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Goin Fer It 04-22-2007 05:42 AM

We are going to file the appeal ourselves. We just received the court records on Monday April 16,2007 and also the Appeal Information.

The appeal at this point is not the hardest part it is the Motion for Delayed Appeal that is difficult and I am having a hard time finding format for us to do it. There are certain exceptions were you could file a late appeal you must show that it is no fault of yours and that a colorful error has been made.

In the meantime we have contacted both the Oregon State Bar and the Oklahoma State Bar. There will be plenty of complaints and we are still going to attempt to get our money back from Interstate Trucking and Oscar and also any other loses.

Also my husband was turned down for his unemployment as they said it was a leave of absence since he is going to return. He told her that they legally had to terminate his employment but she said they are holding a job so she denied him. We are going to file against that also.

My husband at this time starting just Friday and for this next week will be working with my step-dad doing sprinklers. It is not much but it helps and they started my husband out with more than most start at.

Just this evening I sat and did the transcription of the court hearing that occurred on January 29, 2007. I will post it in my next post.

The Judge signed my husband's plea for Third Degree Criminal Mischief and then the order was for Criminal Mischief in the 2nd Degree. I can tell after reading his due process was definitely violated, so I hope that the court of appeals will help us settle it.

He will be going back to work for Davis on April 30, 2007. At this point we have to wait out his suspension. His battery is dead it went dead even though he had started it up two days prior. We will attempt to jump it again tomorrow.


Goin Fer It 04-22-2007 06:09 AM

Okay Feederfred, Wait until your wife reads this! I could not believe it! I wonder if there is something in the water down in Medford that has an impact on these peoples brains!

Here are the Conditions and the actually Document reffered to as



1. The Defendant Pleads Guilty to Criminal Mischief in the Third Degree.
2. State will Dismiss Count 1 and Count 2 and move to Amend Count 3 to Third Degree.
3. Defendant agrees to 18 months Bench Probation.
4. Enhanced fine of $500.00, plus $250.00, and $67.00 Victims Assistance.
5. Restitution has been paid in full by May Trucking. Copies supplied to District Attorney's Office.
6. No further charges filed against ***** ***** **** in relation to this incident.

This was the only agreement my husband agreed to. Here is the transcription of the hearing held on January 29, 2007.

Judge State vs. ******* ********

(Counsel) Good Morning Judge

(Judge) Good Morning

(Counsel) Your Honor I am I’m authorized to proceed on a written plea agreement on behalf on Mr. ******* it’s a faxed original the original should be in today’s mail and I’ll enter it into court immediately upon my receipt

I need to hand it to counsel to sign

(Judge) Okay

(Counsel) Mr. ****** signed Exhibit “A” which is these are the conditions that are set forth on the Plea Agreement but he missed the signature on the petition itself but it is signed by

(Judge) Okay

(Counsel) by the Defendant

(Judge)You’ll get that taken care of and filed

(Counsel) Yes your Honor

(Counsel) He lives in Coeur d’ Alene Idaho and a I expected the things mailed I mailed it last Thursday

(Judge) She needs a file

(Counsel) Mr. ****** fully understands all the constitutional rights he is giving up and waiving at this juncture

(Judge) What’s he pleading to Mr. Neely

(Counsel) He is pleading to Count 3

(Judge) Okay Criminal Mischief in the 2rd Degree

(Counsel) Yes your Honor

(Judge) What are the facts on that

(Counsel) Mr. ******* got lost in the area of the Pilot Truck stop and he drove down a side street and attempted to turn around in the BLM parking area and he got panicked and knocked over a light pole and a couple of small trees restitution has been paid in full by May Trucking in excess of nine thousand dollars

(Judge) And so that’s gonna a count 3 it will be charged with Third Degree is that right?

(Counsel) That’s correct

(District Attorney) It’s Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree He pleading guilty to count 2 Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree and the plea petition is missing the drivers’ license suspension as well

(Judge) No it’s a its says here in the third degree

(Counsel) Yes

(Judge) I mean here Count 3 He’s pleading to Count 3

(District Attorney) Yes

(Judge) Okay

(Judge) And it says Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree and then the conditions of the plea says that it is going to be changed to the Third Degree. Is that right?

