Truck Driving Schools in South Dakota


Below you will find a list with the name of each truck driving school in South Dakota, the type of training, and the URL. Training programs are divided into categories of independent/private schools, company-sponsored schools, community colleges, or trade/vocational/technical schools.

For select schools, we have also provided a link to “Get the Insider Info” where you can get in-depth information, including cost, for each truck driving school in South Dakota that we have interviewed.

For information on the difference between private truck driving schools, company-sponsored training, and other options, CLICK HERE.

For info on the different ways you can pay for trucking school, CLICK HERE.

For tips on how to choose the right truck driving school for you, CLICK HERE.




Mitchell Technical Institute

1800 East Spruce Street, Mitchell, SD 57301

Vocational, Trade, or Technical School

Visit the site.


Regional Technical Education Center Inc (through Mitchell Technical Institute)

1200 W 21st St, Yankton, SD 57078

Vocational, Trade, or Technical School

Visit the site.


Southeast Tech – Training Solutions Institute

2320 N Career Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57107

Vocational, Trade, or Technical School

Visit the site.


Western Dakota Tech Institute

800 Mickelson Dr, Rapid City, SD 57703

Vocational, Trade, or Technical School

Visit the site.