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golfhobo 09-12-2008 12:48 AM

First Palin interview
Anybody see it? On ABC World News tonight with Charles Gibson. More on Nightline tonight, and again on ABC World News tomorrow.

Ol' Charlie was really putting the screws to her! She drew a blank when asked if she supported the Bush Doctrine. Pretty much said, "What's that?" :lol:

I don't think she was wearing her lipstick. :wink:

But, she sure had rehearsed her lines well. You almost couldn't tell!

Roadhog 09-12-2008 09:37 AM

I think most everyone has agreed...wutz a Bush doctrine?

Ol'Charlie was tough looking is all, by wearing his glasses slightly lower,
and having an expression on his face like he needs to go push out 3 days worth of pizza.

homealone3 09-12-2008 02:10 PM

From what I've seen of Palin's interview last night I can't wait to see her debate. They're going to have Palin for breakfast.
With a side of McSame

homealone3 09-12-2008 02:12 PM

In case you missed it.

Trukrswyfe 09-12-2008 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Roadhog
I think most everyone has agreed...wutz a Bush doctrine?

Ol'Charlie was tough looking is all, by wearing his glasses slightly lower,
and having an expression on his face like he needs to go push out 3 days worth of pizza.

Cool expression!

I am looking forward to the debates.

Nurse, mircoscope please?

yes doctor.

Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 02:58 PM


From what I've seen of Palin's interview last night I can't wait to see her debate. They're going to have Palin for breakfast.
That's rather doubtful. Biden is going to have a rough time of it and I'm looking forward to the debates. Understand, they aren't going to put a patsy up against Biden - Palin will do just fine against him.


With a side of McSame
Obama? Without a teleprompter? Up against someone like McCain? Are we on the same planet here?!?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

McCain vs. Obama will turn his 10 point lead into a 20 point landslide. Palin could get destroyed by Biden, but McCain's handling of Obama without his speech writer or teleprompter is going to be downright laughable.

Obama and Palin are both much better at delivering speeches than McCain. But say what you want about one, and I mean no one, can deliver off the cuff like he can. I've never been much of a McCain fan, but I'm well aware of what his strong points are. He'll pick his teeth with Obama in a debate.

jd112488 09-12-2008 03:13 PM

was she naked???? mmmmmmm.

Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 03:58 PM

I'll add, too, that for her first interview, I thought she did fine. Didn't go over the line and stayed pretty much within her circle. But then again, that's my opinion from a pro-McCain point of view. Anyone with an opposite view is going to think she did horrible because she didn't solve all the problems of the world. In other words, people saw what they wanted to see.

I have to laugh at seeing and hearing the liberal slant absolutely froth at the mouth, conveniently forgetting that this isn't someone McCain pulled off the street. This is arguably one of the most popular governors in US history and well-versed in leading and speaking. She's not a new kid on the block...simply new to the federal scene, nothing more. And she's definitely no slouch. Liberals will underestimate her at their own peril. Oh wait, they've already done that.


Vice President Palin.

I like it.

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 04:14 PM

I saw the part about the "Bush Doctrine" also, yes, she was totally dumbfounded by the question.
I was waiting for her explanation on the video I saw of her in church saying the war in Iraq was God's will. When asked by Charlie, she tryed to pass it off as a reference to Abraham Lincoln, and she was quoted out of context. Nice try, but didn't fool anyone that also saw her church video.
You could tell she was or has been heavily coached, her responses were, in my opinion, forced, and she had a little difficulty trying to get back on message, but overall not bad for so little knowledge and experience.
She seemed rather perplexed and unsure on questions about Georgia. Other than taking McCains general line.

MommaKay 09-12-2008 04:35 PM

Dear Ms Palin,

The word you are trying to say is pronounced "New Clee Ur."

New rule: Anyone who says "Newkyulur" is unqualified to run for any public office, including Dog Catcher.

BigDiesel 09-12-2008 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I'll add, too, that for her first interview, I thought she did fine. Didn't go over the line and stayed pretty much within her circle. But then again, that's my opinion from a pro-McCain point of view. Anyone with an opposite view is going to think she did horrible because she didn't solve all the problems of the world. In other words, people saw what they wanted to see.

