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Old 10-01-2010, 09:37 AM
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I do not drive a truck that is speed limited, but I can tell you that you will rarely see me going over 60mph........
for starters it is just as you stated, most trucks are goverened at 63-66mph and I have found it is just easier to let them pass me than me have to leep skipping around them.

Second, the difference between going 65mph and 60mph is litterally NOTHING in the big picture. Unless you are traveling 700 miles NON-STOP then you will arrive say 20-30min before the guy going 60mph. Now I know most you guys in this forum don't have to pay for fuel, but that extra 5mph is also costing you .5mpg, which calculated can avg between $300-$400 a week.

Lastly, you ALL need to realize that everyday some new A-HOLE just got a license, weither it be a 4wheeler or a CDL, and they all are always in a big hurry to go nowhere.

So just sit back and enjoy the ride........ things could be worse, you could be stuck in a cubicle typing on a computer for an endless and thankless job like the other 70% of the country.
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Old 10-02-2010, 03:15 AM
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Originally Posted by LennyD View Post took about 10 minutes to pass a Fed-EX daycab...
So if it takes 10 minutes to pass it will take a couple of hours before you even get out of sight, like what are you gaining by passing him?

I drive a slow truck and get 'passed' like that quite often. If someone's coming up behind themI always back off but I really wonder what they think they are gaining with that extra 0.1 mph. Even if noone is coming up I'll back off anyway as they usually cut back in way too soon for my liking.

I've also got stuck out in the hammer lane but it doesn't happen often. I have been known to back off to let the merging truck in instead of moving over depending on the situation. But yeah, nothing like getting stuck out there.
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Old 10-02-2010, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by tinytim View Post
So if it takes 10 minutes to pass it will take a couple of hours before you even get out of sight, like what are you gaining by passing him?
Oh come on.... you know it means the world to him!!!!!

Guy is just as bad as a 4-wheeler. Even at the 0.2mph difference, by the time he drives for 2 more hours and stops to get fuel, the fed-ex day cab will be passing right back by him as he is going up the off ramp.

Sad what these guys do thinking they are making better time.
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Old 10-02-2010, 02:00 PM
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what about the 4 wheeler that is a mile behind you, you move over to pass, then he speeds up, gets right on your ass and keeps going back and forth to let you know he has to go, you get back over and then the 4 wheeler takes 5 miles to pass you
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Old 10-02-2010, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Fredog View Post
what about the 4 wheeler that is a mile behind you, you move over to pass, then he speeds up, gets right on your ass and keeps going back and forth to let you know he has to go, you get back over and then the 4 wheeler takes 5 miles to pass you
My personal favorite (seems to be an Illinois thing) is when the 4-wheeler comes racing up behind you as you are passing a truck and flashes his headlights at you to move quicker, he has to GO!!!
I always just pace next to the truck I'm passing and leave the 4-wheeler there for a few miles, then when he goes by I blow him kisses as he flips me off.... it really pisses them off.
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Old 10-02-2010, 06:43 PM
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I usually just grab another beer out of the fridge and keep on truckin.....
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Old 10-02-2010, 07:19 PM
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I guess I'm cut from a little different cloth.
I enjoy people hanging on the side of my doors...
only I think they get a little spooked by my examination.


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Old 10-07-2010, 05:05 AM
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Has anyone else noticed that the O.P hasn't been back on this thread? I guess he got put in his place by the "Old timers" here! :lol:

I guess we've all been preaching to the choir, as MOST of us here have similar feelings about this "slow pass" thingie.

I actually was on his side through the first half of his post. But, he lost me when he mentioned taking 10 minutes to pass another truck .... with a line of faster trucks behind him! :eek2::roll:

He's somewhat right that MOST trucks out there are governed between 60 and 67 mph. (slight adjustment to his figures.) ANY truck that can do 70 in a 70 mph zone should be given some room! Nothing more agravating than NOT being allowed to do the speed limit!

My current truck USED to be able to do 70. Now (through the stupidity of the volvo mechanics,) it will top out at 67. This puts me in the position of having to "manage" my position on the road every minute of my day! I am faster and lighter than MOST trucks on the road, but not ALL of them.

