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BanditsCousin 06-02-2006 07:35 PM

I'm just trying to keep this from being locked, its been going great so far.

HorsePower 06-02-2006 07:36 PM

Maybe I should join the contest...

come on, that was funny! Do I see a smile in there?

BanditsCousin 06-02-2006 07:40 PM

Originally, in another section of this board, I mentioned that other o/o's are welcomed to join that run similar operations. However, due to the bedbugging industry, we get a lot of extra pay for tasks we do, even though the money goes out the door almost as quick as it comes in :x

And yes, I'm smiling :P

HorsePower 06-02-2006 07:44 PM

more like laughing on the floor. It's ok, I am doing the same.

I could never do what you do.

06-03-2006 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by BanditsCousin
I'm just trying to keep this from being locked, its been going great so far.

Uh, the Mods aren't going to lock this Bandit .... you seem a little paranoid about a civil discussion. Nobody is calling anyone problems? No, good ..... cause I have some questions for you .... need clarification.

First what does the BS stand for in front of Bunny? I have a couple of ideas but humor me and spell it out.


Get off your BS Bunny.
Then I have an issue with you and no jake, don't know how to get down Mount Eagle w/o one. Guess I would be scared to and wouldn't want you behind me coming down the mountains in the Rockies ..... east coast hills are nothing in my book. You make a couple of statements and they don't seem to add up so either you don't have a clue or "Daddy" didn't teach you how to CYA.


so i have a piece of crap freightliner century class that i swapped for during thr transition. It has no jake brake, any recommendations for going down Mont eagle?

Don't be scared to run down a mountain with me, I only cook in the kitchen, not my brakes BTW- I've only been driving about a year and change, but I've been down grapevine, cabbage, and monteagle 2nd seat since I was 5, so I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly
As we all know and you probably learned today (from Bush Bunny), second seat don't mean crap, if you are not the one behind the wheel then you have no experience.

But if you have seen the good, the bad and the ugly then why did you ask for help? I would think all that second seat experience and you would be able to handle little Mount Eagle. :shock:

Then we have the newbie status, right? You don't think you're a newbie because you have a year and a six months in behind the wheel?!


You called me "newbie" (with a year and 1/2 driving)

BTW- I drove 18 wheels at 16 year of age, so pick on this "newbie" all you want,
So, what you drove a tractor trailer at 16 years of age, big deal. But you only have 1 1/2 years of accountable driving. Uh, sorry you are a newbie...driving Daddy's truck around the block at 16 doesn't count. Driving a tractor trailer at 16 is like being in the jumpseat going down the are not the responsible party Bandit.

Then we get down to the nitty gritty, you think Bush Bunny is picking on you. Then you say you didn't know she was a woman you only look at the words. WRONG Bandit, you knew she was a woman been on the board about a year. You just made the fatal mistake that she is not afraid to stick up for herself. Nope not like most woman drivers, she will stand her ground and go head to head with ya.


I could cae less if you are a woman or man, I just see words on the computer screen, thats all. Sorry to offend you, but we all had to go down the mountains at one time or another without a jake, and you think you're high and mighty cuz you did it already. Now lets end the pissing match and talk about bedbugging or PM me if you think I have a problem with women drivers.

Pick on me all you want Bush Bunny, you don't know me or my abilities. Maybe cuz I didn't go to trucking school? You've been at it longer, so you think you're better than me, so its all good...I'm just a kid and you're intimidated by that.
Did a mountain w/o a jake (real mtns out west Bandit)? Yep that's right, going down a mountain w/o a jake, she does it on a regular basis out West where we have real mountains. That is the way she was taught, w/o a jake, can't trust a jake they don't always work and if it's raining or we have adverse weather she better be able to do it w/o a jake. :shock:

She doesn't PM people that she is having a discussion with on the board. What's a matter Bandit...couldn't say what you wanted to say would rather keep it a secret?

You're right she doesn't know your abilities but I can guarantee you one thing if you can't drive down a mountain w/o a jake after 1 1/2 years OTR she would not be able to trust you with her life. Guess it's a good thing you're solo, huh?

