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Old 10-02-2006, 02:43 AM
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Well, as Bush Bunny would say, "Somebody has to drive for them, might as well be you!!"

After all, what do any of us know??
Old 10-02-2006, 03:21 AM
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Originally Posted by spencerian
Remember, this forum is full of opinions and assholes, both of which are believed by their respective possessors to smell like roses. No matter what company you post about, there will be people on this forum ready to trash that company because they heard from someone who knew somebody whose second cousin's former roommate had a bad experience there.
Out of all the mindless drivel posted on this subject the above quote is the most KNOWLEDGEABLE and EDUCATED post of them all.

Name me one company on this forum that doesn't have some horror story of some kind or another about them...........there isn't one. I would have to say every driver released from a company or one who quits some company, invariable will have something bad to say against said company. It's human nature to seek someone else or something else to blame as the problem.

For every horror story about CR England and how some driver was screwed because of his lease, it would be interesting to hear both sides of the story..........did they have any business going into the lease in the first place? Did they understand the "whole" deal before they signed their name to the lease? If not, then my first question to them would be, "well DA why in Gawd's name did you sign something you didn't comprehend and why is that CRE's fault?" If you want to be an adult and make adult decisions, then you better do your adult homework, if you don't, then you really have no one to blame but yourself.

My brother drives for CRE, he's very happy with his arrangement, has been averaging about $1100 net per week since he signed his lease and is considering signing up for another 6 month lease. Through him, I've met several other drivers who have been just as successful with CRE and have been with them for pair of females teaming have been with CRE for almost 10 years, every year they take a month off and spend the better part of the month in Italy. At the same time I've met former CRE drivers who lost their shirts, homes and in one case a marriage as a result of getting into something they had no busy getting into in the first place.

I've known Architects who were very talented and great minds when it came to design, but lost their asses when they opened up their own studios. I've also known Architects who couldn't design a dog house that would sell, yet managed very successful and profitable design companies.

The moral is, not everyone is capable of running a business and that's what you are as a L/O.......period. No business is free from risk, without risk you have no opportunity for rewards either.

CRE lease program is just that a's not a lease purchase plan. You're not buying the truck, you're simply leasing it from them. If you sign on the dotted line without knowing what it is exactly that you are signing for, then you are (IMHO) a fool. That's not the company's fault.

There are far more factors in the equation of success or failure, than just's just far easier to blame it all on CRE for being such a bad company who exploits unsuspecting fools.

There are believe it or not a lot of folks who do quit well with CRE and there are a lot who have bad experiences with CRE. I suspect those who do well with CRE would do well in just about any business they attempted and a majority of those who have a bad experience with CRE would have bad experiences with whatever business they attempted. It could be that they are excellent drivers and make very good company drivers, but when it comes to running a business they're in over their heads and destined for failure.

Let's be honest folks...........on the whole, truck drivers are not considered the most highly educated resources who exhibit higher levels of work ethics, business skills, or motivation and character. I'm reminded of the Willie Nelson song, "Momma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys" and thinking it would be just as easy to put truck drivers in place of cowboys.

Not everybody is cut out to be a truck driver, nor are all truck drivers cut out to be business men and all the blame can't be laid on the companies. Ani't no best company, just the one you work's up to you to make the best of it.
pain and heartaches aren't options in this life... misery is a choice.
Old 10-02-2006, 03:30 AM
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Originally Posted by lifespalette

Let's be honest folks...........on the whole, truck drivers are not considered the most highly educated resources who exhibit higher levels of work ethics, business skills, or motivation and character.
While there is some validity to what you are saying, there are still the matters of basic arithmetic, and CRE's track record.

I made my money before I ever got into trucking. If the scenarios that CRE presents were believable and workable, I'd be richer than Bill Gates. If I'd believed the scenarios that CRE presents, I'd be broker than dust!!

Hey!! My beds are made, my bills are paid!!

Knock yourself out!! Go drive for them!! Let us know how it all goes for you!!
Old 10-02-2006, 03:36 AM
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Originally Posted by spencerian
Remember, this forum is full of opinions and assholes, both of which are believed by their respective possessors to smell like roses. No matter what company you post about, there will be people on this forum ready to trash that company because they heard from someone who knew somebody whose second cousin's former roommate had a bad experience there.
Out of all the mindless drivel posted on this subject the above quote is the most KNOWLEDGEABLE and EDUCATED post of them all.

My, my, my....a neophyte comes amongst the experienced, prays to us that the experienced will share their knowledge....and when they do, he shows his lack of panache, and inability to accept what is know to be common fact.

Go, grasshopper, go ye, drive for CRE....Please do, do as the poster above who pontificates....but hey.... I'm sure a bus driver would know more than any of us....who have been in this industry longer than you and he, no doubt. Keep in mind that we only hang around here seeking and even begging for the opportunities to lie to you and dump on really high class and credible companies.....

You came here, made the comments about the school and dragged CRE into the you got what you sought.... but what seems to be the problem is that you aren't smart enough to read the writing, here or on the wall.... thats your problem not mine.

Good'll need it.
Forrest Gump was right....and some people literally strive to prove it.....everyday. Strive not to be one of "them".... And "lemmings" are a dime a dozen!

Remember: The "truth WILL set you free"! If it doesn't "set you free"....."it will trap you in the cesspool of your own design".

They lost my original "avatar"....oh well.

