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Old 04-19-2009, 01:13 PM
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I would not be surprised if Obama and the chickencrats didn't declare martial law. That would suspend elections and assure the stranglehold these people have on our government. They could impose curfews and restrict travel. It seems that these people are in fear of the people. That is the real reason they want to disarm this country. They are using a back door approach to disarm us by restricting purchases of ammunition. This could push some to start attacking the government which is what they fear. I think there are enough people of character who would stand up to the government. Just look at how many people protested at these tea parties. This was a peaceful protest that was radicalized by the far left media such as CNN and the main stream media. The more control they try to exercise the more people will resist. There will be some who will go along thinking that they don't have a choice or the power to influence events. Others could become more radical. Some of us remember what freedom is about and what it is like to be free. Events of the end times are coming together at an alarming pace. The world economy could be the means of putting forth the anti Christ. I expect a global conflict to be possible. That is what has happened in the past. And history repeats itself.
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Old 04-19-2009, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by GMAN View Post
I would not be surprised if Obama and the chickencrats didn't declare martial law. That would suspend elections and assure the stranglehold these people have on our government. They could impose curfews and restrict travel. It seems that these people are in fear of the people. That is the real reason they want to disarm this country. They are using a back door approach to disarm us by restricting purchases of ammunition. This could push some to start attacking the government which is what they fear. I think there are enough people of character who would stand up to the government. Just look at how many people protested at these tea parties. This was a peaceful protest that was radicalized by the far left media such as CNN and the main stream media. The more control they try to exercise the more people will resist. There will be some who will go along thinking that they don't have a choice or the power to influence events. Others could become more radical. Some of us remember what freedom is about and what it is like to be free. Events of the end times are coming together at an alarming pace. The world economy could be the means of putting forth the anti Christ. I expect a global conflict to be possible. That is what has happened in the past. And history repeats itself.
There will be 'radicals' that will fight back, which the government will label as terrorists, and squash them out. Ultimately the government will win, America will slowly dissolve. By the end of his term the Military will have been widdled down to almost nothing, the people will have very little access to weapons, with very strict regulations on what they can have. The economy I do believe however will level out, and I think we will see a rise in domestic production. But I do not think it will ever get back to what it was. You will see tighter and tighter regulations throughout, making travel much harder between states, alongside tighter vehicle emissions requirements solely to control the movement of the people. With the lack of military, and still predominately import market, we will not be any sort of major world power, we will be controlled by the outside markets and in no position to defend ourselves against any major attacks.

I think you are right, the Anti-Christ is going to come from the economy, not the political scene. And he is most certainly not going to come from America, the bible says he will be from the middle east area.

The bible says nothing about America in end time prophesies, why you may wonder, because simply we will not be a major power, we will have no control over anything, we will just be along for the ride to whatever the rest of the world is doing.

But it won't end just there. I think it will really end in nuclear encounter. I say this for a few reasons. One, the bible says 2/3's of the world population will be wiped out by wormwood poisoning the water, well wormwood translates into radation! Only thing we as humans have that is capable of killing 2/3's of the population of the world is nuclear weapons, and it won't be instant death of 2/3rds by the blasts, it will be mainly from radation contamination over a time period. With no military our last ditch effort to defend ourselves will be what nukes we have left, more then likely in a retaliatory strike, I do not see us being first strikers with nukes.

Sorry if that sounds radical and armageddonish, but that is exactly what it is! After the aftermath of a major nuclear war in the world, there really won't be much of anyone that is a super power. That is why the anti-christ comes along, to unite who is left into a single governing body, not because those countries will want to be, but because it will be needed to try to let the world survive and go on.

What Obama is doing to try to remove the possability of Radial Action against the government, is exactly the first steps to help layout a government plan to subdue factions such as strong christians from preparing for end times. I know a LOT of churches that actually have underground bomb bunkers, a lot where built in the 50s, but I know one church that just recently built one! And most of those churches do keep them stocked with food and medical supplies.