I have to laugh at seeing and hearing the liberal slant absolutely froth at the mouth, conveniently forgetting that this isn't someone McCain pulled off the street. This is arguably one of the most popular governors in US history and well-versed in leading and speaking. She's not a new kid on the block...simply new to the federal scene, nothing more. And she's definitely no slouch. Liberals will underestimate her at their own peril. Oh wait, they've already done that.


Vice President Palin.

I like it.

The left is losing their minds with the Palin pick.... The libs and Obama were in the driver seat until Palin was chosen and they are now freaking out about losing.... :lol: :lol: :lol: I wonder if golfhobo is going to move to canada now ?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

MommaKay 09-12-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I'll add, too, that for her first interview, I thought she did fine. Didn't go over the line and stayed pretty much within her circle. But then again, that's my opinion from a pro-McCain point of view. Anyone with an opposite view is going to think she did horrible because she didn't solve all the problems of the world. In other words, people saw what they wanted to see.

I have to laugh at seeing and hearing the liberal slant absolutely froth at the mouth, conveniently forgetting that this isn't someone McCain pulled off the street. This is arguably one of the most popular governors in US history and well-versed in leading and speaking. She's not a new kid on the block...simply new to the federal scene, nothing more. And she's definitely no slouch. Liberals will underestimate her at their own peril. Oh wait, they've already done that.


Vice President Palin.

I like it.

You're right: McCain didn't pull Palin off the street. He dragged her in out of the bush.

homealone3 09-12-2008 04:46 PM


Or new-clear?

Double L 09-12-2008 05:02 PM

She is more than qualified than Obama why can't any of you liberals see it? I see it clear as day, she is possibly the most popular governor and what has Obama done? All I hear from Obama is blah blah, the same ole BS, he isn't fooling anyone but the liberals refuse to see it, go figure! :roll: I'll say it again PALIN IS MORE QUALIFIED THAN OBAMA!!! Obama isn't nothing but a "state senator". He wasn't Governor...At least Palin was a Governor and did it for 2 years and was small town mayor and that right there counts as more qualified than a measly little state senator from Illinois! But that is my opinion. I want someone who will deliver change not someone who says change, hope and won't do a damn thing and that sounds like Obama all talk and no action. Like I said he hasn't even passed a bill on his own and that right there says A LOT!

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 05:40 PM

She's qualified? Good grief. My high school was half the size of her town and that was 40 years ago!!!
The city where I live, has a larger population and budget than the entire state of Alaska. That means our Mayor is qualified to be President? Good grief Charlie Brown, God help us all! ( in defense of our Mayor, haha, we don't get our entire operating budget from the oil companies, and the bridges here, although not as pretty, do at least lead somewhere.)

Double L 09-12-2008 05:48 PM

Do y'all not see the word GOVERNOR?????????

Drew10 09-12-2008 05:57 PM


She's qualified? Good grief. My high school was half the size of her town and that was 40 years ago!!!
The city where I live, has a larger population and budget than the entire state of Alaska.
Rudy was in the race for Repub nominee....all he was, was a Mayor.
I understand different sizes of cities. However....and how does that saying go, Ladies??....Its not the size that matters but, how you use it. :wink:

Oh and Double for her being Gov. The libs try to ignore that part because that would possibly "pad" her resume. Wouldnt want to do that now would we.
Lest she has some executive experience.
All you Obama lovers....make sure he keeps comparing himself to her. Just makes her look all the better. Dem Pres. nominee running against the Repub Vice Pres. nominee.

TF....I agree 100% with what you have said.....I cant wait for the Presidential debates. Obama is toast. McCain is the King of talking off the cuff.
Saw some of the hideous show today call The View. McCain against the lib ladies less one.
Woopie was doing all she could to show at least a little respect, but you could see her sheathing inside, especially when the Constitution came up and she made the stupid comment about her possibly going to be a slave again. I think he did a great job with them.

