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Old 03-18-2007, 01:22 AM
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Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy
Originally Posted by golfhobo
Dejanh and Hoosierdaddy:

You have been warned by a MOD. If neither of you have been here long enough to understand that, then maybe you'll understand that BOTH of you are rookies on this board.

I understand I'm a rookie. What's your point?

That you might not understand that we try to keep things more on the ADULT level here, and that once warned by a MOD, it is not wise to say, "so what? I'll just ask again on another thread." SOME have been banned from this board for such actions. Just food for thought.

The rest of us are getting a bit tired of your little childish games.

Have I done anything today? If you're tired of it, don't read it. However, when some loony tune has nothing better to do than provoke me, I'll respond.

Today? What's the difference between today and last night at 10:20 pm?

This is NOT a "chatroom" for infantile text messengers. Why don't you two PM each other to death, and leave us out of it.

With some of the things I've seen on here (such as racism, threats of violence, etc.) you could have fooled me. I don't wish to speak to the guy. Why would I PM him? Call me infantile again and while you're at it, remember what you just said. We can take this to PM if you want but I don't appreciate someone preaching at me and then doing no better themselves when they call me infantile.

It appears that you can be easily fooled.... AND agitated. I did not call YOU infantile. I merely noted that your level of conversation with your "friend" reminded me of teenagers and their text messaging.

This is not a video game where contestants "kick a$$." If that's your level of maturity, go to a truckstop and duel it out!

If you honestly think that's my level of maturity because of a few posts on a message board then God help you because you lack the ability to discern someone's true character. Then again, what are you? You're name calling, yourself.

I don't "honestly" have an OPINION about your maturity level. But, since I haven't MET you, I have nothing to go on but your recent exchanges here. And they don't lead me to believe that you have any of the qualities of manhood. I hate to go out on a limb..... but I'd guess you are not yet out of your twenties.

At the very LEAST.... quit quoting a huge post everytime you respond. Learn to cut and paste the part you want to respond to. IF you're able.
I am able. But if you continue to be an ass like you just did (eg., "if you're able) then I will just have to say "tough, deal with it."

OOOOhh!! NOW I'm really scared! :lol:

You could have gotten a much more respectful response and agreement from me, but you had to be an ass. Consider yourself ignored.

I doubt it.... I don't think so.... and like I CARE!
PS my last post on this thread was THREE DAMN DAYS AGO! And now you want to start something? Shaddup.

I read MANY posts/threads when I come in off the road for a week or so. I believe you were being childish on another thread just before I went to bed last night. I believe it was pointed out to you. The fact that you haven't posted on THIS thread in 3 days is IMMATERIAL to me. I picked up on the fact that you BLEW OFF a warning from a mod on THIS thread, and thought I might tell you that that is a "rookie" mistake. You don't have to learn anything from me. You obviously know it all. I doubt you would listen to ANYONE. So, I hope you're not a driver!
Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
Old 03-18-2007, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo
Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy
Originally Posted by golfhobo
Dejanh and Hoosierdaddy:

You have been warned by a MOD. If neither of you have been here long enough to understand that, then maybe you'll understand that BOTH of you are rookies on this board.

I understand I'm a rookie. What's your point?

That you might not understand that we try to keep things more on the ADULT level here, and that once warned by a MOD, it is not wise to say, "so what? I'll just ask again on another thread." SOME have been banned from this board for such actions. Just food for thought.

The rest of us are getting a bit tired of your little childish games.

Have I done anything today? If you're tired of it, don't read it. However, when some loony tune has nothing better to do than provoke me, I'll respond.

Today? What's the difference between today and last night at 10:20 pm?

This is NOT a "chatroom" for infantile text messengers. Why don't you two PM each other to death, and leave us out of it.

With some of the things I've seen on here (such as racism, threats of violence, etc.) you could have fooled me. I don't wish to speak to the guy. Why would I PM him? Call me infantile again and while you're at it, remember what you just said. We can take this to PM if you want but I don't appreciate someone preaching at me and then doing no better themselves when they call me infantile.

It appears that you can be easily fooled.... AND agitated. I did not call YOU infantile. I merely noted that your level of conversation with your "friend" reminded me of teenagers and their text messaging.

This is not a video game where contestants "kick a$$." If that's your level of maturity, go to a truckstop and duel it out!

If you honestly think that's my level of maturity because of a few posts on a message board then God help you because you lack the ability to discern someone's true character. Then again, what are you? You're name calling, yourself.

I don't "honestly" have an OPINION about your maturity level. But, since I haven't MET you, I have nothing to go on but your recent exchanges here. And they don't lead me to believe that you have any of the qualities of manhood. I hate to go out on a limb..... but I'd guess you are not yet out of your twenties.

At the very LEAST.... quit quoting a huge post everytime you respond. Learn to cut and paste the part you want to respond to. IF you're able.
I am able. But if you continue to be an ass like you just did (eg., "if you're able) then I will just have to say "tough, deal with it."

OOOOhh!! NOW I'm really scared! :lol:

You could have gotten a much more respectful response and agreement from me, but you had to be an ass. Consider yourself ignored.

I doubt it.... I don't think so.... and like I CARE!
PS my last post on this thread was THREE DAMN DAYS AGO! And now you want to start something? Shaddup.