BTW Bandit, Bush Bunny didn't go to driving school either. I taught her how to drive 24 years ago, her record is complete clean, she didn't have a family member to help her along the way only me. So, if you have issues on how she drives best be talking to me I'm her teacher/trainer, best friend, team mate, and partner in our business. I'm pretty sure she can out drive you too. :wink:


I'm just a kid and you're intimidated by that.
Actually Bandit you are a kid, you are what 23 yrs old. Sorry you a kid in my book too. Intimidated by you? Nope, don't think so. She picked up kid thing from me and since she is older than you .... you need to show some respect. Heck be happy she called you kid, that is much nicer than I would have thought of. :shock:

One last thing Bandit, Bush Bunny can fight her own fights on this forum and she does a pretty dang good job at it too. I'm not here to fight her fight but....when you think you are a better driver than my partner and show no respect to her as a driver I step in. I currently have to tolerance anymore with anyone down grading my partner. I have draw the line in the sand, she has been out here earning respect from drivers for 24 years and you "newbies" need to learn how to respect us with more experience.

Just so the Mods are happy and back to the thread.....have at it bedbuggers the last thing we would ever want to do again is moved someone's household. Eeeewwww!

BanditsCousin 06-03-2006 12:49 PM

Thank you for the post, and your interest in Bush Bunny's comments. "BS" stands for bullcrap, actually, that a nicer way to put it. Also, when someone keeps posting the same thing over and over about staying away from me on the mountains, the repetitiveness is annoying, and she was clearly gunning for me. "you're just a kid" and blah blah blah....I'm gonna start picking on people based on age too 8)

If I can't ask a question here, then what good is this forum? I know damn well to drop a few gears when going down without a jake...thats common sense. For the most part I got good advice to reaffirm my intentions. I'd love to stay away from people that DON'T ask advice before attempting no-jake downhilling, I'm just a turd for asking, I suppose.

As far as her being a woman...DUH...I knew she was a woman. But I don't care, it was the attitude I got from her and all her " :shock: " remarks even after I tried to make a joke after the first one. Then she talks about hanging iron, and all this other stuff. Great, fantastic, woopee, I'm just a newbie kid. As far as my second seat comment, I just meant to get at the fact I've seen a lot of drivers smoke their brakes, as I've been in the truck since before I was in 1st grade. Daddy didn't let me drive the truck around the block, I got to open her up out West a time or 2 8)

Doesn't matter what you think, I have several observations PM'd to me from neutral parties saying I NEVER mentioned gender in my posts, and that Bush Bunny threw out the gender card wayyyyy too soon and was totally unprovoked. But her, she meant to pick on me, says so in black and white :lol:

Bedbugging isn't for everyone, but thats why we're nicknamed "gluttons for punishment" :P

BanditsCousin 06-03-2006 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Dog
One last thing Bandit, Bush Bunny can fight her own fights on this forum and she does a pretty dang good job at it too. I'm not here to fight her fight but....when you think you are a better driver than my partner and show no respect to her as a driver I step in.

Hence the novel post? Great for her and her fights, and her ability to win one, I'm a lover not a fighter :lol: As far as being a better driver than ANYONE, well, I'd need proof I ever intended that, or have even said that on this board. Why would I be asking for downhilling advice if I am a superior driver?

BTW- I've seen plenty of women drivers that can put it in the hole a lot quicker and with fewer tries than me, and male drivers who take down fences backing in at the truckstop.

Is this gonna be a crap on bandit thread, or are we gonna discuss PITA customers, boxes, and sleeper sofas that need to go up 4 flights of stairs? 8) :lol:

Teal 95 KW 06-03-2006 02:47 PM

For some reason, I see mine and the Rev.'s popularity growing stronger and stronger ;)

Thanks for the vote there BushBunny. And, IIRC, I always go down mountains without my jakes. That's the way I had to do it at my driving school, they never let us us jakes. They even taught us going over mountains in the snow :shock:

BanditsCousin 06-03-2006 05:37 PM

I asked my Dad this question, and he replied.." I always use the jakes going downhill, especially since I'm the one who pays for new ones(brakes)". Food for thought 8)

06-03-2006 09:49 PM

Banditcousin said:

Is this gonna be a crap on bandit thread.
Yep, it's the crap on Bandit thread. Actually I think BB was posting and talking with Teal (hello he made his own dig) but I don't see where you thought he was copping an attitude.

Actually Bandit you need to pay better attention to what was posted here....BB been driving and earning respect of all drivers for 24 years. Heck man you weren't even born yet and probably not thought about either!

For someone who knew the answer to his question, I think you set yourself up for some jabbing. You said you're not a newbie, you knew to drop gears, so why did anyone need to reconfirm that? A newbie would ask that question, you asked BB labeled you a newbie. Me thinks she is right.

Me nope, don't use a jake unless I need to downhill and I replace my own brakes too. :shock: 8)

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