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syl77dar 10-14-2006 09:50 PM


Windwalker 10-22-2006 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by BanditsCousin
You sound crazy, lady. And I think it would be wise to stay away from guys that don't respect other mens' wives.

Is a forum about trucking a place you really want to air your dirty laundry?

You might keep in mind that one of the purposes of this forum, and others like it, is to "help" each other. Share information, answer questions, and " help" each other. In her case, just talking about it, and not holding it in, is a form of therapy. No, we are not the professionals that she needs, but by being able to talk to us, she may also get up the courage to seek the help she needs. Read what's been said TO her about her situation. She has not been given "bad" advice. It also sounds to me like she's "living in her husband's world". Like she has no friends of her own to talk to. Do you really want to turn your back on her? I say, let her say what ever makes her feel better.

Angel 10-23-2006 12:52 AM

Tell your husband and the mans wife thats just lowdown and perverted .

stomper4x4 10-23-2006 11:37 PM

I cannot believe all the .... that have replied to this topic. First of all, non of you have a clue what this lady might be going through. Second, to assume that she's full of it, or accuse her of lying, is ignorant.

How is it you can judge someone over the Internet? What if she is for real? What morons some of you are. A little kindness does a long way; if you don't believe it, or think shes a fraud then why bother replying, just move on to another topic. Save this topic for people who have compassion, and take your self centered grouchy asses somewhere else.

Leave it to the people who want to help to post here. If shes for real, perhaps she may get some good advice and follow it. If shes a fraud, then she'll move on if you don't fan the flames.

I had a good friend go through this. People in these situations often cannot see things very clearly, for whatever reason. Often what looks obvious to those on the outside, it's so obvious to the victims.
My friend couldn't see it, and it ended up costing her life.

All you negative punks, go back to the other forums where you can complain all day about how much your company, and your job sucks and stay away from the family forum.

Just insane, the way some people are. Just assume your way through life and keep talking out of your rear.

Angel 10-24-2006 02:24 AM

I didn't say anything negative to her so before you go calling people punks read each and every one of the post it's bad enough that the man did it to her and to have a fear her husband wouldn't believe her on top of that has to be a horrible feeling .
Some of us encourage her to tell her husband and get help any way she can .
If it was me I would have just broke his hands then for kix got even by dropping him off with out apparel at a local police station with pervert wrote on his head in permanent ink :twisted: but that's just me I don't take kindly to perves or jerks :twisted:

TruckersBish 11-20-2006 05:38 PM

Ok this may be a dumb question but why can't you do any of those things for yourself? Is it really that hard to take the trash out and mow the lawn? I do understand if you have some type if disability that prevents you from doing those things.

feederfred 12-15-2006 10:55 PM

I just wish you would all use Spell Check. It's quite easy. Most of the posts are illegible and completely un-intelligible.

classicxl 12-15-2006 11:21 PM

dont let that go unpunished tell your husband and his wife

tippy 12-20-2006 05:29 PM

Hi tuckerswife26,

I am also a new member of this forum, and I read your sounds like not good for you.

I think after talking seriously with your husband about what happened with you while he was on the road, and he still does not realize the problem of your father-in-law brought to you... (and maybe your father-in-law will do the same for the next time when he comes). You should decide and tell your husband if he does not do anything with his dad or talk with him stop doing bad things to you, you will take your child and leave him......
You have to be confident and stronger to threaten your husband....with this way.. your husband will listen to you......and if your father-in-law still does the same things again... just call 911 to ask help from police. Because there is not any dad can treat like that with his daughter-in-law, except that dad is crazy and have mental problem.

I am sorry about your situation and I know you love your husband very much. I hope you can decide and find a best solution.

Merry Christmas to you and family

lnichols 01-25-2007 05:04 PM

I fell awful for the original poster, I sure hope things have worked out for you and you have distanced yourself and your children from your in-laws.

And for those of you who had problems with her spelling or grammar - shame on you, she came her looking for a shoulder to cry on and a little support and you acted so superior to her because you can spell with a spell checker - get some compassion!

Obviously she was in distress and didn't give a rats ass about her spelling!

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