Trucking software

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Old 12-08-2012, 07:59 PM
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Default Trucking software

We have had a number of people who have shown an interest in obtaining software to run their trucking business. I thought this would be a good way to share experiences and compare different software programs geared to the driver, owner operator and small fleet owner. Some software can cost a little over $100, while others can run into the thousands of dollars.
Old 12-08-2012, 08:32 PM
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I will start by sharing some of my personal experiences. I have owned Trucknpro by Foglinesoftware, Easy Trucking owned by Omni, and tried Truckers Helper Each has it's pro's and con's. Trucker's Helper has several versions from company driver to mid sized fleets. I like the ability to set up workers and contractors where they can be paid hourly, by mileage, or percentage. They also have the capability of having a driver qualification's file. It is a bit cumbersome to work with for some people. I like the program, but it could be a little easier to use. Easy trucking is designed primarily for the company driver or owner operator who only has a truck or two. There are two versions. The only difference is the number of trucks that you can put into the program. The smaller version will allow up to 5 trucks. The drawback is that if you have any turnover it counts like a new truck and the only way to continue using it is to either pay an additional fee to upgrade to the larger version or delete one of your drivers. That can be a bit awkward when it comes to your accounting. The program will do invoicing, maintenance and aging of receivables.

I started using Trucknpro after buying the Easy Trucking program. They have made significant changes since I first started using the program. In fact, I spoke with them earlier this week and was told that they are about to come out with their 2013 trucknpro version. I was also told that there have been some problems with their web server this week for those using bluetooth. I was told that a landline or cable internet was not having the same problem. They told me that it should be repaired shortly. I forgot to ask about the upgrades, but there are a couple of different versions and some specifically designed for Landstar BCO's and Conway drivers and owner operators. You can use the same software in Canada as in the U.S. since he has a conversion chart in the program.

I had a problem accessing my database of contacts from an old version to the new when my old laptop crashed. Personally, I think that the Trucknpro is the easiest to use out of all the one's that I mentioned. Customer service is good with them. Easy Trucking probably has the worst, from what I have experienced, as well as what others have mentioned. I don't know anything about the customer service at Trucker's Helper. I would expect that it would be fairly good.

Whether you use an industry specific software program or some other type of accounting software, it is important to keep current records. One good aspect of all the programs is that they can give you your cost of running specific loads and your profit per mile as quickly as you put it into the system. You know immediately your break even point. If you plan on buying a truck, it can give you real information if you put in all expenses and revenues as you drive a company truck. Of course, you need to put the information into the program for it to give you the information you need. Reports can be generated to give to your accountant or for you to do your taxes. With Trucknpro, you can customize it for your specific needs. I st mine up to separate what I spend on oil changes, tires and other expenses. It helps me to know where my money is going. Each of the software programs that I listed offer either an online demo or trial version that you can download and try out for a short time.

I hope others will share their experiences with whatever software you have been using. I know some use Quickbooks Pro and others use a spreadsheet. I am glad to answer any questions about any of the software that I have used. I also keep some records on a spreadsheet.
Old 12-08-2012, 11:47 PM
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Good idea Gman. I don't have anything to contribute except to say I'll be watching this thread.

Edit: What do you use a spreadsheet for?

Last edited by MichiganDriver; 12-09-2012 at 03:54 PM.
Old 12-16-2012, 08:33 PM
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i personally use quickbooks and i love it. BUT then again, i only have one truck/trailer and me as a driver.

funny i was thinking today of doing a spreadsheet for my IFTA. today i was also thinking about when i add more trucks and trying to figure a system out. once i get home i'll look but as far as keeping track of expensies.. my mom has a small scanner that she uses for my dad. put recipts in the scanner and it puts it in the right catigory and adds up how much you've used and what not.
Old 12-17-2012, 03:25 AM
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MichiganDriver, I use a spreadsheet to do my IFTA. Since I can now file electronically online in my state, I don't necessarily have to use the spreadsheet. Trucknpro will do the state mileage and gallon totals, so I can just print off a report and input the data into the state website. I sometimes use a spreadsheet to so some quick calculations for taxes. I also use a spreadsheet to do payroll.

With the Trucknpro I really don't need to do much with a spreadsheet when it comes to seeing what I am doing in the business. The new software also has the capability to scan in receipts so that you can go paperless, if you so desire. I don't know if any of the other software packages offer that option.

