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NWRally 01-29-2007 11:03 PM

Video: Clinton, Howard Dean declaring that Saddam had WMD's

Did these guys just conveniently forget what they said?

Pass this along to everyone you know who says "Bush Lied / People Died!".

mikey4069 02-04-2007 12:08 AM

they will tell you they never said it :o

heavenbound 02-04-2007 12:15 AM

Great link NWRally.

Dejanh 02-04-2007 01:58 AM

What people tend to forget in regards to this is that intellengence was altered by the people on the top who planned this invasion decades ago, democrats or republican it does not matter and it doesnt change the fact that this is the biggest mistake this nation has made in its entire existance, bigger than Vietnam three times over.....

Useless 02-04-2007 02:04 AM

Sort of reminds me of a scene from National Lampoon's movie "Animal House"!!

You remember the scene where the Delta guys had just returned from a road trip, and wrecked the car that Flounder had??

What was it that Otter told Flounder, as Flounder was bubbling and bawling???

Hey!!! So you F#cked up!! YOU TRUSTED US!!! Live and learn!!

Well, the Democrats F%cked up by trusting Bush!!

Dejanh 02-04-2007 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Useless

Well, the Democrats F%cked up by trusting Bush!!

Might wanna rephrase that ,,democrats''- to everyone..

Hardly little one

yoopr 02-04-2007 02:30 AM

When I was there we ran into 2 IED's with Chemical Weapons(DUH-those are WMD's). One was Sarin and one was Mustard gas. You think the Liberal asses will every say that?

For over a year I ripped on My liberal COngressman(who I happen to know all too well) and he kept saying "There are No WMD's in Iraq". I kept saying "well Bart-we ran into 2 of them on our Convoys and this jack ass kept telling Me(who has actually been to Iraq) There are No WMD's in Iraq.
Finally he got off of his fat ass and contacted DOD and Just Imagine-DOD confirmed what I ran into :P
Read Sadas Book(Sadas was Saddam's Air Force General) and he'll tell you all about WMD's in Iraq-What happened to them and where MOST of them went.
God help the U.S when Liberals follow the Party Line when it comes to WMD's or anything else Militarily connected. Blood is going to be on their hands AGAIN!!!

Uturn2001 02-04-2007 02:38 AM

With all the months or jerking around Saddam did with the inspectors and all the months of warnings he had enough time to pack most all his WMD's up on camels and take them to Iowa and bury them in the corn fields. :roll: :roll:

IMHO the two biggest mistakes Bush did in invading Iraq was declaring victory when he did and allowing the media in.

The biggest error everyone made, from Bush on down to the American people, was not really understanding the dynamics of the mid-east mind set and social issues in regards to the "tribes".

yoopr 02-04-2007 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dejanh
What people tend to forget in regards to this is that intellengence was altered by the people on the top who planned this invasion decades ago, democrats or republican it does not matter and it doesnt change the fact that this is the biggest mistake this nation has made in its entire existance, bigger than Vietnam three times over.....

Hardly-I was in Vietnam and Iraq-Where were you to get all of this "Information" or you just flopping the Party Line

Dejanh 02-04-2007 02:54 AM

Iraq does not have any more of those weapons than any other country on this plannet, expecially us and to be exact our Gov. told us where they were exacly and that turned out to be incorrect, remember Powells testemony at the UN :roll: , even the president himself blamed intellegence for its failures :?: . You may have found two of whatever but where are those mountain stockpiles that we have been told about and where are those nuclear weapons that so much has been said about...While you are quick to judge the other side for its failures are you saying that military that has been ran with these folks is succeding in any way or are you gonna put blame on someone else as well?

This has been the error of devestating proportions and history will judge this move just as it judged so many others.

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