Tips to Conquer the 3 Scariest Aspects of Truck Driving


Photo by Szabó János on Unsplash

Every October, fear becomes the emotion for the month. At Class A Drivers, we know that truck driving is a great job, but it can be dangerous. In fact, it frequently ranks in the top 20 most dangerous professions.

For Halloween, we’ll take a look at some of the scariest aspects of the trucking profession, and we’ll offer some basic tips to overcome your fears.

1. Lack of Safe Parking

Perhaps the most daunting part of truck driving is finding a safe parking space. Through no fault of the truck drivers themselves, there is a lack of legal, safe truck parking in America.

The lack of parking can lead to drivers parking in abandoned lots or on the side of the highway or other spots where it could be dangerous for either the freight or a driver.

Route planning is your best tactic here. Make sure you know all the safe spots along your route, and plan ahead for where you want to park for the night. If possible, plan your day, so that you end early. If you get to the truck stop before all the spots fill up, you’ll be able to find a safe spot to park and turn in for the night.

2. Shady Truck Stop Characters

While most people at truck stops are simply drivers trying to do their jobs, there are still some nefarious people who are up to no good. Drivers are potentially at risk if they park far away from the stop and have to walk to the bathroom or showers in complete darkness.

To avoid a potential assault or robbery, always try to stay in the light. Park with your cab door towards light sources. Don’t walk alone in between two looming trailers that block off all available light. Carry protection, such as a heavy flashlight that can be wielded as a weapon if you need.

Also, for the sake of others, be alert to potential instances of human trafficking or human smuggling. Instances of these crimes are often committed with heavy-duty trucks, so truck drivers can often be the first to spot potential crimes.

3. Road Accidents

Now we move from the evil to the simply accidental. Driving accidents are one of the reasons truck driving remains high on the list of dangerous professions. With the sheer amount of miles driven by truckers, their statistical probability of getting into an accident is much higher than the average commuter.

The first tip is to do your best to avoid reckless four-wheelers. Follow simple rules such as using the right lane for driving and the left lane for passing. There will be dangerous drivers on the road, so simply do your best to let them pass if they are speeding. Pass them carefully if they are going not keeping pace with traffic. Most importantly: Don’t lose your cool.

The other tip to avoid accidents is, once again, to plan your route carefully. Make sure to avoid low bridges or road hazards on highways. Check the weather and be aware of extreme heat waves or icy roads.