(District Attorney) That is not correct this is actually my case the only amendment to the plea offer was that he instead of doing the community service work for the three days he could do a $500.00 fine because he lives in Coeur d’ Alene Idaho and the plea petition also doesn’t state that he has a drivers license suspension due to this.

(Judge) Okay

(District Attorney) I have a copy of the original offer right here it was mailed December 8th and this amendment to the fine was also faxed and mailed on January 4th

(Counsel) Counsel is probably correct its second degree that should be correct

(Judge) So that will stay Okay

(Counsel) The license suspension your honor was not discussed

(District Attorney) It was sent in the offer the first time and faxed in the offer the on second time. There’s always a drivers license suspension on any Criminal Mischief that causes accident or property damage

(Counsel) Counsel is correct Judge

(Judge) You want to talk to him or you want to go ahead?

(Counsel) We’ll proceed

(Judge) Okay

(Judge) Anything further Mr. Neely

(Counsel) No your Honor

(Judge) Okay on a m I do find that there is a factual basis for Mr. ******’s plea that his plea was voluntarily and intelligently knowingly made, made with the advice of counsel I will accept and enter it and a on the on the charge I will suspend the imposition of sentence for an 18 month period during those 18 months he will be on bench probation conditions of the probation are number 1 that he obey all laws Condition number 2 that he a pay a fine of $750.00 plus a unitary assessment in the sum of $ 67.00 and a so I don’t the restitution has already been paid?

(District Attorney) Yes

(Judge) Okay so I won’t do anything with that a let’s see here tsh tsh tsh eighteen months bench In addition condition number 8 he is not to drive without a a an Oregon Drivers Lisence his Oregon Drivers License is suspended for a 90 day period Uh he needs to sign this I assume you can sign it on his behalf?

(Counsel) I will Judge

(Judge) And counts one and two are dismissed


My husband told his counsel he did not panick that he carefully attempted to negotiate the parking lot. But I guess the facts do not matter at least in the Courts in Jackson County Medford Oregon. :x
I am going to busy for the next week. I have a full plate! I will try and update when I can!


devildice 04-22-2007 12:14 PM

GFIW, thanks for the update. After reading it, all I could do is :shock: . I definitely feel for you guys and am praying that this all gets straightened out in your favor. I know I don't have to tell you this, but just make sure you do not lay all your "cards" on the table when dealing with these idiots.

I know your DH is not an O/O, but is he by any chance a member of OOIDA? If so, is there anything that their legal folks can do for you all? Just a thought.

feederfred 04-22-2007 09:22 PM

I am no attorney, but after reading this transcript, it seems kind of obvious what happened. (and the spouse agree's). It seems to me that there was a bit of confusion between the judge and the DA and your attorney as to exactly WHAT he was pleading to. The judge OK'd the 3rd degree pleas, DA objected to it, and your so called "lawyer" (who seems like he got his degree from the back of the National Enquirer) agreed to everything, without knowing WHAT he was agreeing to. I would SUE this clown for everything, file complaints with the State Bar and just generally make his life miserable. You sure have the basis for an appeal. Don't talk to the DA. You will change nothing. You need to get a REAL lawyer. This will not go away. I know I said it before, but good competent legal help DOES NOT hang around a truck stop and solicit business. My attorney gets $200.00 an hour, but if it's MY BUTT that's in trouble, I'll worry about paying his bill later. I want ME protected now. Appeal as soon as possible. This is one of the worst "shaft jobs" I've ever seen a court do to a driver. You need to seek out a decent lawyer who will maybe hear your story and go the pro-bono route. Tell your story to ANY news media you can find. Keep us informed...And all the best to you. (and I will NEVER go to Medford-ANYMORE)

truckerpreacher 04-23-2007 12:37 AM

Don't know if it will do you any good but...there is a law show I listen to on XM radio on Saturdays. Great entertainment, however his website allows you to search for a lawyer and even post your case in hopes that someone will be able to help. Just a thought

Goin Fer It 04-23-2007 07:40 AM

Well I am home from my moms house dropped hubby and kids off there. Auntie is going to take the kids to school and step-dad is going to take hubby to work. I am going to stay up and research. I only need a format for the delayed appeal and I will be okay!

Don't know what it is but every time something major happens with hubby's work it seems as I lose an animal. My black cat disappeared on around Friday the 13 and I found his remains last Friday it was not pretty. I saw a hawk when I went to check the mailbox and checked and it was him.

