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Old 03-17-2007, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by greg3564
Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy
I never voted as i do not vote for anyone who does not express my point of view in regards to the issues that affect us all. Democrats or Republicans are the same except in only few issues and about 60% of the public does not vote so am not alone..

You never voted because you're a hypocrite. Until you vote, you can't say anything.

Amen!! Many men and women have died to protect your right to vote and you squander away your right to bitch!

Vote and complain till you turn blue in the face. If you don't vote, then zip it up!

You will never find a politician who is in line with all your beliefs. If everyone thought like that then no one would vote.
Greg, you and I agree on many things, so I don't wish to alienate you. But, I must disagree with your stance on voting.

As for these two or three that are namecalling.... I can't even keep it straight anymore, and don't really care to.

Bulldog is a MARINE VET, and he says he's tired of voting. I respect his decision (real or not) to abstain from voting.... and I don't DARE question his credentials.

Y'all may not agree with my stance on this... so be it. But, I never voted when I was younger, for the same reasons mentioned here about no candidate representing my beliefs. My first vote was for Clinton, because I could BELIEVE what he said! Had I been of age, I would've voted for Kennedy. I might have voted for Reagan, but I didn't. Neither did I vote against him!

But, I will NOT stand by and continue to listen to this crap that "if you don't vote, you've got no right to complain." That is total B.S.!!!

Voting is a priviledge and a right. It is NOT compulsory! NOT in THIS free country! Likewise, free speech is a RIGHT.... NOT to be infringed for any reason.

The SAME Constitution that gives me the RIGHT to vote, gives me the right NOT to.... AND the right to complain regardless!! And if you don't believe it.... quote me the REG!!!

I get sick of people "cherry picking" the Constitution to support THEIR beliefs about what I should or should NOT do! If you have a valid arguement against those who don't vote... let's hear it. But, don't TELL me I don't have a RIGHT to free speech JUST because I chose NOT to vote! I've got a RIGHT to own property and guns. The fact that I don't own either does NOT abridge my right to complain about the housing market or the gun violence in this country.

All that being said, I think it is important to vote. But, it is NOT compulsory, nor a prerequisite of my right to free speech. These blanket statements about non voters having to "zip it up" is akin to calling ALL Dems "tree hugging terrorists" or all Conservatives "Bible thumping Neanderthals."

They only prove the limits of the narrow mind that espouses them. And I think YOU are above that.

BTW.... I didn't DIE to protect my rights, but I DID risk my life in the military. And I won't let ANYONE tell me I don't have the rights that the Constitution has given me. And isn't it interesting, that the very FIRST right enumerated in the Bill of Rights is that of FREE SPEECH. Doesn't say a Da*n word about having to VOTE to get that right!
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Old 03-17-2007, 10:23 PM
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Hoosierdaddy said:

Yes, let's get back on topic. But only after you tell me what "negligent size" of brains means.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Ooops!!! Caught me! I guess after being on the road for over a week, and catching up on my beer intake after getting home, I was NEGLIGENT in my use of the English language! :lol:

Negligible.... I meant Negligible!!! Dang! My brain must be shrinking since I became a trucker!! :lol:
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Old 03-17-2007, 10:23 PM
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Hey 'hobo, well said and thank you. It is not so much about being "tired" of voting but disgusted with the lip service and lies that our politicians blow up our a$$es to get elected. No big revelation there huh? I do my voting with an M40 A1...'nuff said. Semper Fi.
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Old 03-17-2007, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by bulldog2036
Hey 'hobo, well said and thank you. It is not so much about being "tired" of voting but disgusted with the lip service and lies that our politicians blow up our a$$es to get elected. No big revelation there huh? I do my voting with an M40 A1...'nuff said. Semper Fi.
Bulldog, I don't pretend to be a combat veteran, as I believe YOU are. I have "combat wings," but served during peacetime. Hey... SOMEONE had to! I had the occaisional run in with an enemy Mig who didn't like our "reconnaissance missions," but I don't claim to have been fired at.

But, I have every respect for the military man who has faced the enemy (and those who haven't.) And I know MANY of them who feel as you do.

They say that "the pen is mightier than the sword." I do my "voting" with my PEN (or keyboard.) With the obvious interference by the Electoral College, and the other methods of "stealing an election" away from the popular vote, I don't put much stock in voting anyway!

I'm at the point that I believe change will only come from revolution. Not a revolution by armed citizens, but by intelligent and informed citizens. The problem, of course, will be in FINDING enough of them!

When the time comes.... I know we can depend on YOU!
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"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 03-18-2007, 12:02 AM
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Originally Posted by bulldog2036
Hey 'hobo, well said and thank you. It is not so much about being "tired" of voting but disgusted with the lip service and lies that our politicians blow up our a$$es to get elected. No big revelation there huh? I do my voting with an M40 A1...'nuff said. Semper Fi.
If you guys don't want to vote, that's fine. You're right. You have the freedom not to. It just seems a bit hypocritical (and lazy) for someone to not vote but still open their mouth.

