Facebook Connect .... redux

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Old 11-07-2012, 05:24 PM
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Default Facebook Connect .... redux

Sorry I had to reopen your closed thread, Clee. But, you didn't allow for any questions/concerns, etc.

I suppose there is some money involved for the owners... what else... but, is this really necessary? Is anyone using it?

Maybe, my internet connection (roadrunner) isn't fast enough, but I have to wait an additional several seconds for EVERY page load or reload... replies, forum choices, etc. It gets REAL slow at times waiting for the little "facebook" thingies.... "likes count" etc. to load before I can proceed. Same crap happens on every website link I go to on the web, so... well.... I just wish I didn't have to deal with it EVERY time I "refresh" a page with any function here on CAD. Sure didn't have to do this for the last several years!

If I want to go on facebook, I'll logon to facebook. I have the link to this website in my FAVORITES list... so, why would I want to login from facebook?

How many of our regulars even waste their time on facebook?

Why are you letting facebook ruin my life?

I can't WAIT til I have to wait another 20 seconds each time for that stupid little TWEETER bird to show up!

I don't ask for much around here... but, this thing is driving me HOGNUTS! :micro:

Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
Old 11-07-2012, 09:15 PM
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Hobo, this is the first complaint we've ever seen regarding slow loading of the Facebook login button (and actually the first complaint I've ever seen about any Facebook login button across the multiple sites we've installed them on). I've personally never experienced any slow loading of the button, but if anyone else is experiencing the issue, let us know.

The decision to install a Facebook login option wasn't my call, but the button should be pretty lightweight in terms of page resources (again, I've never heard of any complaints about our FB buttons until now). If that's not the case for others, we'll look into it.

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