Double L 09-12-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Drew10

She's qualified? Good grief. My high school was half the size of her town and that was 40 years ago!!!
The city where I live, has a larger population and budget than the entire state of Alaska.
Rudy was in the race for Repub nominee....all he was, was a Mayor.
I understand different sizes of cities. However....and how does that saying go, Ladies??....Its not the size that matters but, how you use it. :wink:

Exactly, remember on Sept 11 when he bought this country together and showed great leadership? It's obvious Palin is more qualified than Obama. I can't believe people are blind and stupid not to see it! I want someone with EXPERIENCE not a career politician but EXPERIENCE!!! Even if she was a small town mayor and GOVERNOR! She isn't a career politician and has EXPERIENCE to get the job done!

Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 06:18 PM


You're right: McCain didn't pull Palin off the street. He dragged her in out of the bush.
And that's perfect, right there. Keep your focus on Palin...the VEEP candidate. It perfectly illustrates your side's desperation. :lol:

But I'm not worried, win or lose. It's McCain's race now and Obama is falling far behind. 7 weeks to go...I'm guessing McCain wins big. And if Obama somehow wins it? No biggee...he's out in 4 years and a Palin/Romney or Guliani ticket (positions interchangeable) wins big in '12, along with the final capsizing of the most pathetic democratic congress ever.

Long term planning. It's what the republican party has done and they couldn't have set it up any better. It gives me hope that the country hasn't completely lost its mind yet.

Drew10 09-12-2008 06:24 PM


And if Obama somehow wins it? No biggee...he's out in 4 years and a Palin/Romney or Guliani ticket (positions interchangeable) wins big in '12, along with the final capsizing of the most pathetic democratic congress ever.
Well point TF.....Obama cant do to much harm in 4yrs. But, may be just enough to show the Libs how he is poison for this country.
But...we are hoping for better. McCain for 4....Followed by Palin for 8.
:D :D

Double L 09-12-2008 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Drew10
McCain for 4....Followed by Palin for 8.
:D :D

Along with economic prosperity, job growth, and a reduction in the national debt, along with the end of the war! :D :D :D :D

MommaKay 09-12-2008 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Double L
She is more than qualified than Obama why can't any of you liberals see it? I see it clear as day, she is possibly the most popular governor and what has Obama done? All I hear from Obama is blah blah, the same ole BS, he isn't fooling anyone but the liberals refuse to see it, go figure! :roll: I'll say it again PALIN IS MORE QUALIFIED THAN OBAMA!!! Obama isn't nothing but a "state senator". He wasn't Governor...At least Palin was a Governor and did it for 2 years and was small town mayor and that right there counts as more qualified than a measly little state senator from Illinois! But that is my opinion. I want someone who will deliver change not someone who says change, hope and won't do a damn thing and that sounds like Obama all talk and no action. Like I said he hasn't even passed a bill on his own and that right there says A LOT!

Obama WAS a State Senator, before he became a Member of Congress as a US Senator.

Palin was the Mayor of a town of 7,025 people according the to city's own count. She is currently Governor of a state with a population of 670,000. She has served as Governor for less than two years, during which time she has accomplished nothing of note other than bringing home hundreds of millions in Federal "earmarks" -- something she says she's against. She campaigned for Governor as a supporter of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere." She now insists that she was always against it. As Mayor, she injected bitter party politics into what had always before been friendly debate, and in the end left the town of Wasilla $25 million in debt.

As for Obama not "even pass(ing) a bill on his own," Congress doesn't work that way. NO Congressman can pass a bill on their own.

So Palin is popular in Alaska -- so what? Cher is popular in gay dance clubs. Popularity within a certain segment of American society does not necessarily qualify one to be next in line for the Presidency. But I'd vote for Cher before I'd vote for the Mayor of Mooseburgers.

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 06:37 PM

LOL>>>> Now she is experienced? How long politics? And you say Obama has no experience when he has been in politics longer? And how long has McCain and Biden been in politics? Forever? So doesn't that make them "career" politicians? You arent making sense.
And please remember she is the Gov. of what is basically an welfare state for the oil companies. In that they have no state income tax and no sales tax, all the money derived comes from the production tax on the oil companies. Every man,woman, and child in the state receives a check each year from the "state" from the cut on the oil company revenues. When she raised the production tax on the oil companies, each man,woman and child, received a check for $1200.00 to offset the high cost of energy. (A family of 4, received $4,800.00 from the oil companies) Of course you fail to realize, when she raised the tax rate on the oil companies, that also made gas/diesel fuel in the lower 48 MORE expensive. Hey, any politician that would send me $1200.00 to offset fuel costs, I would look all "goo-gooed eyed" at her also.
So quit trying to make her out to be something she is not. She was put on the ticket to get the Hillary votes. That's it. And it was a smart move by McCains handlers to do so.

