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Old 04-20-2007, 10:42 PM
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Aligator my comment saying I DONT WANT TO i mean this is america and if i dont want to wear a helment or a seatbelt it should be my right. I am hurting no one else besides me. By the way a helment does not do much good above 35 mph.
Truck Driving an occupation consisting of hours of boredom interrupted by sheer terror!!

"All the coolie carriers suck. Log 70, work 80-100, paid for 50." - the Great ColdFrostyMug

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Old 04-20-2007, 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Aligator
Originally Posted by golfhobo
.....And an eternity of soft underbellied, overprotected, scared of their own shadow Americans is to be preferred over the hardened pioneers that built this country WITHOUT OSHA's assistance or mindless government regulation? [/b]:shock:......
Oh, not necessarily. But seeing himself as a "hardened pioneer" is probably how a non-helmet wearer views himself.

And I applaud him! We need MORE of his kind in this country!

More telling, I think, is his "because I don't want to" comment. I see that as the attitude more consistant with a self indulgent child than as a valued team member who has properly thought out the risk/reward equation.

What??? :shock: Who's talking about "valued team members?" It's ONE man on a bike, with the guts to risk his own life and hurt no others.

If wearing a helmet while I'm riding a motorcycle puts me in the "scared of my own shadow" category, then sign me up! :lol:

I didn't exactly SAY that! :lol: It's a personal decision! I don't blame you for being careful, if you value your life above your freedom. Personally, Like Patrick Henry, I value my freedom above my life! I don't want my government telling me how to protect my life!
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:24 PM
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I couldnt agree with you more golfhobo on this subject. (i dont agree with your gun veiws but that is for anothewr tread :lol: ) The gov. allready tells us to much how to live are lifes. I feel someone can do what ever he wants as long as he is not putting other people in danger. Sorry for my mis spelled words no more spell check. And am a driver not a english teacher.
Truck Driving an occupation consisting of hours of boredom interrupted by sheer terror!!

"All the coolie carriers suck. Log 70, work 80-100, paid for 50." - the Great ColdFrostyMug

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Old 04-20-2007, 11:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
I'm with yall against the seatbelts but I do use mine. Not because I'm made to by the police, but because I simply feel safer. I don't always use it in my personal vehicle but I sure use it in my truck just because it's cheaper to put it on than to have DOT ticket me.
I didn't wear my seatbelt much when I was younger. But, somewhere along the way it just became easier to do so. In 1985, I was in an accident that would have been fatal to me had I NOT been wearing it. Since then, I find that I USUALLY wear it in my POV.

But, in my truck, it is very uncomfortable to wear it, especially for such long hours. On another thread, I dodged the question from Glassman2 about it, mostly for the benefit of the noobies. Truth is, I almost NEVER wear it when driving the truck!

But, I SURE know to put it on before entering a scalehouse!! :lol: :lol:

I also tend to wear it when in major city limits, and in rainy conditions. But, in the wide expanses of Arizona, with almost no one around me, I can't STAND to have it on! The day they start making truckers wear HELMETS, is the day I retire! :lol:
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Mackman
I couldnt agree with you more golfhobo on this subject. (i dont agree with your gun veiws but that is for anothewr tread :lol: ) The gov. allready tells us to much how to live are lifes. I feel someone can do what ever he wants as long as he is not putting other people in danger. Sorry for my mis spelled words no more spell check. And am a driver not a english teacher.
What?? You don't AGREE with me on gun views??? :shock: :shock:

What the heck ARE you? Some kind of INDEPENDANT thinker??? :wink: :lol:

Don't worry, or apologize, for your spelling. This is NOT an English class! There is a BIG difference between education and intelligence! And I'm not questioning EITHER in your case.

English came easy for me. Big deal! :roll:

My grandfather had a 3rd grade education, but was a very smart man! It's not the WORDS that are the measure of a man.... it's his THOUGHTS!

Bring it on over, Mackman! You're clear, and the road is yours!
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"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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Old 04-22-2007, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Mackman
Aligator my comment saying I DONT WANT TO i mean this is america and if i dont want to wear a helment or a seatbelt it should be my right. I am hurting no one else besides me. By the way a helment does not do much good above 35 mph.
Yep. Just like it should be your Right to run red lights cause you're in a hurry, cut off other drivers because they are less important than you, drive on the medians of highways because they are there, not allow emergency vehicles over because the person they are carrying is supposed to die, run overweight even though it's destroying the pavement because your load is more important than the roads for the people behind you (And then you complain about construction!)...
But You're not hurting anyone but yourself so it shouldn't matter.

Let's continue this a bit further.
It should be right to make all manor of drugs in your house that kill unsuspecting and uneducated kids, simply because you profit and hey - the strong survive. And since it's not the government's job to educate - oh and did I mention the school is having problems hiring good teachers because you didn't approve that "bullshit" bond last year for area schools?

Oh and yeah, that BS about costing taxpayers money by injuring about an example? Let's say the guy down the way that got hit by someone else's car, he didn't have insurance but guess what - he paid his taxes and so he got Social Security. Let's see if you can wrap your small minds around this, shall we? How much do you think over the course of your lifetime do you contribute to SS? How much does ONE surgery cost?
Do these costs equal? Now add onto that the guy needing a few surgeries to not make him die. Then add on care costs for the rest of his life. Wheelchairs, other medical equipment. Nurses. You think he paid that much into SS that he is taking out exactly what he paid in and no more?

