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Shebear 03-12-2007 04:56 PM

Truckers Coming From Mexico
Thanks to all who responded to postings on this topic a week or so ago. Here's a new article I found. This columnist is a FORMER TRUCKER HIMSELF, so he speaks from personal knowledge and sympathy - Shebear

By Frosty Wooldridge, reprinted on

President Bush announced that Mexican truck drivers will be allowed on America's highways within sixty days. Soon, he'll announce that Mexican drivers will "do the jobs that American truckers won't do."

How many ways can an American president screw his own citizens? On Bush's watch, America's poor suffer job losses in landscaping, construction, dry wall, hotel, restaurant, lawn mowing, retail, fast food, roofing, taxi and dozens of other trades. On Bush's watch, outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring work cost American citizens 1,000,000 jobs. On Bush's watch, America's manufacturing sector lost 3 million jobs. On Bush's watch, over 10 million illegal aliens crossed our borders in six years. On Bush's watch, hundreds of thousands of killers, drug dealers, rapists and child molesters roam free in America.

Now, President Bush drives his serrated knife into the heart of American truckers.

Why? Soon, Mexican truck drivers will undercut wages of all American truckers, just like Mexicans destabilize wages from construction workers, roofers, landscapers and other trades.

This is a reality check from a man who has driven the big rigs across 48 states. As a teacher in the 70s, my salary at $5,400.00 a year, barely kept me above the poverty line. Each summer for 24 years, I loaded, drove 1,500 to 2,000 miles across America, and unloaded for United Van Lines. I busted my hump. I worked 70 to 100 hours a week. Don't tell the DOT. I earned four times as much money in three months as I made in nine months teaching math and science.

What did I discover? American truckers consist of the finest, most dedicated and outstanding professionals in the world. Their office is America's Interstates. They've got to be 100 percent perfect 10 hours a day as they drive 40,000 pounds of freight down the expressway. "Breaker one nine, you got the Rubber Duck here; what's your 20?" CB radios make up their communication network. They listen to country and western music; wear cowboy boots and baseball caps. Truckers fill your life with food, clothing, cars, gasoline, mail and everything else. America moves by trucks. I still carry my CDL.

As a teacher and a trucker, you need to know what I know. The average Mexican trucker tops out with a 6th grade education in a foreign language with Third World educational standards. For starters, 63 percent of Mexico's 104 million people remain illiterate. What does a 6th grader think about? Mostly: me, now and perhaps recess in ten minutes. They lack critical thinking skills and cognitive reasoning of an adult.

That means Bush allows thousands of substandard, uneducated Mexican truck drivers on America's highways at 70 milers per hour carrying 40,000 pounds of freight. It means that every accident they cause will leave American families as collateral damage.

You can expect the following:

Bush allows substandard, uninspected 18 wheeler trucks on America's highways driven by drivers who read and write in Spanish at a 6th grade level, but allows them to give a safety check of their trucks from a Third World perspective. That's like giving your 6th grader the keys to the car and tell him to be careful as he drives through downtown Denver at rush hour.
Bush allows thousands of Mexican drivers who have never seen a snow storm or driven in our insane traffic. That's like giving your 6th grader the keys to your car and have him learn how to drive in a snow storm in downtown Chicago.
How about Mexican drivers delivering tons of drugs into our country in false bottomed or walled trailers?
How about Mexican truck drivers delivering even more illegal aliens?
Mexicans possess an unusual propensity for drinking. How many of you want to drive on the same road as a hung over or drunk Mexican truck driver?
How about terrorists paying Mexican drivers to carry WMD into the USA?

As soon as Mexican drivers establish themselves, American trucking companies will start hiring them for half or even a third of American wages. The reasoning will be, "Mexican truckers drive cheaper."

Soon, Bush will say, "Mexican truckers do the jobs that Americans won't do."

Somewhere in the middle of this little shindig Bush created, American truckers will strike back. Their anger will seethe below the surface as they drive down the Interstate. They'll see Mexicans at their truck stops. They hear them speaking another language. They'll see Mexican flags in Mexican trucks. They'll see baseball caps that read, "Your New America."

First you'll hear of an incident where an American trucker cut the air lines or deflated the tires on a Mexican truck. Then, you'll hear of huge pileup with a Mexican truck. Later, you'll hear about American truckers playing cowboy football with their leather boots with Mexican drivers used for the pigskin. Following that, you'll hear about riots in the truck stops with American truckers busting Mexican heads.

It's not too much for illegal aliens taking away hotel jobs from American workers, landscapers, drywallers, painters and fast food workers. It's yet another thing to take jobs away from American truckers. Four million truckers' families depend on a living wage that will be taken away by Mexican drivers. American truckers are big, smart, savvy and protect their own. They're not going to take kindly of Mexican truck drivers horning in on their work.

Bush made huge mistakes; 9/11, WMD, Iraq, open borders, total failure with Katrina, 'the surge,' federal debt, outsourcing our jobs, homeless, America's schools, hospitals overwhelmed, prisons overloaded with illegals, American deaths from drunken illegals and much worse.

But giving Mexican trucker drivers jobs over our American truckers will prove a national disaster. It proves to me that Bush doesn't understand nor does he care about American workers and he most certainly doesn't care about American truckers. That's a big ten four!

What you can do for a better future for your country:

A republican form of government is not a spectator sport. It means you must jump in, roll up you sleeves and take personal and collective action. Of course, you could let a dictator take over and do everything for you, but that path would give you Cuba, China, North Korea and other unsavory examples.

To stop Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid from giving an amnesty, take action.

CALL Nancy Pelosi: Washington, DC - (202) 225-4965

San Francisco, CA - (415) 556-4862 ; Email Nancy Pelosi

[email protected] ; Email form for Nancy Pelosi;

Senator Harry Reid: 202 224 3121 in Washington DC

775 686 5750 in Reno, NV;

George Bush

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Washington, DC 20500

[email protected]

Comments: 202-456-1111

Switchboard for live listener: 202 456 1414

Fax: 202-456-2461

We must 'sour the milk.' Bring out your points in the call:

1. America cannot support another 100 million people added to our country in 34 years, i.e., water crisis, resource depletion, air pollution, gridlock, loss of quality of life, etc.