MommaKay 09-12-2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer

You're right: McCain didn't pull Palin off the street. He dragged her in out of the bush.
And that's perfect, right there. Keep your focus on Palin...the VEEP candidate. It perfectly illustrates your side's desperation. :lol:

But I'm not worried, win or lose. It's McCain's race now and Obama is falling far behind. 7 weeks to go...I'm guessing McCain wins big. And if Obama somehow wins it? No biggee...he's out in 4 years and a Palin/Romney or Guliani ticket (positions interchangeable) wins big in '12, along with the final capsizing of the most pathetic democratic congress ever.

Long term planning. It's what the republican party has done and they couldn't have set it up any better. It gives me hope that the country hasn't completely lost its mind yet.

We have to focus on Palin because McCain is a senile fool who won't survive his first four years. In short, it is really Palin who we have to consider as being Obama's opposition, and she is simply unqualified for the office. Your boy Carl Rove said so.

Double L 09-12-2008 06:51 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: How is she unqualified?? She was a mayor and Governor. Obama is nothing but a senator! Obama is clearly the unqualified one! At least Palin is trying to restore GOD in this country while Obama is trying to take it away! Obama is the one who is unqualified! Obama hasn't had a chance to prove himself. Palin proved herself as mayor and Governor! Obama is nothing but a rock star celebrity!

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 06:57 PM

Now who is to say a state Senator and a U.S. Senator is not qualified? If a U.S. Senator is not qualified, doesn't that make McCain and Biden also UNQUALIFIED? Ole Scrub Bush was a Govenor also, think he is qualified? He is a disaster!
And the Iraq war is the "will of God?"

Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 06:57 PM


So Palin is popular in Alaska -- so what?
I don't know, maybe the fact that she's even more popular 50 states over?

Keep going. I find it extremely gratifying to see the left fall all over themselves over Palin. :lol:

Gordo is right...McCain picking Palin was a smart move, just not the reasons he seems to think. It was a smart move because she's the right one for the job and the fact that McCain's lead is growing, puts me solidly in the majority...people that believe the same thing. So keep up with the attacks and the mud-slinging on Palin. All it does is widen the gap between McCain and Obama, because that's the actual focal-point of the election. I'm just giving you a friendly reminder, since you and the rest of the libs seem to have conveniently forgotten that.


Double L 09-12-2008 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer

So Palin is popular in Alaska -- so what?
I don't know, maybe the fact that she's even more popular 50 states over?

Keep going. I find it extremely gratifying to see the left fall all over themselves over Palin. :lol:

Gordo is right...McCain picking Palin was a smart move, just not the reasons he seems to think. It was a smart move because she's the right one for the job and the fact that McCain's lead is growing, puts me solidly in the majority...people that believe the same thing. So keep up with the attacks and the mud-slinging on Palin. All it does is widen the gap between McCain and Obama, because that's the actual focal-point of the election. I'm just giving you a friendly reminder, since you and the rest of the libs seem to have conveniently forgotten that.


McCain has been in this game for ALONG time Obama has only been in for what 2 years and what has he yet to prove? All he proved to me is that he constantly changes his mind on issues! :roll: Palin proved herself with her track record. You liberals are blinded by the cameras that flash at Obama every time he comes to speak about gibberish I mean your so called change/hope :dung:

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 07:11 PM

I do disagree she is the right person for the job. But remember also, VP is mostly a ceromonial position. President of the Senate, to cast a tie breaking vote. The President of the Senate has no power to set the agenda as to what bills are discussed or sent back to committee. But she will make alot of public appearances at funerals, VFW halls, lobbying events, speaking engagements, on the countries behalf, so in that regard a VP can act as a sort of "bully pulpit" type promoter of the administration's view. Now if McCain begins to have health problems. which we all hope he doesn't. At his age it can appear suddenly. While everyone hopes he does not such problems, remember the great Ronald Reagan, his last 2 years, were to me anyway, very noticeable in that not all was right with him. (no pun intended)
Then you will see how glaringly unqualified she is.

