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Old 09-10-2010, 03:33 PM
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ALEX, I'LL TAKE PEACEFUL MUSLIM NATIONS FOR $500 PLEASE. That's right there are none. Here's the defining difference between Islam and other faiths. Would we in America declare holy war on another if they burned our flag or bible? NO, WE WOULDN"T BECAUSE WE'RE NOT RADICAL FANATICS! I plan to go buy a Quran today and burn it tomorrow! They really need to find some purpose in their lives other than world domination and death to what they refer to as infidels. YES ISLAM IS EVIL!
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Old 09-10-2010, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by One View Post
Erm, i dont think there is any 'victory ' being celebrated...last report i heard stones were thrown and some afghanis climbed the wall of a German army base in Afghanistan. None of the Germans fired at them, some shot were fired by Afghani police/militia (?) resulting in some injuries...
Well One, USA Today and Yahoo both had stories of Muslims burning US flags and chanting "Death to the Christians." I guess they are lying then?
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Old 09-11-2010, 03:02 AM
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Originally Posted by One View Post
Erm, i dont think there is any 'victory ' being celebrated...last report i heard stones were thrown and some afghanis climbed the wall of a German army base in Afghanistan. None of the Germans fired at them, some shot were fired by Afghani police/militia (?) resulting in some injuries...
ONE is absolutely correct. Twilight said that "they" were demonstrating and "claiming victory." This is incorrect. They are protesting the burning, and most of them don't even KNOW yet that it may have been canceled. So.... WHAT victory?

Mr. Ford said:
Well One, USA Today and Yahoo both had stories of Muslims burning US flags and chanting "Death to the Christians." I guess they are lying then?
Of course they aren't LYING. Because THEY never claimed that the protests were "victory celebrations!" :roll:

And while we're at it, Mr. Ford.... They don't usually (never that I've heard of) chant "Death to Christians." It is always Death to America! [Or death to the Zionists.] There IS a big difference! Pastor Jones was not going to burn the Koran and scream "Death to Arabs and Indonesians, Turks, Kosovars, etc." He was denouncing the RELIGION of Islam.

Muslims around the world that demonstrate RARELY if ever decry Christianity (per se.) They don't burn JESUS in effigy. They burn Obama or whoever is POTUS at the time. The RELIGION that they usually decry is ZIONISM (Judaism.) They don't hate Americans for being Christians.... they hate us for supporting the JEWS! (which they consider ALL U.S. military intervention in the Arab world to BE.)

You also said:
This whole thing was blown way out of the park by the media. Had nothing been said, nobody would have known the difference and nothing in this world would have changed because of it.
Actually, I don't think the MASS media (exactly) started the real circus on this thing. I'm not sure just who FIRST reported about it, but MOST of the news on this started as a result of Gen. Petraeus's comments. As commander in theater, he felt he HAD to say something about it! And if he had not, and the news had not, The burning would have taken place... and the Islamic fundamentals would STILL have found out. And THEN..... without any American denunciation at all..... the world would have been inflamed!

As it was, ONE again was correct. There were (according to Yahoo) only about 4 protests (so far) around Afghanistan, some only a thousand people or so, and only a FEW injuries.
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Old 09-11-2010, 12:48 PM
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"Death to Christians"Afghans protest Quran burning plan, torch US flag - Yahoo! News First line Hobo.

As for the "lying" I wasn't referencing what Twi said so please don't attribute that to me. I was referencing how it was more than a few stone throwers, not a victory celebration.
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Old 09-12-2010, 03:30 AM
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If there was a victory, then they will be wanting to build a mosque at the site.
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Old 09-12-2010, 03:55 AM
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Mr. Ford95 said:

"Death to Christians"Afghans protest Quran burning plan, torch US flag - Yahoo! News First line Hobo.

As for the "lying" I wasn't referencing what Twi said so please don't attribute that to me. I was referencing how it was more than a few stone throwers, not a victory celebration.
Okay, Mr. Ford. We had a bit of a miscommunication here. Twilight used the words "celebrating victory." ONE questioned that characterization AND mentioned that the protests were "limited." And YOUR next post asked if yahoo and USA today were lying?

