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Old 09-08-2008, 02:41 AM
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Default " liberal" bias....?????

Some examples ......... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :idea: :idea:

An email made its way around the country showing a picture of John Kerry at an anti-war rally with Jane Fonda. If a picture is worth a thousand words, Snopes thinks ten thousand words is the only antidote to spinning this photo that Snopes had to admit was true. Indeed, Snopes has gone into high gear to rescue John Kerry from being associated with the extreme left. Snopes uses extensive quotes from Jane Fonda to demonstrate that John Kerry was not as much of a foaming at the mouth liberal as she herself was [is].

Snopes also quotes extensively from New York Times (and thought better perhaps of using their sources at Pravda and Granma) to prove what the “atmosphere" was like at these love-fests that Kerry participated in and spoke at. A small unexplained B&W photo appears on the right hand side of the screen depicting a cleaner-cut John Kerry being decorated in an apparent attempt to show he did in fact do something noteworthy and wasn't simply a hippie as depicted in the larger, color photo.

Snopes said the derogatory photo “purports" to show John Kerry, only to reluctantly admit in the next sentence that indeed the photo is real. Get your index finger and mouse ready to scroll down the pages and pages of voluminous material on Snopes beseeching you to ignore the photo and get to know the real John Kerry.

Snopes seems to have been exhausted by all the time it spent trying to exonerate Kerry that it lacked the energy to investigate a photo that is also real. In a photo depicting a soldier shaking hands with Hillary Clinton, the soldier crossed his fingers (visible in the photo) to memorialize his displease with being used in a photo-op by the hippie-turned-senator. Try crossing your finger right now the way the soldier did it in the photo. It's not a reflexive position and must have been deliberate on part of the soldier. Hillary made only one trip to see our troops, so it is not a Herculean task to track down the person who took the photo as well as the soldier in it.

Some more food for thought :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:
Verifies quotes from democrats were true but
goes on and on trying to defend democrats.

Attempts to speak to veracity of email urging boycott of Sean Penn and Tim Robbins' movies since they are Sadaam Hussein and Osama bin Laden sympathizers. Snopes says “still under investigation Nov 2003." I could wrap that investigation up in about 2 minutes. Those 2 are bona fide liberals and whackos (or is that redundant?)

You may have received this email yourself. It is an amazing and true litany of accomplishments of the US military in Iraq. Snopes can't seem to utter the words “it's true" so it gets a half green, half red light. It's truth is called into question by “an Iraqi citizen" A link to the criticism is provided, and just to prove to yourself how absurd it is, you should click on it.

A sample: the pro military email rightfully asserts one accomplishment as: the Iraqi judiciary is fully independent. The rebuttal to this fact: “We certainly hope so, but no one is sure about that yet." This invincible evidence seems to be enough to persuade that the whole email is suspect and worthy of caution.

Another example :idea: :idea: :idea: : Email lists another accomplishment of the US military as: “All 22 universities and 43 technical institutes and colleges are open, as are nearly all primary and secondary schools." To which the best argument the detractor can come up with is:
“That's true. But every now and then, a school gets a warning about a bomb, so many parents are afraid to send their kids to schools, and when they do so, they will be deeply worried." Again this vague and fuzzy “counter argument" is flawless logic and enough to satisfy the good people at that the whole email is dubious and, to be on the safe side, the hapless visitor to should remain anti-war and believe that nothing has been accomplished in Iraq. Visit for yourself to really laugh out loud. I simply can't do it justice here.

A very similar email went around with quotes from leading Democrats attesting to their belief that Sadaam Hussein did in fact have WMD. Snopes naturally had to admit the quotes were true, but always with the caveat, quickly opined that, “some of the quotes are truncated, and context is provided for none of them." Please! We've all gotten emails like this. You use a quote to get a point across. You can't make people on your email forward list sift 35 pages of Medeline Albright in order to put her quote “in context" Just another example of snopes' “bend-over-backwards" policy to rescue Democrats from their own words.

