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Old 10-04-2006, 06:42 PM
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lol...there you go with the "conservative" again....FOLEY WAS NOT CONSERVATIVE. And why we are at it.....NEITHER IS JOHN MCCAIN, RUDY GUILIANNI, AHHHNOLD and many other MODERATE if they get caught doing something bad, we will now have a record of me saying I dont support them. My voter registration might say GOP....but I am first and foremost a CONSERVATIVE.
For the record...I would support a conservative democrat like Zell miller far more that I would support a LEFT WING REPUBLICAN like Foley or McCain.
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Old 10-04-2006, 07:22 PM
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So... for the record... you are against ANY middle of the road centrist of either party trying to represent the majority of Americans who are somewhere in the middle? And anyone "left" of that is a commie pinko fag?

It's Moral Majority, God fearing, Pat Robertson supporting, Elitist representation and everyone ELSE be danged? Where do you find THAT in the Constitution?

If you don't like the fact that ALL Republican representatives serve under the mantle of Conservatism, then you need to look to the policies of your own party. Whether Conservative or not, most of them vote the party line (under penalty of political death,) and are therefore responsible for taking this country closer to a Church State and eroding our 1st, 4th, 9th and 10th Ammendment rights.

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Old 10-04-2006, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheepdancer
Ok I will make it much easier for you.....How do the democrats help the "less fortunate"?
I always hear the left say things like this, but personally i dont see how they help the "less fortunate"

It seems when you look at the areas with the largest population of "less fortunate people" the more likely their local leaders will be democrat?
Why is that?

You know no matter what the pervert did, you have to respect him quiting. I know what you are saying "why should him quiting deserve respect?" .
This is the richest country on the face of the Earth (maybe not with recent oil prices filling the coffers of the U.A.E and others, including the Republicans that own the oil companies in America.) We can spend Billions fighting religious wars, Millions exploring the desolation of dirty planets in our Solar System, and we find it important to give tax breaks to the richest 2% of American citizens?

But, we can't "equalize" the tax base to help raise the standard of living of the poorest in our country? Never mind the positive affects this would have toward fighting or eliminating crime. We find it necessary to reduce government spending on the education of our children? We can't fund adequate police forces for our neighborhoods? We strip our Veterans of well deserved benefits? We mortgage the retirement of our workers to fight more wars? We allow corporations to renig on retirement funds? We "conserve" our oil reserves for some future date, bankrupting many of the less fortunate JUST trying to get to work? We open our borders to illegal immigrant workers because they increase the profits of the "land/business owners" in this country, taking away jobs the less fortunate might have to resort to, and give them citizenship in hopes that they will vote "appreciatively" for the ones who allowed them to stay?

If you can't see that Democrats are trying to help every American achieve a small portion of the "dream," by RESCINDING the aggreivances of the Conservative ruling class, then you have drank the Kool-aid that Bush and his co-conspirators are serving.

I've spent time with the "landowners" in the MidWest. All they see for miles is THEIR land. They are so insulated from the problems of the average American it is almost criminal. I know their mindset. They are in NO way concerned with anyone living outside their little serfdom. The crime is, that with no real perspective, they are allowed to vote!

You make it sound like the fact that poor areas of this country are "led" by Democrats in some way means it is the fault of the leadership. It is exactly the opposite. The leadership is Democratic because the people are so disenfranchised and know that ONLY Democrats will vote on their behalf. Only a Conservative would have such a perverted view of local politics.

As for Foley, no... I DON'T have to respect him for quitting. He knew he was nailed to the wall, and took the easy way out. For the record, I think it was the RIGHT thing to do... but I don't respect him one bit for it. In fact, I'm quite sure that by enrolling in a "program" he has found some protection under the law against having his personal records scrutinized further.

I don't hate Conservatives. My parents are. I would be considered a conservative Democrat. I'm ONLY a registered Democrat because I wanted to vote for Clinton, because he was the most intelligent presidential candidate in my lifetime!

But, I DO care about the less fortunate. I love this country, and want to see ALL people have a reason to do so. If that means SOME of you get to "conserve" a little less (without really affecting your lifestyle) and others are "liberated" a little more (greatly affecting THEIRS) ... so be it. Call me what you want!

