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BigDiesel 09-12-2008 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I'll add, too, that for her first interview, I thought she did fine. Didn't go over the line and stayed pretty much within her circle. But then again, that's my opinion from a pro-McCain point of view. Anyone with an opposite view is going to think she did horrible because she didn't solve all the problems of the world. In other words, people saw what they wanted to see.

I have to laugh at seeing and hearing the liberal slant absolutely froth at the mouth, conveniently forgetting that this isn't someone McCain pulled off the street. This is arguably one of the most popular governors in US history and well-versed in leading and speaking. She's not a new kid on the block...simply new to the federal scene, nothing more. And she's definitely no slouch. Liberals will underestimate her at their own peril. Oh wait, they've already done that.


Vice President Palin.

I like it.

The left is losing their minds with the Palin pick.... The libs and Obama were in the driver seat until Palin was chosen and they are now freaking out about losing.... :lol: :lol: :lol: I wonder if golfhobo is going to move to canada now ?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

MommaKay 09-12-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I'll add, too, that for her first interview, I thought she did fine. Didn't go over the line and stayed pretty much within her circle. But then again, that's my opinion from a pro-McCain point of view. Anyone with an opposite view is going to think she did horrible because she didn't solve all the problems of the world. In other words, people saw what they wanted to see.

I have to laugh at seeing and hearing the liberal slant absolutely froth at the mouth, conveniently forgetting that this isn't someone McCain pulled off the street. This is arguably one of the most popular governors in US history and well-versed in leading and speaking. She's not a new kid on the block...simply new to the federal scene, nothing more. And she's definitely no slouch. Liberals will underestimate her at their own peril. Oh wait, they've already done that.


Vice President Palin.

I like it.

You're right: McCain didn't pull Palin off the street. He dragged her in out of the bush.

homealone3 09-12-2008 04:46 PM


Or new-clear?

Double L 09-12-2008 05:02 PM

She is more than qualified than Obama why can't any of you liberals see it? I see it clear as day, she is possibly the most popular governor and what has Obama done? All I hear from Obama is blah blah, the same ole BS, he isn't fooling anyone but the liberals refuse to see it, go figure! :roll: I'll say it again PALIN IS MORE QUALIFIED THAN OBAMA!!! Obama isn't nothing but a "state senator". He wasn't Governor...At least Palin was a Governor and did it for 2 years and was small town mayor and that right there counts as more qualified than a measly little state senator from Illinois! But that is my opinion. I want someone who will deliver change not someone who says change, hope and won't do a damn thing and that sounds like Obama all talk and no action. Like I said he hasn't even passed a bill on his own and that right there says A LOT!

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 05:40 PM

She's qualified? Good grief. My high school was half the size of her town and that was 40 years ago!!!
The city where I live, has a larger population and budget than the entire state of Alaska. That means our Mayor is qualified to be President? Good grief Charlie Brown, God help us all! ( in defense of our Mayor, haha, we don't get our entire operating budget from the oil companies, and the bridges here, although not as pretty, do at least lead somewhere.)

Double L 09-12-2008 05:48 PM

Do y'all not see the word GOVERNOR?????????

Drew10 09-12-2008 05:57 PM


She's qualified? Good grief. My high school was half the size of her town and that was 40 years ago!!!
The city where I live, has a larger population and budget than the entire state of Alaska.
Rudy was in the race for Repub nominee....all he was, was a Mayor.
I understand different sizes of cities. However....and how does that saying go, Ladies??....Its not the size that matters but, how you use it. :wink:

Oh and Double for her being Gov. The libs try to ignore that part because that would possibly "pad" her resume. Wouldnt want to do that now would we.
Lest she has some executive experience.
All you Obama lovers....make sure he keeps comparing himself to her. Just makes her look all the better. Dem Pres. nominee running against the Repub Vice Pres. nominee.

TF....I agree 100% with what you have said.....I cant wait for the Presidential debates. Obama is toast. McCain is the King of talking off the cuff.
Saw some of the hideous show today call The View. McCain against the lib ladies less one.
Woopie was doing all she could to show at least a little respect, but you could see her sheathing inside, especially when the Constitution came up and she made the stupid comment about her possibly going to be a slave again. I think he did a great job with them.

Double L 09-12-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Drew10

She's qualified? Good grief. My high school was half the size of her town and that was 40 years ago!!!
The city where I live, has a larger population and budget than the entire state of Alaska.
Rudy was in the race for Repub nominee....all he was, was a Mayor.
I understand different sizes of cities. However....and how does that saying go, Ladies??....Its not the size that matters but, how you use it. :wink:

Exactly, remember on Sept 11 when he bought this country together and showed great leadership? It's obvious Palin is more qualified than Obama. I can't believe people are blind and stupid not to see it! I want someone with EXPERIENCE not a career politician but EXPERIENCE!!! Even if she was a small town mayor and GOVERNOR! She isn't a career politician and has EXPERIENCE to get the job done!

Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 06:18 PM


You're right: McCain didn't pull Palin off the street. He dragged her in out of the bush.
And that's perfect, right there. Keep your focus on Palin...the VEEP candidate. It perfectly illustrates your side's desperation. :lol:

But I'm not worried, win or lose. It's McCain's race now and Obama is falling far behind. 7 weeks to go...I'm guessing McCain wins big. And if Obama somehow wins it? No biggee...he's out in 4 years and a Palin/Romney or Guliani ticket (positions interchangeable) wins big in '12, along with the final capsizing of the most pathetic democratic congress ever.

Long term planning. It's what the republican party has done and they couldn't have set it up any better. It gives me hope that the country hasn't completely lost its mind yet.

Drew10 09-12-2008 06:24 PM


And if Obama somehow wins it? No biggee...he's out in 4 years and a Palin/Romney or Guliani ticket (positions interchangeable) wins big in '12, along with the final capsizing of the most pathetic democratic congress ever.
Well point TF.....Obama cant do to much harm in 4yrs. But, may be just enough to show the Libs how he is poison for this country.
But...we are hoping for better. McCain for 4....Followed by Palin for 8.
:D :D

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