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TIM 08-07-2006 07:03 PM

Hobo when I posted I saw your post so I didnt get to read it before hand .
I am going to rate that personally as the best post you have ever wrote.


Useless 08-07-2006 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by TIM

Seems to me your disabilities doesnt over shadow your abilities . Get your chin up like it belongs there . <G>


An Excellent point made here!!

Chris, there are so many things that I'm feeling for you right now, and I must confess that I find myself lost for words. Other members here have already articulated many of the things that I feel, but they have done it with eloquence and authority that I lack.

Looking over the shoulder of what Golfhobo told you, I will say that you have my deepest sympathy, but you have no need for my pity, or anyone else's. I've no doubt that you will rise above this.

It never occurred to me that you were ghost writing for Novocain, and I can already see that other members of CAD are surprised as well. Tim is right on in his observations here; I don't know the nature of your disability, but you have clearly demonstrated your capabilities here, and we are all better for your sharing them with us.

You will be in my prayers and meditations, my friend!!


Useless 08-07-2006 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by TIM
Hobo when I posted I saw your post so I didnt get to read it before hand .
I am going to rate that personally as the best post you have ever wrote.


I Agree 100%!!! Good on you, Mr. Golf Hobo!! :rock:

TimberWolf 08-07-2006 07:32 PM

Well, it seems you have all the best advice already given to you...

All I can say is what goes around comes around, Our world is built upon Karma if you want good to happen, then you must try to be good in your heart.

It may not be any comfort to you now or later on, but you can rest assured she will carry this Karma with her for a long time to come...

It Is What It Is


golfhobo 08-07-2006 07:47 PM

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Thanks, guys! But, you really SHOULD read my thread where I posted my Christmas poems! God had been known to talk through me. And I write what he wants me to say! He is the author... I am but the PEN!

I'm no goody two shoes Christian. I'm NOT a moralist! In fact, I should go to HELL if it were NOT for my talent to convey his thoughts at times. I don't even know if I'm worthy of heaven, or if there IS such a thing! I just drive the truck! [God is the O/O]

But... I understand, and have lived, depression. I know how it invades EVERY aspect of one's life. I've spent 20 years alone in some kind of self imposed "pentance" for failing in my marriage and my responsibilities to my child. Not only do I not WISH this on anyone else, frankly, MOST of you couldn't deal with it!

Trucking has set me FREE! What may be the END for SOME relationships, can be the Beginning of some LIVES! I only wish to save others from wasting the years I have wasted!

But, hey.... who would listen to ME?

Gotta go trucking now. See y'all in a couple of days!


08-07-2006 07:54 PM

I wonder what a good name for the book would be???

My Day

TIM 08-07-2006 09:36 PM

Commone Steve , <G>


Her Life Behind The Wheel Of A Big Rig

One womans life in the trucking world with the odds against her and a family she left for it . This is the first novel in sequence wrtten by her exhusband that was his start also to writing a great novel. Read why!


08-07-2006 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by TIM
Commone Steve , <G>


Her Life Behind The Wheel Of A Big Rig

One womans life in the trucking world with the odds against her and a family she left for it . This is the first novel in sequence wrtten by her exhusband that was his start also to writing a great novel. Read why!


Ha ha ha :lol:

GirlnamedShannon 08-07-2006 11:15 PM

Re: A word of advice to new people thinking of trucking

Originally Posted by Novacane
So future drivers, I know you may think your relationship is better in some way, but before this, I thought we were solid as a rock, and her leaving me never crossed my mind, I never worried about it.

It just goes to show you that this is a rough business on couples no matter how long you have been together, trust, or love one another. Please keep that in mind before you are sure you want to drive, cause if it can split us up, it can break anyone's relationship apart.

I understand how hard trucking can be on a relationship but I also have to say: truckers don't cheat because they're truckers. They cheat, or otherwise leave relationships, for many, many reasons but almost none of them have to do with their CDL. Trucking is hard on a relationship, or can be, but it's usually not the reason relationships don't hold up. People cheat because they cheat, not because of trucking.

That said, I am really sorry you're hurting and feeling down. This isn't a forum just for drivers and I don't think you should feel like you have to leave this forum. Hang in there, Chris.

Drakmare 08-08-2006 01:32 AM

I don't know you like others on this board but I still empathize the same.

This little write seemed appropriate


Eyes of innocence can see inside

My emptiness, pain and a soul that died

An ease of time that was once so clear

Where warmth and comfort felt so near

Now in shadows with no more to see

I cut loose the grip in hopes of free

Only to be tangled with thoughts of you

Now even deeper in this sorrow of blue

Understanding changes, and forgetting lies

To remember those once so innocent eyes

That now in flames of devils and red

I sit around and ponder the heat of lead

Just to realize here once and for all

Those innocent eyes, not worth the fall

Keep your head high and never give up! I know sometimes things can get tough and it seems all is lost, but it is times like those that bring out the best in us and push us to achieve much more then we ever dreamed!


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