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Double L 09-12-2008 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Drew10
McCain for 4....Followed by Palin for 8.
:D :D

Along with economic prosperity, job growth, and a reduction in the national debt, along with the end of the war! :D :D :D :D

MommaKay 09-12-2008 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Double L
She is more than qualified than Obama why can't any of you liberals see it? I see it clear as day, she is possibly the most popular governor and what has Obama done? All I hear from Obama is blah blah, the same ole BS, he isn't fooling anyone but the liberals refuse to see it, go figure! :roll: I'll say it again PALIN IS MORE QUALIFIED THAN OBAMA!!! Obama isn't nothing but a "state senator". He wasn't Governor...At least Palin was a Governor and did it for 2 years and was small town mayor and that right there counts as more qualified than a measly little state senator from Illinois! But that is my opinion. I want someone who will deliver change not someone who says change, hope and won't do a damn thing and that sounds like Obama all talk and no action. Like I said he hasn't even passed a bill on his own and that right there says A LOT!

Obama WAS a State Senator, before he became a Member of Congress as a US Senator.

Palin was the Mayor of a town of 7,025 people according the to city's own count. She is currently Governor of a state with a population of 670,000. She has served as Governor for less than two years, during which time she has accomplished nothing of note other than bringing home hundreds of millions in Federal "earmarks" -- something she says she's against. She campaigned for Governor as a supporter of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere." She now insists that she was always against it. As Mayor, she injected bitter party politics into what had always before been friendly debate, and in the end left the town of Wasilla $25 million in debt.

As for Obama not "even pass(ing) a bill on his own," Congress doesn't work that way. NO Congressman can pass a bill on their own.

So Palin is popular in Alaska -- so what? Cher is popular in gay dance clubs. Popularity within a certain segment of American society does not necessarily qualify one to be next in line for the Presidency. But I'd vote for Cher before I'd vote for the Mayor of Mooseburgers.

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 06:37 PM

LOL>>>> Now she is experienced? How long politics? And you say Obama has no experience when he has been in politics longer? And how long has McCain and Biden been in politics? Forever? So doesn't that make them "career" politicians? You arent making sense.
And please remember she is the Gov. of what is basically an welfare state for the oil companies. In that they have no state income tax and no sales tax, all the money derived comes from the production tax on the oil companies. Every man,woman, and child in the state receives a check each year from the "state" from the cut on the oil company revenues. When she raised the production tax on the oil companies, each man,woman and child, received a check for $1200.00 to offset the high cost of energy. (A family of 4, received $4,800.00 from the oil companies) Of course you fail to realize, when she raised the tax rate on the oil companies, that also made gas/diesel fuel in the lower 48 MORE expensive. Hey, any politician that would send me $1200.00 to offset fuel costs, I would look all "goo-gooed eyed" at her also.
So quit trying to make her out to be something she is not. She was put on the ticket to get the Hillary votes. That's it. And it was a smart move by McCains handlers to do so.

MommaKay 09-12-2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer

You're right: McCain didn't pull Palin off the street. He dragged her in out of the bush.
And that's perfect, right there. Keep your focus on Palin...the VEEP candidate. It perfectly illustrates your side's desperation. :lol:

But I'm not worried, win or lose. It's McCain's race now and Obama is falling far behind. 7 weeks to go...I'm guessing McCain wins big. And if Obama somehow wins it? No biggee...he's out in 4 years and a Palin/Romney or Guliani ticket (positions interchangeable) wins big in '12, along with the final capsizing of the most pathetic democratic congress ever.

Long term planning. It's what the republican party has done and they couldn't have set it up any better. It gives me hope that the country hasn't completely lost its mind yet.

We have to focus on Palin because McCain is a senile fool who won't survive his first four years. In short, it is really Palin who we have to consider as being Obama's opposition, and she is simply unqualified for the office. Your boy Carl Rove said so.

Double L 09-12-2008 06:51 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: How is she unqualified?? She was a mayor and Governor. Obama is nothing but a senator! Obama is clearly the unqualified one! At least Palin is trying to restore GOD in this country while Obama is trying to take it away! Obama is the one who is unqualified! Obama hasn't had a chance to prove himself. Palin proved herself as mayor and Governor! Obama is nothing but a rock star celebrity!

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 06:57 PM

Now who is to say a state Senator and a U.S. Senator is not qualified? If a U.S. Senator is not qualified, doesn't that make McCain and Biden also UNQUALIFIED? Ole Scrub Bush was a Govenor also, think he is qualified? He is a disaster!
And the Iraq war is the "will of God?"

Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 06:57 PM


So Palin is popular in Alaska -- so what?
I don't know, maybe the fact that she's even more popular 50 states over?

Keep going. I find it extremely gratifying to see the left fall all over themselves over Palin. :lol:

Gordo is right...McCain picking Palin was a smart move, just not the reasons he seems to think. It was a smart move because she's the right one for the job and the fact that McCain's lead is growing, puts me solidly in the majority...people that believe the same thing. So keep up with the attacks and the mud-slinging on Palin. All it does is widen the gap between McCain and Obama, because that's the actual focal-point of the election. I'm just giving you a friendly reminder, since you and the rest of the libs seem to have conveniently forgotten that.


Double L 09-12-2008 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer

So Palin is popular in Alaska -- so what?
I don't know, maybe the fact that she's even more popular 50 states over?

Keep going. I find it extremely gratifying to see the left fall all over themselves over Palin. :lol:

Gordo is right...McCain picking Palin was a smart move, just not the reasons he seems to think. It was a smart move because she's the right one for the job and the fact that McCain's lead is growing, puts me solidly in the majority...people that believe the same thing. So keep up with the attacks and the mud-slinging on Palin. All it does is widen the gap between McCain and Obama, because that's the actual focal-point of the election. I'm just giving you a friendly reminder, since you and the rest of the libs seem to have conveniently forgotten that.


McCain has been in this game for ALONG time Obama has only been in for what 2 years and what has he yet to prove? All he proved to me is that he constantly changes his mind on issues! :roll: Palin proved herself with her track record. You liberals are blinded by the cameras that flash at Obama every time he comes to speak about gibberish I mean your so called change/hope :dung:

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 07:11 PM

I do disagree she is the right person for the job. But remember also, VP is mostly a ceromonial position. President of the Senate, to cast a tie breaking vote. The President of the Senate has no power to set the agenda as to what bills are discussed or sent back to committee. But she will make alot of public appearances at funerals, VFW halls, lobbying events, speaking engagements, on the countries behalf, so in that regard a VP can act as a sort of "bully pulpit" type promoter of the administration's view. Now if McCain begins to have health problems. which we all hope he doesn't. At his age it can appear suddenly. While everyone hopes he does not such problems, remember the great Ronald Reagan, his last 2 years, were to me anyway, very noticeable in that not all was right with him. (no pun intended)
Then you will see how glaringly unqualified she is.

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 07:13 PM

First you call Obama a media star and put out the Britney Spears video. Now the media big star is Palin, the Dems should counter with a Jamie Lynn Spears video!! LOL>>>>

You can't have it both ways.

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