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Old 09-08-2008, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Roadhog
Originally Posted by Slimland
I sucked (suck) at english(capitolyze the e), failed it 3 times and that was (were) engligh 1..

You know's a wonder you don't burn out a spell checker.

I just felt a rip, a twitch, or snatch if you will in the Force.
I think Rev passed out from OCD overload.
:lol: :lol:
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Old 09-08-2008, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by GMAN
Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Bad spelling drives me up a wall. Probably because I'm obsessive compulsive.

Who would have thought. :P :lol: Bad spelling and grammar gets to me, too, but I usually don't say anything on the forums. I figure the content is more important than their spelling or grammar as long as I can understand it. Most computers have spell checkers and some will help with grammar. I think people sometimes get in too much of a hurry and don't take time to check their spelling and grammar. On occasion, I have gotten in a hurry and hit the 'submit' button too quickly. :wink:
I spell it the way it sounds to me. And I believe if one can understand what I am saying then it don't matter.
If it was mathmatics or somethin of that sort, that would be diffrent. :wink:
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Old 09-08-2008, 01:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Trukrswyfe
Originally Posted by Slimland
I sucked (suck) at english(capitolyze the e), failed it 3 times and that was (were) engligh 1..
I love your spelling Slimland.

Thank-you for your appreciation! :lol:
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Old 09-08-2008, 01:15 AM
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Scientists Interested In Large Footprint Discovery
Fossil Imprint Is 11 Inches Wide, 15 inches Long
Reported By Dennis Ferrier

POSTED: 6:23 pm CDT September 5, 2008
UPDATED: 5:02 pm CDT September 6, 2008
[NEWSVINE: Scientists Interested In Large Footprint Discovery] [DELICIOUS: Scientists Interested In Large Footprint Discovery] [DIGG: Scientists Interested In Large Footprint Discovery] [FACEBOOK: Scientists Interested In Large Footprint Discovery] [REDDIT: Scientists Interested In Large Footprint Discovery] [RSS] [PRINT: Scientists Interested In Large Footprint Discovery] [EMAIL: Scientists Interested In Large Footprint Discovery]
COOKEVILLE, Tenn. -- A retired Cookeville builder has discovered a mysterious set of large footprints on his property.

Video: Large Fossilized Footprint Attracts Attention

Harold Jackson is an amateur archaeologist who enjoys collecting arrowheads and other Native American artifacts. But the most extraordinary find of his life came on his property near the Caney Fork River.

For months he stepped on a rock near his house that caught his eye. Finally, he brought the unusual rock home and cleaned it up. After all of the mud was removed, a remarkable discovery was revealed.

"I don't know anything about archaeology or anything, but if you look at it, it's a footprint. No animal footprint looks like that. Now, if it's a Native American, an Indian, then he was a big Indian," said Jackson. "(The print) is about 11 inches wide and about 15 inches long."

Jackson said the fossilized print clearly shows the heel and all five toes.

"It's got to be thousands of years old," said Jackson.

About half-a-dozen scientists said they want to look at the print, including Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, a famous Bigfoot professor at Idaho State University. Meldrum collects Bigfoot prints from all over the world.

Jackson said the print has made him a believer in Bigfoot.

"It was just hard for me to believe. But listen, after I found this print, there's a Bigfoot out there somewhere. I don't know what kind of Bigfoot it is, but there's a Bigfoot out there somewhere," said Jackson.

Channel 4 has yet to reach Meldrum or Tennessee state archaeologist Nick Fielder to comment on the artifact.

Jackson said there is another similar-sized large fossilized foot imprint on his property but has been unable to extract it from the rock.
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Old 09-08-2008, 01:17 AM
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Steins: A diamond in the sky

Steins getting closer (actual animation)

6 September 2008
The first images from Rosetta’s OSIRIS imaging system and VIRTIS infrared spectrometer were derived from raw data this morning and have delivered spectacular results.

"Steins looks like a diamond in the sky," said Uwe Keller, Principal Investigator for the OSIRIS imaging system from the Max Planck Institut Fuer Sonnensystemforschung, Lindau.

Visible in the image are several small craters on the asteroid, and two huge ones, one of which is 2 km in diameter, indicating that the asteroid must be very old.

The images are 50 to 60 pixels in diameter, enough to characterise the shape and other characteristics of the body of the asteroid.

