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Old 05-29-2010, 04:13 PM
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Thumbs down Got cods?

Someone here, though CAD doesn't specify who (and WHY DOESN'T IT??), put a negative reputation comment on my TEA party post.... something to the effect of "another misguided and misinformed dummycrat"... So, have ya got the nads to fess up to it and the actual (as opposed to fabricated) facts to back up what you think?

You know why the Democrats took the White House and gained a majority in Congress? #1 reason: Because the people were sick and tired of the politics of fear, which became the stock in trade of the Republican party during the Bush administration. Thank Carl Rove for the big defeat the Republicans suffered in 2008, and I don't mean big in terms of votes, but in terms of seats gained for the Dems as well as taking the WH.

One thing you can say for the TEA party: they're moving to the extreme right and certainly differentiating their faction from the RINOs and conservatives. The problem is... independent voters don't normally vote for extreme positions. The Republican base will probably vote for them (at least the majority of them will), so the party will become, for awhile, more far-right than in the recent past. But, the pendulum will swing again once people realize that any party so out of touch as to assume that extreme position can't be good for the country as a whole. What truly amazes me is that these same people who are supposedly so righteously indignant about taxes were NOWHERE to be seen when Bush was throwing billions into the sands of Iraq, where we had no business whatsoever being from the very beginning. If not for the politics of fear that Rove spawned and pulled off, fooling the citizenry (read: SHEEPLE) into swallowing as gospel (yes, an intentional reference to the unthinking masses), then the idea of invading any country (UNPROVOKED, mind you) who did not pose a LEGITIMATE, DIRECT threat to our country would have previously been unconscionable.

One can only hope that the radical right falls into disfavor prior to the 2012 elections. Otherwise, we'll be looking at the first female president and she'll be condemning us from the "big chair" who don't live in small towns and on farms across the nation as not being "real Americans". But, don't worry about her foreign policy knowledge. After all, she's lived straight across from Russia all those years and she can see it on a clear day. 8o

Of course, she was all for the bailouts, so maybe she isn't quite TEA party material.
YouTube - Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits

Last edited by AsphaltVoyager; 05-29-2010 at 04:16 PM.
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Old 05-29-2010, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by AsphaltVoyager View Post
Someone here, though CAD doesn't specify who (and WHY DOESN'T IT??), put a negative reputation comment on my TEA party post.... something to the effect of "another misguided and misinformed dummycrat"... So, have ya got the nads to fess up to it and the actual (as opposed to fabricated) facts to back up what you think?

I don't know who gave you a negative comment on your reputation, but members are free to give a negative or positive as they wish.

You know why the Democrats took the White House and gained a majority in Congress? #1 reason: Because the people were sick and tired of the politics of fear, which became the stock in trade of the Republican party during the Bush administration. Thank Carl Rove for the big defeat the Republicans suffered in 2008, and I don't mean big in terms of votes, but in terms of seats gained for the Dems as well as taking the WH.

People are tired of the fear mongering, but the irony in your comments is that it has nearly always been the liberals who use fear to get the people to rally. The democrats have done a great job of placing blame on others for what they have been doing themselves. The main problem is uninformed voters. People voted for the idea of change without any thought as to what that change might mean. The democrats have successfully been able to place blame on Bush for about everything that went wrong during his administration, even though much of what they are concerned about is due to the actions of congress.

One thing you can say for the TEA party: they're moving to the extreme right and certainly differentiating their faction from the RINOs and conservatives. The problem is... independent voters don't normally vote for extreme positions. The Republican base will probably vote for them (at least the majority of them will), so the party will become, for awhile, more far-right than in the recent past. But, the pendulum will swing again once people realize that any party so out of touch as to assume that extreme position can't be good for the country as a whole. What truly amazes me is that these same people who are supposedly so righteously indignant about taxes were NOWHERE to be seen when Bush was throwing billions into the sands of Iraq, where we had no business whatsoever being from the very beginning. If not for the politics of fear that Rove spawned and pulled off, fooling the citizenry (read: SHEEPLE) into swallowing as gospel (yes, an intentional reference to the unthinking masses), then the idea of invading any country (UNPROVOKED, mind you) who did not pose a LEGITIMATE, DIRECT threat to our country would have previously been unconscionable.