Just a few years ago I just couldn't see how the end times would unfold into what the bible says it will be, but now I can clearly see it.
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As I sit looking all around,
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So all I can do is take it slow.
But I do know it will work out,
So I wait and watch without a doubt
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Old 04-19-2009, 03:09 PM
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I am not sure whether the final conflict will come from a nuclear war or a falling comet. The end result will be basically the same. I think either is possible based upon the prophesies. I agree that the Antichrist will come from the middle east. If it is true that Obama is from that part of the world then there could be a connection. The U.S. is being reduced to a third world country. Obama and the democrats seem to be determined to gut our military. That could be from fear of them turning against an oppressive government. The military has access to weapons and the knowledge of how to use them. I am not sure if the military would support the government or the people if there was an uprising. So many people have become complacent in this country. It is refreshing that so many turned out or participated in the tea party. At least there were some who decided to get involved. This administration seems to be obsessed with gaining control over the people. Camera's have gone up across our land. You will find them on interstates and city streets. Our elected representatives have failed to do the job they were elected to do. They have sold their souls and our country for a few pieces of silver and the chance to hold onto their power. The thing about power is that it can be fleeting. Obama has already stated that this is a country of citizens not Christians. That makes his position pretty clear to me. You can say anything you want about Christians but mention Muslims in the same vain and you could be attacked using "hate crime" legislation. Every society in recent history that has wanted to control the people has started by getting weapons out of the hands of the citizenry.
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Old 04-19-2009, 03:43 PM
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The Machines will take over..

I see a Terminator 5,6,7,8,9,10, coming about.

It the end of the world as we know it.......

So lets just get drunk and screw...

It is what it is....

The Irony behind the fact that I find Solace behind the wheel of 80,000 lbs of explosive material..
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Old 04-19-2009, 11:34 PM
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Slimland said:

So now that we have a government that will soon tell us when we can go to the restroom, live, die etc.
The referernce to bowel movements is certainly superlative and irrational. But, as for LIVING and DYING.... it was the BUSH administration (and the Republican/Christian congress,) that tried to make that Shiavo womam live perpetually on life support even AGAINST her express wishes to her husband not to do so! The FEDERAL government (under BUSH) even superceded State's Rights to enforce their "SANCTITY OF LIFE" mandate! It is THEIR "policies" that have put unsurvivable infants on life support, terminally ill patients on life support, and withheld UNWANTED embryos from serving the scientific good for finding cures for what DOES kill LIVING human beings!

I just hope that we Texans realize and do something about it before it is too late. Rick Perry gave a pretty good speach, but I think the threat should have been a little bit stronger, like Texas being on its own again..
Oklahoma did the same thing about a year ago! Perry's speech was purely a political "ad" aimed at restoring the flagging "BASE" of Republicons.

Maybe, my "history" is weak, but.... as I recall, Texas was NEVER really "on it's own." MANY nonTexan Americans died to SAVE and REDEEM it from MEXICO.... who owned it.

How would you like it TODAY, if you made $1 an hour for your labor there?

I am saddened to see the America I love, run by a bunch of power hungry idiots, who take away the rights of the people who had put them in office to begin with.
You mean like BUSH and CHENEY?? I used to WORK for the NSA! When I was there, it was absolutely forbidden to "boresight" our satellites (i.e: target America) for intelligence gathering. We had to get a SPECIAL congressional exemption even to MONITOR the tests of the Patriot Missile System being tested in California. [which BTW...failed most of the time.]

ALL of this changed after 9/11.... and the advent of the Bush/Cheney "warfooting" doctrine. You are blaming Obama for policies that BUSH put into effect!

If you are talking about the Obama administration, PLEASE cite some specific examples of human/civil rights abrogations that were not already sanctioned under the Bush administration.... or STFU!!!

The Word is comming to past, and right before the eye's they still deny it. So I guess I will put on my tin hat, and grab my gun and defend my right and family, when it is time. Tyranny in the making and a paved road for the Anti-Christ.
So, I guess we can't count on you to be RATIONAL if, and when, a challenge comes. You won't know the difference between AMERRICAN troops... your OWN National Guard.... and forces from the "terrorists?"

