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Old 04-28-2007, 07:23 PM
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I've read your replies, and understand what everyone is trying to say. I have thought about the type of man I would be interested in based on his lifestyle, for these reasons.

I am an independent woman. I do not need, nor do I require the constant company of others to be happy. When I was younger I had a large circle of friends, but, I only had a few friends I would have considered as "close friends". I am a woman who prefers "quality" friends, over "quantity" friends.

I would rather have a few, good, close friends, rather than feel the need to make friends with everyone in the world.

I've never been one to enjoy crowds, I like serenity, peace, and quiet, and many times solitude.

At holidays I'm much happier with small gatherings, rather than large gatherings. Don't get me wrong, I can easily socialize in large gatherings, it is just I prefer smaller, more one on one time, type gatherings. Where I can get to know people better.

Honestly, I enjoy the company of my dogs, more than I do people. I suppose it is because I've lived long enough to have been disappointed by people, and my dogs have never let me down.

Also if I want to go somewhere, I just up and go. I don't have to plan it out, or get a group of people to all agree on where it is we should go.

When I was younger, many times I and a small group of friends would decide we wanted to go some where to have a fun day out. Often times I would say that I would drive, and since no one could decide on one place. I said, I'll drive, and I would simply pick a direction, start driving, and see where the road would take us. These "road trips", turned out to be the best adventures, and best times I had with my friends. To this day taking what I call my "adventure drives", is the one activity I still enjoy the most. Simply picking a direction, and seeing where the road takes you. It is the best way I can think of to explore the world around me, find new places, and unique things to see, learn about, and explore. That's fun for me.

I had, and still have a friend who is a guy who works the farm life. Dealing with Dairy Cattle. He works 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I met him one day while visiting the farm he works on, when I had asked if I could just go watch the cows in the pasture for a while.

Over time we spoke, got to know one another, and became friends. Eventually we spent 7 days a week together, as I was offered a job on the farm by the owner, and decided to give it a try. I was there for many years, "My friend", and I worked side by side, we spent our days off at his home, where he kept his own cattle, and we had fun simply doing the necessary work invovled in the raising of Dairy Cattle.

There was never a dull moment, and we talked about everything on our minds. We shared all our deepest thoughts, eventually there came a point, that I thought maybe I would take a chance, and attempt to take our friendship to the next level, since I felt after spending all this time getting to know him, that I could see myself happily spending the rest of my life with him.

(I've had, and have other male friends, and while close friends with them, I never thought of, nor pictured myself wanting to settle down with them.)

So, I told him out right that I liked him, and wondered if he would be interested in a dating relationship. He said,....... No......

He tried to say I wasn't his type, after we had spent well over 5 years in each others company every day...

I do understand you can have friends without it necessarily turning into a romantic relationship. But, after all the conversations we had, and time we spent together, and many times certain comments he would say to me. I got the impression that he may have liked me more than just as a friend as well.

I can honestly say it was his personality that I liked most about him, and that both of us were very much the same in our opinions, and outlook on life.

So, I thought I would give it try, and make the first move, since I also knew he was a very quiet, shy, type man. He told me what his type was, and I knew I would never be able to fit his "type". Honestly, I think he felt that with his life, and most of his time devoted to his farm, that he may have felt that he simply wouldn't be able to provide the time he thought would be necessary to devote to a romantic relationship. But, that's just my opinion.

To this day we remain the best of friends. Though I don't see him much since I had been injured in an auto accident (not my fault), several years ago. That forced me to leave the Dairy Farm profession I truly loved.

But, if there is anything I need, he is always there for me, no matter how many hours he's worked that day, and he works more than most.

Even though we worked at the same place, we were not together the entire time, and the reason we got along so well was, that we were a lot alike. While we enjoyed the occasional visit of someone dropping by, we were also very content to be doing things on our own, alone, without supervision, and without the need to have anyone else around to assist us. Doing things individually on our own, and taking great satisfaction in doing a job well done, all by ourselves was very rewarding.

Neither one of us liked big crowds, or cared much to go to large parties, we often times simply just preferred our own company, and that was enough contentment for us both.

So, why do I tell you this about myself, because I've thought about the possibility of being married to a Trucker, or a Farmer, or a Rancher type man. The fact is that I dont' need to have a man at my side 24/7. Like I said, I'm an independent sort, and don't need to have people around me all the time, and most times prefer to be by myself, doesn't mean if I have a man in my life, that I don't love him because I want time by myself. It just means that we don't have to be with one another all the time to have a healthy, happy, equal, loving, devoted, respectful, loyal, trusting relationship.

Marrying a Trucker, or any of the other types of men I mentioned is because these men often times work long hours, don't necessarily need the constant company of others, and are independent themselves in their work, and lifestyle.