Without going into platform details, I believe THAT comes close to representing the Democratic ideal. I don't have anything against RICH people. I have something against Rich Americans who have NO concern for Poor Americans. Funny, I GOT that moralistic view from growing up in the CHURCH all my life!

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Old 10-04-2006, 08:17 PM
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Personally I just dont have any use for liberal or centrist policies. We are a Representative form of gov....which means we vote for people who REPRESENT OUR OWN VIEWS. I am a far right conservative, therefore I will always support other conservatives. Yes, there would be times when I would support a moderate....a moderate against a liberal would be one of those "lesser of two evils" things. Bush for example...I think hes doing an OK job but hes far from being as conservative as I like. I think we need someone much farther to the right. I will always vote for and support the person who would give me more of the policies i want and lead us in the direction that I WANT. But sorry, Im not going to change my vote to the middle just to"be fair" to those people in the middle. There is no rule that says we have to have compromise in politics.
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Old 10-04-2006, 09:04 PM
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Default for HOBO......
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Old 10-04-2006, 09:09 PM
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Our forefather wrote:

Preamble to the Constitution of the UNITED States:

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sheepdancer wrote:

I will always vote for and support the person who would give me more of the policies i want and lead us in the direction that I WANT.
You are welcome to LIVE in my country, Sheep. The one that patriots of ALL parties died (and continue to die) to preserve, but you haven't got a CLUE as to the principles on which this great country was founded. You once said, "Call me selfish..." Well.... I call you just that.

We fought the Revolutionary War to set ourselves apart and ABOVE the British sytem of Class and Serfdom. (It is a fallacy that it was all about religious freedom.) I feel you would be more comfortable THERE.

You have NO use or tolerance for MODERATES?? A Centrist, to you, does not try to represent ALL people as equally as possible? It has to be YOUR way or the Highway? :roll:

Our country has become almost equally divided between politics. 50% to 49%. I wish we could find SOME way to identify ALL those within 25% plus or minus of center, and let THEM direct our politics. Not everyone would be happy (you) but I'd bet that over 80% of us would be!

But, that's not good enough for YOU. You want it ALL your way! I'm sure you despise the fact that we HAVE a so-called "representative" government, and would prefer to return to the days of Monarchy.

I don't want to "set you afloat" on the open seas, Sheepdancer. I can make SOME allowances for your politics. "That's what Democrats do!" But, I can't help but feel our founding fathers are rolling in their graves over your political views. And, I point out that those VIEWS are what we Democrats rail against.

The WORST thing that can happen to our country is for its citizens to adopt such polarizing views. And you have just confirmed that I and others are not "imagining" this.

For that, and for the exercise in political debate, I say thank you. But, though it likely will incense you for me to say so, I PITY you. And I mourn the loss of another American Spirit.

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"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 10-04-2006, 10:07 PM
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You are missing the point. Look, I dont expect you to have the same ideology as me. Nor do i expect you to vote for far right politicians like me.
You talk about the "majority of people" being in the middle. I beg to differ. The VAST MAJORITY of people dont understand squat about politics. Most of those people in the middle would just as soon vote for someone because of their eye color as they would for any sort of stand on the issues. Just because I tend to vote far right doesnt mean Im not voting for all people. IM VOTING FOR WHAT I FEEL BEST FOR ALL PEOPLE.....INCLUDING ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE WHO REALLY DONT KNOW SQUAT ABOUT POLITICS.
Ive been heavily involved in politics for a 22 years...Local, state and even federal. I promise there is nothing you can say that would convince me that anything other than GOOD STRONG CONSERVATIVE POLICIES could be better for all Americans...poor, middle class or wealthy.

You know you are the one that doesnt seem to embrace this country and what it stands for. Im perfectly ok with you having leftist socialist views. Its your right....I guess you could call me tolerant. You, on the other hand, like most leftists, cant stand anyone that doesn't share your own ideology.
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Old 10-04-2006, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheepdancer
Now sure you realize that if I had some free time I could come up with a list just like that of democrats.

I doubt it. I suspect you tried, came up with little or nothing, and wrote the above.

I wasnt trying to get in a listing contest of bad politicians....we would end up tieing.

I beg to differ.

What I was pointing out was a few cases in recent history, where not only were they worse than Foley,

In what way is Barney Frank worse than Foley?

Frank is not a predator.

Frank did not know about the prostitution carried on by his companion.