Steins in 3-D

Steins in 3-D
Rita Schulz, Rosetta Project Scientist, said, "In the images is a chain of impact craters, which must have formed from recurring impact as the asteroid rotated. The impact may have been caused by a meteoroid stream, or fragments from a shattered small body."

The chain is composed of about 7 craters. To determine the age of the asteroid, a count of the craters on the asteroid’s surface has been started (the more the number of craters, the older the asteroid). So far, 23 craters have been spotted.

From the images, scientists will try and understand why the asteroid is unusually bright, and how fine grains of the surface regolith are. This will tell them more about how the asteroid formed.

Steins in 3-D

Steins in 3-D

Gerhard Schwehm, Mission Manager for Rosetta said, "It looks like a typical asteroid, but it is really fascinating how much we can learn from just the images. This is our first science highlight; we certainly have a lot of promising science ahead of us. I’m already looking forward to encountering our next diamond in the sky, the much bigger Lutetia."

The OSIRIS imaging system's Wide Angle Camera (WAC) worked perfectly through the fly-by.

The OSIRIS team expects that the images that they will retrieve from the Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) will be of comparable resolution. This will add to the detailed colour information and hence to knowledge of the surface composition.

Asteroid Steins: A diamond in space
Asteroid Steins: A diamond in space

Science team members noted that the Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) appears to have switched to safe mode a few minutes before closest approach, but switched back on after a few hours. The software is programmed to switch to safe mode when certain parameter thresholds are crossed to protect the camera. The team will concentrate investigating the reasons for this anomaly once the science data has been analysed.

After analysis of the Rosetta data, Steins will be one of the best-characterised asteroids so far.
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:18 AM
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I am going to place a article I just read. I found this interesting, and believe some of you might also.

Part 1

Time and Reincarnation
by Carlosox

Posted: 13:55 September 1, 2008

Photo source:
The concepts of time and reincarnation seem at first to have very little to do with UFOs and Aliens. But readers will find as I delve deeper into these concepts, they constitute important building blocks in the explanation of these mysteries.

Taking time first, it is viewed very differently in the East as compared to the West. The West has always viewed time as linear, whereas in Hinduism and Buddhism it is considered cyclical. The religions that emanated from the Middle East, rely heavily on their respective holy texts to peer into the unknown, whereas these religions, though they have holy texts of their own, have always relied on personal inquiry - aided by tools like meditation, to fathom the unknown. The forest seers of Hinduism, who lived over five thousand years ago, earned their name by retiring to the forests to contemplate on concepts like time and the purpose of life. As time went by, the findings of these seers were collated to give a semblance of order to the universe. The religions of the East maintain that the power of intuition, which is developed through long and deep meditation, provides the ultimate answers to all of the conundrums that we see around us. It is from these findings that the ancients from the East maintain that time is never linear, but always cyclic. We will now touch lightly on what these sages found about time.

Very briefly, these sages discovered that time can be divided into ages or yugas. A complete cycle consists of 24,000 earth years (which is also one complete zodiac cycle), and is made up of four descending ages and four ascending ages. The time distribution for these ages however, are not equal as will be shown below. The four ages (yugas) are the Satya yuga, Treta yuga, Dwapara yuga and the Kali yuga. The Satya yuga is where mankind will be the most highly developed, both spiritually and materially. This age is commonly termed as the Golden age. Readers will realize, that since there is a descending and ascending period consisting of these four ages, both the Satya and Kali yugas in the descending phase will be back to back to a corresponding like yuga of the ascending phase.

Following the Satya yuga is the Treta yuga, or the silver age. Here, the knowledge and power of mankind will be less than that of Satya yuga, but formidable nonetheless. In the descending phase, one can term the Treta yuga as a decline from the Satya yuga, and in the ascending phase, the Treta yuga can be termed as moving from a lower age (Treta) to a higher age (Satya).

The Treta yuga is then followed by the Dwapara (bronze) and Kali (iron) ages. In a complete cycle of 24,000 years, the Satya ages ( ascending and descending ) make up 9,600 years, the Kali yugas (ascending and descending) make up 2,400 years while Treta and Dwapara ages make up respectively 3,600 years and 2,400 years in each of the descending and ascending phases.

