slow trucks in the middle lane

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Old 11-04-2006, 02:00 PM
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Default slow trucks in the middle lane

whats it going to take to get thease people to step to the right.
the best one is 2 trucks 68 mph becuase one can run 68.3 mph
he can hold up the middle lane for 10 miles sorry guys just venting
Old 11-04-2006, 03:20 PM
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Three lane highways the speed limit is usually 55 mph to some @ 65 mph.
So I don't see your point as too emotionlly draining.
Old 11-04-2006, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: slow trucks in the middle lane

Originally Posted by supertrker73
whats it going to take to get thease people to step to the right.
the best one is 2 trucks 68 mph becuase one can run 68.3 mph
he can hold up the middle lane for 10 miles sorry guys just venting

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Maybe you should change your name to Billy Big Rigger.
Old 11-04-2006, 08:19 PM
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Default Re: slow trucks in the middle lane

Originally Posted by supertrker73
whats it going to take to get thease people to step to the right.
the best one is 2 trucks 68 mph becuase one can run 68.3 mph
he can hold up the middle lane for 10 miles sorry guys just venting
Sounds like we have ourselves a supertrucker.
You can take the driver out of the truck but you cant take the truck out of the driver.
Old 11-05-2006, 12:52 AM
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no not a super trucker but i do like some courtesy and by the way the 3 lane on i 75 in fl and ga is 70 you know there is such a law as slower traffic keep right but i guess it dosen't pretain to proffesional drivers
whats wrong with me running 75 in a 70 zone i guess that classifes me as a supertrucker i don't mean to be smart but what is the thought proess
here i would like some logic here
Old 11-05-2006, 01:12 AM
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Originally Posted by supertrker73
no not a super trucker but i do like some courtesy and by the way the 3 lane on i 75 in fl and ga is 70 you know there is such a law as slower traffic keep right but i guess it dosen't pretain to proffesional drivers
Unless somebody changed the law, you are allowed to pass a slower vehicle. Just deal with it. And the slower traffic IS keeping to the right. If Florida and Georgia would join the 21st century and get rid of those stupid lane restrictions this wouldn't be a problem. Ever notice how much BETTER truck traffic flows in places like Texas where there ARE no lane restrictions? Through trucks aren't forced to constantly duel with merging traffic.

whats wrong with me running 75 in a 70 zone i guess that classifes me as a supertrucker i don't mean to be smart but what is the thought proess here i would like some logic here
Did you seriously just ask that question?
You can take the driver out of the truck but you cant take the truck out of the driver.
Old 11-05-2006, 01:24 AM
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I cannot figure out why this is so hard. If there are three lanes, there is a entrance/exit lane.. and TRAVEL lane and a PASSING lane.
Old 11-05-2006, 01:59 AM
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"KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TOO PASS" these signs are on most highways throughout the country and for those of you that can't understand the meaning or,just plain can't read it means stay in the right lane until you need to pass.The middle lane is not "the travel lane" it is,for the most part the trucks passing lane,since so many states now restrict us from the far left lane.If you are one of those that hang out in the middle lane for no reason or,you are scared of the guard rail monster or,falling off the world you are part of the problem not part of the solution.Use common sense and tie it together with common courtesy it won't cost anyone a dime.
As far as having to drive 75 to make a living you may need to think about your career choice,you're throwing tons of cash out the window at that speed.
If you think it is alright to haul for fuel money
you are part of the problem sell your truck now
before you hurt this industry more
Old 11-05-2006, 02:03 AM
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Default Re: slow trucks in the middle lane

Originally Posted by supertrker73
whats it going to take to get thease people to step to the right.
the best one is 2 trucks 68 mph becuase one can run 68.3 mph
he can hold up the middle lane for 10 miles sorry guys just venting
No he is right
Old 11-05-2006, 02:27 AM
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Now that my memory is jogged....
They do have some 3-laners down there that have signs that tell you Trucks are prohibited in the left lane, and can only use the right 2 lanes.

There are times...I've whipped out in the 3rd lane and put the hammer down...just to get around some slowpokes. But they have to be climbing a grade or really going slow for me to go for it. Much of the time though...I just relax and go with the flow. I seem to maintain better health, and honestly...that extra 5 mph....for me in the overall picture of my nothing. I always seem to find open stretches for better than half of my day which easily lets me lay tracks. All said at the end of the day... I cross territory and Git 'R Done.
I say don't grind your teeth or make an ulcer. That becomes a habit of behavior. I have to check myself up every now and then.

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