I had mixed feelings about our going into Iraq from the beginning. There were good reasons to suspect Iraq of being a threat and possessing weapons of mass destruction. We do know that Hussein has sponsored terrorists. I don't mean the Hussein that is in the White House, but the former dictator of Iraq. Sorry, I just had to say that.

One can only hope that the radical right falls into disfavor prior to the 2012 elections. Otherwise, we'll be looking at the first female president and she'll be condemning us from the "big chair" who don't live in small towns and on farms across the nation as not being "real Americans". But, don't worry about her foreign policy knowledge. After all, she's lived straight across from Russia all those years and she can see it on a clear day. 8o

The last time the republicans had control of the house they blew the opportunity to make a difference. That is the reason the democrats were able to so decisively defeat them. The war also was a factor. The sad thing is that there isn't so much difference between many so called republicans and the democrats. The republicans SHOULD be conservative. Some of Bush's policies were not conservative. In fact, he spent money like a liberal. He spent a lot of money during his time in office. I also felt the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Agency were not necessary and are a threat to our personal freedoms. If the republicans are able to garner control they will need to move back toward reinstating personal freedoms and smaller government.They need to demonstrate that they are conservative. If not, then they deserve to lose.

Of course, she was all for the bailouts, so maybe she isn't quite TEA party material.
YouTube - Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits

Unless the majority of Americans start taking personal responsibility for their own lives and force our elected representatives to move toward smaller government and lower taxes we will not make it as a country. We are in serious trouble as a nation. Spending is out of control with our government and many of our citizens. The time has come to pay the piper. I am still not sure how Obama could give Greece $1 Trillion when he can't even balance his own budget. :roll:

It might be good if we had a woman in the White House. The men haven't done such a good job in recent years. I could vote more easily for her than any of the other potential candidates who come to mine. Most of them would not have been able to handle the scrutiny she has had to endure since the presidential election. The liberals and media have ripped her apart and she just keeps on coming back, like the energizer bunny.
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Old 05-30-2010, 02:47 AM
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Originally Posted by GMAN View Post
Unless the majority of Americans start taking personal responsibility for their own lives and force our elected representatives to move toward smaller government and lower taxes we will not make it as a country. We are in serious trouble as a nation. Spending is out of control with our government and many of our citizens. The time has come to pay the piper. I am still not sure how Obama could give Greece $1 Trillion when he can't even balance his own budget. :roll:
Something else we can't take our eyes off of. Overseas. Spain just went from AAA rating to AA plus. Greece, France, Germany, Great Britian, all of them are in trouble and teetering on the edge. Have I mentioned dominoes before? As have other folks. If the U.S.of A or any of the other big countries go, we ALL go.

I gotta tell ya. Those of you who are Beck bashers, right or wrong, fearmonger or not, the man has been RIGHT ON about what was going to happen financially here and around the world for the past couple of years. I have listened to and watched him for a while now and he occasionally replays what he has said in the past and it's pretty ironic/scary how on it he is. Not just the financial stuff but just about everything else too, but we probably don't need to get into that.
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Old 05-30-2010, 03:02 AM
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Gman is way more tactful than I. In true liberal fashion you start calling on someone "higher-up" to come to your rescue.

Instead, try standing on your own two feet and make your case on the facts and state your case. Debate is good. Don't come crying to the Mods. to stop someone who has a different opinion than you.

Go cry me a river,

Find something you like to do, be the best at it you can be, the money will come.
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Old 05-30-2010, 03:22 AM
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Originally Posted by GMAN View Post
Unless the majority of Americans start taking personal responsibility for their own lives and force our elected representatives to move toward smaller government and lower taxes we will not make it as a country. We are in serious trouble as a nation. Spending is out of control with our government and many of our citizens. The time has come to pay the piper. I am still not sure how Obama could give Greece $1 Trillion when he can't even balance his own budget. :roll:
I've begun to think that he really isn't at all worried about balancing anything, much less any part of the budget.
Looks like we're all going to have to start writing books to come up with the money to pay his mess. Or paint a bunch of cartoons about Mohammed... That seems to be an "in" thing right now.:thumbsup::lol2::clap:
( R E T I R E D , and glad of it)
YES ! ! ! There is life after trucking.
a GOOD life

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Old 05-30-2010, 01:48 PM
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dummycrats and retardlicans are equally evil
NONE of them give a damn about the common person
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Old 05-30-2010, 02:47 PM
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Positive change will not come from Washington. It is in the interest of both parties for the people to not come together. True change will need to start with the people. It will be up to the people to force congress to cut spending. It will be up to the people to find candidates who are willing to stand up for what is right and not worry about the next election. It is up to the people to take responsibility for their families stop demanding assistance from the government. It is not just individuals who demand a government handout. It is also many industries who demand special favors, land and tax incentives and other handouts from the government. This mass welfare MUST stop. It is both parties.

