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Old 09-26-2008, 05:49 PM
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I tested positive for dumb-ass.. I know it's a false positive, who do I call?
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Old 09-26-2008, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Originally Posted by comnking
I appreciate your concerns about any potential legal danger that I might be placing myself in but I have not accused anyone of anything.
Yes you have.

Are you prepared to cover the potential legal danger you are putting CAD in as well?
Please provide the legal basis for your concern. I have discussed this with an attorney and public notices for fact finding are legal. If you are aware of the law that supports your concern, I would appreciate your sharing rather than what appears to be an unfounded opinion.
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Old 09-26-2008, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by comnking

Please provide the legal basis for your concern. I have discussed this with an attorney and public notices for fact finding are legal.
So go make a public notice. This is a privately owned website.
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Old 09-26-2008, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Orangetxguy
I was all set to call BS with this guy......and I still might.

My question.
Was your receipt for the sample presented for the "split" testing?

If your answer is "NO", why wasn't it? THAT is why you were given the receipt in the first place. That is why your receipt is green. When a "positive" is challenged, they don't just open up the second sample and test it. Receipts are compared first. IF the receipts match up, then the "split" is hand delivered to a second lab, and everyone involved is present for the included.

I have seen 4 challenges in 29 years. Of those 4, only one was "false". After investigation, it was determined that the nurse at the Clinic had switched samples with a driver, because "She" was known to be clean. The nurse needed a sample from a clean female, to pass her own test. The switch was made with the help of one other male nurse at the clinic.

So..yeah..I know it can happen...but twice in one company, at the same time?

I wonder...did someone make "Brownies" for the crew and you and the other "positive" driver pigged them down??

Otherwise...why wasn't your receipt presented before the second sample was tested? That is how it is done. They don't test that second sample until "You" challenge the test results. That is why there are two taken.
You are absolutely wrong about the driver being present for the split sample. Next time you visit the collection site ask some questions or go to the SAMHSA website and read up. Once the sample leaves your hand at the collection site you never see it again. When you approve the split sample the vial is shipped to another location. In my case it went to another state, across the country from me. I asked to look at the labels to make sure they were the ones signed by me and had not been tampered with. The response that I got was that I am not permitted to have any access with the sample. They confirm that the label wasn't tampered with and compare the signature to your form to make sure it looks like your signature. I personally am not comfortable with that because no one knows my signature like me and I am certain the people at the lab are not handwriting analyst. However, my comfort level didn't matter to them.

When I found myself in this situation I had no idea that the system is so bent on making it impossible for a person to prove the truth. I even offered to submit to a spinal tap test because I heard that they are the most accurate and if you ever used drugs it would even tell when. I said I would even pay for it and it was refused. I did submit to a hair sample and absolutely no drugs were detected. The hair sample was 5.2 inches long so they had plenty of months to verify for. My last negative random was just on 4/17/08 so you would think that would prove it but no.

Three months ago I was arrogant and ignorrant about these drug tests (a lot like most drivers). I knew that I don't do drugs and thought that made me safe from ever dealing with this. Well, surprise! It didn't matter! Since then, I have been schooled on the process.

When I started this thread it was to try and help other good, clean drivers. Not get involved in arguments about whether or not I am telling the truth. Believe me or not, it doesn't matter to me anymore. I am a faithful believer in God and his plan. He allowed me to walk this path for a reason and I trust him to see me and my family through it. I trust Him to also see all the drivers and their families that have been hit with a FALSE positive, through this mess.

As for your comment about twice in the same company....I think you have misunderstood what I wrote or perhaps I wasn't clear. The other and I do NOT work for the same company. We never knew eachother before meeting on a message board. What is the same in our stories is the basis for the questions in my original post:

Same lab for sample a
Same lab for sample b
Same MRO
Same certifying scientist
Neither of us ever used drugs
Marijuana was the detected drug in both our cases

A lot of you seem to think that I have pointed the finger at a single person in this process as being "the devil". When I look at the list above I see a lot of different hands that the samples went through. They appear to be all the same hands in both our cases. I am not saying foul play or improper practice. I am saying that this is a big coincidence that 2 drivers from across the country, working at different companies, would end up in the same exact situation with all the same players.

