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Novacane 09-23-2006 01:32 AM

Wow, first day back and there are so many new posts, and I am being ragged on by everyone, oh well. Say I cant decide whether to write a book or open a cb shop, pay attention to the dates of the posts, I was writing a book trying to take my life back over, writing because of all the positive feedback everyone on these forums left me, and encouraged me to do, then I come back and everything is right the opposite, I just don't get it.

Anyway, the internet has been off for a while here at the house, and there are so many changes I don't even know where to start, but I would like to say one thing, love did prevail, and after a long talk, one that was long over due, stepping back and taking a good look at myself(I had to step WAY back, lol) I know what I have to do, and plans are in the making.

As far as Roehl flat bedding goes, where did I bad mouth them? I told NOTHING but the truth, the wait times, the miles and the money, I didn't hold back anything, so if there was something negative said, then it wasn't me badmouthing the company, it was the company doing it to themselves. Matter of fact, she really misses Roehl, and wishes she could go back, but Barr-Nunn has been almost a dream company, they treat her like gold, to many good qualities to even discuss unless I come back to post more, and that will be entirely up to everyone else, so we will see how that goes.

Anyway, I just got the internet back, thought that I would come back on here and see what was going on, and see what had changed. I would like to give an update and let everyone knows what was going on and figured before I started to post again, that the audience was still there and willing to listen.

If you would like the "my day" thread to continue, then let me know, and I will be happy to start back with it again. Keep in mind, nothing will be changed, and I will still be "ghost writing" for Heather, putting her words on here for her as she would have wrote them to begin with.

If too much has changed, then I won't bother to post any more, but I will hang around and see what's going on, I really like this board, it's a wealth of information.

truckswifeWa. 09-23-2006 04:33 AM

Glad to hear from you again. From the reading, you two must have patched things up. Hope to hear from you more often. I think that would be cool if you could post more on the "My Day" post.

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