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Old 09-26-2005, 12:12 PM
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My day went like this:
thurs. night 9:00pm - got load
9:00pm-10:30 - wrestling with rollers and crates trying to get them into my trailer
10:30pm-1:30am- driving
1:30am-2am - nap because I only got 3 hours of sleep the night before and didnt sleep any during the day because I was doing a run with a trainer so I could see what i would be doing
2am-4am - driving
4am-6:30am - sleep
6:30-7am - set up rollers and crates and position truck where they needed it
7am-8:30 - unloading, 350 pcs
8:30 - 10am- driving
10am - 12:30pm - unloading, 690 pcs
12:30 - 1:00pm- used bathroom and bought a pack of crackers because I havent ate since 2pm thursday afternoon. Never got to eat any of those crackers.
1pm - 2pm - driving
2pm- 2:30 - manuevering around parking lot to get to the back because there was construction in the front and in the alley way. Had to get out and walk the whole shopping center to see if my truck could make it.
2:30 - 6pm - unloading, 1500 pcs
6pm - 7pm - cleaning out trash in the trailer
7pm-7:30 - walked around to superfresh and bought a whole chicken
7:45 - 8pm - devoured chicked, 1st time I ate anything in the last 30 hours
8pm-8:30 - started doing my logbook from this morning
This is where your supposed to drive back to the DC to get another load but it was friday night and I was going home. I was too tired to drive even though I was 30 miles from my house, so I slept in the alley way. I didnt feel too safe there because there was more people walking around the back then there was the front of the shopping center.
8:30pm - 4am - sleep
4am - 5:30 - drive, fuel , drop trailer, go home

My log said totally different otherwise its impossible to get home or back the DC. You'll probably have 2-5 stops. 489 was round trip, but I didnt come back up till sunday afternoon. But if this would have been a weekday it would have all been on day. All my stops were within about 30 miles of each other.
Old 09-26-2005, 01:13 PM
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This is all great info...I have heard alot of negative on some of the dedicated runs.

How are the trucks...for a newbie will i get a decent truck or junk?

Do the tractors have tape players or CD's?

If I go with them...I will choose the southeast they have alot of runs to New Jersey...I want to get thru there since my parents live there...It would be nice to stop by for a few hrs every once in a while
Old 09-26-2005, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by shahan
My log said totally different otherwise its impossible to get home or back the DC.
Keep playing logbook poker,
sooner or later the house will win! :wink:
Old 09-26-2005, 03:58 PM
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Thanks for all that info. Just one other question for you. Did you have appointment times that you had to be at the stores or was it just when you get there kind of thing?
Old 09-26-2005, 05:31 PM
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appointment times, and you HAVE to get there on time. I was an hour late to my last stop and the store manager had an attitude. Tonight I got 5 stops all in baltimore, then a backhaul from shasta, then thats it, I go OTR.

Regional and OTR are the same, you stay on the eastern US. My trainer was midwest regional but we were in FL, and up to RI. Only teams go out west.
Old 09-26-2005, 06:55 PM
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Thanks for all the info. I will have to ask my recruiter about something though. I seen that you said that you are going to Baltimore. She told me that I would be staying in the Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, southern Michigan, and southern Wisconsin area. Got me courious.
Old 09-27-2005, 01:33 AM
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Your going to be out of joliet, il. Im out of Berwick, PA
Old 09-27-2005, 01:49 AM
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Well, USX got the best of me. I turned the truck in this morning and rented a car to get home. Since day 1 of orientation, I've had them do nothing but lie to me.

It started when the recruiter said that I'd have my truck on my 2nd day (I rehired). Orientation started on Friday, I got my truck on Monday about 6pm.

I had a load that was a 100% hand load on Sept 1st. It "should" be on my paycheck this Friday.

Getting hold of anyone (including my FM) on nights/weekends is a joke. They give you a phone number which you enter your driver ID, then it's supposed to transfer you to your FM. The average wait time I've had on that line is 45 minutes.

I started with them with a 660 Volvo (they have no space inside). They swapped me to a high-mileage 780 Volvo that had to be turned back in 1 WEEK later.

I was sent to do a truck recovery. The truck had set over a month. When I picked it up, it was trashed, bad steers, a lot of electrical problems. I brought it back to Medway on Friday evening, only to find out this was now my permanent truck. Also, all but about 3 permits were expired by 1+ years (including the IFTA).

While sitting at Medway over the weekend for repairs/waiting until the office people (who are on bankers hours) came in on Monday for the permits, my weekend fleet manager decided to try to push me a little bit too far. She sent me load info that picked up Monday @ 7am in Kentucky. I sent a message back that I couldn't take the load because of the expired permits. She responds that I don't have the option to turn down the load. I called her and explained what the situation was, and again, she said that "the load must be picked up at 7am on Monday". I told her "Ok - but something tells me that I won't get past the first scalehouse I come to." She then cancelled the load.

This morning I waited until 8am when everyone came in. The 1st person I saw was my FM. I told her I was leaving, and she immediately started trying to keep me from leaving.

I complained to her about my miles (which have averaged about 1,700 per week). She said that she has drivers on her board who are averaging 3,200-3,500 per week. I asked why I had to quit to get miles.

I complained to her about the way I had been re-seated into an illegal truck, that couldn't move for 3 days after I recovered it (and still hadn't been detailed). She said she'd get me a better truck. I asked her why I had to quit to get a truck worth driving.

I complained to her about not being able to get hold of the night/weekend fm's. She said she'd look up the numbers sometime today and let me know them. I asked her why I had to quit to get phone numbers for people I needed to speak with on a daily basis.

She then suggested that we speak with the terminal manager. We discussed pretty much the same things, except he offered me a bonus to stay as well as a brand new Volvo.

To me, that was an insult. For 2 months I've complained on a daily basis about the problems I've had. Now, when I'm on the way out the door, they try to kiss my ass to keep me there.

All they would have had to do was to fix the problems as they occurred, not wait until it was too late, and I was too mad to even consider it.

As far as my driving career, for OTR, I'm done. If a job requires OTR, I won't even consider it now. I have an interview on Wednesday for FedEx running local @ $12.50/hour.

As far as USX goes, every problem I discussed above is what every driver I spoke to at the terminal this weekend is having. Watching a 15yr USX driver quit 2 days before me over the same exact things says something about a company.
Old 09-27-2005, 02:26 AM
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Sux for sure, Malaki!
A person can and should only take so much!
Enough, is enough!
Never let a company keep you to poor to quit!
Ala the rental car and head home!
Wish you well!
Old 09-29-2005, 01:11 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: N'awlins
Posts: 188

malaki you just gave me an idea.i'm gonna go to tunnel hill and im going to tell them im quitting then get that "stay with us bonus" then stay for a few months then repeat the process! cha ching baby!

i hear ya on the weekend bafoon fm's.takes a bit to get hold of them via tele but your qualcomm they must answer in a timely manner because its on record.your qualcomm must of been down?longest i waited was like 15 mins but never 45 mins.

why were you a rehire anyways? i always wanted to ask you that.good luck with fed ex. but if theres ever going to be another try with usx for you let me give you a hint when you run into logistic problems:MACRO 55! send in one of them babies and sh!t gets done asap.

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