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Old 12-30-2009, 05:29 PM
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I'd say we flushed out another banana-eating liberal waving his rainbow flag of desperation.
Just one more arrogant jackass who thinks anyone with an opinion other than his, needs to be silenced.

Why this thread to get so bent? Ohhhh...maybe the majority of felons are liberals. (Obamanation comrades)

I admit, I did expect liberals to miss the point.... this thread is a Troll playground from the start, courtesy of a mult. hahahaha

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Old 12-30-2009, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by geargrinder View Post
Why do you knuckleheads always feel the urge to interject your ignorant (1 a : destitute of knowledge or education also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence) politics into discussions.
That is the norm on this board these days, for some reason no one can post anything with out one of the MODS or other conservtives posting a response to to circumvent the original post and direct it towards our leaders and their failures, the funny part about it is that you can post a silghtly offhand comment about other posters and they will delete it, yet they continue to bash the administration left and right, in one breath they say be nice to members but it is ok to bash anyone else as "we don't want to run off any members as that would not be right" it is so fu.king old and childish that I too am at the point of guestioning everybodies level of maturity including mine and really think it is time I step away from this board for a while.

GMAN it was a bull**** statement to make about nothing that had to do with the original post, yet because you are a God fearing Mod you are able to do what you please and delete what you please and respond how you please, Your response really did show your level of maturity no matter how highyour IQ is.
It is getting old keep the political BS it the correct forum, oh wait I forgot this is a do as I say not as I do board, I should have come to terms with this dictatroship along time ago. oh well live and learn..


The Irony behind the fact that I find Solace behind the wheel of 80,000 lbs of explosive material..
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:32 PM
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Nothing was deleted or edited in this post by me or any other moderator as far as I know, Timberwolf. There are things that I may not like about a number of posts, but I don't go around deleting them. A post gets edited when it violates the posting policy such as offensive language. Other than that posts are usually left alone. We don't control what others may say. On the other hand personal attacks are not condoned and will not be tolerated. All it does is drive members away. It doesn't matter whether it is me or another poster, personal attacks are not condoned on this forum. There have been times when some have been allowed to go on for a short time, but when things get out of hand then it is the responsibility of the moderators to step in and stop it.

You have been here long enough to know that it is common for threads to be side railed from their original posting into something else. There have been political posts from both sides of the spectrum. Golf Hobo is one of the most left and as far as I know his posts have not been edited or deleted to control what is said. I don't agree with much of his political viewpoints, but don't have any intentions of editing or deleting his posts. He is free to express his views just as you and others do. There are others who lean the other way and those have also not been deleted or edited, to the best of my knowledge. As far as I know your posts have never been edited or deleted. Posts that are deleted are usually deleted by the poster themselves or they have asked one of the moderators to do it for them. The exception is someone who is spamming. Another is if someone deliberately tries to post personal information about a member or personally attack someone.

Most of us who come to this board are adults. I rarely say anything to any posters. When I do it is usually because things are getting a bit too heated or I have received complaints from one or more posters. I think that you will find that to be true with any of the moderators.

Politics do occasionally get into some of the posts. Many people are frustrated with what is going on with our economy and government. They are only venting a little. I have been guilty of some of that myself. This is an industry that has become a political football at times. It is sometimes difficult to separate the two. Posts are not controlled so I am not sure what you would like for me or the others to do about political talk. You are free to mention it to the one who posted it and see if things can move back to the topic. You are also free to ignore the posting and respond to something else. As you can see, I didn't edit or delete your post.
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Old 12-31-2009, 01:17 PM
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Well Gman there were three responses on this thread deleted, maybe it was the ultra conservative mod the late rev coming back from the grave, The real sad part about it is that they were not even as harsh as the remarks made in some of those political post. perception is relaity and my departure from this board wont close it down nor will it effect it by ny means but it will clearly end my having to deal with the hypocritcal ways you guys see the world not to mention the way you view this board.....
So in the words of many of your own fellow conservatives who as well became so dysenfranchised with this board, Yoopr, Admore, Rev, to mention a few I am out of here....