And in the making Anyone who thinks diffrently from our new government and president are considered terrorist.
TOTAL bullchit!! Have you READ Sec. Napolitano's remarks on the subject? NO... I don't THINK SO! You are basing your inflammatory remarks on what you heard from FOXnews and/or Glenn Beck's paranoid ramblings!

I see a civil war comming, but then again we Lazy people will just sit by and take it I am sure..
It matters NOT what you "lazy" but imaginative Right Wing Paranoids do! The American Military will serve the Constitution and the CIC! Just as with the "war of the South," you would LOSE! The most powerful military in the HISTORY of the world will not lose to a bunch of radicals with assault weapons! Your only.... and I do mean ONLY.... hope is for a Military Coup! And that WILL NOT HAPPEN in America!

Here are 3 links One of Texas Governer calling out the Fedral Government. Then the document of the same thing; the next and last is just one of my update post on the same subject..
I read your links. All of them. Every word of them. I am not impressed! NOR am I alarmed about the state of the "Union."

What you (an many others) don't seem to realize is... these "assessments" were ordered under the BUSH Administration. They take YEARS to come up with this stuff. What YOU are hearing NOW, is representative of the public's opinon (and that of intelligence agencies) under the LAST administration! Yet, you want to blame it ALL on Obama.

I try my best, Slimland, to not hold you accountable for the hysteria that many here show concerning the "NEW" administration. But, you have clearly aligned yourself WITH them, and that puts us on opposite sides.

I don't like EVERYTHING he is doing! But, I understand his rationale. And I GUARANTEE you it is NOT "anti-American." The talk of stockpiling guns and ammunition, and "rebelling" against the government, and Bullchit about the "endtimes" as relates to THIS administration, are NOTHING but "indoctrination" from the right wing media.... designed to appeal to their BASE, in an attempt to regain power of the government for the good of the UPPER CLASS!

I...personally...have ONE AGENDA. That is to restore the rights and "standing" of the Middle Class of America! I believe STRONGLY that this is the only "base" that matters. I believe that it DRIVES our national productivity (GDP/GNP) and therefore our standing throughout the World.

Unlike my Republicon friends... I do NOT wish to IMPOSE my personal or religious beliefs on the citizens of America. You can KILL yourself anytime you WISH! My "personal" beliefs about the sanctity or beginning of life have absolutely NO BEARING on my beliefs that, as an American, you are free to make you own choices!

IF there IS such a thing as a GOD... he has given us that FREE WILL! He "alone" will be the judge. What gives YOU, or any government, the right to dictate "LIFE" issues???

I abhor gay relationships! But, I will take up arms if necessary to DEFEND their AMERICAN rights to freedom of CHOICE! And, I certainly agree that they should have EQUAL PROTECTION under the law... 14th Ammendment!

Likewise, I have no REAL stomach for seeing good American troops die to IMPOSE our "imperialistic" desires for a World Democracy" on countries that don't understand or WANT such a form of government. Democracy is good... no doubt. But, that was OUR choice! And we have NO RIGHT to impose it upon OTHERS! We did not even press it upon England after winning our freedom!

It absolutely ASTOUNDS and confuses me that, a nation borne of dissent from English control... which is to say... the CHURCH of England... and founded upon religious FREEDOM, and the absolute RIGHT of each citizen to be FREE from religious doctrines and RULES... would even CONSIDER any law that would IMPOSE a religious belief on its people!

The Obama administration is CLEARLY against such type of contrrol. For ME.... that is a good start. That is in line with the Constitutional edict of a "separation of church and state."

