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Old 10-14-2008, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by GMAN View Post
I am curious why one would accept something stated on snopes but not from another source?
I encourage and welcome debate, not fear mongering. And that appears to be the only thing most Republicans have to go on, fear. Ain't gonna work this time. You can say his middle name as much as you like, claim to be on God's side or alledge he is a terrorist, nobody wants another 4 years of McSame and Failin.
Paranoia is nothing more than the pathological habit of paying close attention.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:47 AM
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Now, you have my curiousity up. Suppose I got an email that said there were thousands of errors in our modern bible, that the woman being stoned for adultery never happened, and Christ did not rise from the dead... Would Snoops cover that too? Because, they have found that according to one of the two oldest complete bibles in the world says exactly that.

The CODEX SINAITICUS is being digitized and they are finding thousands of differences between it and our current bible. Something like two complete books that are not in our bible. Will Snoops varify that for you too?
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by marylandkw View Post

And now I have to type this just to make the 10 character post limit....I miss the old board.
Yoopr would really have a hard time with this...

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Old 10-14-2008, 02:00 PM
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Hopefully, I can have an opinion - regardless of whether or not I can link it back to an accepted website or whatever...want to hear it? (probably not) but here it is...

We are moving fast towards Socialism. We will start to see internal civil war between us "Americans" and all of our newly recognized groups that have already dropped the "-American" from their names (like African-Americans, Latin-Americans, etc....) because they have been taught in schools funded by our tax dollars that they must at all costs maintain their separate culture (so why are they still here? just go back where your culture thrives...oh, I forgot, life isn't so easy there, is it?). If you hate what has made America what it is, then you should be happy to know that we are not even mentioned in the Bible in the book of Revelation (even symbolically) so let's laugh and bicker all the way into non-existence without waking up because, well, our time is limited here anyway. That's ok...we can be deliriously supportive of Obama's new beefed-up WELFARE proposal. Soon, as we look into the faces of those that WE have supported for so long (because they will be the ones with "the power") and we ask for a little returning of the favors...a little brotherly love (as Obama put's it...being "neighborly") prepared for them to laugh in your face because they hate us. And God and everyone and everything else that they have been taught to hate in school. How's that for change?

As I said before, I have nothing to link this back to - but I have taken my eyes off that bright, shiny object (it looks kind of like a donkey's ass) that seems to have the herds all hypnotized. I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt. I have tried to read everything I could read about him so that I could make an informed decision and give him the benefit of the doubt - because I was not completely happy with any of the candidates...Dem or Rep. But, the more I read, the worse it gets. So my opinion, independent of reading the back and forth here is that...Obama's statements are not American-made. And his plans evolve and become more unbelievable with every greedy bite that feeds his hungry ambition. He's got stars (not stars and stripes) in his eyes. BUt he's doing everything he can to get there...including being ok with fraudulent votes. Now THAT'S a REAL MAN, huh?

So McCain...he's not the prettiest, not the smoothest least he's American. I have watched the debates religiously and listened to as much news as I can so I can be informed...and I have decided that I am not ready to cast a vote for Socialism. And as far as Sarah Palin goes...when momma aint happy, aint nobody happy. I hope she gets to kick ass and take names....

I never went on a witch hunt to find radical or extremest information out about Obama, nor do I have anything against blacks. One of my three best friends in the whole world is Islamic - she's a pediatrician in England and her husband is from Pakistan. I am not a hater. I love her and her family dearly and I would do anything I could do for them and I do mean anything. And I do not hate "blacks", fact, my two other best friends are works for the State of California and he is from Nigeria and we have been good friends since 1990, the other lives in New Jersey and she is from Jamaica and she is in human resources at 3M. Anyone that is intelligent, regardless of how "different" they may seem, is friend/family-material to me. All of these people carry their own. And the two that are American citizens...who got that way legally...are scared to death of Obama!

So, anyone can shoot at will...I DO believe the things that I choose to believe. Obama can spend millions of his big Obama bucks and buy as much air time as he wants and accepts as many fraudulent votes as will get him in the White House...but he'll still be a pu**y...but for how long? Not long, I would only hope. I would be happier with freaking Biden in the White House than the Obamination.