There is nothing wrong with homosexual sex, unless you're a wife who married without knowing and had not anticipated living your life without getting any.

but the democrats ignored it, excused it...and in many cases, kept on voting them back into office. I dont see any republicans offering support for Foley.

Foley did not simply engage in homosexual sex, he was and is a predator, a child predator.

Now dont lie about this....but I bet if Foley is convicted over this and bush pardons him,

There's no way Bush is going to be able to pardon a child sex predator.

Did you, by the bye, check out the thread I started with a link to some compromising pictures of Bush with a male prostitute?

You, the other deomcrats and the media would have a feild day with it.

Which is exactly why there is no way he is going to be able to do it. If Bush pardon's Foley, after Foley is convicted... I'm rethinking here... I was going to say I'd give you a thousand dollars. I was pretty sure... but when I think about Bush... he's such a wild card. I can't really trust him enough to be sure I wouldn't have to pay you.


Please would you refresh my memory? I don't know who you mean.

THAT WOULD BE THE DEFINITION OF A HYPOCRITE. I can assure you that I will always criticize the GOP sex offenders as much as the Democrats.

If so, what do you think of the picture of Bush hugging the male prostitute? Though clearly, if Bush were having a homosexual affair with him, the only sexual misconduct that would entail would be his infidelity to Laura
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Old 10-04-2006, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by bulldog2036 for HOBO......
I'm with You!!!!!!
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Old 10-04-2006, 11:00 PM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo
Originally Posted by Sheepdancer
Now sure you realize that if I had some free time I could come up with a list just like that of democrats.
I wasnt trying to get in a listing contest of bad politicians....we would end up tieing.

NO contest here, Sheepy!

See, I disagree. I copied that list from a pbs thread. I checked some of the entries, and found several sites giving lists like this.

The thing is, no one over at pbs posted such an extensive list of Democrat offenders. I checked several threads where I thought I would find an equally long list of Democrat offenders... but there was no such list posted that I could find.

Given the vehemence of certain posters on the pbs forum, I can't believe they wouldn't have posted a list at least as long or longer... if they could have found one.

This is an aside, but in England there were a lot of jokes about men in bowler hats with women's lingerie under their suits. So there may be some element related to wealth or position that increases the incidence of deviant sexual behavior.

There have been MANY of both parties that have done similar things. That is why the original topic, AND my original responses, concerned the idea of cleaning house and starting over!

What I was pointing out was a few cases in recent history, where not only were they worse than Foley, but the democrats ignored it, excused it...and in many cases, kept on voting them back into office.

Let's not get into a p***ing match over WHO or WHAT was worse. We don't even know the full extent of Foley's "crimes" (if any) yet.

I dont see any republicans offering support for Foley.

No... no one is going to SUPPORT him, OUR problem is with the coverup.


Now dont lie about this....but I bet if Foley is convicted over this and bush pardons him, You, the other deomcrats and the media would have a feild day with it.

We allready ARE having a field day. Conviction or not! :lol: Hey... don't blame ME if Nixon set the bar for Republican corruption concerning "maintaining" power at all costs. Just as to you... Clinton set the bar for philandering. The question is... WHICH is a bigger threat to our Constitution and our government?


A pardon, that is open to public scrutiny, is much different than a coverup.
For the record, I don't condone pardoning ANY sexual predator. But, there MAY be a difference between just GAY sex, and Pedophilia.

that I will always criticize the GOP sex offenders as much as the Democrats.

I can appreciate, and join in with that sentiment. I've made no secret of my disapproval of Bush. But, I've always included the fact that I would feel the SAME way about him if he were a Democrat!

YOU turned this into a political debate about what party has done what. I merely rejoiced in the fact that one more "holier than thou" member of the Conservative Republican party had been caught with his pants down, and we would most likely win the seat.

The question, to US, is not what someone did so much, as it is with the desire to cover it up to retain power. THIS is subversive to our form of government.

If Hastert DIDN'T know, for the last 5 years, what every page in the '02 class knew.... then HE is either incompetent or complicent. Either way... HE, too, should go!

And, it seems to me there are questions about Heather Wilson, R NM. She was on the committee that oversees or looks after, I forget, the page program... and she also happened to receive an $8,000 donation from Foley... which according to local news she is now donating to some charity... perhaps the same one to which she donated her $30,000+/- from DeLay.

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