The SAMHSA and the DOT would need to investigate to determine what might have happened. I have no idea where the problem occurred, other than there was one. HELLO...I don't do drugs, never have, never will...if a sample taken from me tested positive it was absolutely an error. That is a FACT that I am certain of. Obviously, none of you have found yourself in my shoes....yet. I am praying that those who have see this message. If they don't want to talk in the open forum they can PM me. However, I do mean those in my shoes, you are clean and were at the time of the false positive. No one should have to go this alone and despite some of the comments I have read, there are more of us than anyone here wants to know about.

I, in no way want to make it easier for dirty drivers to stay on the road. For those out there all I can offer is to say get clean and stay that way. Don't get behind any wheel until you are completely clean. The life you save may be your own, or that of a loved one. I am not anyones judge but I am in the situation I am because of many drivers using drugs and trying to cover it up or beat the system. It is to the point that clean drivers cannot defend themselves against errors, so I absolutely am not interested in helping out a dirty driver. Drugs destroy lives and users need to consider the cost, they do extend past them.

Believe me, I sometimes wish that I could return to my arrogant ignorance about this subject, but I am trusting God in his plan so I know my eventual destination will be better than that place.

God Bless!
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Old 09-26-2008, 06:35 PM
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Rev is voicing a legitimate concern, and as a long standing member, he is invested in this community.

You have a reasonable request, and we understand your wish for investigation. We also have our interests, as these discussions are open to the public. As a message board, opinions and facts are going to be presented, relevant or not. I hope you can realize there is some level of predisposition in regards to this subject, on a truck message board.

Obviously, the more open and accommodating you are with us will help your cause more. We pick up on certain emotional statements, and it's not unfair for us to wish to take a closer look at what this is about. We each have a certain allowance I believe.

How about we all back up a little here, and not begin placing emotions into this discussion, and try to keep this from degrading.

Until someone can come along and offer the support you request, it may be best to limit debate.

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Old 09-26-2008, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Roadhog

Rev is voicing a legitimate concern, and as a long standing member, he is invested in this community.

You have a reasonable request, and we understand your wish for investigation. We also have our interests, as these discussions are open to the public. As a message board, opinions and facts are going to be presented, relevant or not. I hope you can realize there is some level of predisposition in regards to this subject, on a truck message board.

Obviously, the more open and accommodating you are with us will help your cause more. We pick up on certain emotional statements, and it's not unfair for us to wish to take a closer look at what this is about. We each have a certain allowance I believe.

How about we all back up a little here, and not begin placing emotions into this discussion, and try to keep this from degrading.

Until someone can come along and offer the support you request, it may be best to limit debate.
Thank you very much for your comment. I agree whole heartedly and my intent was never to enter into debate. I understand the skeptism from many that have posted. I have been as forthcoming as possible. Truly the intent to the post is not to have my case judged but it look for others that may be in my situation. Understanding however, that the subject would raise natural questions. If I haven't answered a question already, I will continue to be as forthcoming as possible.
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Old 09-26-2008, 07:28 PM
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The only thing I want to make sure does NOT happen is that you start tossing out names. That's when it crosses the line from concern and ends up as libel and slander. And that's not a fight you would win.

You're also going to have to realize that in this industry, drugs and alcohol are looked on pretty severely and people show up claiming false drugtests all the time. So you're automatically going to be looked at with extreme suspicion.

Only you know if you are truly innocent...the rest of us will keep our own opinions on the subject. But we are entitled to those opinions, just as you are entitled to speak out about the perceived injustice. Just keep the names out of it.


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