I felt that these independent type men would make a better match for me, since I'm basically the same way, and am not a woman who needs a man at her side always, and can do much more than most woman in taking care of problems, repairs, and any other little issue that may arise.

I would like a man who can be an "Equal" partner, companion, not the old fashioned ideas of what a marriage was supposed to be about.

Believe me most men would appreciate me, once they got to know me, and find me to be refreshing in how I think, my outlook on life, and how I want to live life.

I'm not into "stuff", I'm not a woman who wants to keep up with the "JONES'S". I like a quiet peaceful life, one in a preferably rural environment, away from the crowds, where I can breathe fresh air, listen to the sounds of the wilderness, and simply enjoy the natural environment. I'm a "BLUE JEAN" type woman, though if required I can dress up for special occasions. But, I'm most comfortable in bluejeans.

When I was younger I used to work on automobiles until my back gave out, and endured 2 back surgeries. I also worked with horses.

My dreams when I was younger was to live on a ranch, and raises horses. Now I'm older, and my body is too, that dream may never happen. But, I still have a love for horses.

I know what hard work is, I've worked in the environment, I've worked 6, and sometimes 7 days a week. I've worked in unbearable temperatures, 30 below wind chills, 90+ suffocating summers. I'd rather work out of doors, then be a desk jockey/ paper pusher.

I myself was interested in becoming a trucker, but, my back issues put a stop to that possibility.

So, now you know a little bit more about me, and why I'm interested in marrying a trucker, or similiar type man. Because they don't necessarily need a woman by their side all the time, and can still appreciate a deep meaningful, loving relationship with a woman who is similiar to their own character, and would be very happy, and content with their lifestyle.

I don't know what more I can say... Like I said in a previous post, I'm 44 years old, I would prefer a man who's close to my age, simply because we would relate better. I would like to be married simply to have a good man to come home to at the end of the day, and when times get down to have someone to share those times with, as well as have a good man to share in the good times, and the laughter life has to offer...

I don't think I'm asking for to much here, am I?.... :wink:

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Old 04-29-2007, 02:23 AM
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Hello Red Raven,Where do you live in the northeast i live in massachusetts i recently started driving a truck for swift i run on the northeast dedicated .driving a truck is boring without someone to talk to most of the day i try to keep focused while i'm driving by reading every single sign i pass .i'm hoping that in the coming months when i'm eligible to have someone ride with me i can find someone who doesnt mind going on the road with me have a great week i gotta get up tomorrow at 4 a.m to leave for the week
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Old 05-08-2007, 03:56 AM
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I'm not trying to pop your dream. I'm guessing that in your "romantic notion", you have your own idea of what it might be like. I would hope that, for your own sake, you would also be prepared to be disappointed, perhaps, more than once.

!. How well prepared are you, to sleep in a stranger's bedroom?

2. What kind of temper do you have? And, what are your pet peeves?

Keep in mind the close proximity, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I've seen couples, married for 10 years and more, would not know how to live without each other, and after 1 week in a truck, they were ready to get a divorce.

Ordinary factory or office jobs are far more tollarant toward marriages than trucking. If both people have "dominating characters", chances are that it will not last. One or the other MUST be easy-going and not set in their ways. Able to overlook things that might make someone else blow off steam. There are many, many relationships that work out here. But, there are also many that only work for short periods of time. My brother and sister-in-law are a prime example of that. She goes in the truck with him, and drives too. But, after 5 to 6 weeks, she has to stay home or they will be at each other's throats.

You might also want to be prepared to try more than once. Often, little things that you, or he, can not work with may not show up until you've been together in that proximity for a week or better.

Like I said. I'm not trying to pop your bubble, but I suggest you be prepared to be disappointed as well. I knew a couple from AR. He was driving for a few years. She learned to drive and got in the truck with him. I think it was about 7 weeks later, he kicked her out in TN. She had to find her own way home. Over the next 4 years, that seemed to be a regular feature of their marriage, every 3 to 4 months. They've been divorced for a few years now, after having been married for 15 years. But the first 11 of those years had nothing to do with driving a truck.

However, if you do find someone that you find you really don't want to be apart from, and he feels the same way about you, IN A TRUCK... You'd better get a "DEATH GRIP" on him. It would suggest that you have found someone far more special than most women will ever meet. I can tell you from experience, that life outside the truck also works. And it seems to work all by itself. It just seems so natural you don't even think what it was or might be like without each other. If you truly find such a man, don't hold anything back. Enjoy every minute you have. You're 44?

I met my wife when she was 41. When she was 45, cancer struck. The older you get, the more likely something may come and put an end to "Heaven" on earth.