A good portion of my "daily" route is a 3-lane highway. I try to spend most of my time in that MIDDLE lane! I do this for many reasons. Mostly, I find that the 4wheelers behind me that SEEM to want me to move over will, if allowed the chance, just pull up beside me (if I move to the right) and MATCH my speed! Within a few minutes, either they run me into the back of a SLOWER truck or 4wheeler, OR into a dozen cars or trucks coming down the ON ramp in the right lane! I don't PLAY that game!

They have a "fast lane" to my left, OR they can pass me on the right and get GONE before the next on-ramp! That is THEIR responsibility. I am not breaking any laws, and "I" have a job to do!

But, I always keep my eyes on my mirrors! IF a faster truck is coming up behind me, and I'm sure he can pass me before I hit that "merging traffic," I will move over! IF he is just BARELY gaining ground on me, and I KNOW there are hazardous conditions ahead (the onramps or a CRETE truck...) I will hold my ground and MAKE him pass me on the right! Hey.... I was here FIRST!

When I get into the "hills," I ADJUST my attitude and my positon. At this point, it is usually only TWO lanes, and I try to accomodate as much as I can.... for both trucks AND 4wheelers! At this point, WEIGHT and power becomes a major issue.

SOME cars just like to ride my bumper because they THINK I have a CB and know where the cops are! They learn or they stay behind me! I am NOT going to let them box me into the slow lane! Who KNOWS what THEY are doing on the road that day? "I" am WORKING!

But, I have slowed down to let another truck pass if I thought he was really faster or lighter and can get ahead of me without delaying me! I am HAPPY to do it! I try to do the same for 4wheelers any time I can!

But, there is NO WAY I'll try to pass a truck if it will take me more than a minute or so, OR that by doing so, I will stack up a line of 4wheelers behind me for an extended time! And NEVER if it holds up a truck.... let alone a LINE of trucks.... for more than a minute!

If a car is hanging on my left back bumper? I give him a couple blasts of my left blinker. MOST of them "get it," and speed on by me and get out of my way!
Whether I am actually going to pass someone or not is immaterial! I just want them OUT OF MY WAY! I need an "out" in case things get hairy quickly, and/or I just want a clear passing lane before I catch up to that slower vehicle ahead of me!

I've told you before.... I am ON THE JOB the whole day! The ONLY thing that bothers me MORE than being held up by a slower vehicle, is for ME to be the one holding up a line of faster vehicles!

The O.P. hasn't learned a DAMM thing in 4 years if he can honesly say he's held up a truck train and wants to blame it on the driver to his right who he hasn't got the "juice" to pass!

I have "backed off" many times when I was IN the passing lane and "fallen behind" a slower truck when I realized I didn't have the power or the cargo to allow me to pass him QUICKLY!

I ain't no "oldtimer," but I try my best to remember that I am supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL driver!
Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 10-07-2010, 06:12 PM
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The slower truck should back out of it to let the minorly faster truck slide over, you cannot expect a faster truck to go below the governed speed and smell you exhaust all day. Courtesy would mean looking out for all of us, so back out of it for 20 secs and let the doode pass. 4wheelers and faster trucks get pissed when we do these races, so in the interest of all our safety lets try to minimize the passing time. Malaki and others that say "why should i when i may get screwed for it" This kind of attitude is understandable but is exactly why the level of courtesy among pros is dropping. There's always gonna be *******s, idiots and people that plain dont pay attention out there, thats no reason to get unfriendly and courteous. Don't get your blood pressure up boys. Enjoy the ride or change jobs.
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Old 10-08-2010, 07:15 AM
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I got hung out there on the left tonight. Nice guy I am I see a truck coming down the on ramp and I move over to the left, what's he do? Yep steps on it and just paces me, there wasn't anybody behind me so I hung there awhile figuring I'd take him on the hill that's coming nope no luck. I ended up backing off and I'd swear he backed off too! WHAT A JERK!
While I'm ranting here whats with all the *****holes and the high beams? I have mirrors on my truck and I use them why do so many drivers flash me in with the high beams?? IF YOU CAN'T BLINK YOUR HEADLIGHTS OFF DON'T DO ANY THING AT ALL!!!!!!!!
Thank you, rants over
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