2. America cannot support lawbreakers being given citizenship.

3. America must maintain our English language.

4. America wants only legal immigrants who play by the rules and speak English.

5. America's working poor deserve a chance at jobs taken by illegals.

6. America already has too many people and I support a 10 year moratorium on all immigration.

7. Americans must maintain our schools for our children.

8. We can no longer tolerate 350,000 birthright citizens (anchor babies) annually that subtract from our own citizens.

9. Attrition through enforcement by stopping their ability to wire money home, obtain rental housing and jobs.

10. An amnesty failed in 1986, and it will only be worse today. We're being displaced out of our jobs and out of our own country. Call with relentless and never-give-up passion.

To reduce illegal aliens in your community, you may follow the course of action by Mayor Louis Barletta of Hazelton, PA. He offers a bomb proof ordinance that takes business licenses away from those who hire illegals. He legally halts landlords from renting to illegals. Without work and without housing, illegals cannot stay in your community. Check out his website for instructions:

Visit D.A. King at the to see how Georgia created the best laws to stop illegals at the state level.

Please check out William Gheen at He's a mover and shaker. He will direct you to specific actions that make you more powerful and effective.

To stop this invasion locally and nationally: join for free and you can join and

Wooldridge presents a 45 minute program to colleges, high schools, civic clubs, church groups and political clubs across America titled: "COMING POPULATION CRISIS IN AMERICA: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT." Go to his website for further information on booking the program.

Check out for an exciting method for creating overpopulation awareness in Third World countries. Their prime directive works with the media in order to educate and activate leaders and women worldwide.

Whether we like it or not, global warming is upon us. We can take action to correct it. Please join for up to the minute information and action items.

Awareness Campaign web site,, which is purely to help save and protect human health and environmental health globally. Diana Buckland is founder and global coordinator at [email protected] or [email protected]. Diana makes impact all over the world by alerting everyone about chemical sensitivities caused by poisons sprayed, injected and applied to our crops and elsewhere.

From Part 5 of this series, "Destroying our oceans", if you would like to become involved please refer to <http> for a first rate lesson on how to take action in order to cleanse our oceans, restock our fish population, move toward recycling and cleanup of our world's most important living resource. Watch shows on PBS that expose where we threw two million tires into the waters off the East Coast and all the damage those tires are doing to marine life. You'll find out what you can do to have them raised from the deep. Additionally, check out for actions at the national and international levels. ; ; ; ; at 1 866 329 3999; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; My book: "IMMIGRATION'S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES" Call: 1 888 280 7715. * ;; ; for motorcyclists: and ; ; On April 1, 2007, the Paul Revere Riders will again ride to stop the illegal invasion and accompany Arizona long haul truckers and motorcyclists in a freedom border ride to block illegal aliens from crossing our borders. We invite all veterans, truckers and bikers to join us. Contact Rusty Childress at and for further information. Please write with your ideas on what to name the ride.

Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. He presents a program to colleges, conferences, high schools and civic clubs around the country: "THE COMING POPULATION CRISIS IN AMERICA: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT". His published books include: "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" ; "STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE" ; "IMMIGRATION'S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES" ; "MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE TO ALASKA: INTO THE WIND-A TEEN NOVEL" ; "BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD: TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION" ; "AN EXTREME ENCOUNTER: ANTARCTICA". His next book: "TILTING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP". He lives in Denver, Colorado. [email protected]

Dejanh 03-12-2007 07:02 PM

Good read but its only that am sad to say... :cry:

Were sellin all the way.....

Dejanh 03-12-2007 07:07 PM

allan5oh 03-12-2007 07:15 PM

Sounds like a pretty ignorant article to me.

They wont be stealing jobs from anyone, they can only touch international freight, not domestic freight.

If you consider that theft, then Canadians are stealing jobs from Americans, and vice versa as well.

PackRatTDI 03-12-2007 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by allan5oh
Sounds like a pretty ignorant article to me.

They wont be stealing jobs from anyone, they can only touch international freight, not domestic freight.

If you consider that theft, then Canadians are stealing jobs from Americans, and vice versa as well.

It's ok because Canadians are white.

Dejanh 03-12-2007 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by PackRatTDI

Originally Posted by allan5oh
Sounds like a pretty ignorant article to me.

They wont be stealing jobs from anyone, they can only touch international freight, not domestic freight.

If you consider that theft, then Canadians are stealing jobs from Americans, and vice versa as well.

It's ok because Canadians are white.

My girl is spanish and white...


Mexican truck access 2 months off; Critics call plan 'unsafe'
WASHINGTON -- U.S. transport authorities say Mexican trucks will start rolling north onto American highways in 60 days.
Facing criticism from some trucking carriers, owner-operators, public interest and protectionist groups, DOT Secretary Mary E. Peters said the pilot program that allows select Mexican carriers to haul in the U.S. includes on-site DOT facility audits and prescreening of Mexican truckers, as well as drug tests and insurance checks.

Mexican truckers will also be restricted from carrying hazardous materials, and like Canadian carriers, will not be allowed to haul point-to-point domestically in the U.S. in violation of cabotage rules.

Currently, Mexican truckers are restricted to a 20-mile commercial zone north of the U.S.-Mexico border, at which point they must transfer goods to U.S. carriers for transport to the rest of the country.

Critics, which include some company carriers, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the Teamsters, and watchdog group Public Citizen insist Mexican trucks are dangerous because, unlike Canadian carriers that have similar hours-of-service rules, Mexican HOS are not monitored until drivers cross the border.

"It is simply abhorrent to think that our government would allow Mexican trucks full access to U.S. highways before all safety, economic and homeland security concerns are completely and appropriately addressed," said Todd Spencer, OOIDA executive vice-president. "It seems to me that the Department of Transportation is bending over backwards to accommodate Mexican motor carriers, 1,000 Mexican truckers, and the Mexican government. Yet on matters that would significantly help hundreds of thousands of American truckers and advance safety on our country's highways, we often hear from DOT officials that the department has limited resources and staff."

The Bush Administration, acknowledging its obligation under NAFTA, has been trying to lift the restriction to Mexican carriers since 2001.

(UPDATE: A previous version of this article stated that the American Trucking Associations also opposed giving access to Mexican fleets. In fact, the ATA officially supports the plan. We regret the error.)