One school of thought in India has determined that mankind had moved into a better time around A.D. 499 - corresponding to the Pisces/ Virgo sector of the zodiac (although this is hotly contested by some other schools which maintain that we are still in the dark ages), where mankind will be receptive to spiritual ideas, and will then move into another higher level of understanding around A.D. 2499 - corresponding to Aquarius/Leo sector of the zodiac.

The above pattern of ages is unique to planet earth, which is often termed as a school where souls are trained for higher realms. It tends to reason then, that there will be other planets which are more or less developed than earth, each having its unique time cycles, in the myriad of planets that can support some form of life in the universe. It would appear that all of the zillions of planets that make up the universe are inextricably linked to one another, and are all within the realm of the Divine or the Super Soul.

Part 2

With the above in mind, it is therefore easy to conceive that Aliens and UFOs could be:

" Visitors from more developed planets visiting earth on various missions.

" Visitors from higher ages of planet earth (say the Satya yuga ) travelling back in time for particular missions.

" Beings from different planets who had been living on planet earth long before man arrived here, and who possess more advanced technology than us, or.

" A combination of all of the above.

Whatever it is they are, it would appear that the aliens are under directive not to directly interfere in the affairs of humans, as has been said above, earth is a school where humans are put in to develop their spirituality sufficiently to move to higher realms. But since humans are so talented in trying to find ways and means of trying to destroy themselves, some of these Aliens must have been given the task of ensuring that this does not happen. Further, as creation is only possible if there is light and dark, and each of these realms is populated by its own beings, there must be Aliens who are basically malevolent to mankind. Although these beings may cause temporary disruption, they will never be able to upset the apple cart.

These advanced beings, be they of the light or dark sector, will therefore have scientific and other knowledge light years ahead of us. Thus the UFOs we are now seeing, could be either friendly or hostile to us. It is my belief and experience, that any human who is committed to developing his spirituality, and living a life which is beneficial to his fellow human beings, will have little to fear from hostile Aliens - they will simply have no power to touch him.

In their research, the Hindu sages discovered that at the end of the ascending and descending periods of a complete cycle, there is a complete change - both externally in the material world, and internally in the intellectual world. Hence there is a huge change once in 12,000 years. Could this be the reason that in all ancient cultures there are stories of a great flood which destroyed everything except for a few, who would then go on to be the founding stock of a new race ? This change could of course also be brought about by volcanic and tectonic activity.

In the ancient epics of the Hindus, namely the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, are found all kinds of curious tales. There are tales about flying machines which flew at incredible speeds and were sometimes several storeys high. In the Ramayana, there is a detailed description of the fabulous UFO possessed by the villain Ravana. This machine consisted of several storeys, with one storey being entirely dedicated to a swimming pool! It was so advanced ( being constructed by a very advanced Alien; from whom Ravana stole the craft ), that it obeyed the wishes of its owner. There was warfare where weapons that could control the weather were employed, or where a person could disappear from one location and reappear in several others (holographs?). Then there is the famous passage in the Mahabharata which describes in detail a nuclear fallout. Before the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the subsequent horrors the world had to witness caused by nuclear fallout, many dismissed this passage in the Mahabharata as mere fanciful story telling. So were these Hindu epics depicting actual events that took place during a higher age? It is most likely the case.

When the first atom bomb was detonated in a desert in the U.S., a reporter asked one of the atomic scientists, Oppenheim, if he was not proud to be witnessing the highest development of the human mind till then. Oppenheim, who was well versed in Hindu thought, smiled and replied that it was the highest development for the present age. The reporter was of course under the influence of the current thinking that time was linear, and that mankind on earth had evolved from the apes. The concept that higher civilizations existed before on earth was simply preposterous to people like him.

It was just as well that the ancient Hindu scriptures were completely memorized by the priests and handed down to their sons, who in turn memorized them. Also, many deep truths were disguised as innocuous stories in texts that were written down. These strategies prevented their destruction during the dark (Kali) age, where anything spiritual was viewed with suspicion. In many other parts of the world, extremely valuable books which threw light on the higher ages of man were destroyed. The destruction of the library in Alexandria, which was said to have contained books of immense value and could have thrown light on the higher ages, is a case in point.

