Malaysian Mystery Flight

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Old 03-15-2014, 05:52 PM
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Default Malaysian Mystery Flight

I'm kinda stumped on this one, too!

Which theory do YOU think is most plausible?

Where do you think it is?
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Old 03-15-2014, 06:45 PM
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Through a portal in the indian ocean to groom lake.
Old 03-15-2014, 07:13 PM
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Aliens beemed it up.
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Old 03-15-2014, 08:19 PM
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I have several theories.

1: A terrorist attack with a "dirty" bomb, a nuke was set off on board and vaporized it.
2: A terrorist attack where they disabled all the trackers and then flew across the ocean very low and off radar to an unknown location.
3: An on board problem caused the pilots to turn around but they lost navigation and spatial awareness, eventually fuel starvation leads to a crash because they are lost.
4: An on board problem led to a turn around, turns out it was an oxygen problem, plane flew on auto pilot in a straight line till fuel ran out. Think Payne Stewart.

Upon first reports and lack of black box signals from the original area it was said to have gone down in, I was hedging towards #1. With the newest info out, I'm thinking that isn't even remotely possible now but let's say it is possible, how would we know? A nuke has never been set off at 35K feet that we are aware of. #2 seems likely but very brazen, you don't know exactly how much fuel is on board in reserve to know if you can actually make it wherever your going. You can't stop and re-fuel without someone seeing and telling. With the lack of black box pinging, maybe it didn't crash at all. #3 and 4 are very possible with the newest info, the search area has been expanded to thousands of miles from the last known reported locations. It's said that if we get within 500 miles of the black boxes we can hear the pinging. If we get in the area and still no pinging in water that is much shallower than the Air France location in the Atlantic, gotta go back to #2 possibly.

I keep coming back to the 2 Iranians flying on stolen passports. That info should not have come out when it did. Now everyone is trying to cover it up as not important and they aren't suspects for the reason that it was an unauthorized leak. I feel differently, they are suspects. It was said their backgrounds were clean so not suspect at all, that is exactly what the terrorists groups are going for these days and we already know that. If they can bring in young adults who have a clean background to do a dirty deed, that is exactly what they will do, it gives them a better chance of not getting found out until after it's over.

What's interesting is that relatives are calling cell phones and in their minds, sorta getting connected. It rings so they believe something is there. Are these being tracked at all just in case? At this point, can't discount anything.
Old 03-15-2014, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by chris1
Through a portal in the indian ocean to groom lake.
Groom lake. Isn't that near Area 51?

Funny thing is... I've been obsessing on the fact that it was a 777. Kinda lucky in Vegas right? Well... guess what? YOUR last post was your 777th! lol!!
Old 03-15-2014, 09:19 PM
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I knew I had something better to do today. Should have went with my son to Vegas Thursday. He was racing in the Mint 400 today. Rear-end and then a clutch killed that. Maybe I would have won enough to pay for it.

Groom Lake is area 51.
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Old 03-15-2014, 09:22 PM
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Where did that come from? Can't take it out.
Old 03-15-2014, 09:23 PM
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I tell you, it's aliens. 777,strange attachments.
Old 03-15-2014, 09:26 PM
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Won't let me delete it.
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Old 03-15-2014, 09:39 PM
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Mr. Ford said:

1: A terrorist attack with a "dirty" bomb, a nuke was set off on board and vaporized it.
Dirty bombs don't vaporize anything. Not a nuclear blast. Slow radiation leak. That's why they call them Dirty bombs.

2: A terrorist attack where they disabled all the trackers and then flew across the ocean very low and off radar to an unknown location.
I'm kinda on board with this one, but... if just a terrorist attack.... crash it right away and make it public! Maybe, meant for a future attack, which brings up more questions. More on this one later.

3: An on board problem caused the pilots to turn around but they lost navigation and spatial awareness, eventually fuel starvation leads to a crash because they are lost.
I thought of this one, but.... facts about when the transponders were turned off, and a few other things, make this unlikely. Besides.... they flew west RIGHT south of the border with Vietnam, and into the strait of whateveritsname. They could SEE the land, and they should have been able to turn left and keep the land in sight while trying to return to the airport in Kuala Lumpur. But, just in case.... I would be looking REAL hard at the ocean just west of Malaysia on the way south towards the airport. [And I don't know that they aren't.]

4: An on board problem led to a turn around, turns out it was an oxygen problem, plane flew on auto pilot in a straight line till fuel ran out. Think Payne Stewart.
I don't think so. No "mayday." They were still in range to send one. Payne Stewart's plane had a rapid decompress IIRC. This would have been slower and the oxygen masks would deploy. They dropped to 23,000 ft which is under radar but NOT low enough to pressurize the cabin. Many other reasons, which is ONE reason I thought they may have tried to get back to the airport, but... new info seems to contradict this possibility.

