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greg3564 08-11-2007 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by greg3564

Originally Posted by golfhobo
I don't know what state this happened in, but some states still allow .10 as the limit. Either way, he was barely over the "pedestrian" limit.

All states are now .08. The states that didn't already have .08 had to lower it in 2003 as directed from a federal mandate. If a state didn't lower it, they would have lost all their federal highway funding.

Okay, I stand corrected. What would "I" know about DUI laws?? :roll:

However, it just goes to show what I said about the "arbitrary" nature of the law. Apparently, we get drunker NOW than we did a few years ago! :roll:

Or states care more about highway funding than they do about science and individual's rights! :wink:

You know that's true!

Does anyone besides ME think that Prohibition was repealed because the government was losing money on liquor taxes, and that trumped highway safety or religious pressure?

Taxes? No, not the government! :wink:

Or they saw a new cash cow in DUI fines? Do they really care about safe roads.... or do they just like getting funding from those they catch? Drinking and driving is more of a social issue than a criminal one.... yet, no one believes that AA is the answer, and they LOVE getting the fines!

Drinking and driving is most definately a criminal issue. Especially so for repeat offenders. AA only works if that person WANTS the help.

Speeding.... $35 and get out of here! DUI?..... hundreds and thousands of dollars!

Agreed. Both should be fined equally.

You want to smoke cigs? TAX you to pay for someone else's medical bills!!

Well, if you smoke long enough, those taxes will help you too.

You want to eat fatty hamburgers and get obese? No problem.... we'll pay for your medical costs.

Is there a fat tax now?

You want to drive a car? TAX the gasoline that you HAVE to have.... you want to take the commuter rail? We'll subsidize you!

Roads aren't built for free. The reason rail lines are sudsidized is to reduce congestion and air polution.

Does ANY of this smack of "taxation without representation?" Anyone else thinking about a Tea Party? :shock:


golfhobo 08-12-2007 05:45 PM

I just lost my ENTIRE last post in which you (Greg) finally understood and totally agreed with everything I had to say!! :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

Maybe, I'll attempt to recreate it later, or maybe I'll just shoot the dang computer!! :cry: :cry:

The ONE time I forgot to copy it before trying to submit..... it went STRAIGHT to the login page and I lost everything!! :evil: :evil:

Sometimes this site reminds me of my DISPATCHER!! :roll:

Cluggy619 08-15-2007 06:55 PM

In June of 1985, my sister was walking down the road with her 3 kids. A driver who "just had a couple of beers" hit her and 2 of the kids. He put the kids in the hospital for about 6 months. My sister was DEAD, 50 FEET FROM WHERE THE PICKUP TRUCK HIT HER.

I never got his name, or I would be in jail now. From what I understand, he got off easy. A fine around $2000, and 6 months confinement. They should have put him to death, least I feel that way. A life for a life.

Let the guy hang. I hope he got prison raped.

As for the rest of you who thinks it's OK, just wait until you lose family. Or at least, your freedom.

08-15-2007 07:34 PM

Cluggy thanks for being on my side. That day I almost lost the love of my life without her seat belt she would have died. Her car a 2005 Ford Focus had the rear clip shoved forward 4 feet the rear tires were touching the front seats if my kids had been with her they would have been killed and then that guy would have died for sure. I would not have been the one doing it either my Father in law would have beat me to him more than likely. Any amount of liquor in your system slows your reaction times add any prescriptions to it and you can be in worse shape. I thank my lucky stars everynight I was home with the kids and she was ok when we go to bed at night together. I NEVER want anyone to go thru what I did last year.

golfhobo 08-15-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cluggy619
In June of 1985, my sister was walking down the road with her 3 kids. A driver who "just had a couple of beers" hit her and 2 of the kids. He put the kids in the hospital for about 6 months. My sister was DEAD, 50 FEET FROM WHERE THE PICKUP TRUCK HIT HER.

I never got his name, or I would be in jail now. From what I understand, he got off easy. A fine around $2000, and 6 months confinement. They should have put him to death, least I feel that way. A life for a life.

Let the guy hang. I hope he got prison raped.

