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Old 05-16-2008, 03:42 AM
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Yes, I cook very well. As long as the instructions include the words/phrases "microwave", "just add water", or something along those lines. Otherwise, I'll have to spend a lot of time watching Emeril and Martha Stewart if I'm to make this work.
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Old 05-16-2008, 03:50 AM
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Originally Posted by RebelDarlin
We always thought it was funny, but you're right, it wasn't happening to us.
Yes. I would feel compelled to take my prosthesis and shove it so far up someone's rectum, that they'd require surgery to remove it, should someone do that to me. Eventually, I'd lighten up, and laugh about it, but this would also be while I laughed at their assurance of never being constipated ever again.

A friend of mine who lost his leg in a car accident, likes to argue. Somewhere during the argument he'll grab a knife and stab it into his leg and just leave it there. Freaks people out every time. :twisted:
Ok then don't try that particular "trick". ops: I guess my point was, it's a physical thing and only a small part of who you are. Your own attitude about it (which BTW seems pretty good) is what really matters.
I had eight others I was in charge of, and they all made it back alive. Some with scars, but still... they're alive to tell about it. These are people with families, with kids, or something to go home to. It's a pretty fair trade-off, I suppose.

On the bright side, I'm not likely to be held to my obligation to serve in the Maavoimat for a year (I'm still a citizen of Finland, so, technically, I'm still obligated to serve a period of conscripted military service for the Defence Forces).
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Old 05-19-2008, 12:40 AM
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Originally Posted by JeffTheTerrible

On the bright side, I'm not likely to be held to my obligation to serve in the Maavoimat for a year (I'm still a citizen of Finland, so, technically, I'm still obligated to serve a period of conscripted military service for the Defence Forces).
I'm happy you made it home alive and that your "brothers" did as well!! Now club the crap out of the VA to get your "bennies"!!! Don't deal with them direct...use a DAV Case Officer or someone like that. You are more than likely eligible for vocational retraining funds...possibly in addition to your GI Bill. Don't be "bashful" about collecting it! You earned it!!!

On the Finn's.... Have a little fun:

1. Go there on vacation and show up for the physical....tell them you have PTSD...and show them your prosthesis, and your DD214....ask them how much of a "pension" they are going to "give" you..... 8)

2. See how long it takes them to ask you how long your "vacation" in Finland is going to be....and do you need a ride to the airport?

In all seriousness... I am happy you are home. Sad that you have suffered the injuries you have. But very happy that you have come to terms with the situation and have the attitude that you do! You will be a success at whatever you choose to do.

I had a friend at CFI who lost one of his legs from just above the knee, and though I can't remember which leg it was....he drove for CFI for quite a while.

Best of Luck to you!!!

Me....RVN 68'-70'.
Forrest Gump was right....and some people literally strive to prove it.....everyday. Strive not to be one of "them".... And "lemmings" are a dime a dozen!

Remember: The "truth WILL set you free"! If it doesn't "set you free"....."it will trap you in the cesspool of your own design".

They lost my original "avatar"....oh well.

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Old 05-19-2008, 02:15 AM
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Hey, Skywalker. Thanks for the kind words.
I'm sure the VA is quite certain to be tired of hearing my name by now. I probably should apply for citisenship... I've never done it, because my intent originally was to relocate to Finland permanently, but I'm afraid it's gotten to a point where I'd miss Carolina barbecue too much if I were to do that, so..
I actually don't know what the laws in Finland regarding the retraction of citisenship is... some countries won't recognise renouncement of it, and some will. I know that, if I were an American citisen, and served in.. say, the Foreign Legion, it would be considered a retraction of citisenship, but I haven't researched the laws in Finland (because I've been terribly lazy about it). Anyhow, the embassy allowed for me to renew my passport back in 05, so I'll use it for now, because the naturalisation process is certain to take longer than two weeks (which is when I go to visit my family).
So you did Vietnam, huh? I have a relative here in America (I can't describe the exact relation, but we are somewhat distantly related) who was drafted, and did a tour there (he was with 25th ID). When he came back, he wasn't able to adjust to civilian life, and he ended up enlisting in the army in Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe), where he fought in the Bush War. He said a lot of Vietnam vets from the US and Australia who were having the same problems he was having ended up going over there. I think, for the most part, those of us coming back from this one have it a bit easier than the Vietnam vets did when they got back, but I'm still catching bits of news about vets being harassed on university campuses and such.
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Old 05-20-2008, 02:00 AM
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Jeff, it was my pleasure! What you might look into is the possibility of maintaining "dual citizenship" may be possible. You have certainly earned your right to be an American Citizen...and have paid a high price for the "right". I do believe that since you have willingly served the country, that you are actually entitled to an accelerated process to obtain your US Citizenship.