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 07:13 PM

First you call Obama a media star and put out the Britney Spears video. Now the media big star is Palin, the Dems should counter with a Jamie Lynn Spears video!! LOL>>>>

You can't have it both ways.

MommaKay 09-12-2008 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by gordoUSA
First you call Obama a media star and put out the Britney Spears video. Now the media big star is Palin, the Dems should counter with a Jamie Lynn Spears video!! LOL>>>>

You can't have it both ways.

No no no. Palin isn't a celebrity or a media star, she's POPULAR. See? That's different.


Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 07:30 PM


No no no. Palin isn't a celebrity or a media star, she's POPULAR. See? That's different.
She's also better qualified than Obama, the dems #1 ticket item. But the libs seem to forget that.

Gordo, go back to what I said earlier about long-term planning. The republicans see this election today as being very winnable. Palin is not McCain's choice alone...she is the Republican choice, hands down. If Obama loses (and it looks like he will), Hillary will be the democratic nominee in 2012. Palin, with 4 years as a VP, will be far and away a landslide winner over Hillary as the first woman president of the United States, as Hillary is way too devisive and that leopard will never change its spots.

I like the long-term thought process here. It's Palin's first couple weeks on stage. My guess is that she'll be a staple for a long time to come. And if McCain wins and does die in office, I've got no problems with Palin taking the reigns, surrounded by advisors. In that case, it would be smooth sailing. She's not going to rock the boat or go out and pick a fight, she'll maintain a steady course and diplomacy will be her main course, which is what I thought you democrats were wanting anyway? In the end, I would have no problem with her representing my country with the likes of Putin or Imanutjob, as a forced POTUS through McCain's unlikely death in office or as an election winner in 2012.

For the first time in a long time, I'm actually not feeling completley cynical toward our countries electoral process. We might actually get something right. And you know something? There are a heck of a lot of people that feel the same way I do.

MommaKay 09-12-2008 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
She's also better qualified than Obama, the dems #1 ticket item. But the libs seem to forget that.

Just saying it don't make it so. The "libs," as you color us, don't "forget" that Governor Pailin' is "better qualified than Obama," we reject the notion outright. If I need a tasty recipe for Moose, I will call Governor Pailin' -- if I need someone to run the country, I'll call Obama.

Drew10 09-12-2008 08:09 PM

TF wrote:


MommaKay wrote:

Just saying it don't make it so. The "libs," as you color us, don't "forget" that Governor Pailin' is "better qualified than Obama," we reject the notion outright. If I need a tasty recipe for Moose, I will call Governor Pailin' -- if I need someone to run the country, I'll call Obama.
No disrespect intended here, MommaKay. "Libs" short for Liberal. Dont think color is involved.
To say Obama is more qualified to run the country without indicating what makes him qualified is meaningless
To say Palin is best to offer a "recipe for Moose..Hmmm...seems to me somewhat "Sexiest".

gordoUSA 09-12-2008 08:13 PM

It is still very far up in the air to me if she is qualified. To me she is far from it. Preside over the Senate, she could handle that I would think. She was 2 weeks ago a total and complete unknown to the rank and file Republican party members, even to those in Congress. She was off of everyones radar. One reason it has the Dems so far off message. It is taking 2 weeks to even find anything out about her, like she's from Mars or something. (which Alaska sort of is,lol) On that point congrads to McCain's handlers, smart move, will take the Hillary votes easy, if all else splits 50/50, McCain wins.
Putin? He is a nationalist, and smart. She needs to really get some savvy if she wants to deal with him 1 on 1. But that is another thread I am sure, it is a rather complicated issue, but not really. Bush/Cheney have just made it complicated.
Hillary? in 2012? Yes, I agree. But it is the Hillary voters that are wishing to prove their point and basically lock up the 2012 nomination NOW, all the while giving McCain the election. Shows how bitter they are, and their feminists agenda. They want ANY woman in a leadership position, makes no difference who, as long as it's a woman. Not far behind, is the fight for control of the Democratic party, with Ted Kennedy's days being numbered on the planet, Bill and Hillary would love to put themselves in his position.
Depending on how the next 7 weeks go, I could almost see another election where one might win the popular vote, but loose the electorial vote.

Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 08:28 PM


Just saying it don't make it so.
The proof is in the pudding. 6 years executive experience vs. zero for Obama. Last time I checked my math facts, 6 was greater than 0 and I'm of the majority that believes Palin's mayoral and governing years counts as good experience. So I can say it all I want because it IS so.


The "libs," as you color us, don't "forget" that Governor Pailin' is "better qualified than Obama," we reject the notion outright.
And that's fine. But understand that it's your opinion and right now, your opinion is in the minority and getting more so. As far as you rejecting Palin as qualifed, I reject Obama as qualified and my opinion is currently in the majority. Ain't freedom great? In the end, if McCain wins despite your objections, you are going to have to accept it. The question is...can you? I'm not seeing a whole lot out of the liberal front that makes me think many of them will be able to accept it.


If I need a tasty recipe for Moose, I will call Governor Pailin'
Right on with the liberal attacks. :roll: They are rather funny as if the Alaskan governor has nothing at all to offer except for a recipe. Maybe I should counter with "if I need to know anything about doing crack and pot, I'll call Obama, since obviously that's all he has to offer being from Chicago and all." Right?


-- if I need someone to run the country, I'll call Obama.
I'm not sure Obama's going to be getting that phone call, but thanks for playing.

Twilight Flyer 09-12-2008 08:33 PM


She was 2 weeks ago a total and complete unknown to the rank and file Republican party members, even to those in Congress. She was off of everyones radar
I actually am going to disagree with that, Gordo. She was a complete unknown to us, but not to the political machine. I think, and this is just my opinion, that she was the selection all along and had been for quite some time. I feel it was a very closely guarded secret and played out well.

Rev.Vassago 09-12-2008 08:53 PM

I have to disagree with all of you. NONE of the candidates this year are qualified. NONE of them have the experience needed to be President.

They all suck.

Drew10 09-12-2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
I have to disagree with all of you. NONE of the candidates this year are qualified. NONE of them have the experience needed to be President.

They all suck.

There might be a wrinkle of truth in that. That statement seems to come up in every Presidential election. Of the 4 possible in this election 2 suck more that the other 2.
Im not Psychotic....Ahh I mean Psychic .. :? .But, From what I see and know of Palin, up to this point, She could possibly have a big future in Washington, and come 4 or 8 or 12 years. Washington will not be the same as it is today.

marylandkw 09-12-2008 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Double L
She is more than qualified than Obama why can't any of you liberals see it? I see it clear as day, she is possibly the most popular governor and what has Obama done?

3,597,456 votes for him in his race for the senate. More than 5 times the population of Alaska.

Originally Posted by Double L
All I hear from Obama is blah blah, the same ole BS, he isn't fooling anyone but the liberals refuse to see it, go figure! :roll: I'll say it again PALIN IS MORE QUALIFIED THAN OBAMA!!! Obama isn't nothing but a "state senator".

United States Senator and a State Senator for 2 terms (6 years)

Originally Posted by Double L
He wasn't Governor...At least Palin was a Governor and did it for 2 years and was small town mayor and that right there counts as more qualified than a measly little state senator from Illinois!

See Above

Originally Posted by Double L
But that is my opinion. I want someone who will deliver change not someone who says change, hope and won't do a damn thing and that sounds like Obama all talk and no action. Like I said he hasn't even passed a bill on his own and that right there says A LOT!


Originally Posted by Wikipedia
In January 2003, Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee when Democrats, after a decade in the minority, regained a majority. He sponsored and led unanimous, bipartisan passage of legislation to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they detained and legislation making Illinois the first state to mandate videotaping of homicide interrogations. During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, police representatives credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms

Why haven't we seen a town hall since her nomination? Why has she not given one impromptu interview on the streets?

I gotta agree with TF on one thing, we all saw what we wanted to in that interview. I saw inept and McSame, Conservatives saw ready and able. I highly doubt that all the debate in the world on a internet message board will change anyone's mind.

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