ATA acctualy SUPPORTS this plan dissregarding their stand on the f***** safety standards that THEY want to adopt in regards to EOBRS, 68MPH and everything else...... :roll: :roll:

tahawus 03-12-2007 09:58 PM

American Truck companys are not hiring Canadian Drivers because they have the same income requirements as us. This is not a race issue, the issue is about when these illegals in the US are given amnesty then Americans will be forced out for lesser paid employees. But as everything else in this country people will have to play the race card and say Americans just dont want the Mexicans. Letting them get in the Us and take the international freight is only the start.

Cam 03-12-2007 10:04 PM


What did I discover? American truckers consist of the finest, most dedicated and outstanding professionals in the world. Their office is America's Interstates. They've got to be 100 percent perfect 10 hours a day as they drive 40,000 pounds of freight down the expressway. "Breaker one nine, you got the Rubber Duck here; what's your 20?" CB radios make up their communication network. They listen to country and western music; wear cowboy boots and baseball caps. Truckers fill your life with food, clothing, cars, gasoline, mail and everything else. America moves by trucks. I still carry my CDL.
This cowboy is really one of us :roll:

Bitcher. But the fact is, Mexicans hauling freight in the US will have downward price influence on rates and wages. It's a reciprocal thing with the Canadians, they haul down here and we take it up there. Canadians can't haul domestic loads. Now, which of you is going to be hauling freight down to Mexico?

PackRatTDI 03-12-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by tahawus
American Truck companys are not hiring Canadian Drivers because they have the same income requirements as us. This is not a race issue, the issue is about when these illegals in the US are given amnesty then Americans will be forced out for lesser paid employees. But as everything else in this country people will have to play the race card and say Americans just dont want the Mexicans. Letting them get in the Us and take the international freight is only the start.

I don't know why you people keep bringing up the amensty/illegal immigration BECAUSE THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HERE.

This isn't about US companies employing foreign workers.

We are talking about Mexican trucking companies using their OWN drivers and their OWN equipment to transport cargo destined for the US and then to return to Mexico with cargo destined for Mexico. That has fuck all to do with the illegal immigration issue since these drivers aren't looking to immigrate to the US.

Cam 03-12-2007 10:25 PM

Correct, this has nothing to do with amnesty. It does have much to do with freight rates and wages. Simple supply and demand.

mike3fan 03-12-2007 11:02 PM


Mexican truckers will also be restricted from carrying hazardous materials
Good thing 85% of my loads are Hazmat

Fozzy 03-12-2007 11:23 PM

whats wrong with OBRD's and the proposed 68 mph speed limit?

Dejanh 03-12-2007 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Fozzy
whats wrong with OBRD's and the proposed 68 mph speed limit?

Nothing for you i guess but then again, what would the world be like if we all had the same attitude in regards to certain this case governing all trucks to 68mph and making these highways evenmore congested/unsafe, than they already are..

Cam 03-12-2007 11:44 PM

Mods, here's just one vote for leaving the thread where it was started. Each forum is its own little community and I generally don't want to take the time to go jumping around.

Fozzy 03-12-2007 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dejanh

Originally Posted by Fozzy
whats wrong with OBRD's and the proposed 68 mph speed limit?

Nothing for you i guess but then again, what would the world be like if we all had the same attitude in regards to certain this case governing all trucks to 68mph and making these highways evenmore congested/unsafe, than they already are..

Please explain how an OBRD would make you any less safe or how traveling 68 would also be unsafe.

Dejanh 03-13-2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fozzy

Originally Posted by Dejanh

Originally Posted by Fozzy
whats wrong with OBRD's and the proposed 68 mph speed limit?

Nothing for you i guess but then again, what would the world be like if we all had the same attitude in regards to certain this case governing all trucks to 68mph and making these highways evenmore congested/unsafe, than they already are..

Please explain how an OBRD would make you any less safe or how traveling 68 would also be unsafe.

Someone has to acctually explain this AGAIN???

WWW.OOIDA.COM , i havent got time for THAT !

Fozzy 03-13-2007 01:51 AM

yep, usually there's just a lot of crying and flapping when this topic comes up.

Dejanh 03-13-2007 04:21 AM

[color=red]yep, usually there's just a lot of crying and flapping when this topic comes up.

Man, i told you to go there and look for yourself, you just wasted my time but theres just one reason WHY , EOBRS ill post next..

OOIDA: Speed limiter proposal unsafe, doesn't address real problems

Mandatory speed limiters could actually have a negative impact on highway safety and would not address the root causes of excessive speeding.

That's the message the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association delivered loud and clear in letters to two federal agencies countering the American Trucking Association's recent petitions requesting mandatory speed governors.

OOIDA officials sent the letters to the administrators of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration - the two agencies ATA petitioned for rulemakings that would require mandatory speed limiters and prohibit tampering with them.

OOIDA President and CEO Jim Johnston pointed out in the letters the ATA petition lacked any credible evidence that could back up the claim that mandatory speed limiters would improve highway safety.

"OOIDA believes that restricting trucks to speed below 68 mph would provide no safety benefit and would, in fact, have a negative impact on highway safety," Johnston wrote in the letters.

The OOIDA president said ATA's petition is not supported by any scientific study, data or analysis of the actual use of speed limiters or their effect on highway safety.

The Association contends that 68 mph is an appropriate, safe and legal speed on many roads. However, under less-than-normal road conditions, most any rate of speed less than 68 mph may be excessive relative to the adverse condition encountered.

In the letter, Johnston points to a 1991 NHTSA study, "Commercial Motor Vehicle Speed Control Devices," that concluded "incremental benefits of mandatory speed limitation in terms of either crash reduction or lives saved is questionable."

And while any benefits of mandatory speed limitation are "questionable," government-mandated speed limiters most certainly would create additional speed variance on the roads - which increases the risks of accidents, according to another study cited by OOIDA in the letter. In fact, that study concludes that "the frequency of interactions with other vehicles by a vehicle traveling 10 mph below the posted speed limit is 227 percent higher than moving at the traffic speed."

Johnston even reminded the agency administrators in the letters that one of their predecessors, Julie Cirillo who is a former FMCSA associate administrator and chief safety officer, testified that when vehicles deviate from the prevailing speed on a highway, accidents occur.

