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Old 02-21-2009, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by GMAN View Post
Obama and the anti American socialist chickencrats plan on attacking the 2nd amendment during his administration. I heard something about them wanting to restrict our ability to purchase ammunition since they have had some legal losses recently. Since they have been unable to get rid of the 2nd amendment they plan on going after the ammunition which will make owning the gun useless.
You are so right G, and it would/will be easer then most people think. The ground work is already there. (amount and type) and other restrictions on ammo. I know I know who "needs" amour piercing ammo for a hand gun? There are people talking about calber restrictions (a .50 bmg will kill you deader than .380)and banning the use of lead bullets!!And one of my favorites is putting a serial no. on each bullet! What a joke, problem is it's not funny!

Has anyone here gone to a gun show lately? Or just checked on the price of ammo? If not your in for a surprise!
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Old 02-21-2009, 11:05 PM
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I'll take the kind where everything goes in at the front sight. I can make the caliber any size I want on the lathe, and when melting down the batteries and casting the lead, I can put anything in the middle that I desire.

Oh, and where was I supposed to put that serial number????
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Old 02-22-2009, 11:07 AM
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As an NRA Endowment Life Member this is a subject near and dear to my heart. There was just a court ruling in Wisconsin on a persons right to open carry when the law does not specifically ban it.

The man was doing yard work at his home wearing a firearm in a holster and a neighbor saw it. The neighbor called the cops and the cops showed up, seized his gun and gave him a ticket for disorderly conduct. This is a tactic that many localities use to restrict your lawful right to open carry.
The judge ruled that if you can carry openly under state law then you can.

Couple of things: The police chief of that town (West Allis) said he would pretty much keep doing what he was doing judge ruling or not. That man needs to be fired. Also, what the frig kind of neighbors does that guy have?
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Old 02-22-2009, 11:13 AM
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By the way, you need to be careful about carry in your semi. If your in a company truck then its not your truck. The cops/DOT can search it and if they find the gun and your not carrying it in a legal manner as proscribed by the jurisdiction your in you will probaly go to jail. Most companies I know of now restrict the carry of firearms in their vehicles mostly for insurance purposes and if your otr you might be sent to canada. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER CANADA WITH A HANDGUN!

The cops/DOT can search the truck and if they find the gun and your not carrying it in a legal manner as proscribed by the jurisdiction your in you will probaly go to jail.
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Old 02-26-2009, 02:16 AM
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Regrettably, I can't and don't carry. For now I have to be content with an improvised slingshot.

Obamanation's AG Holder announced today they will be pursuing an assault weapons ban. Gee . . and he said he wouldn't. I'm so disillusioned.

dobry4u . . hide your son!

Last edited by cdswans; 02-26-2009 at 02:21 AM. Reason: Added the link.
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Old 02-26-2009, 02:34 AM
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Originally Posted by jonp View Post

The man was doing yard work at his home wearing a firearm in a holster and a neighbor saw it. The neighbor called the cops and the cops showed up, seized his gun and gave him a ticket for disorderly conduct.

WTF, who wears a firearm on their hip when doing yard work? Was he anticipating being attacked by a wild boar or something. I wouldn't call the fuzz, but I would laugh at him/her for a long while.

Arguing on the C.B. is kinda like running in the Special Olympics, 'cause even if you win your still retarted.
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Old 02-27-2009, 01:41 AM
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I just love these quotes from that news conference cdswans linked to.

Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border.
In talking about the assault weapons ban Obama wants to bring back AG Holder said:

"I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum."
and then a bit later the article says:

A State Department travel warning issued Feb. 20, 2009, reflected government concerns about the violence.
"Some recent Mexican army and police confrontations with drug cartels have resembled small-unit combat, with cartels employing automatic weapons and grenades," the warning said. "Large firefights have taken place in many towns and cities across Mexico, but most recently in northern Mexico, including Tijuana, Chihuahua City and Ciudad Juarez."
Now last time I knew the average citizen could not buy fully automatic weapons nor could they buy grenades. So how is banning "assault weapons" going to help anything across the border. :hellno:
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Old 03-01-2009, 04:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Windwalker View Post
I still don't see what that has to do with drivers that want to carry guns in their trucks.

And, after my own experience, I'll just sit in the truck and dial 9-1-1... They get paid to face up to "armed and dangerous"... I don't. I've slowed down a bit over the last 40 years. Also found out he had one hell of a LEFT HOOK.
When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.
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Old 03-01-2009, 05:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Biscuit Lips View Post
WTF, who wears a firearm on their hip when doing yard work? Was he anticipating being attacked by a wild boar or something. I wouldn't call the fuzz, but I would laugh at him/her for a long while.
There are areas in WI that you might be a bit concerned about bears, but West Allis is not one of them. Down here in FL, there are areas that I would want to carry when doing yard work. No doubt about it. There are snakes that can put a squeeze on you that can break every bone in your body. They may not be able to swallow you, but they sure can kill you. And, it's not out in the country there either. That's right in town. There is an animal control officer that is removing very large constrictors from people's back yards every week. I have no doubt where some of the missing pets went, and I even wonder about a couple of the "AMBER ALERTS".

Yeah, if I lived in those couple of areas farther south, I would certainly want a firearm when doing yard work. And, I'd use it if I had to. Some of those pythons will come after you to attack you. That rake isn't likely to be very effective against a 6,000 PSI "HUG".
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Old 03-01-2009, 04:45 PM
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Things would have to change a lot before drivers would be able to legally carry a firearm in their truck.

1. You have 100's of different laws on how to legally transport a weapon, not to mention many states do not have carry options per se'.

2. You have the fact that, for company drivers at least, the truck is the property of the company and as the owner the company does have a right to say what can and can't be in or on that truck.

3. That ruling says an employer can't restrict the rights of an employee from keeping a firearm in the employee's vehicle while on the employer's property. I do not believe that ruling covers the rights of visitors to a place of business which is what most truck drivers would be.

Even though this ruling, for the time being, only really has impact for residents of Oklahoma it could have implications far more reaching eventually for the rights of legal gun owners in regards to having weapons in their personal vehicles or other types of property that they own.

================================================== ===
On a side note regarding truck drivers and carrying guns in their trucks:

While I am generally for gun rights I am more than happy when it comes to truck drivers that guns generally are not allowed in a truck either through the complications of various laws or company policy. Given the stresses of the job I am concerned that what many times is nothing more than verbal release could all to easily escalate into something with serious consequences if drivers had easy access to a firearm while on the job.
Finding the right trucking company is like finding the right person to marry. I really comes down to finding one whose BS you can put up with and who can put up wih yours.
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