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Old 02-12-2010, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by GMAN View Post
We seem to forget that the real power in this country was supposed to be with the individual states. It was after the Civil War that states began to give their power to the federal government. It is good to see at least some states begin to exercise their states rights.
With thousands of posts on this board here, you of all should know that this is only for the show. If Virginia was so god darn independent, then why did they accept money from the feds? Why do they have deficits? Debts, or is this Obama's fault as well?

Civil war was long time ago, if you like to live in the past then maybe you should move to the museum...
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:11 PM
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Denjah, don't drink too much of the kool-aid there bud. There is no public option in one of the two proposed bills. I believe it's Pelosi's bill has no public option. The only way Harry Reid got his bill passed was to include a public option, he had no choice but to include it or this whole debate would be dead.
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Old 02-12-2010, 10:14 PM
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Liberals are starting to panic and therefore, are getting extremely defensive. Can't say I blame them with the level of destruction their president is ladeling out over OUR country. They know their time is pretty much up and after the 2010 election annihilation looming over them, they will never be heard again.

Personally, I think it's rather amusing. Nothing gets a liberal's dander up more than challenging the health care sham that the current dictator-in-chief is trying to ram down our throat.

I really need to get a countdown clock in my sig line, counting down the days to the END of their messiah's one and ONLY presidential term and the END to the worst mistake this country has ever made.

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Old 02-13-2010, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Dejanh View Post
Get your tinfoil hat off, PLEASE !!!

Only fine you will ever have to pay is if you try and game the system by not being insured and trying to access care while giving the bill to the government to pay.

You have a right to keep your existing insurance if you like and if you dont, then sign up for public option. Nobody is forcing you to do anything just dont come back crying to the government after you get sick, thats when the fine comes in and i fully support it, just like i would support a fine on people who are on welfare yet are able to work.

If you actually looked closer at this bill you may like it. Dont bash it just because it is a democrat idea, same thing that all republicans are doing.

No tin foil hat needed. I paraphrased what Obama stated in one of his press conferences about the healthcare bill. You may or may not be able to keep your current insurance. The way things are now if you have one of the better plans you could also have a problem. I don't need to make this up. This is what Obama, Pelosi and company have been stating. I really don't care if this healthcare sham is a democrat or republican idea. It is a bad idea. It isn't good for us as individuals and it is not good for this country.

You see, we don't really have a healthcare crisis in this country. There are problems, but the only crisis is in the minds of the liberals. They go into crisis mode to get people to go along with their agenda. We do have some problems with our healthcare system. It mostly involves too much government involvement and too much litigation. Those are the two primary reasons our healthcare costs are so high. They won't address those issues because most of them are attorneys and it would harm their profession to take away some of their candy. If they wanted to help control heathcare costs and reduce premiums then they should make it easier for insurance companies to compete across state lines. You can't believe everything you hear from the media or politicians. You need to dig under the surface. Talk to some healthcare providers. You will learn more about the real costs and abuses than listening to politicians and the media.
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Dejanh View Post
With thousands of posts on this board here, you of all should know that this is only for the show. If Virginia was so god darn independent, then why did they accept money from the feds? Why do they have deficits? Debts, or is this Obama's fault as well?

Civil war was long time ago, if you like to live in the past then maybe you should move to the museum...
I don't know that Virginia has taken money from the Feds other than the usually stuff. Most of the states are in financial difficulty due to their out of control spending. Rather than cutting costs they raise taxes. That is why the federal government is also in difficulty.

I know that the civil war was a long time ago. I don't live in the past, but I do remember. I also know that unless we remember and learn from the past we will repeat history. What is happening now is proof. The events that brought this financial crisis to a head is almost identical to what happened prior and during the Great Depression of 1929. I live in an area full of civil war history. I also have family who fought on both sides of that terrible war. I don't think that any of us should forget what happened during that time. We are seeing the beginnings of a rebellion in this country. At this point it only involves words and ideals. Hopefully, that is as far as it will go. There are events unfolding in this country that are very similar to those that led up to the American Civil War. You can't stick your head in the sand forever.
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Old 02-13-2010, 04:00 AM
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It sounds like they don't want us to have good health insurance. They would rather have everyone have the same insurance. I don't know what difference it makes. Why does President Obama even bother with it? I don't understand it. We have more problems in the country and even the world, and he's trying to get everyone on some government insurance.

GMAN, the War Between the States was terrible, but I love the history. My wife tells me that I should get my degree, and be a historian. :lol:
Blue and the Gray is one of my favorites.
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Old 02-13-2010, 01:00 PM
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Jack there's no better way to control a country than to have everything govt. run and healthcare is another step in controlling our lives completely by this admin. They truly believe that we Americans need the govt. to run our lives because we can't do it ourselves, hence why the economy is in the trash and people are losing everything they own, or so they claim. This hasn't got much airtime but just this week it was announced that Obama wants to walk all over the 4th Amedment saying that we Americans do not and should not have a reasonable expectation to cell phone privacy as far as when and where we use it. He never said why he wants to know that info but he wants it legalized so govt agencies can get it whenever they feel like. Even Dems are suddenly fearing this man hearing this news. I can understand it for going after criminals but this could and would open pandora's box and very easily be abused. Next thing you know they will be asking to get transcripts of phone conversations legalized. I'm totally fine with the current way of getting a warrant to pull the records, we do not need to be giving them free reign to pull the records as they see fit.

Historians don't get paid much. I was studying to be a History major myself. I had a concentration for the Civil War. One class I hardly went to, only to take the tests and got an A in it. Roomie was amazed that I was never there and had an A in it while he was struggling. It was the other classes I had to take that caused me to give up on college. I wanted to study History and that was my major but they told me I also had to study math, science and arts in order to get my degree............what the heck does a college level math do for me as a historian? Or knowing how much sulfuric acid to mix to come up with a binary formula? Told me it was part of the core cirriculumm that everyone has to do. Took the placement test for math and bombed it, it placed me in a math class that the school didn't even offer, Algebra 2. Even had to take an engineering class to satisfy my specialty class hours.
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Old 02-13-2010, 01:35 PM
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What I'm hearing on the news suggests that more and more of the Dems are trying to distance themselves from Obama. It's the only way many of them will stay in office after this falls elections. That fact is even being openly stated in the news media. The rest are just happy that Obama isn't going up for re-election this fall, because he'd lose by a landslide.
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95 View Post
Historians don't get paid much. I was studying to be a History major myself. I had a concentration for the Civil War. One class I hardly went to, only to take the tests and got an A in it. Roomie was amazed that I was never there and had an A in it while he was struggling. It was the other classes I had to take that caused me to give up on college. I wanted to study History and that was my major but they told me I also had to study math, science and arts in order to get my degree............what the heck does a college level math do for me as a historian? Or knowing how much sulfuric acid to mix to come up with a binary formula? Told me it was part of the core cirriculumm that everyone has to do. Took the placement test for math and bombed it, it placed me in a math class that the school didn't even offer, Algebra 2. Even had to take an engineering class to satisfy my specialty class hours.
Well-rounded education=more money for the university getting severely cut in the state budget.
If anything, education needs serious reforming so people could learn skills they actually want and need, not be required to sit through fluff courses in order for a particular school to receive more funds for a new building of some sort.

Another crazy thing that keeps happening in most parts of CA is the approval of these education bond-measures.
It's bad enough to have to take extra courses to satisfy a degree requirement, but when bond money is allocated to a shiny, new activities center(that will get trashed) instead of more instructors for night and weekend programs, then something is seriously out of order.
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