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Old 01-15-2007, 04:23 AM
Useless's Avatar
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Default Re: Dac is not fair

Originally Posted by outyounder
Well what I meant was that if you have stuff that your not proud of that you did when you were younger, it shouldn't be in a report.

Sorry, but this is an industry that plays for keeps!! If something happened thirty years ago, (except with some companies, a felony offense!!) and you have had a clean record since, you should still be hireable. But your past is still out there, somewhere in cyberspace, and that is just a fact. For Heaven's sake, don't try to lie on your application; it takes one time to get caught, and then your career as a driver will be pretty much over!!

I think people change and shouldn't be judged all their lives for the wrong choices they made.

This is an industry where you will be scrutinized very carefully, and you WILL be judged. One of the biggest problems in the industry is not excessive scrutiny, but rather a lack of it. If you can not accept that reality, you will not be welcomed in this profession.

I know those you who are perfect wouldn't understand but for guys like me, we have families and a need to work too.

With the clear and unmistakable exception of Yours Truly, none of us are perfect. Certainly, we do understand your need to work and support your family, and we applaud you for doing so.

It is hauling freight, not preforming surgery! I even use to work in the surgery and didn't have to meet such standards!

No, it is not performing surgery, but we are talking about putting you behind the wheel of a rolling missile that weighs up to 80,000 pounds; not a prospect to be taken lightly!! While it is true that it is not surgery, (btw, I'm a BSN, so I can relate here!!) a 40 ton missile colliding with a school bus filled with little children is not a matter to be taken lightly.

Outyonder, I can understand why the idea of a background check would concern you; at the same time. I want to caution you against closing doors of opportunity before you have really tried to open them.

Trust me, you are not the first person with a blemished past to enter this profession, and you won't be the last. The man who I team drove with took me from being an "okay steering wheel holder", and turned me into an accomplished driver. He had also spent a few years in prison for assault, and had only been out about four years before he started driving!! Now, were there some restrictions, certain limitations that he had to deal with?? Yes!! He could not enter Canada, and he was not yet eligible for a Haz-Mat endorsement. At the same time, he became a good driver, and made a good living!!

I don't know about your past, but I am pretty sure that if your troubles happened 30 yrs. ago, and you are not in arrears on child support, then there will be some fairly decent doors of opportunity open to you.

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