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JimmyP 10-07-2007 10:46 AM

bigbear looked to me that someone took a lawnmower to you. i will call you this week. i am leaving monday also. see you at the burg. lets go to canada. i have also meet a few drivers from maverick they where great help. they are great people. sounds like smokedu is working hard. i got to see you guys on the road sometime. has anyone seen or heard from willie or butter flavored crisco

smokdu 10-19-2007 11:03 PM

whoa...that was a LONGGGGGGGGGGG 3 weeks.... i soo need a few days lol im home...hope all is safe!!

the Chef 11-06-2007 09:02 AM

so guys whats going on now its been awhile since we have heard anything from ya'll

smokdu 11-22-2007 10:39 PM

what a long few months its been...but i love it...things are still going good for me. i am pulling one of the newest trailers that have been purchased, and its like driving a cadillac. the ride is so smooth. I hope everyone is having a great Turkey day.... oh yeah, how bout that pay raise?? =)

cruzncoyote 11-23-2007 01:02 AM


Are you hauling a new specialized trailer? Ever since Ollie’s post

http://<br /> <a href="http://www.c...ized</a><br />

I have worried about you glass haulers. I sincerely hope our commander and chief, Steve Williams, CEO, is taking care of you guys. I am long haul in the flat bed division (one week with my own truck).
For me, Maverick, has been truly awesome.

smokdu 11-23-2007 04:37 AM

I have read ollie's post, and have talked to him in person. But I won't just take someone's word for a situation and make my decisions. Ollie seems like a good person and I hate that things have happened the way that they have. I can only tell you from my experiences and so far, I love it. As with ALL companies out there, mistakes are going to be made with paperwork, payroll, the things that makes the wheels turn in an organization. I have not had a week with less than 2500 miles, and I've been with them since July, other than the weeks that I needed to be home for an extended stay. I am pulling one of the new curtain side specialized trailer, I've heard it thru the grapevine that we are getting up to 1000 of them. :D I sure hope so!! We were also notified of a pay raise that is coming our way. I came into this company knowing that they had bought out schneider, knowing that, I knew that it was gonna take time before things started to turn around for Maverick. I'm not one to give up on someone who took a chance on me buy hiring me in the first place...not just yet anyways!!

Hope everyone had a safe Turkey Day!!

JimmyP 12-02-2007 10:13 AM

ha smokdu i agree with you i've been with maverick 6 months now for the most part everything has been great as you know sometimes there is small problems overall it been great. Seems to get better every time i go back out.

kebo072 12-04-2007 09:18 PM

Just talked to recruiting, going to fax my release forms this week.

Hopefully I will be out there with you cats soon.

smokdu 12-05-2007 01:50 PM

Good deal, keep us updated

kebo072 12-06-2007 08:15 PM

They are not sponsoring in my area. Oh well.... Onward and upward.

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