Upon first reports and lack of black box signals from the original area it was said to have gone down in, I was hedging towards #1. With the newest info out, I'm thinking that isn't even remotely possible now but let's say it is possible, how would we know? A nuke has never been set off at 35K feet that we are aware of.
You're right that we should have seen debris AND heard the pings of the 'black box' IF it went down at the point of "hand off." A dirty bomb is not the same as a nuclear detonation. It would not have killed the black boxes... and would have left a debris field. It is just a "conventional" explosive combined with low grade radioactive material. IF it was a true nuke (that vaporized the plane and the boxes,) it would have caused an EMP event that would have affected all electronics in the area. I think it would have been noticed.

#2 seems likely but very brazen, you don't know exactly how much fuel is on board in reserve to know if you can actually make it wherever your going. You can't stop and re-fuel without someone seeing and telling. With the lack of black box pinging, maybe it didn't crash at all.
Very brazen, indeed, but it is becoming the most popular theory. I've even heard that it would have been possible for ground crew (in on the plan) to put more fuel in the plane than was expected. Another few gallons and they could have continued on their 'due west' flight path..... right to Somalia! Gee.... who's been "pirating" ships? Somalia! [just a theory.] Maybe, they thought they could make it and didn't! Might find the wreckage 10 miles off the coast of Somalia.

Now.... they said it had enough fuel to get to Kazakhistan. No real need to land and fuel before reaching Asia. But... let's say they wanted to stop and refuel/reconfigure the plane as a bomb. Where would they find an airport (military OR civilian) that they could land without being announced to the World? Hmm... I think IRAN is within that range! Maybe more on this later.

#3 and 4 are very possible with the newest info, the search area has been expanded to thousands of miles from the last known reported locations. It's said that if we get within 500 miles of the black boxes we can hear the pinging. If we get in the area and still no pinging in water that is much shallower than the Air France location in the Atlantic, gotta go back to #2 possibly.
I think 3 and 4 are out. The transponders were shut down separately (fifteen minutes apart) before someone said, "allright, goodnight." I don't think it's 500 miles... but, that's not important. Also, the water in the Indian Ocean is just as deep as the Air France location. If the pilots were in control, they would have descended BELOW 23,000 ft to get cabin pressure. They SHOULD have been able to turn left again, come down the west side of Malaysia and right back to the airport. More than enough fuel to do that.

I keep coming back to the 2 Iranians flying on stolen passports. That info should not have come out when it did. Now everyone is trying to cover it up as not important and they aren't suspects for the reason that it was an unauthorized leak. I feel differently, they are suspects. It was said their backgrounds were clean so not suspect at all, that is exactly what the terrorists groups are going for these days and we already know that. If they can bring in young adults who have a clean background to do a dirty deed, that is exactly what they will do, it gives them a better chance of not getting found out until after it's over.
Bingo! Not sure about the timing of the info, but... why did they "give them a pass?" Going to work in Europe? Mommy's waiting for her son? Really? She would NEVER lie for her "militant" son... right? Give me a break! TWO stolen passports on the same flight... and BOTH of them Iranians? Duh! It takes at least two to pull this off! I also heard that Malaysia has a MAJOR militant muslim problem... and don't like to ADMIT it! (or deal with it.)

What's interesting is that relatives are calling cell phones and in their minds, sorta getting connected. It rings so they believe something is there. Are these being tracked at all just in case? At this point, can't discount anything.
Cellphones must be placed in "airplane mode." Doesn't stop it from ringing when someone calls and gets the SERVER. But... it would disable ALL GPS location data. Kinda explains the rapid climb to 45,000 ft (or whatever it really was) to make the oxygen masks deploy and distract the passengers, then disabling them before they could change the settings on their phones.... AND.... they were outside of any cellphone range! I also heard that that particular plane did NOT have the wifi package that would be needed. Sounds like some pretty good "planning" doesn't it?

I said I was stumped. But, I think I'm leaning VERY heavily towards your #2! What has me stumped is just what the plan was, who is IN on it, and where are they going and WHY?

And then.... there's always another option. "They" don't win every time! What IF there was a brilliant plan... but, they missed something? Ran out of fuel... or, somehow thwarted by someone in the crew? MISSED it by THAT much!? [And since all comms were shut down... no way for them to make a statement.]

We may never find the plane (if that was the case.) And we may never know what the plan was. But, you never know. I don't think this is OVER just yet. But, I HOPE we have learned that we don't KNOW what we don't KNOW. And that some things will change!

I just wish the MEDIA would learn something from this! I really HATE bad reporting! lol.
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"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.

Last edited by golfhobo; 03-15-2014 at 09:54 PM.

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