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Old 04-21-2007, 07:59 PM
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Your apology was well worded, and I ACCEPT!! :lol: :lol:

Just kiddin' man. You know you've never offended ME!

I feel your pain. I think we ALL do in these recent days. And you are right. We WILL become what we think most about!

If we become bitter at the world, and those who do evil things, we become what we fear most.

With more info coming out about CHO, it is easier to see his problems and motivations. It doesn't excuse his actions, but we learn a little about ourselves. MOST of us are not Psychologists. It is hard for us to understand what drove him to this action. But, the more I hear about it, the less I find that I can blame HIM totally. I agree that EVIL reigned this week, but I'm not prepared to say that HE, himself was evil. He was SICK. And his sickness was not addressed. He is not the first, last or ONLY one to suffer this illness of the mind. Isn't it interesting, though, that a sick mind NEVER seems to "act out" in a PURE and LOVING way??

As one who suffers from depression, I can tell you that we are not always in control of our thoughts, and their insidious affects on our personalities and actions.

Also, as one who suffered MUCH of the same ridicule and ostracism that CHO did, early in life, I can say that it is the HEROIN of the troubled mind. Though it seems that MANY tried to "draw him out," they were not successful because the mind concentrates mostly on the NEGATIVE influences it has stored (when it is sick like his.)

But, I HOPE this event bears SOME fruit in the consciousness of our youth. The flippant ridicule, uncaring words and unwillingness to understand and CARE about others, is increasingly manifesting dangerous and deadly results.

Why should I CARE about another? It doesn't affect me! Why should I forgive another? It won't bother me..... But, it DOES!

The Golden Rule is there for OUR benefit.... not for others'!!!

I have long ago forgotten (if I ever knew) how to LOVE. Therefore, I cannot BE loved. I cannot ACCEPT love. I pray that I never forget how to UNDERSTAND, or FORGIVE. For then, I COULD BE but a Glock away from the evil that overtook CHO. (not really... no way!)

Don't worry.... My anti-gun stance will protect y'all! :lol: Besides, I don't REALLY believe what I just wrote! I know that LOVE conquers ALL! It is the antidote to the heroin that I mentioned above. If it came my way, I'd "relearn" it quickly... I think. That is the power of LOVE!

I don't totally understand what epiphany you've had. But, better late than never! I just know that, in the absence of love, we need understanding! Forgiveness is just "window dressing." You only need to forgive yourself! And that comes from Understanding.

It's not enough to just "think outside the box." It is preferable to be "outside the box" thinking and understanding what is WITHIN it!

Peace to you, and to all, at this time!

Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
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