If excessive speeding is the real issue supposedly being addressed by proposing mandatory speed limiters, Johnston pointed out that the feds should take a long, hard look at the real causes of excessive speeding.

"If the Department of Transportation would like to reduce excessive speeding, then it should directly address its primary causes: the lack of a comprehensive driver training standard and the compensation of drivers by the miles driven or loads hauled," Johnston wrote.

"New truck drivers are often not properly trained and do not know when and how to moderate their speed. Drivers need behind-the-wheel instruction in operating a truck on different types of roads, in different types of traffic and in different weather conditions."

Beyond knowing how to drive properly, Johnston stressed that the motivator behind excessive speeding is all that needs to be addressed - driver pay.

The current prevailing forms of compensation - by the mile and by the load - provide a "direct incentive to drive more miles or to take more loads in a shorter period of time," Johnston wrote.

He pointed out that the difficulty in just getting enough miles to cover the bills is exacerbated by long periods of uncompensated time spent at the docks waiting to load and unload - to the tune of 30 to 40 hours a week.

"Facing such pressures, many OOIDA members have told us that if they were forced to limit the speed of their vehicle preventing them from driving speeds that are otherwise safe and legal, they would quit the business," Johnston wrote.

Rather than safety, the Association believes ATA's speed limiter proposal is all about competition for drivers.

"Motor carriers who have adopted speed limitation policies lose drivers to carriers without such policies, and they have more difficulty recruiting new drivers," Johnston wrote.

"By imposing such technology on all motor carriers, they would eliminate this competitive advantage. This is not a sufficient basis for the FMCSA or NHTSA to impose such a burdensome requirement."

The final point OOIDA raised is that mandating speed limiters by the feds could very well be stepping on some the toes of some states.

In 1995 Congress specifically returned the authority to create speed limits to the individual states. Mandating speed limiters on trucks would, in effect, be imposing split speed limits on state highways, Johnston pointed out.

Johnston encouraged both agencies to look beyond the ATA petition.

"Instead of entertaining this petition, DOT should spend their valuable time and resources pursuing more concrete solutions to truck safety issues," he wrote in conclusion

Fozzy 03-13-2007 11:47 AM

Flap flap flap....

hoosierdaddy 03-13-2007 03:31 PM

Re: Truckers Coming From Mexico

Originally Posted by Shebear
Thanks to all who responded to postings on this topic a week or so ago. Here's a new article I found. This columnist is a FORMER TRUCKER HIMSELF, so he speaks from personal knowledge and sympathy - Shebear

By Frosty Wooldridge, reprinted on

President Bush announced that Mexican truck drivers will be allowed on America's highways within sixty days. Soon, he'll announce that Mexican drivers will "do the jobs that American truckers won't do."

How many ways can an American president screw his own citizens? On Bush's watch, America's poor suffer job losses in landscaping, construction, dry wall, hotel, restaurant, lawn mowing, retail, fast food, roofing, taxi and dozens of other trades. On Bush's watch, outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring work cost American citizens 1,000,000 jobs. On Bush's watch, America's manufacturing sector lost 3 million jobs. On Bush's watch, over 10 million illegal aliens crossed our borders in six years. On Bush's watch, hundreds of thousands of killers, drug dealers, rapists and child molesters roam free in America.

Well, he was voted in you know. Twice.

Now, President Bush drives his serrated knife into the heart of American truckers.

Why? Soon, Mexican truck drivers will undercut wages of all American truckers, just like Mexicans destabilize wages from construction workers, roofers, landscapers and other trades.

This is a reality check from a man who has driven the big rigs across 48 states. As a teacher in the 70s, my salary at $5,400.00 a year, barely kept me above the poverty line. Each summer for 24 years, I loaded, drove 1,500 to 2,000 miles across America, and unloaded for United Van Lines. I busted my hump. I worked 70 to 100 hours a week. Don't tell the DOT. I earned four times as much money in three months as I made in nine months teaching math and science.

What did I discover? American truckers consist of the finest, most dedicated and outstanding professionals in the world. Their office is America's Interstates. They've got to be 100 percent perfect 10 hours a day as they drive 40,000 pounds of freight down the expressway. "Breaker one nine, you got the Rubber Duck here; what's your 20?" CB radios make up their communication network. They listen to country and western music; wear cowboy boots and baseball caps. Truckers fill your life with food, clothing, cars, gasoline, mail and everything else. America moves by trucks. I still carry my CDL.

As a teacher and a trucker, you need to know what I know. The average Mexican trucker tops out with a 6th grade education in a foreign language with Third World educational standards. For starters, 63 percent of Mexico's 104 million people remain illiterate. What does a 6th grader think about? Mostly: me, now and perhaps recess in ten minutes. They lack critical thinking skills and cognitive reasoning of an adult.

That means Bush allows thousands of substandard, uneducated Mexican truck drivers on America's highways at 70 milers per hour carrying 40,000 pounds of freight. It means that every accident they cause will leave American families as collateral damage.

How much education do American truck drivers have? I suspect they don't have business and law degrees, so how educated are they?

You can expect the following:

Bush allows substandard, uninspected 18 wheeler trucks on America's highways driven by drivers who read and write in Spanish at a 6th grade level, but allows them to give a safety check of their trucks from a Third World perspective. That's like giving your 6th grader the keys to the car and tell him to be careful as he drives through downtown Denver at rush hour.
Bush allows thousands of Mexican drivers who have never seen a snow storm or driven in our insane traffic. That's like giving your 6th grader the keys to your car and have him learn how to drive in a snow storm in downtown Chicago.
How about Mexican drivers delivering tons of drugs into our country in false bottomed or walled trailers?

How about American drivers who transport tons of drugs within your country? They do it too. And some of them try to bring it to Canada.

How about Mexican truck drivers delivering even more illegal aliens?
Mexicans possess an unusual propensity for drinking. How many of you want to drive on the same road as a hung over or drunk Mexican truck driver?

Woah now! I can't even take this seriously now. This obviously is not one of those "educated" truck drivers. Racist and full of logical fallacies but he's a good ole boy huh? Please.

How about terrorists paying Mexican drivers to carry WMD into the USA?