See Ya
The Irony behind the fact that I find Solace behind the wheel of 80,000 lbs of explosive material..
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Old 12-31-2009, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by TimberWolf View Post
Well Gman there were three responses on this thread deleted, maybe it was the ultra conservative mod the late rev coming back from the grave, The real sad part about it is that they were not even as harsh as the remarks made in some of those political post. perception is reality and my departure from this board wont close it down nor will it effect it by ny means but it will clearly end my having to deal with the hypocritical ways you guys see the world not to mention the way you view this board.....
So in the words of many of your own fellow conservatives who as well became so disenfranchised with this board, Yoopr, Admore, Rev, to mention a few I am out of here....

See Ya
Well, if you are talking about the 3 that I deleted. I did so because it was another poster on this board who registered under an alias. As you know, it was a planned attack designed to embarrass me by what he thought he knew. He was encouraged by a few trolls on another board to wreck havoc on this board. I know who the individual is who started this and I have no intention of sharing my personal business on a public forum. When that individual and his fellow trolls want to post their personal information on a public forum, then I might take it into consideration.

When someone comes on here with half truths and innuendo's then they will be dealt with directly. I have no problem with people asking questions in an adult manner. I won't tolerate someone deliberately starting a personal attack on me or another poster. Nor will any of the other moderators. If the moderators failed to step in then this board would become a free for all and no one would bother to even visit. If that is the criteria for someone staying on this board, then it is probably good for them to leave.

I am not sure that those you mentioned became disenfranchised with the board. They left for various reasons. I haven't seen Yoopr or Ardmore Farms post anywhere for some time. People come and go. There was a time when I didn't post on here. There are more than 17,000 members on this board and countless others who come as guests and have never registered. I have only banned one poster and that was the alias who only registered to remain anonymous in his attack. You are free to stay or go as you wish. I don't recall anyone restricting or deleting any of your posts. It is rare that anyone has their posts deleted or edited on this board. I think Rev was a little more aggressive than some, but that was his decision.

I usually don't say much to posters. I think people should be free to express themselves as long as it doesn't result in personal attacks or language that might offend people. Not everyone who comes to this forum is an adult. Others simply don't want to read all the filthy language. That is something that will be deleted or edited out. When I have done that it is only the particular word or words, not the entire post. There are guidelines or rules that every member must agree to when they sign up on this or any other forum. It is only when those guidelines are violated that the moderators step in. Some have been banned due to their constant personal attacks. You can say things about someone's posts or ideas without attacking them personally.

Frankly, I think that the moderators have been pretty lenient in many cases. You don't have to agree with me or any other moderator or poster. You will not be banned or have your post deleted for disagreeing. I have had people disagree with me over the years that I have been a member of this forum. I have never deleted any of them. I don't recall any other posts that have been deleted because they happened to disagree with one of the moderators.
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Old 12-31-2009, 06:04 PM
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I support GMAN 100% and all the moderator staff. I think we have the best moderators any message board could hope for. :thumbsup:

I'm not surprized at the false accusations, because we regular members get that allot too, when we choose to make political comments even in a joking manner. I've had some dimwit claim because I mis-spelled a word, therefore my whole opinion must not be worth anything. I will admit I've ramped up my verbage in response to some liberals here, but the caustic behavior on their part is what has made my neck hair bristle, and I'm not the type to back away. I'm a christian who still needs to learn about turning the other cheek, or that forgiving stuff. :roll:

Thing I don't understand about this political or religious opinion making, is this message board is predominately christian and conservative. I understand there are many members here who are liberal and some do not believe in christianity, and I remember starting out, trying to respect that. We've always had political and religious discussions here. Why now that the liberals are in power, and they are screwing up big time, all of a sudden we can't voice a politically conservative opinion? Even the attacks against christianity have become more caustic. There is this "now is their time" movement going on, and liberals seem to be in a panic to force their will upon all of us.

