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Old 04-27-2007, 04:19 PM
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i appreciate the info, sheepdancer.

what island/islands were you looking at when checking on possible places to live? i have heard the same thing about rental/purchase prices for apartments and homes, but was kind of curious if you might find something more reasonable away from the high traffic areas/islands.

as far as the 40k a year thing goes, i actually make 60k a year. i've never heard of a 40 hour per week class A job. I work about 60 hours a week, and was assuming that most class A delivery work in hawaii would require about as much. using a cost of living calculator though, the math wouldn't really change. my fiance also works as a massage therapist, so two incomes would make a difference.

i would be really curious to hear from someone who lives in hawaii regarding the slums/druggie comment. i actually live in kansas city, and surely someone would say it's full of pimps and drug dealers, and of course they exist here and there are parts of town that are less desireable. but it wouldn't be fair to call those parts a majority.

so is everyone living in hawaii independently wealthy? how do truck drivers survive? how do waiters and garbage men and plumbers and desk clerks survive? surely i'm missing something. are they all dealing drugs on the side?
when life hands you lemons....hey, free lemons!
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:02 PM
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Im sure they get by just like in any big city. Really, if there is a strong will there is a way to make it anywhere on any salary.
Also, what you and I consider a bad place to live, the locals might think its fine. I remember going there when I was in my early 20s and meeting this really cute hawiian girl who worked in the hotel as an assistant manager. Very classy, and seemed very educated. Just by her looks and the way she presented herself, she came off as a very upper middle class person. She invited me to her place to meet her family and have dinner. When I got there I was pretty shocked in the condidtion she lived in. Small old shack like house, lots of roaches and still living with her family of about 10. It wasnt that I was snobby or anything. It was just different than I have seen before. Thats just the normal way of life there. And she was perfectly happy living in a small shack like house with 10 members of her family.
I would think if your fiance is a massage theropist, she will have no problem finding a good job at one of the resorts. And with both of your incomes, you might be able to make it over there fine.
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by thriver
i appreciate the info, sheepdancer.

I've never heard of a 40 hour per week class A job.

i would be really curious to hear from someone who lives in hawaii regarding the slums/druggie comment. i actually live in kansas city, and surely someone would say it's full of pimps and drug dealers, and of course they exist here and there are parts of town that are less desireable. but it wouldn't be fair to call those parts a majority.

so is everyone living in hawaii independently wealthy? how do truck drivers survive? how do waiters and garbage men and plumbers and desk clerks survive? surely i'm missing something. are they all dealing drugs on the side?
There are regularish hours driving jobs available in LTL land. At my barn city generally go from 10-1830. My bid is 1230-2100. Some of our smaller terminals have bids that are scheduled for 6-7 hrs.

Right now the Wal-Mart DC east of town is hiring guys to run their Yard Goats @ $15 hr; one of the guys who was on my shift got on with them.

In college a few years ago the RA for my dorm was from Oahu. Some of the stories she told about back home were straight outta Compton (or any other bad hood USA). Unlike NV or MN the 2nd home & tourism market has so distorted real estate that the quality of housing you get for your money is crap. Its not different that the Tahoe basin in CA, Aspen CO or most anywhere near the ocean on the west coast.

The big island is not as bad, its the only part of the islands that I liked.

The same way blue collar folk survive in urban CA. Roommates and lower expectations.

Given the higher cost of most everything and the tax burden (HI is most always on the top 10 of highest tax burden states) moving to HI from middle America involves a downshift in lifestyle.
Check Out my Truck Pics:
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:32 PM
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Another thing to be aware of there is a bit of racism towards mainlanders. There, you are the minority and are what is considered a "haole", Which is basically "the N word" for white people.
Amazing as it seems, you will see jobs offers in the classified ads that say "Looking for local people" or "Local people needed"....What that means is basically, white people shouldnt even apply. While that kind of discrimination couldnt fly over here on the mainland, its considered the norm in hawaii and accepted. The farther you get out of the big city areas the more racism you will find towards mainlanders. Unfortunately, that is also where a lot of the affordable housing will be.
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:34 PM
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Wonder how many miles you can rack up in Hawaii. Do they have regional runs in Hawaii? :P
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Old 04-27-2007, 06:13 PM
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ooh, I forgot about one thing. If you do decide to go there and raise a family, Hopefully you will make enough money to be able to send your kids to expensive private schools. The public schools have a tradition called "Kill Haole Day". Traditionally the last day of school, and all the native kids beat up the white kids. Funny thing, only recently have leaders in hawaii addressed this issue, and tried to put a stop to this. However it still happens.
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Old 04-27-2007, 06:38 PM
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HULA DANCER!! shake that beer belly driver!!!!
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Old 04-28-2007, 04:08 AM
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WOW, I am glad to know there isnt any crime,druggies or anything else like that in the mainland. Also because of my indian in me when i drove otr many people looked down on me cause the way my Hawaiian accent was,considering me a Mex,so i am relieved to know there is no racial tension in the mainland.

I acn remember being lost in Chicago,that sure was a great feeling.

I rent a nice 2 bedroom house with a big back yard and front yard for 1050.00 a month. You know anybody can manipulate numbers to make things look good or bad. When you consider we have to have the majority of our goods shipped to us,the price has to be absorbed by somebody.

Gotta agree about the price of houses dont know how anybody can afford one but somehow the market just keeps going.

And btw we gotta put up with the same DOT crap over here. Portable scales,unannounced inspection stations,scale house set up coming out of Matson ,with no private scales to weigh yourself on, and all of the rest.

But hey you wanna live in Paradise you pay the price.
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Old 01-24-2008, 12:55 PM
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I am too looking to move to Hawaii as a truck driver. I have been doing research and have found jobs advertized. I expect it to be difficult to get established but I want to go. I was reading on one the forums in Hawaii that you need to come prepared to live 6 month without income. Also that most jobs are gotten because of contacts so try to establish contacts before you go. As far as the driving jobs go the Big Island and Oahu in the larger cities. I have some supplementary income that will help me but it isn’t enough to live on. My advise would be to try to make contacts in the trucking industry there.
A slow lazy driver will soon be overtaken by poverty.

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