What the??? :roll:

As soon as Mexican drivers establish themselves, American trucking companies will start hiring them for half or even a third of American wages. The reasoning will be, "Mexican truckers drive cheaper."

Soon, Bush will say, "Mexican truckers do the jobs that Americans won't do."

Somewhere in the middle of this little shindig Bush created, American truckers will strike back. Their anger will seethe below the surface as they drive down the Interstate. They'll see Mexicans at their truck stops. They hear them speaking another language. They'll see Mexican flags in Mexican trucks. They'll see baseball caps that read, "Your New America."

First you'll hear of an incident where an American trucker cut the air lines or deflated the tires on a Mexican truck. Then, you'll hear of huge pileup with a Mexican truck. Later, you'll hear about American truckers playing cowboy football with their leather boots with Mexican drivers used for the pigskin. Following that, you'll hear about riots in the truck stops with American truckers busting Mexican heads.

And this truck driver has the balls to insult Mexicans. He sounds like a bigot moron. Yeah, way to get truck drivers respect. Go around wrecking others trucks so as to cause accidents, etc. And if it's already a fact that the Americans will be busting the Mexican's heads. What an idiot.

It's not too much for illegal aliens taking away hotel jobs from American workers, landscapers, drywallers, painters and fast food workers. It's yet another thing to take jobs away from American truckers. Four million truckers' families depend on a living wage that will be taken away by Mexican drivers. American truckers are big, smart, savvy and protect their own. They're not going to take kindly of Mexican truck drivers horning in on their work.

Well, many of them are smart. And the ones who are won't be engaging in the activities of the previous paragraph.

Bush made huge mistakes; 9/11, WMD, Iraq, open borders, total failure with Katrina, 'the surge,' federal debt, outsourcing our jobs, homeless, America's schools, hospitals overwhelmed, prisons overloaded with illegals, American deaths from drunken illegals and much worse.

Let me guess. Bush caused Katrina too? Oh, American deaths huh? What about if a drunken illegal killed a Canadian tourist within the United States? Are you saying only Americans matter? Idiot.

But giving Mexican trucker drivers jobs over our American truckers will prove a national disaster. It proves to me that Bush doesn't understand nor does he care about American workers and he most certainly doesn't care about American truckers. That's a big ten four!

Yeah a national disaster if any American truckers engage in the idiotic activities spewed a few paragraphs back.

What you can do for a better future for your country:

1. America cannot support another 100 million people added to our country in 34 years, i.e., water crisis, resource depletion, air pollution, gridlock, loss of quality of life, etc.

Sure it can. Instead of relying on other countries for resources maybe they will start using their own?

2. America cannot support lawbreakers being given citizenship.

Like this happens. Some people aren't even allowed to cross the border because they smoked a joint thirty years ago. Give me proof of this situation.

3. America must maintain our English language.

Why? The whole world practically speaks English. You aren't going to lose the language. Are you watching for the black helicopters too?

4. America wants only legal immigrants who play by the rules and speak English.

The former is fine; the latter is unnecessary. No big deal though.

5. America's working poor deserve a chance at jobs taken by illegals.

Nobody deserves a job whatsoever. You get one on your own merits or you starve.

6. America already has too many people and I support a 10 year moratorium on all immigration.

Forgot number four so quickly? I'm getting married to an American, so I'll let it be known that I give a rats ass what you support.

7. Americans must maintain our schools for our children.

No, they need to TEACH their children. If they did a better job they would not have produced this idiotic letter full of logical fallacies and arguments from emotion.

8. We can no longer tolerate 350,000 birthright citizens (anchor babies) annually that subtract from our own citizens.

So what do you propose? Killing them?

9. Attrition through enforcement by stopping their ability to wire money home, obtain rental housing and jobs.

Wow. You're of the "Gestapo" mentality huh? I hope most Americans are too smart to fall for this.

10. An amnesty failed in 1986, and it will only be worse today. We're being displaced out of our jobs and out of our own country. Call with relentless and never-give-up passion.

To stop this invasion locally and nationally: join for free and you can join and

Invasion? Idiot.

Whether we like it or not, global warming is upon us. We can take action to correct it. Please join for up to the minute information and action items.

Blame the illegal alien invasion for that too. What the hell does global warming (which is false) have to do with the issue????

Nothing but a mindless rant full of logical fallacies and bigoted nonsense. You didn't fool this guy "frosty". :roll:

Dejanh 03-13-2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Fozzy
Flap flap flap....

What is that?

And i cant believe idiotism of some individuals when it comes to this Mexican issue, comparison of our drivers with the drivers from down there, safety or any other kind, this sh!t is beyond anything imaginable.. :shock:

People who have no knowledge what is it like being on your own and working for yourself instead of the company need to zip their lips tight and get involved in the discussion of other kind..the ones on their level, which in this case i dont know where is..

hoosierdaddy 03-13-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dejanh

Originally Posted by Fozzy
Flap flap flap....

What is that?

And i cant believe idiotism of some individuals when it comes to this Mexican issue, comparison of our drivers with the drivers from down there, safety or any other kind, this sh!t is beyond anything imaginable.. :shock:

People who have no knowledge what is it like being on your own and working for yourself instead of the company need to zip their lips tight and get involved in the discussion of other kind..the ones on their level, which in this case i dont know where is..

I myself don't deny that American AND Canadian drivers may be safer than Mexicans. This could change though.

I know that you called me an idiot. I can handle that. Seeing as how you haven't beaten me yet in any "debates" I understand your frustration. I never compared "your" drivers with the drivers from "down there". I simply said some American drivers are like Mexican drivers. Once again, I never compared all American drivers to Mexicans.

Now...what should be done about the bigotry, hatred, and flat out threats of violence in the OP? Should someone call the FBI?

I'll zip my lip when you zip yours. 8)

Dejanh 03-13-2007 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy

Originally Posted by Dejanh

Originally Posted by Fozzy
Flap flap flap....

What is that?

And i cant believe idiotism of some individuals when it comes to this Mexican issue, comparison of our drivers with the drivers from down there, safety or any other kind, this sh!t is beyond anything imaginable.. :shock:

People who have no knowledge what is it like being on your own and working for yourself instead of the company need to zip their lips tight and get involved in the discussion of other kind..the ones on their level, which in this case i dont know where is..