Good luck to you.
( R E T I R E D , and glad of it)
YES ! ! ! There is life after trucking.
a GOOD life

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Old 05-08-2007, 10:23 PM
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I met my wife on the internet. I told her I was a trucker right off the bat and everything else slowly fell into place. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know one O/O who is single and lives in Fl. He is 50 years old and has a small fleet of trucks. I can Pm you his info if you like. He usually frequents this He hasn't been around lately though.
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Old 05-08-2007, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by DD60
I met my wife on the internet. I told her I was a trucker right off the bat and everything else slowly fell into place. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know one O/O who is single and lives in Fl. He is 50 years old and has a small fleet of trucks. I can Pm you his info if you like. He usually frequents this He hasn't been around lately though.
We all know you aren't married. :roll:
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Old 05-09-2007, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Originally Posted by DD60
I met my wife on the internet. I told her I was a trucker right off the bat and everything else slowly fell into place. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know one O/O who is single and lives in Fl. He is 50 years old and has a small fleet of trucks. I can Pm you his info if you like. He usually frequents this He hasn't been around lately though.
We all know you aren't married. :roll:

I am now. Me and Lisa tied the not.
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Old 05-09-2007, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by DD60
I am now. Me and Lisa tied the not.

I pity her. Really, I do.
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Old 05-09-2007, 02:57 PM
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never thought I'd be married to a trucker; and I certainly don't think I would have ever went lookin' for one- they are scary and smelly- except for mine heehee :P :lol:
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Old 05-09-2007, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Originally Posted by DD60
I am now. Me and Lisa tied the not.

I pity her. Really, I do.

Amazingly yes. :lol:
Keep right,Pass left
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Old 05-13-2007, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Windwalker
I'm not trying to pop your dream. I'm guessing that in your "romantic notion", you have your own idea of what it might be like. I would hope that, for your own sake, you would also be prepared to be disappointed, perhaps, more than once.

!. How well prepared are you, to sleep in a stranger's bedroom?

2. What kind of temper do you have? And, what are your pet peeves?

Keep in mind the close proximity, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I've seen couples, married for 10 years and more, would not know how to live without each other, and after 1 week in a truck, they were ready to get a divorce.

Ordinary factory or office jobs are far more tollarant toward marriages than trucking. If both people have "dominating characters", chances are that it will not last. One or the other MUST be easy-going and not set in their ways. Able to overlook things that might make someone else blow off steam. There are many, many relationships that work out here. But, there are also many that only work for short periods of time. My brother and sister-in-law are a prime example of that. She goes in the truck with him, and drives too. But, after 5 to 6 weeks, she has to stay home or they will be at each other's throats.

You might also want to be prepared to try more than once. Often, little things that you, or he, can not work with may not show up until you've been together in that proximity for a week or better.

Like I said. I'm not trying to pop your bubble, but I suggest you be prepared to be disappointed as well. I knew a couple from AR. He was driving for a few years. She learned to drive and got in the truck with him. I think it was about 7 weeks later, he kicked her out in TN. She had to find her own way home. Over the next 4 years, that seemed to be a regular feature of their marriage, every 3 to 4 months. They've been divorced for a few years now, after having been married for 15 years. But the first 11 of those years had nothing to do with driving a truck.

However, if you do find someone that you find you really don't want to be apart from, and he feels the same way about you, IN A TRUCK... You'd better get a "DEATH GRIP" on him. It would suggest that you have found someone far more special than most women will ever meet. I can tell you from experience, that life outside the truck also works. And it seems to work all by itself. It just seems so natural you don't even think what it was or might be like without each other. If you truly find such a man, don't hold anything back. Enjoy every minute you have. You're 44?

I met my wife when she was 41. When she was 45, cancer struck. The older you get, the more likely something may come and put an end to "Heaven" on earth.

Good luck to you.

There is a saying, with age comes wisdom. I would like to think that I know who I am by now, and that I know what type of man would be my best match.

I think most marriages fail because people simply don't choose the person that they have the most in common with, or, who have very different personalities to their own.

There is the saying opposites attract. But, in the long run, they don't last. You are better off to find someone you have the most in common with, just like you do when you choose your friends.

No one is perfect, and whatever imperfections you believe the other person has, you then have to decide whether you could put up with those imperfections for the rest of your life. If you can't, move on. If you can, then you just might find a life time of contentment.

What I don't want in a man...

No drinkers, no drugs, no short tempers, no ex-wife, no kids. Not asking for to much here, am I....Hahaha.... Oh, and isn't a "sports fan"....

A quiet man, who enjoys a quiet life, prefers living in the countryside, and has a easy going, gentle nature, and enjoys nature, animals, a bit of traveling, a few hobbies we both can share, and enjoys intelligent good conversation, I'll consider... We don't have to have everything in common, but, having most things in common, can only benefit the relationship. :wink:
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