Right now liberals are running this Country, and they own all of our state of affairs, yet they are still trying to blame the past administration. They have 90% of all schools saturated with liberal ideology. They have 90% of the media. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed many of TV commercials and programming, and most movies have a liberal ideology? Most newspapers, magazines and whats known now as the lamestream media (TV) is a liberal propaganda machine. They are ramming their ideology down the throats of every American today, regardless of majority dissent. They ignore us completely and go to every measure to silence us, and shut us out of debate. They want to dismantle our Constitution, Bill of Rights, destroy capitalism and rip Christianity completely from the fabric of this Country, and "change" America into some form of a European socialist communist economy and government...again against the will of the majority.

Now a few CAD liberals want to silence conservative or christian opinion on CAD too? You can't simply go to a liberal truck site where you may feel more welcome? Or can't you atleast let a conservative come to a conservative truck site and blow off alittle steam without you feeling it is your duty to "change" CAD too? You are welcome to debate the issues, and maybe enlighten us, explain your ideology, offer ideas to consider, but I have yet to see one liberal try to join a discussion.

I don't care to see anyone feel run off, or uncomfortable by my opinions, but some of you have proven you don't deserve anything but a dose of what you dish out right back atcha. I think if you feel unwelcome here, it has more to do with your own behavior, like it or not. You are not going to fundementally transform CAD. The Obama administration may one day totally change the freedoms on the internet, but until then, may God Bless CAD. Dick Cheney for President. :lol:

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Old 12-31-2009, 07:22 PM
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OK, I fess up. I'm the one that deleted a few posts on this thread. I don't usually make it a habit of explaining myself about my decisions I make regarding this board. Welcome to the deep, dark recesses of a Mod mind:

The first post deleted was NOTHING but a personal attack on another member ( a non-mod BTW ). The other two or three ( I didn't really keep count ) were nothing more than a response to the original offending post. The member ( and I use that term loosely ) that posted the first offending post has been warned, banned, edited, called out in private and public for doing things like this. After he posted the post in question I had several options as how to address the situation. I choose the one that I thought best this time around.

There you have it; The deep, dark secrets of a Moderators mind on how we plan to move forward our hidden agenda. Kinda bland huh?

PS: I also want to point out that the first post deleted was for attacking another member that had not even posted on this thread and the attack was out of the blue. That is why it was deleted. Had the person being attacked posted something on the thread and THEN some kind of attack took place I could understand it more. Not that I would like it, but I could see how it might happen. In that case I might have taken a different approach.
Find something you like to do, be the best at it you can be, the money will come.

Last edited by Ridge Runner; 12-31-2009 at 07:32 PM.
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Old 12-31-2009, 07:46 PM
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That's why you are a top mod Ridge, ya post Pirate! Rrrr!

Hell... I woulda pulled the pin and made a big friggin' mess, to set some example!
Not only that... I would have over-moderated for a week, because of the adrenalin rush!

Last edited by Roadhog; 12-31-2009 at 07:58 PM. Reason: felt I had to add an Rrrr
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Old 12-31-2009, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Roadhog View Post
I'd say we flushed out another banana-eating liberal waving his rainbow flag of desperation.
Just one more arrogant jackass who thinks anyone with an opinion other than his, needs to be silenced.

Why this thread to get so bent? Ohhhh...maybe the majority of felons are liberals. (Obamanation comrades)

I admit, I did expect liberals to miss the point.... this thread is a Troll playground from the start, courtesy of a mult. hahahaha
what do you have against bananas??
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Old 12-31-2009, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Fredog View Post
what do you have against bananas??
(heh heh) I think yer trying to get me banned........... again.

If I did this right, check your mailbox. If not... I'll see your back here in 3 days.

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