I myself don't deny that American AND Canadian drivers may be safer than Mexicans. This could change though.

I know that you called me an idiot. I can handle that. Seeing as how you haven't beaten me yet in any "debates" I understand your frustration. I never compared "your" drivers with the drivers from "down there". I simply said some American drivers are like Mexican drivers. Once again, I never compared all American drivers to Mexicans.

Now...what should be done about the bigotry, hatred, and flat out threats of violence in the OP? Should someone call the FBI?

I'll zip my lip when you zip yours. 8)

Who is debating you man, i rather debate my wall since it makes more sence anyway. Beat you in what, you keep some score or something :lol: , Jesus Christ..

If youre not in the buisiness for yourself then dont talk about things that can affect a single buisiness owner since you dont belong in that group so dont get involved in the discussions that have nothing to do with you, do you even have a Commercial Licence ?

Fozzy 03-13-2007 08:19 PM


And i cant believe idiotism of some individuals when it comes to this Mexican issue, comparison of our drivers with the drivers from down there, safety or any other kind, this sh!t is beyond anything imaginable..
Idiotism? Wow! a new word! There is nothing that says AGAIN that the Mexican drivers are any less safe that YOU are.


People who have no knowledge what is it like being on your own and working for yourself instead of the company need to zip their lips tight and get involved in the discussion of other kind..the ones on their level, which in this case i dont know where is..
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLL -oney! Its the cut throat "be your own boss" types that did to the real jobs here what the Mexicans are supposedly going to do to you.. I can't see why you think that it's any different. For years the decent companies lost ground to those who would work for free and not document what they did. Now the sandal is on the other foot and you have the gall to look over your shoulder and demand protection from the same behavior? :lol: You're a very funny guy!!

Dejanh 03-13-2007 10:20 PM

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLL -oney! Its the cut throat "be your own boss" types that did to the real jobs here what the Mexicans are supposedly going to do to you.. I can't see why you think that it's any different. For years the decent companies lost ground to those who would work for free and not document what they did. Now the sandal is on the other foot and you have the gall to look over your shoulder and demand protection from the same behavior? :lol: You're a very funny guy

First of all you dont know anything about me so stop assuming things because assumption is a mother of all f***ups, you dont know what rate i am getting, you dont know sh!t about my buisiness and here you are blabbin your %$%^& mouth about how i WORK FOR ***** FREE, just be quiet man !
You are taking sides with the companies here maybe because you are a company driver or whatever but what decent companies are you talking about, please tell. What company has been cut under by individuals like myself who broker own freight and transport goods all across this country PROFFESIONALY... What did I do to the real jobs man.
BIG CEO's are the ones doing it to us, organizations like ATA which rely on the membership of only big companies are trying to dominate this buisiness, which 80% of the time relies on a small trucking operation to transport its goods. 80% of the freight is transported by people who venture on their own and those people are cutting damn throats of some other companies :roll: .....Even if my throat is being cut by somebody else at least its not cut all the way, if the other guy will haul it for 10-20 cpm cheaper Mexican will haul it for 50 and here are blabmouths defending this damn practice, my dad lost his job after 11 years at age 62 due to a Mexican comming in and working for 7$ per hour. He doesnt care because hes not planning to live here and to live here 13$ per will not get you far and thats where has gotten my dad...

I dont have the time to tell you about a company called MVT out of Las Cruices,NM who cut my operation out of Winston-Salem,NC because they hauled it for 1.03 per mile to for you to talk sh!t about how we cut them just brings pain where it hurts the most..

To hear knowitalls sh!t words instead of speak just makes me so angry expecially those that have anything to do with this buisiness, its just S-A-D ....and am funny guy

hoosierdaddy 03-13-2007 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dejanh

Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy

Originally Posted by Dejanh

Originally Posted by Fozzy
Flap flap flap....

What is that?

And i cant believe idiotism of some individuals when it comes to this Mexican issue, comparison of our drivers with the drivers from down there, safety or any other kind, this sh!t is beyond anything imaginable.. :shock:

People who have no knowledge what is it like being on your own and working for yourself instead of the company need to zip their lips tight and get involved in the discussion of other kind..the ones on their level, which in this case i dont know where is..

I myself don't deny that American AND Canadian drivers may be safer than Mexicans. This could change though.

I know that you called me an idiot. I can handle that. Seeing as how you haven't beaten me yet in any "debates" I understand your frustration. I never compared "your" drivers with the drivers from "down there". I simply said some American drivers are like Mexican drivers. Once again, I never compared all American drivers to Mexicans.

Now...what should be done about the bigotry, hatred, and flat out threats of violence in the OP? Should someone call the FBI?

I'll zip my lip when you zip yours. 8)

Who is debating you man, i rather debate my wall since it makes more sence anyway. Beat you in what, you keep some score or something :lol: , Jesus Christ..

If youre not in the buisiness for yourself then dont talk about things that can affect a single buisiness owner since you dont belong in that group so dont get involved in the discussions that have nothing to do with you, do you even have a Commercial Licence ?

Certainly not you. That is why I put the "" marks around "debate". Can your wall also spell better than you? Did Jesus Christ answer you?

Actually I live in the middle of one of if not the busiest border crossings in N.America so the whole truck industry most certainly affects me, thank you very much. This is a message board. I can get involved in any discussion I care to. With your logic, you have no business talking about immigration and "illegals" unless you are an immigration lawyer.

What does a commercial lisence have to do with me having an opinion? If you remember, you would have read that I said I don't have a truck lisence yet. If you didn't read that, I can probably bet that you haven't read much else of anything I've said either huh?

hoosierdaddy 03-13-2007 10:44 PM

Sad story D, truly it is. But people are losing jobs left and right in the factories here. And not even because of a Mexican. I thought the American work ethic said if you lose your job, you get your ass out and find another one instead of complaining about them damn Mexicans trying to make a living for THEIR FAMILIES!

Fozzy 03-13-2007 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy
Sad story D, truly it is. But people are losing jobs left and right in the factories here. And not even because of a Mexican. I thought the American work ethic said if you lose your job, you get your ass out and find another one instead of complaining about them damn Mexicans trying to make a living for THEIR FAMILIES!