Old 10-02-2006, 04:44 AM
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Go, grasshopper, go ye, drive for CRE....Please do, do as the poster above who pontificates....but hey.... I'm sure a bus driver would know more than any of us....who have been in this industry longer than you and he, no doubt. Keep in mind that we only hang around here seeking and even begging for the opportunities to lie to you and dump on really high class and credible companies.....
Yes Grasshopper, listen to the naysayers who are more experienced than either you or I.........for that matter, listen to all naysayers who will offer you reason after reason why it can't be done. I have yet to hear them explain those who seem to make it work.......but then I'm sure Sky has already classed me in the category of a fabricating pontificater who doesn't know his ass from a whole in the ground about anything............and I'm sure I'll lose sleep tonight because of it.

Masses of people rule their lives by reasons of why it can't be done instead of figuring out a way to do it and join the prince-hood of mediocracy. Even Bill Gates was called a fool by his advising professor when he decided to drop out of college with the wild idea of a "user friendly" OS and the notion that common people would have personal computers.

Sky it must be hard to be so humble when one is so great.
pain and heartaches aren't options in this life... misery is a choice.
Old 10-02-2006, 04:45 AM
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For every horror story about CR England and how some driver was screwed because of his lease, it would be interesting to hear both sides of the story..........did they have any business going into the lease in the first place? Did they understand the "whole" deal before they signed their name to the lease? If not, then my first question to them would be, "well DA why in Gawd's name did you sign something you didn't comprehend and why is that CRE's fault?" If you want to be an adult and make adult decisions, then you better do your adult homework, if you don't, then you really have no one to blame but yourself.[/quote]

So it's the drivers fault for getting involved in a bad lease? At face value, that is correct. But if that lease is in violation of the law, then the company really shouldn't be held blameless, now should they? As to hearing both sides of the story, I presume that a Federal judge would have a unique position from which to do that. Wonder what that federal judge thought...

Interesting that CRE's wonderous lease was deemed "unconscionable" by a Federal judge. That is certainly the mark of a decent, forthright company. I might have to call a recruiter and sign myself up. I wouldn't want to miss out on working for such an honest bunch who cares so much for their drivers / leasees.
"I'm back out on that road again, I'll turn this beast into the wind, there are those that break and bend, I'm the other kind." -S. Earle
Old 10-02-2006, 05:37 AM
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Granted I went to a public school, and reading, writing, and arithmetic were not the schools strong points... Even I can read the conditions of this lease, ask questions of OO's as to what it costs to run a truck, fill in the blanks that the carrier does not provide and figure out using basic tools like a spreadsheet that all of the costs are not covered, your going to end up eating major costs, and guess what??? Most of these brilliant LO businessmen have spent every penny they have earned and are flat broke. Even I can figure out that I would be making less money as a lease operator than I would as a company driver with these flim flam sham leases...

Now, if your public school was worse than mine(which is hard to imagine) then maybe all those numbers are giving you different results... Or could it be that your also green and don't know what you don't know... Or is it that lifespalette, are even worse at numbers or reading than I(again hard to imagine, but I guess anything is possible). It could be that you drank the recruiter and lease operator mentor kool aid and your mind is made up or have already signed up for an express bankruptcy. If so then stop wasting everyones time and get on with committing suicide. Suicide has become a spectator sport here...

I know I for one am sick of detailing out the numbers, calculating costs, sharing what I have figured out from running the numbers, and trying to share that information with people talking about getting into these leases. I have come to the conclusion that most of the would be lease operators are too lazy to do the work to figure out the numbers, incapable of sorting through the details, or just that bad at business to recognize a screw job when they see it... They don't seem to understand the words that come out of peoples mouths even when it is raw data and pure facts. Or worse yet they have already decided to commit suicide and don't give a :dung: what anyone says regardless how bad it looks.

There is not a single reputable OO on this board that would even turn the key on their truck for the welfare rates your going to pull loads for at CRE. You ever ask yourself why that is? Reputable, proven businessmen and women that are making a good living won't pull a load for what you will. What does that say about some peoples business prowess???? :lol:

I am done trying to help people that are dead set on hurting themselves... :shock: I would wish you the best, but well you get the idea... Go get whatever you deserve.

Don't even waste our time coming back with your tail between your legs... We already know the outcome. We saw the movie, and now only get the freaking reruns over and over and over mixed with those god awful commercials for these criminal lease carriers. Most of us are sick to death of hearing it... All the world for some Gilligan's Island reruns! :lol:

Politicians are a lot like diapers,
They should be changed frequently,
And for the same reasons.
Old 10-02-2006, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by TimberWolf
Ok Useless here is a little Texas humor for you... I know its not the right forum but what the hell..Survivor: Texas Style

Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, Texas is planning to do one entitled, "Survivor: Texas Style."
The contestants will all start in Dallas, then drive to Waco, Austin, San Antonio, over to Houston and down to Brownsville. They will then proceed up to Del Rio, El Paso, Midland, Odessa, Lubbock and Amarillo. From there they will go on to Abilene, Fort Worth and finally back to Dallas.

Each will be driving a pink Volvo with bumper stickers that read: "I'm gay, I love the Dixie Chicks, I Boycott Beef, I voted for Al Gore, George Strait Sucks, Kerry in '04, Hillary in 2008, and I'm here to confiscate your guns."

The first one who makes it back to Dallas alive, wins.

It Is What It Is..

That's just silly.

Gore got 2,433,746 votes in the winner's home state. 59 - 37 %

As opposed to Bush getting 1,061,949 votes in the loser's home state. 51 - 47 %
Old 10-02-2006, 07:31 AM
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double post...
Old 10-02-2006, 10:18 AM
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Glad all I want to do is be a COMPANY driver. No lease involved there!

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have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
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