As for the rest of you who thinks it's OK, just wait until you lose family. Or at least, your freedom.

Man, I am NOT gonna be "popular" for THIS response! Please take note that my opinions here are sometimes ONLY for the purpose of DEBATE!

Cluggy, I am VERY sorry for your loss! I don't mean to be calouse in any way, but....

In the vernacular of OUR business, this was a "preventable." Pedestrians have no "special" rights on MOST highways or roads, certainly not on most interstates.

Was there no sidewalk? If not, were they FACING traffic as they walked?

Roads and streets and highways are for VEHICLES.... not pedestrians. It is DANGEROUS out there! If it weren't a few beers, it could JUST have easily been a cellphone call, or fiddling with the radio, or even slapping the KIDS in the backseat! I see so many examples of POOR driving everyday it makes me SICK!

Truckers do it, kids do it, mothers do it! The roads are not safe to DRIVE on, let alone WALK on! Roads are for VEHICULAR traffic! They are NOT "sidewalks or walkways" for pedestrians.

I have not heard ONE word from the rest of you about the guy in his "souped up" RAM truck doing 15 over the speed limit, or the "crotchrocket" idiots! Not even a peep about the driver taking bennies to cheat his logs! It's just ALWAYS about that big "social demon" alcohol!

I don't condone drunk driving! But "prescription" drugs can be JUST as impairing! There are MANY reasons in today's society as to why the roads are not SAFE! And I SURE wouldn't WALK down one.... especially with kids.... without being ever so vigilant that a drunk driver couldn't get NEAR me if he TRIED.

It would be 'perfect' I suppose, if all highways were somehow "controlled" and all vehicles ran the same speed and didn't even need a driver.... but this is NOT the year 2525!

But, KNOWING there are drunk or otherwise 'imperfect' drivers out there, (or mechanical failures and such) a person walks down a road... (maybe with their back to traffic - I don't know) ..... AND subjects CHILDREN to the same danger?

I don't know.... something just sounds out of whack here. I've lived in small neighborhoods, and rural areas, as well as big cities. I have NEVER given up my responsibility for MY personal safety to a driver of a big metal machine!

Of course, I wouldn't have gone picking daiseys in the fields of Gettysburg during the Civil War, either!

Okay.... NOW I'm dead meat! :roll:

Cluggy619 08-16-2007 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by Cluggy619
In June of 1985, my sister was walking down the road with her 3 kids. A driver who "just had a couple of beers" hit her and 2 of the kids. He put the kids in the hospital for about 6 months. My sister was DEAD, 50 FEET FROM WHERE THE PICKUP TRUCK HIT HER.

I never got his name, or I would be in jail now. From what I understand, he got off easy. A fine around $2000, and 6 months confinement. They should have put him to death, least I feel that way. A life for a life.

Let the guy hang. I hope he got prison raped.

As for the rest of you who thinks it's OK, just wait until you lose family. Or at least, your freedom.

Man, I am NOT gonna be "popular" for THIS response! Please take note that my opinions here are sometimes ONLY for the purpose of DEBATE!

Cluggy, I am VERY sorry for your loss! I don't mean to be calouse in any way, but....

In the vernacular of OUR business, this was a "preventable." Pedestrians have no "special" rights on MOST highways or roads, certainly not on most interstates.

Was there no sidewalk? If not, were they FACING traffic as they walked?

Roads and streets and highways are for VEHICLES.... not pedestrians. It is DANGEROUS out there! If it weren't a few beers, it could JUST have easily been a cellphone call, or fiddling with the radio, or even slapping the KIDS in the backseat! I see so many examples of POOR driving everyday it makes me SICK!

Truckers do it, kids do it, mothers do it! The roads are not safe to DRIVE on, let alone WALK on! Roads are for VEHICULAR traffic! They are NOT "sidewalks or walkways" for pedestrians.

I have not heard ONE word from the rest of you about the guy in his "souped up" RAM truck doing 15 over the speed limit, or the "crotchrocket" idiots! Not even a peep about the driver taking bennies to cheat his logs! It's just ALWAYS about that big "social demon" alcohol!

