multi car accident, over 100k in damage

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Old 06-12-2023, 08:37 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2023
Posts: 1
Default multi car accident, over 100k in damage

I was driving, no prior health issues but was told I was pre-diabetic and low T. From blood test just recently. Hit multiple cars from fainting-blacking out. The emergency doctors said it could have been from heat stroke but were not sure. No issues , passed drug test and no prior health issues to prevent from driving. I was just fired today and am worried ABOUT if I will ever find another job.

12 years, no dui, no failed drug test, 1 accident over 7 years ago, minor compared to this.

Any advice on how I should approach this with another trucking company, I won't lie but its looking like I might have to hang up my keys if I can't find work. @@@@@@@@@Any trucking companies local to oregon or otr that hire with a severe accident. NO ONE DIED, A COUPLE OF PEOPLE WENT TO GET CHECKED OUT IN THE ER. @@@@@@@@ @@@@

Fired today.

I plan to apply for unemployment benefits and take 2-3 months off and hit the gym, I'm morbidly obese and its catching up to me.

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