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Old 09-13-2008, 05:17 PM
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To counter the "can't use a computer", someone will shoot a commercial implying that while Obama was learning how to use computers and e-mail, McCain was in the Senate fighting for lower taxes or something like that. :roll:

It's all just so stupid. Stupid. :cry:
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Old 09-13-2008, 05:28 PM
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More from Palin.
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by gordoUSA

Did you read the link? It said nothing about the NVA nor referenced his POW status. It said he cant use a computer, cant email and is out of touch because he doesnt know anything about the economy either, giving tax cuts to big corporations, and talked about pictures then showing McCain with Bush1 and Bush2.
Good showing him with the Bush's, stupid relating to the computers, really didnt make much sense other than than reasons I already posted.
Thought for you...
As a chief executive, one of the things you do is "DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITY". He does not have to know anything about computers. He delegates that responsibility to one of his secretaries. Write an email to anyone in Congress or the Senate and see who sends you a response. Every last one of them has someone to "screen" the emails and pass on the ones that deserve the attention. What does McCain have to know about computers in order to do that?

Now, as to the pictures of McCain and Bush...
I haven't tried yet, but I'll bet that if you look hard enough, you'll be able to find Obama's face in a crowd with Bush at the head. I'll also bet that you can find pictures of Biden and Bush too. I don't see where that means a thing.
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:27 AM
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Have a look at the man just to the left of the woman with the blue dress...

So, there are pics of McCain and Bush together... So what?????
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:28 AM
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True to a degree, the idea of course is to link McCain with Bush, and thus the same ole thing, or 4 more years of the Bush term. It is the visual image they wish to lock into peoples minds.

I agree, there are pictures of politicians with every other politician known, all to be selectively pulled out and displayed on the wall of one's office, when popularity of one verus the other makes good political sense.
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:56 AM
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The point I'm trying to make is...
The pictures don't mean diddly squat.
Look at the congressional record.
That's where the truth is.

Obama is talking about the lies from the McCain camp,
but look at the congressional record and Obama isn't doing any better.
But, Obama's tax plan is not realistic. More expense to taxpayers that are already overburdened.
McCain, on the other hand, isn't doing a lot better with tax cuts to corporate America.
McCain in in the right church, but he's got the wrong pew.
Obama isn't even in church.
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:08 AM
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I can't believe that Senator Obama refuses to follow my advice and get back on script. John McCain doesn't send e-mail? Really? Anybody wonder why?

Boston Globe - March 4, 2000:
McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes.
Forbes Magazine - March 29, 2000:
In certain ways, McCain was a natural Web candidate. Chairman of the Senate Telecommunications Subcommittee and regarded as the U.S. Senate’s savviest technologist, McCain is an inveterate devotee of email. His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. “She’s a whiz on the keyboard, and I’m so laborious,” McCain admits.
Stay classy, Obama campaign.
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by gordoUSA
The author of that article really should be embarrassed. For anyone not wishing to click the link, it goes something like this...

Palin told some troops that they were going to Iraq to fight the people who killed Americans on 9/11. She's such an ignorant rube that she still thinks Iraq was linked to the 9/11 attacks. Obviously anybody as stupid as she is would have no business being Vice President.

Did I sum it up right, Gordo?
Originally Posted by Governor Palin
"You'll be there to defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the deaths of thousands of Americans," Palin told the departing soldiers.
But here's the rub, and here's why "journalists" like Mr. Nichols give journalism a bad name. We're not fighting against Iraq. Apparently the objective journalists of the world are not aware that Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled long ago and Saddam Hussein is dead. I guess that one must have been kept under wraps or something. It must take some real deep digging to figure out that we're presently fighting on the side of the Iraqis. Budgets are tight these days, so I guess we can't expect "journalists" to investigate enough to know these things. A copy of the weekend newspaper might cost $1.50, after all. Better to just make things up and publish them.

You see, we're actually fighting the remnants of a Sunni outfit known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. The Shiite militias have largely stood down after being routed in Basra earlier this year, leaving the remaining part of AQI as our chief adversary in Iraq. The "journalist" in question may have had a leg to stand on if he chose to argue the extent of the connection between Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda in Iraq. The extent of their connection hasn't been clearly established. He didn't take that route though. He instead chose to imply that we are still fighting against Iraq and therefore Alaska's governor is following a LIE perpetrated by DICK CHENEY. Oh, the horror!

What a moron. Seriously. I have no idea how deep the Governor's foreign policy knowledge goes. Perhaps there are areas in which she is woefully deficient, but this particular article is embarrassing to anyone who writes about news for a living.
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by VitoCorleone99
Originally Posted by gordoUSA
The author of that article really should be embarrassed. For anyone not wishing to click the link, it goes something like this...

Palin told some troops that they were going to Iraq to fight the people who killed Americans on 9/11. She's such an ignorant rube that she still thinks Iraq was linked to the 9/11 attacks. Obviously anybody as stupid as she is would have no business being Vice President.

Did I sum it up right, Gordo?
Originally Posted by Governor Palin
"You'll be there to defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the deaths of thousands of Americans," Palin told the departing soldiers.
But here's the rub, and here's why "journalists" like Mr. Nichols give journalism a bad name. We're not fighting against Iraq. Apparently the objective journalists of the world are not aware that Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled long ago and Saddam Hussein is dead. I guess that one must have been kept under wraps or something. It must take some real deep digging to figure out that we're presently fighting on the side of the Iraqis. Budgets are tight these days, so I guess we can't expect "journalists" to investigate enough to know these things. A copy of the weekend newspaper might cost $1.50, after all. Better to just make things up and publish them.

You see, we're actually fighting the remnants of a Sunni outfit known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. The Shiite militias have largely stood down after being routed in Basra earlier this year, leaving the remaining part of AQI as our chief adversary in Iraq. The "journalist" in question may have had a leg to stand on if he chose to argue the extent of the connection between Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda in Iraq. The extent of their connection hasn't been clearly established. He didn't take that route though. He instead chose to imply that we are still fighting against Iraq and therefore Alaska's governor is following a LIE perpetrated by DICK CHENEY. Oh, the horror!

What a moron. Seriously. I have no idea how deep the Governor's foreign policy knowledge goes. Perhaps there are areas in which she is woefully deficient, but this particular article is embarrassing to anyone who writes about news for a living.
X 2!!!
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:56 PM
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I will give you the point that the article was not well written. Newspapers are written on a 8th grade level. For those of us that were over achievers and made it to the 9th grade or even beyond, the newspapers articles seem rather boring and simplistic. Now the author probably already "assumed" that if a person can read, they already know Saddam is dead, and there is no need to rehash over old news.
The point being, is her belief. After seeing her "church video" where she believes the Iraq war is the "will of God," now as the article states, she thinks we are fighting those that were responsible for 9/11. Those responsible for 9/11 are not in Iraq. And that has been proven. I am not sure if she was just spouting the standard false Cheney lines the Republicans like to hear or if she actually believes what she was saying. If she actually believes what she is saying, that is disturbing.
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