Very good points... There was a time where between my wife and I we had five jobs...

Fozzy 03-13-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dejanh
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLL -oney! Its the cut throat "be your own boss" types that did to the real jobs here what the Mexicans are supposedly going to do to you.. I can't see why you think that it's any different. For years the decent companies lost ground to those who would work for free and not document what they did. Now the sandal is on the other foot and you have the gall to look over your shoulder and demand protection from the same behavior? :lol: You're a very funny guy

First of all you dont know anything about me so stop assuming things because assumption is a mother of all f***ups, you dont know what rate i am getting, you dont know sh!t about my buisiness and here you are blabbin your %$%^& mouth about how i WORK FOR ***** FREE, just be quiet man !
You are taking sides with the companies here maybe because you are a company driver or whatever but what decent companies are you talking about, please tell. What company has been cut under by individuals like myself who broker own freight and transport goods all across this country PROFFESIONALY... What did I do to the real jobs man.
BIG CEO's are the ones doing it to us, organizations like ATA which rely on the membership of only big companies are trying to dominate this buisiness, which 80% of the time relies on a small trucking operation to transport its goods. 80% of the freight is transported by people who venture on their own and those people are cutting damn throats of some other companies :roll: .....Even if my throat is being cut by somebody else at least its not cut all the way, if the other guy will haul it for 10-20 cpm cheaper Mexican will haul it for 50 and here are blabmouths defending this damn practice, my dad lost his job after 11 years at age 62 due to a Mexican comming in and working for 7$ per hour. He doesnt care because hes not planning to live here and to live here 13$ per will not get you far and thats where has gotten my dad...

I dont have the time to tell you about a company called MVT out of Las Cruices,NM who cut my operation out of Winston-Salem,NC because they hauled it for 1.03 per mile to for you to talk sh!t about how we cut them just brings pain where it hurts the most..

To hear knowitalls sh!t words instead of speak just makes me so angry expecially those that have anything to do with this buisiness, its just S-A-D ....and am funny guy

Believe it or not and contrary to popular belief, this isn't all about "you". I know you'd love to think so...

Dejanh 03-13-2007 11:32 PM

What does a commercial lisence have to do with me having an opinion? If you remember, you would have read that I said I don't have a truck lisence yet. If you didn't read that, I can probably bet that you haven't read much else of anything I've said either huh?

That does it with you, good night.. :roll:

Believe it or not and contrary to popular belief, this isn't all about "you". I know you'd love to think so...

Out of everything said this comeback means only that you dont have anything else to say in regards to this subject..

This is not about me :roll: , its about people like ME and there are thousand of those. For you to think that i work for free is an INSULT to not only me but, YES, thousands of others who like me do this job for OURSELVES and are thinking outside the box and who only answer to OURSELVES and are a BACKBONE of not only this, but all economies worldwide. Words cannot explain people like yourself who acctualy have guts to come here and say stuff said earlier, anyone who thinks bringing Mexicans to do out job here is a good thing needs to get a reality check which i can give you for free if you ever venture in these neck of the woods...

Please LIST decent companies that lost their ground because people like myself took it from under them, dont talk sh!t, show it to me?

Fozzy 03-13-2007 11:57 PM

This is (or was) about truckers from Mexico.. they are not taking the jobs from anyone. Why (again) do the conspiracy folks not get all riled up about the Canadians who are doing the same thing? Could it be that.. GASP! the Mexican may dothe job BETTER than some of the people we have here TRYING to do the job? I know you think the sky is falling, but it's not. I've been doing this a LONG time and can tell you based on what I seen and experienced, the Mexicans are in no way going to make things any more dangerous than the numerous clowns out there right now. Maybe this will force higher standards for drivers here? OH! Of course not! Standards and work rules are for suckers.... :roll:

Goin Fer It 03-14-2007 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Fozzy

Believe it or not and contrary to popular belief, this isn't all about "you". I know you'd love to think so...

No it is about OUR COUNTRY and OUR INTEREST contrary to your belief. I mean if you think that we are responsible for Mexico and looking after their interest then maybe the Mexican citizens should vote to be put under Amercian Rule and put their country and resources under Ameircan Rule. This is still the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and even though it is in Hemispheric Integration until that is complete it will remain the United States of America.


greg3564 03-14-2007 12:14 AM

I think the concern, at least mine, are that the drivers will be poorly trained and regulated by the Mexican government. It's hard to believe that the Mexican govt will be even close to US rules. Do you honestly think that they will have or even respect HOS rules in Mexico? No. Do you think they will drug test? No. Criminal background checks? No.

What you will have are Mexican drivers rolling across the border having already driven 14 hours and getting a "clean log" after crossing the border to drive another 14 hours. Why would a Mexican driver drive so long? Because I guarantee that they will probably only be making .10 cpm.

The Mexican govt is so corrupt that I have no faith in their ability to regulate trucks let alone their own law enforcement! At least Canada regulates drivers and they have similar requirements the the US.

Fozzy 03-14-2007 12:14 AM


No it is about OUR COUNTRY and OUR INTEREST contrary to your belief.
Thats right (for a change) getting the hemisphere opened up for the flow of goods IS in the best interest for the country. Moving freight that comes directly from and goes directly to countries that most American's are too "good" to drive in is also a good thing.


I mean if you think that we are responsible for Mexico and looking after their interest then maybe the Mexican citizens should vote to be put under Amercian Rule and put their country and resources under Ameircan Rule.
Hello? Hello? this is earth calling...


This is still the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and even though it is in Hemispheric Integration until that is complete it will remain the United States of America.
Even after this "integration" that you are so afraid of happens (even if) This will still be the United States, it will still be here and it will still be as good AND as screwed up as it has been for years. By then of course I'm sure there will be some other scarey sounding thing that you'll be afraid of.. So don't put away the tin foil just yet.

cecole74 03-14-2007 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by allan5oh
Sounds like a pretty ignorant article to me.

They wont be stealing jobs from anyone, they can only touch international freight, not domestic freight.

If you consider that theft, then Canadians are stealing jobs from Americans, and vice versa as well.