I don't condone drunk driving! But "prescription" drugs can be JUST as impairing! There are MANY reasons in today's society as to why the roads are not SAFE! And I SURE wouldn't WALK down one.... especially with kids.... without being ever so vigilant that a drunk driver couldn't get NEAR me if he TRIED.

It would be 'perfect' I suppose, if all highways were somehow "controlled" and all vehicles ran the same speed and didn't even need a driver.... but this is NOT the year 2525!

But, KNOWING there are drunk or otherwise 'imperfect' drivers out there, (or mechanical failures and such) a person walks down a road... (maybe with their back to traffic - I don't know) ..... AND subjects CHILDREN to the same danger?

I don't know.... something just sounds out of whack here. I've lived in small neighborhoods, and rural areas, as well as big cities. I have NEVER given up my responsibility for MY personal safety to a driver of a big metal machine!

Of course, I wouldn't have gone picking daiseys in the fields of Gettysburg during the Civil War, either!

Okay.... NOW I'm dead meat! :roll:

To answer your question, they were walking against traffic so they could see traffic coming at them. The guy went accross the road into the oncoming traffic lane to get at them. This road did not have a sidewalk, or they would have use it. It is what you call a "rural area".

And it was the same road they walk down for the 5 years they lived in the trailer park where they called home. What was the difference that day? One guy, one pickup truck, and "a couple of beers". And now she is dead.

And one more thing. It was a clear summer night, a full moon, road was dry. But it was also up in Michigan, another reason to hate that state.

As far as sounding out of whack, not right to you, or whatever else you have to say about it, (fill in your own blank here). Drunk drivers don't care where you are. They don't care if you are on a sidewalk, or in your yard. They don't care if you are in a parking garage, or even in your own home. If they are driving, everybody is in danger.

My sister is still dead, and that rat-baster still lives. An eye for an eye. He deserves to be planted, 6 feet under.

And I don't care what you think.

Mackman 08-16-2007 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

Man, I am NOT gonna be "popular" for THIS response! Please take note that my opinions here are sometimes ONLY for the purpose of DEBATE!

Cluggy, I am VERY sorry for your loss! I don't mean to be calouse in any way, but....

In the vernacular of OUR business, this was a "preventable." Pedestrians have no "special" rights on MOST highways or roads, certainly not on most interstates.

Was there no sidewalk? If not, were they FACING traffic as they walked?

Roads and streets and highways are for VEHICLES.... not pedestrians. It is DANGEROUS out there! If it weren't a few beers, it could JUST have easily been a cellphone call, or fiddling with the radio, or even slapping the KIDS in the backseat! I see so many examples of POOR driving everyday it makes me SICK!

Truckers do it, kids do it, mothers do it! The roads are not safe to DRIVE on, let alone WALK on! Roads are for VEHICULAR traffic! They are NOT "sidewalks or walkways" for pedestrians.

I have not heard ONE word from the rest of you about the guy in his "souped up" RAM truck doing 15 over the speed limit, or the "crotchrocket" idiots! Not even a peep about the driver taking bennies to cheat his logs! It's just ALWAYS about that big "social demon" alcohol!

I don't condone drunk driving! But "prescription" drugs can be JUST as impairing! There are MANY reasons in today's society as to why the roads are not SAFE! And I SURE wouldn't WALK down one.... especially with kids.... without being ever so vigilant that a drunk driver couldn't get NEAR me if he TRIED.

It would be 'perfect' I suppose, if all highways were somehow "controlled" and all vehicles ran the same speed and didn't even need a driver.... but this is NOT the year 2525!

But, KNOWING there are drunk or otherwise 'imperfect' drivers out there, (or mechanical failures and such) a person walks down a road... (maybe with their back to traffic - I don't know) ..... AND subjects CHILDREN to the same danger?

I don't know.... something just sounds out of whack here. I've lived in small neighborhoods, and rural areas, as well as big cities. I have NEVER given up my responsibility for MY personal safety to a driver of a big metal machine!

Of course, I wouldn't have gone picking daiseys in the fields of Gettysburg during the Civil War, either!

Okay.... NOW I'm dead meat! :roll:

Well said Hobo

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