!" :lol: Just Kiddin' Yoop!! 8)

I'm usually just "roadkill"...but there are worse fate.

NAME ONE! :?: :?:

It is not a Bible...but does have many concepts and stuff about sex, drinkin', huntin', fishin', and well the part I was quoting is on "how to deal with Tourist Traffic...without shootin'em." There is another section that talks about how to get a female to squeal "Oh My God" over and to the chapter on Ford 393 Cobra Cam replacement....all quite spiritual I suppose.

Somehow, I believe these two chapters are "interdependent" up there! :P

...and it is written in local colloquialism...known as Yooper...which is the official language of Da's a Good :P

They have a "similar" book down here in the South..... it's called Popular Mechanics - the Field and Stream version!

Oh...dang I'm taking this thread into a religious direction. :evil: least I ain't HUMAN. :lol: being you. :?
:?: :?: :?: Ahem.... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 01-18-2007, 11:25 PM
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Default An open letter to the powers that be

Dear Esteemed Politician/Lawyer

Something must be done to alleviate the problems we face on our roadways. It seems that some people refuse to increase their velocity properly in order for traffic to flow smoothly. I am sure you are well aware of the countless casualties that result from this inconsiderate behavior. Until recently, I was at a loss to explain this anathema. I appeal not to your sense of good will, but to your ambitions of power, fame, and fortune to assuage this situation. There is no telling how far one can exploit the indebtedness the community will have toward the champion that is said to have come up with the solution.

I have come to the realization that some folks actually believe that not adhering to the person or entity having proper authority over a given jurisdiction is sinning against God. (I kid you not!) It appears that these misguided although sometimes well-meaning individuals are shackled by mere words on signs that appear alongside the highways. I believe that the answer to this problem lies in dealing with these idiots (pardon me) mentally challenged persons.

I propose that it be allowable for drivers to add 10 miles per hour to all posted speed limit signs. Better yet, let the signs be removed altogether. If this were to be done, there would be fewer inhibitions for people who desire to blend in with the current traffic patterns but are leery of doing so under current conditions. While we are at it, decals with the word “yield” on them should be placed over all existing Stop signs. This way, there will be less rear-end collisions caused by people who stop to look both ways before entering some intersections when many people merely slow down to sneak a peak.

I know that this advice will catapult the career of the person who heeds it. If you do, remember the person who gave it to you. I believe it would be wise for you to choose advisors like me who only deal in reality to keep you moving in your path towards the top.


Wil E. Ponder
Aspiring Wordsmith
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Old 01-19-2007, 12:00 AM
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Oh, get off your High Horse, Chapchap!!!

I don't "Sin" anymore. I gave that up a long time ago. The very idea of "sin" is arcane, archaic......ANTIQUATED doesn't even BEGIN to describe it....

No, there are no "sins" being committed by me!!

Not since I started calling my thoughts, words, and deeds "lifestyle choices"!!

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Old 01-19-2007, 01:00 AM
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I noticed the mockery;

Wil E. Ponder
Aspiring Wordsmith....

and.... Dear Esteemed Politician/Lawyer....(borrowed that from Couch)

You are directing your anger at me for some reason.

I make a simple speculation about Impedeing Traffic laws
...and you choose that to focus your attendtion?
...or should I say...FLY OFF AT THE HANDLE. :roll:

I made my post with the spirit of good intent. Sooooooooooooooo?????

Just say whats really bothering you ChapChap. :evil:
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Old 01-19-2007, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo

"To everything there is a season" is not JUST the words to a song. It comes from the Bible (though I can't remember just where right now.) You might want to look it up and realize that there is a time and place for all things.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
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Old 01-19-2007, 02:31 AM
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roadhog wrote:


I noticed the mockery;

Wil E. Ponder
Aspiring Wordsmith....

and.... Dear Esteemed Politician/Lawyer....(borrowed that from Couch)

You are directing your anger at me for some reason.

I make a simple speculation about Impedeing Traffic laws
...and you choose that to focus your attendtion?
...or should I say...FLY OFF AT THE HANDLE. Rolling Eyes

I made my post with the spirit of good intent. Sooooooooooooooo?????

Just say whats really bothering you ChapChap. Evil or Very Mad

Do we have to format our discussions as "I disagree with A, B, and C because of X, Y, and Z"? I decided to change it up a bit. Was that wrong? If I was directing my post at anyone, it was golfhobo more than anyone else because he wrote that speeding is not sin.

I borrowed Wil E. Ponder (it may be Willie Ponder) from Rescue Heroes, a stupid cartoon my boys watch. They have other such "heroes" as Hal. E. Copter and Rocky Canyon. I don't know specifically about the other things. I may have stolen then from you without realizing it. I have read some of your posts on other topics and have found them quite funny.

Lighten up man! I have nothing against you. 8)
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