Meanwhile, don't expect an snopes investigation to proceed much further, snopes is busy crafting explanations for Kerry's $25 million worth of real estate which is one of the biggest whoppers this web site unashamedly pulls.

Like baptism, being a liberal cleanses you from all stain in the mind of snopes. Former KKK member Sen. Robert Byrd got just such a catharsis and gets an open mic on snopes. Email snopes was “investigating" was “Senator Robert Byrd delivered a fiery floor speech condemning President Bush's calls for military action against Iraq." Was it true? Sure was, says snopes, which then proceeds to reproduce the whole speech (for the 9 people in America who want to read it). Instead of a caveat, such as ALL conservative emails get as a matter of course from Snopes, snopes can't contain itself and adds it's own 2 cents, “[Byrd's] eloquence in putting forth his opinions and arguments on this issue has captivated many like-minded members of the anti-war movement." I see a hyperlink to (link removed) coming any day now.

Many emails are forwards from either soldiers, judges, or military officers who are or were in Iraq. They all have the individual's name, hometown etc. in the email. Sue enough, snopes investigates and finds out the person exists and the email is true, but, never quite happy, snopes adds the disclaimer: “although true, the email resembles another email sent by someone else" etc. The reader is left to conclude that plagiarism or some form of falsification has occurred. Nonsense. With thousands of our servicemen and civilians in Iraq, many are bound to witness the same events or accomplishments and report on them individually. Snopes needs a basic course on hermeneutics..." the theory and practice of interpretation"

8) 8) 8) 8) there's so much more.................. :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Old 09-08-2008, 03:36 AM
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good grief again!! You see a huge conspriracy behind everything you read. Your paranoia is really startling.
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Old 09-08-2008, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by gordoUSA
good grief again!! You see a huge conspriracy behind everything you read. Your paranoia is really startling.
calm's just a question...........i'm sorry i hit a nerve......

have a nice day....... 8) 8) 8)

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Old 09-08-2008, 04:48 AM
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They've always seemed neutral to me, especially in matters presented to them regarding firearms ownership and crime.

Who published this article you cite, anyhow? Because it's fairly obvious it wasn't written by anyone who has taken any particular regard to being balanced and impartial. It seems to me to be a case of the kettle being called black by an even blacker pot.
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Old 09-08-2008, 08:14 AM
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Ron from Springfield, New Jersey is going to be so mad you did not post your source on this but I will be happy too.

And of course Colin posted over at the other thread a whole list of things they defend republicans on.

Why is it when you attack Democrats and are proven wrong, you get so angry? Take the tin foil hat off, you are not helping your cause.
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Old 09-08-2008, 08:16 AM
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Default Re: " liberal" bias....?????

Originally Posted by GTR SILVER
8) 8) 8) 8) there's so much more.................. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Really? Care to share? Or would you just prefer to throw wild accusations, because at this point it appears that is all you have to offer.
Paranoia is nothing more than the pathological habit of paying close attention.
All ideas in this communication are sole property of the voices in my head. (C) 2006, "The Voices" (TM)
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Old 09-08-2008, 09:06 AM
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Fuel for free. Pre/Post trip for free. Sit at shipper/receiver for free. "Work 80-100, log 70, get paid for 40." Welcome to OTR coolie carrier truck driving!

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Old 09-08-2008, 09:22 AM
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Belpre... :lol: that baby is too happy, he musta just made a boom-boom

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Old 09-08-2008, 11:08 AM
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Exactly what I was thinking RH! :lol:
Fuel for free. Pre/Post trip for free. Sit at shipper/receiver for free. "Work 80-100, log 70, get paid for 40." Welcome to OTR coolie carrier truck driving!

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Old 09-08-2008, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by marylandkw
Ron from Springfield, New Jersey is going to be so mad you did not post your source on this but I will be happy too.
Well, that just sucked the air right out of the argument.....
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