I was 69th Inf Det....a Team Leader with an Infantry Ground Surveillance Radar Unit.....we worked airfield perimeters and I spent a little more than a year on the Cambodian border supporting MACV as a "forward observer" controlling two artillery batteries. Oddly enough we our parent units were the 1st Aviation Brigade, 164th Aviation Group, and 307th Combat Aviation Battalion. Our HQ was in the central Mekong Delta at Can Tho AAF.

If your relative was in the 25th ID....better known as "Tropic Lightning", then more than likely, if my memory serves me correct....he would have been in the area of Tay Ninh...better known as "Rocket City"....where they got hammered almost incessantly with 122 mm rockets, hence the name. Not surprising he had problems readjusting....especially if he was a grunt in the 25th. I hope he's doing well now.

I have been very pleased that the response of the American public as a whole has been far more favorable to returning Veterans than in years past. I know when I came wasn't much fun. Nowadays its a different ball of wax...... I haven't seen or heard of any problems personally with returning Veterans...and hope I never do. I might be inclined to "tighten" someone up....maybe some "four corner counseling" would be in order. 8)

Again, Brother....Thank you for your service, and Welcome Home!!

Have a good vacation in Finland!!!
Forrest Gump was right....and some people literally strive to prove it.....everyday. Strive not to be one of "them".... And "lemmings" are a dime a dozen!

Remember: The "truth WILL set you free"! If it doesn't "set you free"....."it will trap you in the cesspool of your own design".

They lost my original "avatar"....oh well.

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Old 05-20-2008, 03:17 AM
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I thought about dual citisenship, but I really don't see much of a point to it. I can travel to Finland on an American passport.. I just wouldn't be able to travel to Cuba anymore, which doesn't really matter, because I've never been, and have no particular desire to go.
I wasn't completely honest earlier.. I actually like Memphis and Kansas City barbecue more than Carolina barbecue, by the way.
I spent my first year on AD with 1/506, 2ID, at Camp Greaves, Korea. I was glad to get away from there. After that, I was assigned to Bragg. They were actually going to assign me to MEDDAC, where I'd have been relegated to doing whatever they do in those Troop Medical Clinics.. by chance, I happened across the CSM of 1/504 while I was shopping at the PX during my time in replacement, and he ended up making some calls to get me assigned to the 504th (who I went to Afghanistan with). I had been a line medic in Korea, so why the hell would I want to be a REMF stateside, you know?
In the Reserve, I actually was assigned to a VA hospital (which really sucked), so, when I was asked if I would be willing to go back to the line once I was activated, I jumped at the opportunity. Otherwise, I'd been likely been stuck with.... you guessed it... MEDDAC. Piss on that.
The only run-ins I've received were limited to confrontations on this interweb. Been some really foul things said about me having been over there, but the people saying those things don't have the first hair on their ass to say it face-to-face, naturally.
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Old 05-25-2008, 01:07 AM
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I work with a fellow who has an " artificial" leg. I don't know much about it, but he has driven OTR during our winter layoffs and he trained me in a truck and pup. Those things are a trip to back up as they are like backing up a set of doubles. He had his technique for basically using his good leg for the clutch and brake as needed when backing and dumping.

You would just think he walked with a bit of a limp, but would never guess it was an artificial limb. For whatever it's worth, he passes DOT physical every two years like the rest of us.
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