Yep. It sure is BS that you cost taxpayers money by injuring yourself.
Sure is BS that the government can make rules about the roads they own.
Sure is BS that I have to even mention all of this stuff above - common sense and some open eyes go a long way don't they?
My sense of humor is often sitting on my shoulder or chirping her head off in her cage.
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Old 04-22-2007, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Cacille
Oh and yeah, that BS about costing taxpayers money by injuring about an example? Let's say the guy down the way that got hit by someone else's car, he didn't have insurance but guess what - he paid his taxes and so he got Social Security. Let's see if you can wrap your small minds around this, shall we? How much do you think over the course of your lifetime do you contribute to SS? How much does ONE surgery cost?
Why, oh why, do people always feel the need to belittle others, to try to get their point across? So many posters do this. WHY?? It does nothing! Ever hear of this saying ---> You can catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar? All it does, is escalate emotions. Why can't we all just get along and "discuss" issues, not argue over them? Guess that's the reason, that I usually do not opine. :wink: :roll:

BTW- yes, I have my faults. I am, by no means, anywhere near perfect!
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Old 04-24-2007, 02:33 AM
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If people think motorcycle helmet laws are bad, how 'bout bicycle helmet laws in New York until a person reaches the age of 14. The county where I am didn't think that was sufficient so no one under the age of 18 can ride a bicycle or skateboard anywhere in the county without wearing a helmet.

The New York State law I think went into affect in 1989. I guess it was because of generations of kids dieing in their driveways and at parks. I don't understand how I could be alive right now because there was no bicycle helmet law to protect me. :P
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Old 04-25-2007, 08:55 PM
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No helmet riding my bike--MY CHOICE
No seatbelt in my personal car--MY CHOICE
Don`t like my choices step away. :twisted:
I don`t like green shirts seeing as you people like having your wishes made into assinine (cash generating) laws, get a law against green shirts in public on Tuesdays :wink:
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Old 04-29-2007, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Cacille
Originally Posted by Mackman
Aligator my comment saying I DONT WANT TO i mean this is america and if i dont want to wear a helment or a seatbelt it should be my right. I am hurting no one else besides me. By the way a helment does not do much good above 35 mph.
Yep. Just like it should be your Right to run red lights cause you're in a hurry, cut off other drivers because they are less important than you, drive on the medians of highways because they are there, not allow emergency vehicles over because the person they are carrying is supposed to die, run overweight even though it's destroying the pavement because your load is more important than the roads for the people behind you (And then you complain about construction!)...
But You're not hurting anyone but yourself so it shouldn't matter.

Let's continue this a bit further.
It should be right to make all manor of drugs in your house that kill unsuspecting and uneducated kids, simply because you profit and hey - the strong survive. And since it's not the government's job to educate - oh and did I mention the school is having problems hiring good teachers because you didn't approve that "bullshit" bond last year for area schools?

Oh and yeah, that BS about costing taxpayers money by injuring about an example? Let's say the guy down the way that got hit by someone else's car, he didn't have insurance but guess what - he paid his taxes and so he got Social Security. Let's see if you can wrap your small minds around this, shall we? How much do you think over the course of your lifetime do you contribute to SS? How much does ONE surgery cost?
Do these costs equal? Now add onto that the guy needing a few surgeries to not make him die. Then add on care costs for the rest of his life. Wheelchairs, other medical equipment. Nurses. You think he paid that much into SS that he is taking out exactly what he paid in and no more?

Yep. It sure is BS that you cost taxpayers money by injuring yourself.
Sure is BS that the government can make rules about the roads they own.
Sure is BS that I have to even mention all of this stuff above - common sense and some open eyes go a long way don't they?
No offense, Cacille.... but this is a STOOPID argument! EVERY case you mentioned in the first two paragraphs involves a person ignoring a law that, as a result, DAMAGES SOMEONE ELSE, OR SOME PROPERTY!

NO ONE here is advocating such selfish activity. A person who injures HIMSELF ONLY in an accident because he chooses not to wear a helmet or seatbelt, is in NO WAY costing society LIVES OR MONEY.

Your last paragraph is almost as ridiculous. First, "the guy down the way" should have been WEARING A HELMET while standing in the middle of the road when he got hit by someone else's car!! :roll:

The fact that he was a VICTIM of someone else's bad driving, and that HE was so irresponsible that he had NO INSURANCE, is not OUR fault. I have my OWN insurance to cover my medical bills if I get injured in an accident because "I" wasn't wearing a helmet or a seatbelt.

Why don't you get YOUR LITTLE MIND around the FACTS of the argument! To follow YOUR logic, they could and SHOULD pass a law that we ALSO must wear a helmet and body armor to drive a friggin CAR!!

Or better yet..... let's not DRIVE cars, because we might get HURT!

If you would stop and think about it.... the reason MANY don't want to wear helmets when riding Motorcycles (not to mention bikes,) is that they impair your HEARING and your VISION, making it more difficult to BE a SAFE driver!

Wearing a seatbelt has little or no affect on your ability to DRIVE safely, but it should STILL be a personal choice. There is NO evidence that NOT wearing one in ANY WAY endangers anyone ELSE'S life.

You don't even WANT to get into a discussion about healthcare costs not being borne by those needing the most healthcare, and with the least insurance. Cuz' then I'm gonna start asking you how much you friggin WEIGH!!!

The day you make all welfare recipients lose 100 pounds and start exercising, is the day you can tell me I have to wear a helmet or a seatbelt!

This is AMERICA, dammut!!! This "PC Bullsh$t" has got to STOP!!! Or we'll dissolve into a pool of softbellied mush that our enemies will conquer with the simple shout of "BOO!" :roll:
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"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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