ETA: I know, I make generalizations and I do accept that, plus I have a lot of fears for the safety of my county. And I have never gotten into a fist fight with a democrat, a liberal, an independent (well, I have never asked about political affiliation prior to ass-kicking) because I have never fought over politics - everyone has the right to their opinion. Call me shallow because of that if you want to...I don't take offense to much. I'm a lover, not a fighter. We will all have to face the consequences of our personal choices at another place and time. Everyone seems to be so passionate this time around, though (like me...I don't understand why there are so many infidels running around).
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Last edited by BlooMoose; 10-14-2008 at 02:36 PM.
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Old 10-14-2008, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by YankeeTURBO View Post
Now, you have my curiousity up. Suppose I got an email that said there were thousands of errors in our modern bible, that the woman being stoned for adultery never happened, and Christ did not rise from the dead... Would Snoops cover that too? Because, they have found that according to one of the two oldest complete bibles in the world says exactly that.

The CODEX SINAITICUS is being digitized and they are finding thousands of differences between it and our current bible. Something like two complete books that are not in our bible. Will Snoops varify that for you too?
Well, I haven't looked, but I suppose Snopes WOULD cover that, and probably say it was true... because the facts of your post are not really in dispute. The Codex exists. Whether or not it changes anything concerning the Bible is another story, and not relevant here.

Point is, you got an email that has been circulating the Internet, and you bought it hook, line and sinker without checking it out. When you repost such drivel, (about Obama) you're about as credible as the frazzled old lady who stood up in the townhall meeting and told McCain that she was "scared" of Obama because he was Arab.
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Old 10-14-2008, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by BlooMoose View Post
Hopefully, I can have an opinion - regardless of whether or not I can link it back to an accepted website or whatever...want to hear it? (probably not) but here it is...
Of course you are entitle to an opinion based on whatever sources you are comfortable with, whether you link to them or not. This is, after all, still America right? Unfortunately, Politics, like Religion, is one of those topics that seem to make people forget that we all have the RIGHT to our opinions whether you agree with them or not. And that we DO NOT have the right to bash people over the head with them.

The only place your opinion counts is the voting booth. It isn't anyone's place to try to change someone else's mind, that's what the cadidates are supposed to be doing.
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Old 10-14-2008, 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by RebelDarlin View Post
Unfortunately, Politics, like Religion, is one of those topics that seem to make people forget that we all have the RIGHT to our opinions whether you agree with them or not. And that we DO NOT have the right to bash people over the head with them.

*loud applause*

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Old 10-14-2008, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by RebelDarlin View Post
...This is, after all, still America right?...
So far, it is...
"Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure comfort."

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Old 10-14-2008, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo View Post
Well, I haven't looked, but I suppose Snopes WOULD cover that, and probably say it was true... because the facts of your post are not really in dispute. The Codex exists. Whether or not it changes anything concerning the Bible is another story, and not relevant here.

Point is, you got an email that has been circulating the Internet, and you bought it hook, line and sinker without checking it out. When you repost such drivel, (about Obama) you're about as credible as the frazzled old lady who stood up in the townhall meeting and told McCain that she was "scared" of Obama because he was Arab.
Hobo, you're wrong. Yes, I did get an email. I thought it was interesting. I copied it and posted it. No, I did not check it out with SNOOPS. Why should I? I already have other reasons to believe that Obama is far from the right man for the job. The rest of you can make what you want of it. I simply "threw it out on the floor". Take a look at what I said to start off with, will you? "I GOT AN INTERESTING EMAIL." Nothing either for or against it. So, other than the fact that it was sent to me, I made no comment what-so-ever. Yet, you are putting words into my mouth.

Also, many of you are using SNOOPS as an "INFALLIBLE SOURCE". I don't remember the ocassion, but I do remember that snoops was in error. And, I can not believe that they are able to cover all aspects. So, check it out. See what they say about the CODEX SINAITICUS, and while you're at it, what does it say about the CODEX VATICANUS. See if it says anything about how they compare as to content. Your father was a minister. It should be a topic that you are familiar with. So, pick a topic that you should already know about and see how accurate snoops is. Then, transfer that accuracy to what you do not know as much about. How much room for error is there?
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Old 10-14-2008, 05:36 PM
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I like Snopes and they are right a lot of the time, but are also wrong at times, too. Additionally, they've got a bit of a left leaning slant to them lately. I don't let that bother me, because it's still a good site. But I don't use it to debunk anything political these days.

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