We now come to the second concept - that of reincarnation. As mentioned above, the religions in the East depend very little on texts, although there are plenty of them, but pursue Self Realization through the science of meditation. This has the decided advantage that truth can be readily experienced without the interference of corrupted texts and faulty interpretation of religious texts by the clergy.

Part 3

The schism that now exists between the religions from the West and that those from the East with regard to reincarnation, did not exist before. Early Christians believed in the concept of reincarnation, until it was surgically removed from the scriptures in the Second Council of Constantinople, and then declared to be anathema. Why this council carried out this act is anybody's guess, and why the Protestant movement did not correct this is not known. Perhaps there are other passages in the Christian scriptures which give more credence to the concept on non-reincarnation. It is this writer's contention, that parts of the scriptures that seem to directly refute the idea of reincarnation are either later add-ons by the clergy, or are wrongly interpreted by the clergy to date.

The Sleeping Prophet of America, Edgar Cayce, was a staunch Christian, who true to Christian beliefs, did not believe in reincarnation. Yet time and again in his readings, reference was made to the previous incarnations of the subjects to whom he was giving the reading. This eventually made Edgar Cayce to accept the concept of reincarnation. Also, evidence is mounting by the day, from the reincarnation stories of individuals from all over the world that reincarnation is a fact from which we cannot run away from any longer.

So how is this connected to UFOs and Aliens? Fear that contact will destroy all forms of organized religion as we now know. The Aliens, who are generally more advanced than us, would already know that reincarnation is a fact. Governments, by admitting that contact has already been made with the Aliens, are likely to quicken the day when Aliens will officially interact with us. This will of course throw a spanner in the works of present organized Western religion in more ways than one. Among the multitude of religious questions that would be raised by such a contact, the concept of reincarnation would be one. This would be hugely damaging to the religions of the West. The religions from the East would however have no fear from this contact; as it is an integral part of their religions that earth is just a school for developing souls, and that there are other planets whose inhabitants are far more advanced both spiritually and materially than us, and that such a contact could only be for our own benefit. But as stated above, it appears that the Aliens are under the directive from the Great Spirit, not to interfere in our spiritual development. We may therefore have to work out this one out for ourselves; and the religions from the East are ever ready to help in this task.

Reincarnation is part and parcel of the older races of earth. The Aborigines and the Red Indians have always believed in reincarnation as have the Hindus. There is a curious passage in Hindu scriptures that deal with reincarnation and Aliens. It would appear that for some of the Aliens at least, emancipation is not possible until they are reincarnated back into the human form. Thus these Aliens, complete in their UFOs, try their level best to interrupt the meditations of humans. They become green with envy that these spiritually minded persons might complete the race (i.e. be absorbed back into the Great Spirit ), ahead of them. So in a way, though the Aliens may be light years ahead of us in technology, we may still hold the trump card!

This article is written not to criticize any existing religion, but to open up the mind to the greater truths that exist just beyond our reach, which with some honest endeavor can be incorporated into our psyche, and hasten the day when the brotherhood of man will be a reality.

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Old 09-13-2008, 08:02 PM
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Hackers attack Large Hadron Collider

By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
Last Updated: 2:01pm BST 12/09/2008

Hackers have mounted an attack on the Large Hadron Collider, raising concerns about the security of the biggest experiment in the world as it passes an important new milestone.
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The scientists behind the £4.4bn atom smasher had already received threatening emails and been besieged by telephone calls from worried members of the public concerned by speculation that the machine could trigger a black hole to swallow the earth, or earthquakes and tsunamis, despite endless reassurances to the contrary from the likes of Prof Stephen Hawking.

The message in Greek that the hackers displayed. Click to enlarge

Now it has emerged that, as the first particles were circulating in the machine near Geneva, a Greek group had hacked into the facility and displayed a page with the headline "GST: Greek Security Team."

The people responsible signed off: "We are 2600 - dont mess with us. (sic)"

The website - - can no longer be accessed by the public as a result of the attack.

Scientists working at Cern, the organisation that runs the vast smasher, were worried about what the hackers could do because they were "one step away" from the computer control system of one of the huge detectors of the machine, a vast magnet that weighs 12,500 tons, measuring around 21 metres in length and 15 metres wide/high.

If they had hacked into a second computer network, they could have turned off parts of the vast detector and, said the insider, "it is hard enough to make these things work if no one is messing with it."