Not being pushey or anything but that's what they sed way back when. I remember I was a sheet metal roofer, They all sed thet the illeagles would only scrap out work sites and only clean toilets, You know the jobs Americans wont do. When I was in School there were 6 out of Ten of us who spoke NO English, And one out of the five left that did had to translate. The article sounds crazy but think about it and its not.

Fozzy 03-14-2007 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by greg3564
I think the concern, at least mine, are that the drivers will be poorly trained and regulated by the Mexican government. It's hard to believe that the Mexican govt will be even close to US rules. Do you honestly think that they will have or even respect HOS rules in Mexico? No. Do you think they will drug test? No. Criminal background checks? No.

What you will have are Mexican drivers rolling across the border having already driven 14 hours and getting a "clean log" after crossing the border to drive another 14 hours. Why would a Mexican driver drive so long? Because I guarantee that they will probably only be making .10 cpm.

The Mexican govt is so corrupt that I have no faith in their ability to regulate trucks let alone their own law enforcement! At least Canada regulates drivers and they have similar requirements the the US.

So you are saying you think that driver's here are all properly trained, drive legal hours and do not take drugs? PULEEEEESE!!! There have been (and it seems no matter what) many things implemented in this industry and the drivers reacted the SAME WAY they are reacting to this. CDL? they hated it, it was against their rights, Drug testing? It was against their rights, Hours of Service regulations? They are against their rights, On board recording devices? Speed limits? All of these issues meet the howls of drivers HERE. Why pretend that the drivers of Mexico are any different? they are your peers! LOL

Goin Fer It 03-14-2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy
Sad story D, truly it is. But people are losing jobs left and right in the factories here. And not even because of a Mexican. I thought the American work ethic said if you lose your job, you get your ass out and find another one instead of complaining about them damn Mexicans trying to make a living for THEIR FAMILIES!

Many of our industries have been in trouble here. Many people in construction have been impacted as have people that were in customer services positions, factories, high tech people, and so on and so on. Plus everything is costing far more in the states especially medical, food and gas and people are being taxed to death here so we can support other countries.

And I know you have not yet felt the full impact of the SPP but you will begin to more as it moves on. I have no problem with Canada looking out first for it's citizens and it's best interest first. Fozzy has a big problem with the United States citizens wanting to do that for their country.

If you are looking to get into trucking you may want to find out how much stuff you import from Mexico and how much stuff they will be bringing up there.
And since as of yet trucks are not allowed into Mexico all of your exports to Mexico will be taken down by Mexican drivers more than likely. The only reason I could see for drivers from Mexico not going into Canada as of yet, is because they were not allowed in the states.

I don't mean to be negative but why spend your money on a Commercial Drivers License and in a few years have to find a new job?


greg3564 03-14-2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fozzy

Originally Posted by greg3564
I think the concern, at least mine, are that the drivers will be poorly trained and regulated by the Mexican government. It's hard to believe that the Mexican govt will be even close to US rules. Do you honestly think that they will have or even respect HOS rules in Mexico? No. Do you think they will drug test? No. Criminal background checks? No.

What you will have are Mexican drivers rolling across the border having already driven 14 hours and getting a "clean log" after crossing the border to drive another 14 hours. Why would a Mexican driver drive so long? Because I guarantee that they will probably only be making .10 cpm.

The Mexican govt is so corrupt that I have no faith in their ability to regulate trucks let alone their own law enforcement! At least Canada regulates drivers and they have similar requirements the the US.

So you are saying you think that driver's here are all properly trained, drive legal hours and do not take drugs? PULEEEEESE!!! There have been (and it seems no matter what) many things implemented in this industry and the drivers reacted the SAME WAY they are reacting to this. CDL? they hated it, it was against their rights, Drug testing? It was against their rights, Hours of Service regulations? They are against their rights, On board recording devices? Speed limits? All of these issues meet the howls of drivers HERE. Why pretend that the drivers of Mexico are any different? they are your peers! LOL

Mexico may very well have similar laws. But you and I know very well that they will not be enforced by either the government or the companies. How can we believe that Mexico will enforce commercial truck laws when every level of government and law enforcement is corrupt.

Sure, there are drivers here that fudge their logs. But at least there is DOT, and most companies, who are trying to make sure the laws are followed. This will not happen in Mexico.

Goin Fer It 03-14-2007 12:54 AM


First of all from all of your post I can see that you have a main interest in Mexico not the United States of America.

I don't know what your interest is in this but not all truckers are dumb, and some can read and will do research.

You sit and claim that nothing is new with the KC Inland Port but that port is in the United States of America and it is an American Port. Now it will become a Mexican Port so quit lying about it.

Furthermore the CENTRAL MEXICO INLAND PORTS Project is NOT going to become a United States Customs Port.

You know your tin-foil stuff is so juvenile and immature. Keep spinning it and I will keep putting the information out there. It is only one click not just my word.

You have NOTHING to show that Hemispheric Integration would be good for this country. And I believe that most of the citizens in this country do not want your form of progress.

Official Website of the Project!

Mexican Customs in KC

Kansas City SmartPort’s involvement with trade missions to and from Mexico has brought about historic progress.


PackRatTDI 03-14-2007 01:34 AM

People don't give Mexican drivers the proper credit they deserve. They often don't have the luxury of cruising down a wide interstate all day long like we do up here. They learn to drive and operate trucks in conditions that would make the average n00b driver in the US turn tail. The road infrastructure in Mexico is at the point ours was in the 1950's. Many main routes are still narrow 2 lane roads, many with twists and turns that would make the average West Virginia road look straight. And the roads that are improved are often turnpikes, which prompt drivers (like those in the US) to use the older free roads. Roads are often barely wide enough for a 102" wide vehicle. In order to prevent people from setting up illegal roadside stands, the Mexican government built many of those roads with no paved shoulder with a significant drop. Road conditions vary from state to state, much like it does in the US. Wealthier states like Chihuahua have some very nice roads where as poorer states such as Chiapas or Nayarit will have poor quality roads. Many towns don't have any sort of bypass or through freeway and trucks must pass through the center of town, lots of which were laid down during the Spanish colonial period and consequently have very narrow streets. When they shut down for the night, it's often at a small roadhouse or turnout on the highway, not a luxurious Iowa 80 or Little America.

So don't automatically assume that Mexican drivers will be worse than US drivers, they put up with a lot more shit than we do, trust me.

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