Firebird, I have known some people who have used Quickbooks Pro to run their trucking business. The main thing is to have current data at any given time. There are some features that I like about having trucking specific software that may not be available on standard generic accounting or bookkeeping programs. I like features such as keeping maintenance records where you can know exactly where my money is going, such as for tires, pm's, etc., I can print out a report at any time to see where the money is being spent. There is also a calender that you can use to remind yourself about maintenance, etc.,

I have a templet that I designed to do my billing, but the software will do invoicing. I forget to use it sometimes. I have been using my templet for quite a few years. The invoicing was not on the original version that I received. I am glad that your mom can help with your bookkeeping. It helps having someone to take care of that for you. Firebird, can you print out your clients or load information. For instance, I can print out all of my brokers and shippers. I can also print out all of my vendors. I keep my laptop with a copy of the software with me when I am on the road. If I am looking for a load, I have my list of brokers that I can call, providing that I am in an area where I have a contact. I have almost 300 contacts from all over the country. I keep notes about each of them with things like their freight lanes, payment information and type of freight and rates.

Easy Trucking has some of the features of Trucknpro. It will do invoicing and all the other information that I need. But, I find the Trucknpro is much more user friendly. Using a spreadsheet can do the basics of what I want, but it is also not as easy to get what I want. I like putting the load information into the program then seeing how I did on the load.
Old 12-17-2012, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by firebird_1252
i personally use quickbooks and i love it. BUT then again, i only have one truck/trailer and me as a driver.

funny i was thinking today of doing a spreadsheet for my IFTA. today i was also thinking about when i add more trucks and trying to figure a system out. once i get home i'll look but as far as keeping track of expensies.. my mom has a small scanner that she uses for my dad. put recipts in the scanner and it puts it in the right catigory and adds up how much you've used and what not.
I use trip envelopes for each load. It helps to keep all receipts, bol, etc., together. At one time, I used a trip sheet. It worked fine other than keeping receipts together. You need a common way to keep records, especially when you have other drivers. You can use a spreadsheet to do your payroll. Truckers Helper can do payroll, invoicing, etc., Trucknpro will do everything with multiple trucks other than payroll. I think that I can change the program enough to do payroll, at least on a 1099. I am not sure exactly how I would set it up to do a W2. It is not a problem with a spreadsheet once it is set up. I put the load number, gross pay to the truck, driver pay, miles driven, etc., I paid on percentage, but the same format could be used with mileage pay. The problem could come in with the withholding taxes if you use trucking software, unless it has payroll built into the program. Will the quickbooks allow you to print out maintenance reports or separate expenses, such as tires, etc? Can you do payroll with Quickbooks or will you need to do something different? The trucking software will tell you your expenses and profit by the mile immediately upon putting the information into the computer. Can you do that with Quickbooks or will it only give the figures in dollars and cents?
Old 12-17-2012, 02:40 PM
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i THINK you can do a report with how much you use in maintnace.. i need to ask my accountant this jan about that. however, i do know that quickbooks does have payroll. they also have it where you can set it up for a W2. you can even do direct deposit though them. another feture i like a loton quickbooks which i think i'll use as a sales pitch to customers is that they can pay with a creditcard. quickbooks will not do the profit by the mile though. however, there is diffrent charts (that i'm not using right now),that once you put in all your expenses, linked to your bank accounts it will tell you if you are profiting or not.
Old 12-17-2012, 02:51 PM
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The Trucknpro people were talking about having some sort of way to import data from their program into Quickbooks. That would probably make it easier to work with an outside accountant. I like that you can interface with your bank and take credit cards. I don't know how much value that would be for me, but if some have customers or brokers who pay with a credit card, it would be a good feature. Most of the trucking programs are strictly for doing the books and tracking revenue and expenses along with maintenance. Some do have the broker list that you can track for finding more business. I don't know if you can do that with Quickbooks.
Old 12-20-2012, 11:31 AM
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see that would be great if you could import the data.
Old 04-11-2013, 05:14 AM
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I just downloaded the newest version of Trucknpro. It is a little different than previous versions. I am still learning about the differences and features. I decided to go back and key in loads that I have run for the first quarter. This version is designed for the single truck owner. They will be introducing a fleet version before long. This software allows you to scan in receipts, etc., and get rid of paper in your business. Personally, I still prefer a hard copy of paperwork, but more people are going paperless. This version also has a driver qualifications section where you can scan a driver's CDL, social security and medical cards. You can also put in the expiration date so that you can have a heads up prior to any paperwork expiring. I am mainly keying in the loads so that I can see how it does with my IFTA. That has to be filed before the end of April.

Another feature allows you to more easily put in LTL loads. I know some who do LTL freight and I have done a fair amount of it in the past. It does make it easier to keep everything on the trip together. Back when I was doing more LTL's, this feature would have come in handy. The great part of this software is that you can use all or part of the features. There is a training video you can download from the website which can help. I downloaded it, but have not had time to check it out.

Since they just came out with the program, I don't know how many readers or members have actually purchased or tried the new program. If you have tried the new program, perhaps you could post your thoughts on the new version and whether you like it better or less than some of the previous versions. They do have several different versions with at least a couple specifically designed for Landstar and Conway. The new program is called Trucknpro Elite.

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