I read MANY posts/threads when I come in off the road for a week or so. I believe you were being childish on another thread just before I went to bed last night. I believe it was pointed out to you. The fact that you haven't posted on THIS thread in 3 days is IMMATERIAL to me. I picked up on the fact that you BLEW OFF a warning from a mod on THIS thread, and thought I might tell you that that is a "rookie" mistake. You don't have to learn anything from me. You obviously know it all. I doubt you would listen to ANYONE. So, I hope you're not a driver!
Whatever you say grandpa. The fact is, you were just looking to start trouble and you started with the wrong guy. Actually, I PMd said Mod and it was over with. Until you opened your big mouth. Maybe you should have just minded your own business.

Oh I would listen to plenty of people. Just not a pompous arrogant ass such as yourself.

You said, "OOOOhh!! NOW I'm really scared". Real mature.

Two words describe you. Troublemaker and hypocrite.
You have the right to be wrong. If you do not have the correct opinion, it will be provided for you.

I could care less what the United States OFFICIAL stance on global warming is.
Old 03-18-2007, 02:35 AM
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Hey hoosierdaddy and Dejanh, there's this thing called a PRIVATE MESSAGE. USE IT!!!!! The rest of us could really care less what your beef is. Get over it or bitch at each other over private message and spare us! :roll:
Check out the new 2008 Microsoft Streets and Trips! Sweet!

Old 03-18-2007, 02:50 AM
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i have raised this issue weekly for the lat seveal months here. i believe oppurtunities in the trucking industry will be eliminated.
i have seen the effect of nafta on the us lumber industry.
i have received a lot of sensitivity training here from swift trainees who say im a racist bad apple. as the hour grows late their will be more converts, probably too late tho
Old 03-18-2007, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by greg3564
Hey hoosierdaddy and Dejanh, there's this thing called a PRIVATE MESSAGE. USE IT!!!!! The rest of us could really care less what your beef is. Get over it or bitch at each other over private message and spare us! :roll:
Stop causing trouble. Thank you.
You have the right to be wrong. If you do not have the correct opinion, it will be provided for you.

I could care less what the United States OFFICIAL stance on global warming is.
Old 03-22-2007, 03:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Dejanh
Only 2 friggin replyes on this very important issue, sort of like those 800 comments in regards to EOBRS and speed governers on FMCSA website :roll:

What the hell happened to this industry man? :?: :?: , we used to be the strongest voice around and now we let everyone stomp on us like a pair of roaches...shame !

I dont give a rats ass about the appearance thing, i worry about the rates going down the toilet, because if these sons of bitches are allowed to haul around here well all be suffering regardless what and who u drive for !!
This is a systemic problem. People no longer think or look out for others, it's all about themselves. If the guy next door is getting screwed then the guy next to him brushes it off, as long as it isn't his job. Too bad for that other guy! after all what can I do for him? Anyway back to American Idol. This is your average American.

This! is what is wrong with America. We've become a bunch of mindless, lazy, selfish, uneducated citizens. Civics aren't even taught in school. Everybodies world consist of themselves, their immediate family and perhaps a small extended family, outside of that? You might as well be a foreigner, they don't know you, they don't care what problems you face. Sure, you might get a guy to help you jump your car if it's broke down but don't expect him to understand when you tell him you've lost your job of 30 years due to it going on the chopping block somewhere in the third world. He might possibly feel sorry for you, maybe! but then again, what can I do? Anyway, Back to Let's Make A Deal!

People vote once every four years based on some phony propagandistic t'v' ads. No different than your ordinary t'v commercial, it just happens that in this case what they are selling you is a polotician that promises a bunch of crap that really is only a front man for the big corporations. A government for the corporations by the corporations.

What I find funny is that anyone could possibly think it's okay to bitch about the results of their absence in civics. People only care about politics when the sh*t hits the fan. Only when things get bad enough do they decide that they have a responsibility and a stake as a citizen of this country to educate themselves on the issue that affect us all.

Some people are so damn selfish they cast a vote because a candidate promises them tax cuts, they are thinking only of themselves and the promise of a short term gain. In fact, they aren't saving money with that measly tax brake at all, they are paying for it in other ways and in the long run pay far more than they ever saved from the initial tax break they thought was such a deal. The only people these so-called tax breaks benefit are the people that aren't worried about whether they are going to be able to pay their next months bills. People don't think that the war in Iraq is costing them anything.

This is why America is F'ed! This is why a politician that makes plenty of money is not concerned about Mexicans taking your job. It doesn't effect them. They live in gated communities and vacation in exotic places.Whether you are making it as the backbone of this country isn't terribly important to them, that is, not until it starts to threaten their life-styles. Then and only then is it in their interests to do something for you.
Old 03-22-2007, 04:42 PM
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Hoosierdaddy quotes:

"Kindly keep your ass out of my country then"

"Nobody ever accused you of playing with a full deck have they"

"The jury has reached a verdict. I kicked your ass. Better luck next time"

"PS go ahead and lock the thread. I'll just ask him on another thread until he answers"

"I am able. But if you continue to be an ass like you just did (eg., "if you're able) then I will just have to say "tough, deal with it." You could have gotten a much more respectful response and agreement from me, but you had to be an ass. Consider yourself ignored"

"PS my last post on this thread was THREE DAMN DAYS AGO! And now you want to start something? Shaddup"

"Whatever you say grandpa. The fact is, you were just looking to start trouble and you started with the wrong guy. Actually, I PMd said Mod and it was over with. Until you opened your big mouth. Maybe you should have just minded your own business"

Why is this clown able to get away with talking to moderators and fellow posters like this? These quotes are just from this one thread alone. Do we not have rules here? People like this can kill a message board before you know it.
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