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jvnd1953 01-12-2010 04:43 PM

Well Arrow started out well in the disabilty department as I previously stated but went downhill fast. I received a total of 5 of 13 payments that cleared the bank. 2 additional bounced and the rest were behind. With Arrow now in bankruptcy I doubt I'll see anything more. Google Arrow and you will see the mess they are in. Bank fraud, tax fraud, etc. The lawsuits are mounting. Arrow is officially dead. I hope the owners go to jail for what they did to the drivers leaving them stranded all over the country and bouncing their paychecks. I lucked out by getting out of Arrow when I did.

devildice 01-12-2010 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by jvnd1953 (Post 472543)
Well Arrow started out well in the disabilty department as I previously stated but went downhill fast. I received a total of 5 of 13 payments that cleared the bank. 2 additional bounced and the rest were behind. With Arrow now in bankruptcy I doubt I'll see anything more. Google Arrow and you will see the mess they are in. Bank fraud, tax fraud, etc. The lawsuits are mounting. Arrow is officially dead. I hope the owners go to jail for what they did to the drivers leaving them stranded all over the country and bouncing their paychecks. I lucked out by getting out of Arrow when I did.

Sorry to hear that. As for the mess their in, there's an entire thread in the O/O section about it.

Phreddo 01-14-2010 02:14 PM

That's odd, i can't say if i've ever seen an arrow truck.
for some reason i was picturing blue trucks with simple white lettering and a single arrow?
Kinda looks like a Melton truck. Maybe i'm just loopy.

jburd 01-14-2010 05:53 PM

I saw an Arrow truck parked in Galveston over Christmas.
The driver left it in a small truck stop.It still had his CB and other items in it.
I hope he was able to get the rest before the vandels did.

jonp 01-16-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Phreddo (Post 472665)
That's odd, i can't say if i've ever seen an arrow truck.
for some reason i was picturing blue trucks with simple white lettering and a single arrow?
Kinda looks like a Melton truck. Maybe i'm just loopy.

White with green muti-stripes on the side. I used to see alot of them out west but not so much here in the SouthEast. I see more Mcelroy than them.

dewercs2 01-17-2010 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by jvnd1953 (Post 472543)
Well Arrow started out well in the disabilty department as I previously stated but went downhill fast. I received a total of 5 of 13 payments that cleared the bank. 2 additional bounced and the rest were behind. With Arrow now in bankruptcy I doubt I'll see anything more. Google Arrow and you will see the mess they are in. Bank fraud, tax fraud, etc. The lawsuits are mounting. Arrow is officially dead. I hope the owners go to jail for what they did to the drivers leaving them stranded all over the country and bouncing their paychecks. I lucked out by getting out of Arrow when I did.


With all the problems they are having I dont think we'll be seeing our W2's either.

GMAN 01-17-2010 11:55 AM

If you don't receive a W2 you should be able to use your pay summary for your last paycheck. I would check with your local IRS office and see what they suggest.

jonp 01-17-2010 02:03 PM

Our pay summaries are all online. Arrow dosnt do that?

Windwalker 01-17-2010 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by jonp (Post 472843)
Our pay summaries are all online. Arrow dosnt do that?

And, did they include the checks that bounced? The pay you did not get?

jvnd1953 01-18-2010 02:12 AM

Paul, check OOIDA's website for "frequently asked questions about Arrow" or something like that. It has directions on what to do if we don't get our W-2's by the 31st of Jan. Search facebook also for Arrow Trucking and there are some pages set up to keep ex-employees notified of the latest news and help. Right now the IRS and FBI raided the offices. It seems among other nasty dealings and schemes Arrow with held our income taxes but never paid the government to the tune of 2 million dollars. They also committed bank and wire fraud and are accused of racketeering ubder the RICO Act. Looks like son and mommy will go to jail.

Flying W 01-23-2010 06:24 AM

One good thing Arrow did was run a top notch orientation training session regarding mirrors and logs. I hope those aspects get picked up by other carriers.

It took me two weeks with them to realize that it wasn't something I wanted to continue. They said to bring a limited amount of gear to orientation as they'd route you through home within a couple of days to grab the rest. By the time I had enough it was two weeks later and not once routed that way. That may not seem like much, but after strapping loads in muddy yards it got old wearing mud caked clothes without extra ones to change into. But that is minor compared to the brakes on the trailers. I'd never seen a Freightliner shop mechanic lie on behalf of a company before working with Arrow. Long story short, after a phone call with Arrow the mechanic said something that didn't match what a previous mechanic said or what my brake repair class instructor taught us or even better yet what a vehicle inspection would have revealed had one been done. How that company ever got one of their trucks/trailers through an inspection is beyond me.

Despite the joy it brings to me to hear they are closing I feel bad for any of the people working there that were treated so poorly. Now if we could just get the axis of evil in the SW to do the same the clouds would part and the sun would shine.

jonp 01-26-2010 11:52 PM

guy I took out the other day to train applied to a bunch of companies a couple of weeks before christmas when his other job ended. One of the companies to call back was Arrow. Boy, did he dodge a bullet.

dewercs2 02-20-2010 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by jvnd1953 (Post 472904)
Paul, check OOIDA's website for "frequently asked questions about Arrow" or something like that. It has directions on what to do if we don't get our W-2's by the 31st of Jan. Search facebook also for Arrow Trucking and there are some pages set up to keep ex-employees notified of the latest news and help. Right now the IRS and FBI raided the offices. It seems among other nasty dealings and schemes Arrow with held our income taxes but never paid the government to the tune of 2 million dollars. They also committed bank and wire fraud and are accused of racketeering ubder the RICO Act. Looks like son and mommy will go to jail.

Sorry Havent checked this. Received the W2 last month, I'll have to sit down and add up all my paystubs VS what I had written down what the load paid. I got lazy at one point and wasnt checking it too often since it was usually right.

Havent heard much about the boy being in trouble lately that would be nice to see them get jail time. The mom I thought was kinda out of it until the start of the end when she booted him out just after I left in May or June.

Hows the shoulder doing?

dieselgrl 02-22-2010 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Flying W (Post 473344)
One good thing Arrow did was run a top notch orientation training session regarding mirrors and logs. I hope those aspects get picked up by other carriers.

Kind of belated on my end, but just wanted to say "thanks" on behalf of myself and the other orientation instructors who taught those classes :thumbsup: I haven't been monitoring this thread at all.

cdswans 02-23-2010 10:04 AM

Doug aims to get Arrow record straight . .

Tulsa World: Arrow's ex-CEO blames others

"Pielsticker also denies that he knew before Arrow Trucking's demise on Dec. 22 that the company was in financial straits or was on the verge of collapse, the court document shows."

It's a big company! You expect him to know everything?

dewercs2 02-26-2010 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by dieselgrl (Post 475607)
Kind of belated on my end, but just wanted to say "thanks" on behalf of myself and the other orientation instructors who taught those classes :thumbsup: I haven't been monitoring this thread at all.

Glad I wasn't talking bad about the instructors since one was montoring! :o I think it was Jim that I seemed to get along with the best. I really did like the demonstration with the loads of barrels on the deck and talking about tailgating in traffic. How those barrels went flying at 25mph and coming to a dead stop to avoid a collision. Talk about having a Steel coils and extra chains. One thing that dryvan drivers will never understand. Just like pulp, it moves baby. How many times I've seen tailgating or pushing down the road. Man.... Been in that bad Wreck once. Don't want another one!
I can only assume it was you deiselgirl that was the driver of that scenario. Always stuck with me.

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