I also lost a cat one that was the most human type animals I have ever had the day I picked hubby up at the bus stop from when he lost his job at May Trucking :sad: I still have a scare on my rear from when that one bit me, in a smile face :) He was going for my lab-rottwiler that was messing with him and got me instead. And even more embarrassing is when the thing got infected and I had to go to the humiliating. I was the butt of jokes to speak around my family! I always called him in and he was not out at night, that night tired and emotionally exhausted I did not stay up and call him in. The coyotes got him. My dogs found his leg the next day :sad:

This one I think my dogs chased him up a tree and this cat had no idea how to get down a tree :shock: :shock: Around five or six years ago my husband had to rescue this cat with cable climbing gear from a tree he had been in that darn tree for about four days before we found him. His meow was not loud to hear. Even though I called him he did not hear me. I only hope he froze to death rather than starving to death. It was so close down the road by my mailbox. I hate the guilt the could have....would have... should have. When in reality I did look in the trees up here and I know that chances were that I would not have found him. But still always the could of.....should of...and think that the darn outcome may have been different. We had his funeral today and I still hurt. I blame myself in most cases for things that beyond my control. He was rapped up in towel his body what was left was ugly.

I know with all of us sometimes hurt runs deep and sometimes it is a lonely place when we bury our hurt to put on a happy face in order to be strong so others do not feel our pain! I can rant here!!

Darn hubby has to quit having problems at work!


Goin Fer It 04-23-2007 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by devildice
GFIW, thanks for the update. After reading it, all I could do is :shock: . I definitely feel for you guys and am praying that this all gets straightened out in your favor. I know I don't have to tell you this, but just make sure you do not lay all your "cards" on the table when dealing with these idiots.

I know your DH is not an O/O, but is he by any chance a member of OOIDA? If so, is there anything that their legal folks can do for you all? Just a thought.

Your Welcome! Thank you for the welcomed prayers and I need prayers that my resolve stays focused and nothing else comes up at this time. I am having a hard time with the Motion for Delayed Appeal Format. When I studied to be a paralegal the Law Library in Ventura was a major resource unfortunately the law library up here in Coeur d' Alene is a joke. I know when I was there in school I had access to Westlaw and without the proper terminology it difficult to research on the web. It is taking far longer than I wish it would.

We are not O/O and I have lost all confidence in attorneys at this point. I don't think they know what the heck to do with our case. I have read most of the Oregon Case Appeals on the Web and also the 9th Circuit Appeals and I have not found any case quite so obviously messed up.

I still have not come across a case that was a guilty plea for one thing and the judge. Counsel and district attorney decided on something different without consent. But at this point I need the format!

Will attempt to keep you updated!


Goin Fer It 04-23-2007 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by feederfred
I am no attorney, but after reading this transcript, it seems kind of obvious what happened. (and the spouse agree's). It seems to me that there was a bit of confusion between the judge and the DA and your attorney as to exactly WHAT he was pleading to. The judge OK'd the 3rd degree pleas, DA objected to it, and your so called "lawyer" (who seems like he got his degree from the back of the National Enquirer) agreed to everything, without knowing WHAT he was agreeing to. I would SUE this clown for everything, file complaints with the State Bar and just generally make his life miserable.

Feeder that is one thing I have learned as messed up as California is at least there is accountability there. People will not do things that they can get away with elsewhere because they WILL be held accountable. And as far as the National Enquirer hey I was once in it :lol: :lol: I used to joke with my fellow thespians that once you made the Enquirer you had it made! I did not make it by that but rather by grabbing some big guys shot gun and telling him he was done shooting for the day. Some one in the neighborhood sent the pictures in from the local newspaper. I bet Mike Henderson and those people are glad I moved! But at least what is occurring there in their ignorance is not so brutal and cruel as it was.