If Rick Perry, and the MAJORITY of Texans want to use the 10th Ammendment to say that they have a right to pass laws concerning "right to life" issues.... I have no problem with that. If that goes against Federal guidelines, and they must give up federal funds, I have NO PROBLEM! Just SEE if you can pass a huge TAX on your constituents to pay for your "values!" And make SURE that the tax is EQUAL on both the rich and the poor! And make sure it is not unconstituional, as the Supreme Court has decided.

Beyond that... I couldn't care LESS what Texas does!

If y'all choose to seceed? That should reduce my tax burden, as I won't have to give FEDERAL FEMA funds to rebuild your sorry asses on the coast after each and EVERY hurricane that comes through! Get your help from MEXICO! ..... IF you can! :hellno:

Hasta la vista mi amigo! I hope you ENJOY your life under control of the drug cartels!

Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 04-20-2009, 12:59 AM
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I don't see anywhere where it was stated that anyone is trying to impose religious doctrine on anyone. But I do agree Hobo, that in the end the federal government will win anyway, and the US Military will stay sided with the government. But remember, this country was founded BY the People FOR the People, the federal government was formed solely to maintain the state of the union, but now it is a complete 180, the federal government now dictates and controls the union, and the people! That is no longer democracy! Hell I couldn't even begin to tell you what it is anymore! It is like a quasi-socialist/feudalist/partially democratic system.

The balance of power is no longer in the hands of the people, I don't care what anyone says. The Federal Government has grown entirely too large, and has been allowed to gain too much power.

Quite honestly if a governing body attempted to come at me and tell me to cease and desist in doing something the constitution declares me rights to do, I will refuse, and if they try to use force on me to comply, I will use force back, no matter what the consequence to myself. I would rather die defending my rights then to give in. Sounds extreme right now, but you wait and see what will come in the coming years.
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As I sit looking all around,
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Are all I have so it seems.
The future I do not know,
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But I do know it will work out,
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Old 04-20-2009, 03:23 AM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo View Post

Maybe, my "history" is weak, but.... as I recall, Texas was NEVER really "on it's own." MANY nonTexan Americans died to SAVE and REDEEM it from MEXICO.... who owned it.

Texas was a republic (country) from 1836 to 1846 when it was annexed into the United States as the State of Texas. During that time the republic had 4 presidents including one interim president and another that served two terms. The office was similar to that of president of the United States. There was an interim president for a few months, but the first elected president was Sam Houston who ironically was a congressman and governor of Tennessee before moving west to fight for Texas independence. Sam Houston is the president who served two terms. Who knows, had Santa Ana not sent in federal troops to Texas there might never have been a Republic of Texas.
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Old 04-20-2009, 03:30 AM
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Originally Posted by matcat View Post
The balance of power is no longer in the hands of the people, I don't care what anyone says. The Federal Government has grown entirely too large, and has been allowed to gain too much power.

When this country was originally established it was with a weak federal or centralized government. Our forefathers didn't want to have an imperialistic government. That is one reason they left England. Giving power from the states to the federal government started around the time the American Civil War ended. Today, the centralized government uses federal money to gain control. They collect money from the citizens through income and other taxes and distribute them according to how well the states comply with federal mandates. This government would likely function much better if states took their power back.
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Old 04-20-2009, 03:42 AM
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Originally Posted by GMAN View Post
When this country was originally established it was with a weak federal or centralized government. Our forefathers didn't want to have an imperialistic government. That is one reason they left England. Giving power from the states to the federal government started around the time the American Civil War ended. Today, the centralized government uses federal money to gain control. They collect money from the citizens through income and other taxes and distribute them according to how well the states comply with federal mandates. This government would likely function much better if states took their power back.
Funny thing about taxes too is that legally most of us aren't even in the taxable bracket! But the IRS would have you believe different.
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As I sit looking all around,
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Are all I have so it seems.
The future I do not know,
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But I do know it will work out,
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Old 04-20-2009, 04:06 AM
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According to some things that I have read, the 16th amendment, which provides for a federal income tax, was not legally ratified. Thus, it is not legally an amendment to the constitution. I have no idea if that is true or not. But then when has little things such as legalities been of concern to the government?
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