Fortunately, only one file was damaged but one of the scientists firing off emails as the CMS team fought off the hackers said it was a "scary experience".

The hackers targeted the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment, or CMS, one of the four "eyes" of the facility that will be analysing the fallout of the Big Bang.

The CMS team of around 2,000 scientists is racing with another team that runs the Atlas detector, also at Cern, to find the Higgs particle, one that is responsible for mass.

"There seems to be no harm done. From what they can tell, it was someone making the point that CMS was hackable," said James Gillies, spokesman for Cern. "It was quickly detected."

"We have several levels of network, a general access network and a much tighter network for sensitive things that operate the LHC," said Gillies.

"We are a very visible site," he said, adding that of the 1.4 million emails sent to Cern yesterday, 98 per cent was spam.

The hacking attempt started around the time that the giant machine was about to circulate its first particles, under the spotlight of the world's media.

On Wednesday afternoon, as the world held its breath as the machine sparked up, CMS team members were scouring computers at the machine for half a dozen files uploaded by the hackers on September 9 and 10.

"We think that someone from Fermilab's Tevatron (the competing atom smasher in America) had their access details compromised," said one of the scientists working on the machine. "What happened wasn't a big deal, just goes to show people are out there always on the prowl."

The CMS team studied the files inserted by the hackers carefully before deleting, in case a "backdoor" had been installed, a means of access to the computer that bypasses security.

The system the hackers managed to access was CMSMON, which monitors the CMS software system as the vast detector takes data, during collisions between particles to study the energies and physics in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang, which created the universe.

Cern relies on a 'defence-in-depth' strategy, separating control networks and using firewalls and complex passwords, to protect its control systems from malicious software, such as denial-of-service attacks, botnets and zombie machines, which can strike with a synchronised attack from hundreds of machines around the world.

However, there have been growing concerns about security as remote or wireless access, notebooks and USB sticks offer new possibilities for a virus or worms to enter the network, not to mention hackers and terrorists who might be interested in targeting computers to shutdown the system.

More than 110 different control systems are used at Cern. These systems monitor, supervise and safeguard Cern's accelerators, experiments and infrastructure - from buildings, electricity and heating to access control, radiation protection and safety.

To refine security methods Cern set up a working group called Computing and Network Infrastructure for Controls. One document written by the group said: "Recent events show that computer security issues are becoming a serious problem also at Cern."

However, the team said yesterday that it did not want to comment on security at the international facility.

A few years ago, Stanford University in California announced that a number of high-performance academic computer centres had been attacked by hackers lured by the phenomenal power of the grid - pools of computing power linked by dedicated high-speed networks. Beyond shutting down the machines or stealing or deleting data, one likely malicious use of such power is to crack passwords.

In 2003, hackers broke into ScotGrid, a network of 150 machines based at the University of Glasgow. They intercepted the password of a remote user based in Geneva and used it to gain access to ScotGrid. They ran scripts that tried to reconfigure the machine to steal more passwords.

The commissioning of the giant machine is making extraordinary progress.

Now that the team has managed to get beams of particles circulating stably, they must be "captured" so that the particles stay in bunches.

This has now been done with the anticlockwise beam, circulating a beam for full half an hour. Commissioning, said Gillies, "is going incredibly fast." They now hope to capture the second clockwise beam. "To give you a feel for how well these guys are doing, what happened on Wednesday was days one to four of main commissioning."

This latest step "is really a more significant achievement than Wednesday's fun and games," comments Dr David Sankey of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire.
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by BigDiesel
Will this topic be for tinfoil hat wearers only ???
oh yea? well...well...well, when JFK, Elvis and Jim Morrison all come out of hiding....THEN you'll know we all arn't crazy.
Tinfoil hat wearers INDEED.

When a white army battles Indians and wins, itis called a great victory, but if they lose itis called a massacre.Chiksika, Shawnee
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:12 AM
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what sort of spooked me is that there were three large earthquakes the same day after they turned that thing on. but here it is four days later and we are still here
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Old 09-16-2008, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by ct77
what sort of spooked me is that there were three large earthquakes the same day after they turned that thing on. but here it is four days later and we are still here
A friend at work told me there was a big Spark.. I don't know if it was last night or what.. But apparently it can be watched live on the net somewhere!
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