My grandpa was in WW2 and I respect what you have done too. However, I disagree with what you said. You didn't do your voting with a weapon. You FOUGHT with a weapon. Voting is done at the polls, not on the battlefield. And I have the freedom to say that. Thanks.
You have the right to be wrong. If you do not have the correct opinion, it will be provided for you.

I could care less what the United States OFFICIAL stance on global warming is.
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Old 03-18-2007, 12:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Dejanh
Country voted 4 Gore after Clinton but somebody else came into the seat,
Originally Posted by coastie
Sounds like the Democrats Broken Record. GORE LOST FACE IT HE FLAT OUT LOST!

Just like the lies they said about Bush going awol. Been proven flase, all a Democrat lie to divide the Nation. Least he served, not run to Canada like Clinton and then on to Russia and burn the flag which was Treason, we were at War with Russia at the Time... (Cold War and also fighting a Soviet Block Allie).

Be thankful that the lameduck did not get in, or more Americans would be killed, not talking about the military, they would be safe for just Like Clinton they would not be used.

Support our Troops, Not like the Democrats giving Support to the Enemy..
golfhobo already summed up my thoughts on the "If you didn't vote, you can't complain" bee ess. Please. Complaining does require an action beforehand. Just open your mouth and do it. Right or wrong, you can say what you like.

Clinton burned a flag? News to me. Please point me to some links about that. No blogs, please.
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Old 03-18-2007, 12:26 AM
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Hoosierdaddy: Things are not always as they SEEM.

I don't know what the Canadian constitution provides for you. But, have you noticed when OUR Bill of Rights gave the right to vote to women and blacks?

By your standards, before those dates, women and blacks had no right to complain about anything that happened in this country.... the country of their birthright.

Maybe they were just lazy.

Do YOU vote in EVERY local election? Or only National. Have you EVER missed a vote?

I could see how some people, content with the way things were going, and not fearing that things would change, would not find the need to vote.

It is, as I said.... a priviledge. It is NOT compulsory duty. That's another phrase I hate. It's your DUTY to vote! B.S. Heck, I'd rather see it be a DUTY to serve in the military!

But, you being a Canadian, I appreciate the fact that you have decided that it is okay for me to exercise my American rights. Is there something that I can likewise do for you?
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Old 03-18-2007, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Colin
Originally Posted by Dejanh
Country voted 4 Gore after Clinton but somebody else came into the seat,
Originally Posted by coastie
Sounds like the Democrats Broken Record. GORE LOST FACE IT HE FLAT OUT LOST!

Just like the lies they said about Bush going awol. Been proven flase, all a Democrat lie to divide the Nation. Least he served, not run to Canada like Clinton and then on to Russia and burn the flag which was Treason, we were at War with Russia at the Time... (Cold War and also fighting a Soviet Block Allie).

Be thankful that the lameduck did not get in, or more Americans would be killed, not talking about the military, they would be safe for just Like Clinton they would not be used.

Support our Troops, Not like the Democrats giving Support to the Enemy..
golfhobo already summed up my thoughts on the "If you didn't vote, you can't complain" bee ess. Please. Complaining does require an action beforehand. Just open your mouth and do it. Right or wrong, you can say what you like.

Clinton burned a flag? News to me. Please point me to some links about that. No blogs, please.
Clinton didn't "run to Canada." He was a Rhodes Scholar in England at the time. He used the SAME college deferement that MANY Republican's kids used.

Bush "served?" I believe the records are clear that he didn't EVEN fulfill his National Guard DEFEREMENT requirements.

Burning the flag has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as NOT BEING TREASON, or anything close!

A "Cold War" was just a term invented by the media. We were NEVER at war with the USSR. Just like we are NOT at war with Iraq!

Gore WON the popular vote ... IIRC. The action of the Electoral College was dictated by the Supreme Court after Scalia went fishing with Cheney!

Coastie, you've been in the PI too long! Come back to America and learn what is going on before you open your mouth.
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Old 03-18-2007, 01:03 AM
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But, you being a Canadian, I appreciate the fact that you have decided that it is okay for me to exercise my American rights. Is there something that I can likewise do for you?

You pompous, arrogant ass. Yes, there is something you can do for me. You can start practising what you preach. Following is another smart ass comment made by yourself:

Coastie, you've been in the PI too long! Come back to America and learn what is going on before you open your mouth.

PS I'll be moving to the states too. My fiancee is American. And when we're able to afford it, I'll bring her back to Canada.
You have the right to be wrong. If you do not have the correct opinion, it will be provided for you.

I could care less what the United States OFFICIAL stance on global warming is.
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Old 03-18-2007, 01:04 AM
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PS It's your DUTY to vote. 8)
You have the right to be wrong. If you do not have the correct opinion, it will be provided for you.

I could care less what the United States OFFICIAL stance on global warming is.
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