Originally Posted by feederfred
You sure have the basis for an appeal. Don't talk to the DA. You will change nothing. You need to get a REAL lawyer. This will not go away. I know I said it before, but good competent legal help DOES NOT hang around a truck stop and solicit business. My attorney gets $200.00 an hour, but if it's MY BUTT that's in trouble, I'll worry about paying his bill later. I want ME protected now. Appeal as soon as possible. This is one of the worst "shaft jobs" I've ever seen a court do to a driver. You need to seek out a decent lawyer who will maybe hear your story and go the pro-bono route. Tell your story to ANY news media you can find. Keep us informed...And all the best to you. (and I will NEVER go to Medford-ANYMORE)

I agree as far as having a basis for an appeal but find attorney that will even touch this is a different story we have already gone beyond the 30 day appeal deadline and will have to file for a Delayed appeal which is not approving to be easy in the format as I am having difficulty in finding exactly what the court wants. Am I allowed to summit any Exhibits or any thing other than what is in the original hearing? Do they want or will they allow Statutes....Case Law? The darn attorneys I have spoken with this is out of their range. They are completely clueless :shock: And that is also the attorneys that charge $200.00 an hour!

I have to get this thing in by the 90 days! It is past the 30 days. If I mess up on the format or some technicality I will have to press for a review then to Supreme Court of Oregon appeal then if they don't listen 9th Circuit court. Due Process was definitely denied. Here are a few things that I have found so far.

United States Court of Appeals (For the Eight Circuit)
B A plea of guilty is constitutionally valid only if it is made voluntarily and intelligently. Bousley v. United States, 523 U.S> 614, 618 (1988) (citing Brady v. United States, 397 U.S. 742, 748 (1979)). A plea is not made intelligently where the defendant is not given notice of the true nature of the charge to which he is pleading. Id. Likewise, Rule 11 ©(1) requires the district court to inform the defendant of , and determine that he understands, “the nature of the charge to which the plea is offered,” among other things. REIF NOTES

Further, it is of no significance that the court did not engage in a colloquy with defendant to ensure that his acceptance of the plea, including the stipulation, was intelligent, knowing, and voluntary. Such a colloquy would have been required if defendant had pleaded guilty. ORS 135.385.

Washington State Case

involuntary guilty plea is the type of constitutional error that a defendant may raise for the first time on appeal. State v. Walsh, 143 Wn.2d 1, 6, 17 P.3d 591 (2001).

"The State bears the burden of proving the validity of a guilty plea," including the defendant's "[k]nowledge of the direct consequences" of the plea, which the State may prove from the record or by "clear and convincing extrinsic evidence." State v. Ross, 129 Wn.2d 279,

287, 916 P.2d 405 (1996). A defendant, in contrast, bears the burden of proving "manifest injustice," defined as "an injustice that is obvious, directly observable, overt, not obscure." State

v. Saas, 118 Wn.2d 37, 42, 820 P.2d 505 (1991) (quoting State v. Taylor, 83 Wn.2d 594, 596,

521 P.2d 699 (1974)).

Due process requires that a defendant's guilty plea be knowing, voluntary, and intelligent.

Boykin v. Alabama, 395 U.S. 238, 242, 89 S. Ct. 1709, 23 L. Ed. 2d 274 (1969);

And I don't like you right now!!! You told us not to plea to anything!!!! Darn you were right now look at the mess we are in :oops: :roll: :shock:
But who would have suspected the courts could have messed up so badly!


Goin Fer It 04-23-2007 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by truckerpreacher
Don't know if it will do you any good but...there is a law show I listen to on XM radio on Saturdays. Great entertainment, however his website allows you to search for a lawyer and even post your case in hopes that someone will be able to help. Just a thought

Thank you Truckerpreacher! At this point I am afraid to call someone as we have to get this thing filed by this Friday, we have spoken to people that the Oregon State Barr has recommended and they do not seem to what to do SCARY! I am attempting to review all the court rules and formats as stated before and it is a pain and I am having difficulty in finding what I need. We will worry about the brief after this but at this time the major problem is the format for the Delayed Notice of Appeal and what is expected. Maybe I will attempt to e-mail the Appellant Court of Oregon and ask them. That way if something is wrong it is on them and not us in the event we have to take this thing higher. I don't trust phone but if you have it in an e-mail it is a different story :)


feederfred 04-24-2007 05:43 PM

Wow, sorry you don't like me now, (but I don't believe that), but when it comes to any legal problems I may or may not have, I don't trust ANY court to do what they feel is the "right thing". Especially when it is my life they hold in their hands. My significant other has worked for the District Attorneys office too long and seen too much. It's all about the numbers. People and "justice" don't count. I have learned from close family members that, when in trouble with the law, LAWYER UP and keep your mouth closed. If they want to screw you, make them work for it. Keep fighting, sorry about the cat...

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