Are You a Spring Cleaner? Try Truck Driving for a Career


Clean Your Debt with Truck Driving Careers


Thinking that you want to become a truck driver? Spring cleaning probably isn’t the first thing you think about. This article will change your mind.

At Class A Drivers, we’ve done a lot of research into what makes drivers tick. Truck driving is a career in high demand with good wages, but it’s also a challenge. This is not a job for everyone.

Truck Driving Career Personalities

We’ve done surveys and found the key personality types that are most likely to succeed in truck driving. We’ve identified the 9 key questions that you have to ask yourself before becoming a truck driver. And one common trait is shared with those who enjoy the month of April – spring cleaning.

Oh, sure, you probably don’t associate truck drivers with spring cleaning. In fact, with the common stereotypes of truck stops, you might think the drivers spend most of their days eating donuts in filthy dens of run-down coffee joints.

(They don’t. Truckers spend most of their days on the road, seeing the country from their window.)

But there’s an aspect to spring cleaning that fits the personality of an aspiring truck driver – rejuvenation. The sense of wiping the slate clean. The goal of starting anew.

Should a Spring Cleaner Become a Truck Driver?

Many younger truck drivers want to take a bottle of bleach and wipe out their student loans or other kinds of debt. Truck driving is one way to do that. With minimal training and the ability to get on the road in 3-6 weeks, driving gives people an opportunity to make money fast.

For ages 40 and up, many people get into driving because they’ve gone through a big life change. Whether that is a divorce or a death in the family, many older drivers hit the road because they don’t want to stick around their old life and old belongings. Truck driving provides a truly clean slate for these drivers.

The Definitive Guide to Become a Truck Driver

Long-haul truck driving, the most lucrative type of trucking, appeals to a variety of people, but they have to be willing to change their lifestyle and start something new.

If that sounds like you, then maybe you’re a spring cleaner. And if it is you, then you’re probably capable of driving an 80,000-pound rig with the weight of the American economy on your back.

That’s why we’ve created the definitive guide to Become a Truck Driver. We break down the average truck driver salary, the steps to get a Commercial Driver’s License, and most importantly the answer to the question “Will I Be Successful?

So when you take a break from vacuuming the old house or Windexing the windows, check out the guide. And share it.