I assumed you meant that they were calling it a "victory celebration." (because THAT was the link between the prior two posts.) My mistake. You were questioning the "LIMITED" amount of protests, and thought your links proved otherwise. Still, you were wrong.

By ALL accounts, the protests WERE quite limited compared to what might would have been expected under the circumstances. A few HUNDRED... or even a THOUSAND or so protestors is just a normal DAY IN THE LIFE of the Middle East. And there WERE only a few injuries. NO DEATHS. And ALL reports mentioned ONLY about 4 such "events" throughout the entire country... and only a few MORE worldwide. Still.... NO DEATHS.... and NO HUGE CROWDS.

Now.... about the "death to Christians" reference:

I originally WENT to yahooNews after reading your post. I had a hard time even FINDING much coverage of the protests. I think there were TWO articles! I picked the "other" one! Seriously.... the one I read didn't use those words. Here's the link:

Thousands of Afghans protest Koran burning plans - Yahoo! News

Now.... after doing MUCH more research tonight, here's what I found. First off... the YAHOO article you referenced was based on a SINGLE "AP NEWS" article written (as it seems) by a reporter with an Arabic name. After extensive googling, I found that this SAME article was the reference article for some 261 newspapers around the world... AND yahoo... and others.

There is ANOTHER "AP News" article (the one I referenced) ALSO on yahoo that did NOT say they were chanting "death to Christians." And THAT writer is also an Arab! BOTH articles made mention of burning the American flag, and chanting "Death to America!" But, only the ONE writer... in all the world.... used that particular wording.

So, I googled (in quotes) "death to christians" and found NO OTHER article anywhere in the world of any OTHER instance where this was chanted! But, a search of "death to America" brings up thousands of hits about Muslim / Arab protests.

So.... I thought.... what if I could HEAR the chanting on a video? How would I KNOW what they were saying? So, I googled "death to America in Arabic" and found immediately HOW it is said over there! Then, I googled "death to christians in arabic" and basically got NO HITS! NO articles on the first page of google could tell me how an Arab/Muslim would even SAY that phrase! It SEEMS, it has never come up before! (I DID finally find the translation though.)

I finally found a link to the video of the protest in question, and.... well.... I can't make out EITHER of the words in such a chant. "Il mout li Amreeka!" OR.... "Il mout al NasRani!" I'm sure you can tell which is which!

I don't know. I wasn't there. Given that they KNEW it was actually a CHRISTIAN pastor wanting to deface their holy book? They MAY have chanted "death to Christians!" But, from my research... it would have been A FIRST! [which only PROVES how devastating this "pastor's" message would be!]

So, I stand behind my earlier posts. ALL indications were of limited protests, and next to NO injuries. And, until proven otherwise... I DOUBT they were chanting "Death to Christians!" MOBS don't usually make up NEW chants. "Death to America" has been the staple over there for years now.
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Old 09-12-2010, 12:24 PM
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Afghans protest against Koran burning for third day - Yahoo! News

Demonstrators took to Afghanistan's streets for a third day on Sunday to protest against a U.S. preacher's plan to burn copies of the Koran even though he has since withdrawn the threat.

Chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Christians", demonstrators clashed with Afghan security forces in Logar province, south of the capital Kabul.
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Old 09-12-2010, 04:08 PM
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Wow, talk about a double standard. In the interest of Political Correctness it is OK to burn American Flags or Bibles in protests, but one Preacher and his tiny congregation threaten to burn the Quran (Koran) and the media and the Libs go wild! If nothing else this story has shown how incredibly biased things have really become, and for that hats off to Terry Jones. That said I applaud him for calling it off. Remember just because you CAN do something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

This little tidbit may interest some of you: (from this article)

On Friday the former heads of the 9/11 Commission that studied the 2001 attacks presented a report they called a wake-up call about the radicalization of Muslims in America and the changing strategy of al Qaeda and its allies.
"The U.S. is arguably now little different from Europe in terms of having a domestic terrorist problem involving immigrant and indigenous Muslims as well as converts to Islam," said the report by the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington.
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Last edited by RebelDarlin; 09-12-2010 at 04:11 PM.
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