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Roadhog 03-06-2013 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo (Post 524187)
[Sorry I am so ugly. I know most of you thought I must be a GOD or something! lol! just friggin' KIDDING!]

Gnaaah.... :roll3: I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't braced hard enough.

***me... why did I look. :mad: ... I can't undo that either, I suppose.

golfhobo 03-06-2013 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Roadhog (Post 524210)
Gnaaah.... :roll3: I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't braced hard enough.

***me... why did I look. :mad: ... I can't undo that either, I suppose.

Sorry, Hoggie. I should have "blocked" you for your own good! In your condition... I could have killed ya! :p

Jackrabbit379 03-06-2013 04:45 PM

Sounds like everything is going good. Sounds like good news hobo..
Glad to hear it.

Hey, I sent you a friend request on fb..

Roadhog 03-06-2013 06:33 PM

I at least try to hide my mug with my hump.
I had to glance twice at you Hobro, to see if it was a mask. :eek1: ;) eerrg... oOooFf....dag....

.... you eat with that face? :roll3:

golfhobo 03-06-2013 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jackrabbit379 (Post 524220)
Sounds like everything is going good. Sounds like good news hobo..
Glad to hear it.

Hey, I sent you a friend request on fb..

Yeah, I saw it and accepted it. Almost didn't cuz I didn't know your name at all, and that guy sure didn't look much like a trucker at first! lol. But, when I saw Wichita Falls, I knew it had to be you. I'll get back to you there soon. As you might imagine, I'm getting a ton of requests at the moment... due to people telling people I USED to know about me and my daughter. Life sure is different now!

Who KNEW "the Hobo" could be so popular, eh?

golfhobo 03-06-2013 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Roadhog (Post 524221)
I at least try to hide my mug with my hump.
I had to glance twice at you Hobro, to see if it was a mask. :eek1: ;) eerrg... oOooFf....dag....

.... you eat with that face? :roll3:

Yep, sure do! But, I HIDE it with a mask of YOU.... so as not to scare off the food! ;)

Of course, that usually means I have to eat alone! Food or wimmin'.... tough choice!

golfhobo 03-06-2013 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 523953)
It is amazing what can happen in a few days. I am glad that things seem to be working out with your daughter. Do keep us posted.

Thanks, GMAN. We may see some things differently, but I've always known you were a good family man. Your support in this is very much appreciated. I just don't know HOW I'm going to explain that blue mask if she ever checks in here! lol.

Roadhog 03-06-2013 07:50 PM

I know many of us asked for God to help you, and I'm giving God a prayer of thanks, and that He may continue to strengthen and enrich your family! :)
Even friendships are being enriched, by this powerful blessing. (two thumbs up) :)

Roadhog 03-06-2013 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo (Post 524223)
Who KNEW "the Hobo" could be so popular, eh?

You do have a lot of green chicklets. :)

golfhobo 03-06-2013 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Roadhog (Post 524227)
I know many of us asked for God to help you...

I KNOW that, too, Hog. And I absolutely appreciate that! If there IS a God, everything I KNOW of HIM tells me that your prayers did not go unnoticed. And... my situation certainly NEEDED them... and has (possibly) been resolved, in part, by them. And Facebook! ;)

But, I want to know where God was when I was first going thru the separation with my child? What did I do so WRONG that I deserved this? What was he so "involved" in, that he couldn't HELP me for the last 30 years? You think maybe that I wasn't "ready" for it then? I've thought that many times.

But... within 6 months of the time my wife left me for the 5th time in less than a year... I got a GREAT paying job in the "Intel" business, and was making MORE than enough money to support my "family," and in a position that made me feel "good" about myself. God's timing was just MORE than a bit off! :roll3:

I just don't see enough "real" evidence to support your belief at this time. But, I don't have a problem with your belief. I think religion is a great "balm" (maybe even a pacifier) for those who need it. Although I've been surrounded by it ALL my life... I just don't.. "need it."

Does that make me a BAD person? A sinner or a heathen? Anti-"American" or... a BAD father? Then, WHY did your God answer your prayers for me? Oh, don't answer that... I already KNOW all the answers to THAT question! lol.

Suffice it to say that YOU feel your prayers (and those of others) were answered. You ONLY started praying for me recently. Was my (preacher) father NOT praying for me long before you and others on this site ever MET me? I'm sorry but THIS man has "pull" with the Man upstairs! I don't know. Don't know that YOUR prayers might not carry more weight than HIS .... because you are just a "concerned friend." ... and not my father.

But, you are a real GOOD friend, and therefore, i accept and honor your beliefs to the BEST of my ability. Dangit! THAT didn't come out right either. Sorry, Hoggie... I am just a bit screwed up at the moment.


:mad::mad:and I'm giving God a prayer of thanks, and that He may continue to strengthen and enrich your family! :)
Wow. TWO "angry faces." lol! So... you are ANGRY that you have to give God the glory for something we have BOTH cared about? NO problems here, Hoggie. YOU have to deal with how you feel (and were taught) about "praying" for what you call "liberals." LOL! But, if it's any comfort... I am a Centrist! ;)


Even friendships are being enriched, by this powerful blessing. (two thumbs up)
Yes. MANY are. Mostly outside of THIS forum. But, that is another life. But, I am thrilled if this situation has brought me closer to my "friends" here on CAD!

Finding my daughter has changed my life... no doubt! But, it has not changed my politics, and as of YET.... my religious beliefs. But, (as a Centrist,) I am open to discussion and debate. ;)

All that being said... and with my beliefs considered.... I am SO appreciative of ALL who have said prayers for me, or had positive thoughts (and posts) for me!

You guys really ARE the greatest! [Yeah, I could have done it all WITHOUT you, I suppose...] But... I sure wouldn't have WANTED to!

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