I hope the people continue to express their dissatisfaction with this administration and congress. Our elected representatives should hear from us on a regular basis. They hear from me on issues that are of concern to me. I wish more would express their views. There is an old saying that holds true today. "It is the squeaky wheel that receives the grease." When politicians mostly hear from special interest groups or major industry then that is the way they will handle our business. I think that most people know what is right. That becomes skewed when the politicians only hear from special interest groups and big corporations.

The people need to not only stay in touch with their elected representatives, but get out and VOTE!!! Most of us travel for a living. It is not always easy to get back in time to vote. Some states have early voting and all have absentee ballots. There is NO excuse for not voting.

It is one thing to complain. It is yet another to take action. We can email, write a letter or call our representatives. We can spend time researching their background and finding out exactly what type of people they are before election time. If more people took the time to check out Obama and some of these congressional representatives prior to the election, we would likely see a different group in office.

One thing, as a people need to do, is insist that congress follow the constitution. It would be easy to balance the federal budget if congress strictly adhered to the constitution. Much of what they have been doing for decades has not been constitutional. I doubt that most people would be willing to take the time to actually read the constitution and check them when they make laws and propose expansion of government. The primary function of our government, as outlined in our constitution, is to provide for the security of our country. The main thing they should be doing is have a strong military to protect our borders, and diplomacy to work with other countries. Other than those functions, there is little that the original founders set up in our original constitution.

Social programs are designed to elect and keep those elected in office. They BUY people's vote with goodies like welfare and special tax incentives. I group corporate welfare programs in this. Just look at our industry. The government has NO business paying carriers to train drivers. Before the government got involved, companies trained their own drivers at their own expense or new drivers learned on their own without any government money involved.

One reason our taxes are so high is to pay for all these programs. It is KILLING our country and taking away our freedoms. With every dollar the government funnels to individuals and industry we are losing a little more of our freedom.
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Old 05-31-2010, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by AsphaltVoyager View Post
Got cods?

Not much to add as far as your paranoid "Liberalism FTW!" rant, but I clicked on this thread thinking that it was something else. I like my version better.
Reading this blog will make you smarter and/or more attractive.

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Old 05-31-2010, 10:46 AM
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by Ridge Runner View Post
Gman is way more tactful than I. In true liberal fashion you start calling on someone "higher-up" to come to your rescue.

Instead, try standing on your own two feet and make your case on the facts and state your case. Debate is good. Don't come crying to the Mods. to stop someone who has a different opinion than you.

Go cry me a river,

Who are you talking to?? And wtf are you talking ABOUT??

Oh, and while we're at it... seems to me that you're talking about a strongly Repug trait. After all, those who call on the 'higher-up' don't vote Democrat. See, they're mostly single-issue voters (abortion).
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Old 05-31-2010, 11:01 AM
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Unhappy Well...... DUH! *lol*

Originally Posted by Fredog View Post
dummycrats and retardlicans are equally evil
NONE of them give a damn about the common person
I think that in the past 50 or so years, you can be sure that no one in the big chair, regardless of party, has given a rosy rat's butt about the little guy.

I think that globalization has been in the works for one hundred years or so, however, and that it is part of an overall scheme to bring the world under the foot of one seat of power. That seat of power isn't on this side of the Atlantic, though.

As we get more and more free trade zones created, more Euro-like currencies being accepted within those FTAs, we'll all be sold the idea of consolidating FTAs.

JFK and RFK, having been thoroughly schooled in capitalism by their father and warned about what was coming, opposed this movement and were eliminated. LBJ was given a choice: cooperate or go the way of the Kennedy's. So, he chose not to run for re-election. Everyone since then has cooperated, and yes, even today, I believe.
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